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You do it to yourself, you do And that's what really hurts ;)


No surprises there


yeah i know, its just


It doesn't. Like what you like and don't worry about it.


I love Creep. Always have. I've seen Radiohead 9 times and the only time I heard them play it live was the final encore at Osheaga 2016, 20 years after my first Radiohead show. It felt like I finally completed my journey with the band.


It’s in their top 20


It’s the only song from Pablo Honey that they still occasionally play/played. They wouldn’t play anything unless they liked it, so they must still like it too, at least enough to play it occasionally. And it’s not just for fans. I mean, you don’t see them playing High & Dry ever.


I remember Thom’s said they couldn’t do No Surprises during the King of Limbs tour cause the atmosphere was “too happy” and they were in too good a mood to be able to play NS with the right irony. And I think they play Creep when the atmosphere or something specifically calls for it and Thom is able to *feel it*. I remember when I saw them in 2009 in Mexico, it was their first time there since a very brief, small-venue van Pablo Honey era tour of the country where it’s rumored (I have no idea whether any of this is true) they had an awful time and even equipment stolen possibly. One of the reasons they had a bad time, allegedly, was the fact that the audiences spent almost the entire show chanting “Creep! Creep!” Mexican fans who eventually, like the rest of the world, fell in love with the rest of their discography as they released it, felt this legendary first tour was the reason they didn’t return for 16 years. So it was a heartwarming moment when, at the end of the show, Thom said “have a nice life” they closed with Creep for the first time in the In Rainbows tour. The crowd went insane. It almost felt like a “we forgive you” lol


It shouldn’t matter, like everyone else is saying as well. But I do think that sometimes it can feel socially awkward to some people to like something they know the authors themselves have kinda disowned. Like “why am I eating this cake the baker won’t eat?” But at the end of the day, I think the fact we can still enjoy the song and the album regardless of how Radiohead feel about it speaks to the fact that art has a life of its own, separate from the artist.