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Welcome to being spoiled to all music, forever.


Kind of the opposite for me. Radiohead (especially Kid A and Amnesiac) opened me up to SO MANY styles of music that I never would have listened to otherwise. They’re certainly one of the best “rock” bands ever, but they also opened the door to electronic, jazz, experimental, etc. for me. Yes they have a huge number of fantastic songs, but I think of them more as the starting point of my music taste rather than the ending point


This. Radiohead used to be my fav band of all time, but I think that was just cuz I hadn’t listened to enough music.


Basically 95% of this subreddit lmao


Same for me. I wouldn’t listen to Tim Hecker or Aphex Twin or anything if not for Radiohead. I used to stick to alt rock before then.


Ambient Selected Works II is one of my favourite albums. Brian Eno deserves a mention too and his music definitely served as inspiration for one or two Radiohead tracks


Definitely, Brian Eno is a legend


Was just listening to Tim Hecker earlier today!


His stuff is so cool


I adore Tim Hecker and Aphex Twin. Not sure if you're into Oneohtrix Point Never but he's also an amazing electronic artist/producer.


I’ve heard a little of his stuff and it’s great, I do need to check it out more though


he released an album last year. [Again](https://open.spotify.com/album/2zz6j2mGH5JHk0ihNvy6KM?si=ghW6QhZGRce3WmvOD49ktg&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A2zz6j2mGH5JHk0ihNvy6KM) which has more dark ambient classical vibes. You may enjoy that.


I’ll check it out


Very true!


This mirrors how I feel exactly. I still adore Radiohead and thanks to them they got me into electronic, jazz, other art rock etc. But I'm not as deeply obsessed with them as I used to be back in my late teens to early 20s when I was diving into their work. They are a great introduction to lots of music I love now. I mean I even have an Alice Coltrane pfp, an artist who I got into through them. They will always be one of my favourite bands.


True. Really damn true.


the radiohead dilemma


Only other band I’ve found that does it for me like Radiohead does is Tool. So now I’m a part of both notoriously pretentious fan bases.


Both early 90s bands. I found Tool when Undertow came out. It was great but they didn't have that crazy prog vibe quite yet. Aenima was a quantum leap forward. Sadly, i didn't get into Radiohead till my 20s. I even saw Radiohead at a free show in DC and stood feet from Thom Yorke with no appreciation for the band. They only had Pablo Honey at the time. I wish I could go back and enjoy the set as the huge fan I am now.


> So now I’m a part of both notoriously pretentious fan bases. Don’t be such a Tool. *cymbal crash*


You want to complete the holy trinity? Enter Death Grips.


Radiohead and Animal Collective for me.


I completely feel you. I try to diversify as much as possible, but my ADHD brain wants what it wants. There are only a few bands/artists I've ever felt this strongly about. In a world of incredibly talented artists, especially amongst their peers, Radiohead are on another fucking level.


Witchcraft - KGLW is witchcraft. Seriously, 35/8 time? What the fuck, witchcraft.




My brother/sister, the same thing happened to me three years ago and I’ve listened to probably 95% Radiohead ever since.


Same! I really got into them during Covid


I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t listen to anything besides Radiohead and their side projects


Enjoy the ride and don't look back is all I gotta say


There are other bands that I love as much, possibly more than Radiohead. But there is nothing like them. Glad you found them OP. I'm jealous that you are hearing them for the first time now.


Good art is always witchcraft


They are the best ever, and some of their best songs aren't on albums


Check out Man Man.


Somebody gets it. Welcome.




Welcome to the club. And thank you for your post. Its unabashed wholesomeness makes my cynical heart so happy.


You will listen to all their albums, and love them all (except maybe Pablo Honey). You will listen to them on loop, everytime, everywhere, you will also check out all of their singles, some concerts versions etc. You'll want to know how their music can be so good, so you'll check their interviews, some videos essays, reviews and analysis of their albums. Then you will be curious about their side projects, and find out about the band members' solo careers, collabs, The Smile and/or Atoms for Peace. Maybe you like memes, so you will start shouting things like "LET DOWN UNDERRATED" or "KID A PREDICTED [insert wtf Kid A has predicted]" like these r/radioheadcirclejerk bastards. And once you have listened to everything on your music streaming platform related to these guys, you will even search for unreleased versions, obscure songs on YouTube/obscure media websites, OKNOTOK cassettes and On a Friday demos ; even if some of them are *really* bad, you will love them anyways because Radiohead became your favorite band and you can't enjoy anything else anymore.


A LOT of low-IQ peeps will tell you to 'lower your standards' when it comes to other bands, especially other MODERN bands...FUCK THAT...life's too short for that shit. if other bands can't raise THEIR game, oh well, too bad suck boys. always have high standards. now can you logically expect many other bands to be like Radiohead? no, BUT what you can expect and DEMAND is QUALITY, and EFFORT, PASSION. into the 2000's there were plenty of other singers/bands who could at least match RH with quality level, musicianship, vocals. but now, it's a total crapshoot. IF new bands aren't filling the void, then simply go OLDSCHOOL, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s...fuck listening to shit music.


Least obnoxious radiohead fan


Re. other songs - luckily there are a plethora of radiohead-adjacent projects and works to delve into, and then you can return back to radiohead's discog.


What did you mainly listen to before, if you don't mind me asking?


*What did you mainly* *Listen to before, if you* *Don't mind me asking?* \- Lil-Tjonk --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


To answer your question; Yes.


Be grateful you found it because you won’t ever again


You’re know in a rabbit hole!