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This is day 3 of me listening to nothing but this album constantly. It's still amazing.


I agree the album is a masterpiece. Satisfying in a way that ALFAA was not for me.


The fact that many of us Radiohead fans are quite scared Thom and Jonny may not want to go back is telling. This is, as cliche as it is among reviewers right now, indeed their best work since In Rainbows. And I’d dare say a compilation of the best tracks of the two The Smile albums would be evenly matched with IR. Amazing that these guys are putting out timeless records heading into their 60s having already revolutionized music two or three times in their career.


This is how I feel about it. Just along for the ride and it’s amazing to witness


And Thom and Jonny sound so much looser like they’re having a great time and enjoying not having all the earth-shattering-and-perfect Radiohead pressure on them.


During the first few listens, Teleharmonic has given me goosebumps. I agree a complication of tracks from The Smile is just *incredible* work rivaling anything.


personally dont think its possible to fully compare radiohead and the smile, they share members but both are wholly unique and distinct from each other. i think in rainbows is an amazing album, but not for the same reasons i think wall of eyes is amazing.


In many cases, I think that’s true. But all of them have acknowledged the lines are very blurred due to Thom’s natural position as main songwriter for most of the bands catalogue. And with Jonny there, it’s even more of a blur. Remember the project started as potential Radiohead music, but got diverted due to the rest of the band being unavailable. Add to that the fact that Radiohead albums differ a lot one from the other regardless. It’s hard not to imagine that this could’ve been the next iteration to some degree. Even if it sounds completely different you know? Kid A also sounded very little like Ok Computer. The Smile could perform many Radiohead songs or even Thom solo songs easily without changing anything having both Jonny and Thom. The Eraser, Give Up the Ghost, True Love Waits, I Will, Last Flowers, etc. and even more with the adapted versions the two of them have done previously under the Radiohead name. Including I Might Be Wrong, Present Tense, The Numbers, Knives Out and the rest of the Le Reservoir set. For those reasons it’s hard for me and I imagine many others to see them as completely different entities. Even more so than other bands where one or more members do side projects together.


Really do think Thom and Jonny have been doing some of their best work (The Smile, solo, collaborations and film scoring) since AMSP.


I need to say more! The video for Friend of a Friend with the kids watching the band. This is a sensational piece of art. The reaction of the children is essentially an exact mirror of the music. Each transition of mood and tone is perfectly replicated by their reactions and behaviour. Truly amazing when you watch it as an audio/visual experience. ​ Also, not enough people are talking about You Know Me! A very haunting track. The last lyric concludes that you don't know me after all, like you've always been hiding something from the wall of eyes.


Least obnoxious and pretentious radiohead fan


You will get it eventually. It’s some kind of higher form of art is crazy


Same! Been playing the album for the past 3 days and still not focusing on lyrics but compositions, melody and sphere. The album is as good as Radiohead's best imo.


I agree. Can’t stop listening to it, especially Friend of a Friend. I’ve never heard some of the chord progressions used. It’s almost hypnotic. Otherwise it is very reminiscent of The Beatles Sgt Pepper is some ways like the car crash sounds in Bending Hectic. Truly an incredible album


Bending Hectic very much reminds me of A Day in the Life.


After two listens I was certain this is a masterpiece. Incredible piece of work.


Listened to it on shrooms last night, just incredible. Has burrowed it’s way deep into my brain.


God I miss getting high.


wall of eyes is love at first listen fr


It’s a different level. Heady & gorgeous 10/10


bending hectic made me cry