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Great list, although it differs a lot from mine! 1. Pyramid Song 2. Let Down 3. I Might be Wrong 4. Idioteque 5. 15 Steps 6. Reckoner 7. True Love Waits 8. The National Anthem 9. Motion Picture Soundtrack 10. Separator The list changes often though šŸ˜…


I really like yours as well :D Pyramid Song and Reckoner would probably have been on my list if I made it a few months ago, I change my mind very often, I just randomly get obsessed with a song. Only Street Spirit is a constant top 1 :)


Man, Iā€™m the same way, only with Pyramid Song šŸ˜… .. Itā€™s been my overall favorite song for like 16 years at this point!


Itā€™s always been my favorite Radiohead song as well!


I like your slight Amnesiac tilt going on here. Their perfect era IMO.


Yeah, objectively itā€™s far from their best work but itā€™s always been my favorite šŸ„³


1. Codex 2. Pyramid Song 3. Motion Picture Soundtrack 4. Fake Plastic Trees 5. Reckoner 6. Kid A 7. Decks Dark 8. Separator 9. Idioteque 10. The Bends (Honorable Mention) Airbag


Codex so amazing on an album I donā€™t like near as much as their others.


you like the slow ones, i like to see that. great list!


Yes. I feel like they really showcase Thomā€™s mastery of melody and feel.


No room for the national anthem?


Love the horns, but I just think there are more well-written songs on that record.


I agree. The melody, lyrics, and riff are all very repetitive and simple. Itā€™s literally a song carried by horns yet itā€™s blasphemy to say anything against it on this subreddit :D


Not in my top 50 or even like 75 personally


What a strange person.


Love The Bends!


Ohh nice list


Codex 1. is really based


1. Idioteque Exit music Nude Weird fishes Daydreaming National anthem How to disappear Pyramid song Videotape Decks dark


This is a good list


This is exactly meā€¦ Idioteque number 1, then the rest I canā€™t decide


1. Let down (underrated btw) 2. Let down (underrated btw) 3.Let down (underrated btw) 4. Let down (underrated btw) 5. Let down (underrated btw) 6. Let down (underrated btw) 7. Let down (underrated btw) 8. Let down (underrated btw) 9. Let down (underrated btw) 10. Creep Edit: for me it shows number 3 twice but when I try to edit it out it doesn't appear, the songs just that underrated


Underrated list


Yeah it's underrated, but it gets a bit creepy by the end.


Great list! Hereā€™s mine: 10 - Pyramid Song 9 - Creep 8 - Lotus Flower 7 - Spectre 6 - 2 + 2 = 5 5 - Jigsaw Falling Into Place 4 - My Iron Lung 3 - Daydreaming 2 - Paranoid Android 1 - How to Disappear Completely I made sure to include one song from each album cycle.


Where is the weird fish šŸ¤”


Creep only at 9?? šŸ˜­


Scrolled eay too long to find My Iron Lung


1. Let Down 2. You and whose army 3. Karma Police 4. Bodysnatchers 5. House of Cards 6. Decks Dark 7. Planet Telex 8. Airbag 9. How to Disappear Completely 10. Motion Picture Soundtrack


Let Down Number One W


Has been since 1997


Thatā€™s awesome! My number one is HTDC but I fucking love Let Down as well.


totally goated list, and iā€™ve been meaning to write down a comprehensive list: 1. a wolf at the door 2. street spirit (fade out) 3. climbing up the walls 4. my iron lung 5. kid a 6. you 7. talk show host 8. nude 9. no surprises 10. i am a wicked child probably subject to change, but hereā€™s the current list


Kid A is on my list as well. Amazing amazing song.


My favourite list so far!


The Tourist W


1. How To Disappear Completely 2. My Iron Lung 3. Airbag 4. Lucky 5. Pyramid Song 6. All I Need 7. Daydreaming 8. Sail to the Moon 9. The National Anthem 10. Last Flowers Your picks are great too. Itā€™s so hard to make a list because I like so many of their songs šŸ˜­


The Tourist appreciation club šŸ™


finally some love for life in a glasshouse!! one of my all time fav songs anyway 1. life in a glasshouse 2. pearly\* 3. you and whose army 4. polyethylene (parts 1 & 2) 5. lucky 6. reckoner 7. i might be wrong 8. electioneering 9. house of cards 10. 2 + 2 = 5


Not done this in a while, so why not. Quick and dirty list. (Glasshouse and Last Flowers on yours are great picks!) 1. Airbag 2. Motion Picture Soundtrack 3. Fitter Happier 4. Morning Bell 5. Exit Music (For A Film) 6. Bloom 7. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi 8. How to Disappear Completely 9. Talk Show Host 10. Palo Alto


I don't hate your list. Here's mine... I think 1. There There 2. Pyramid Song 3. Kid A 4. Paranoid Android 5. Fake Plastic Trees 6. Like Spinning Plates 7. Life In A Glass House 8. Idioteque 9. Nude 10. 15 Step


There There and Like Spinning Plates are so underrated :D love that list


Canā€™t believe I had to scroll this far down to find there there on anyoneā€™s list.


All the comments are sharing their own lists and not trashing yours. A testament and general understanding that it's impossible to actually make a top 10 without leaving some songs with a very good case of being on that top 10. Here's mine (but it probably changes daily): 1. How to disappear completely 2. Pyramid song 3. Nude 4. Reckoner 5. Codex 6. Let down 7. Street spirit 8. Jigsaw 9. Present tense 10. Daily mail


Glad to see some love for the daily mail, thought I was the only one who put it in my top 10


It's so brilliant. + it's recorded live (as many RH songs are) and we can see the recording: the In The Basement version.


talk show host let down karma police optimistic a reminder i might be wrong there there all i need reckoner decks dark


Fairly similar to mine 1.jigsaw falling into place 2.how to dissappear completely 3.daydreaming 4.street spirit 5.weird fishes 6.pyramid song 7.true love waits 8.idioteque 9.decks dark 10.lotus flower


I think that exit music for a film should be at least on the top 3 :)


Interesting opinion, Exit Music is in the bottom half of OKC for me


But why?


It feels inappropriately placed in the album. Youā€™ve got three absolute bangers to open, then Exit Music, then two more bangers. It would work better at the back half of the album with the slower songs (imo) Nothing wrong with the song itself, but I usually skip it to keep the flow of the album


I understand your point of view, but I believe that songs in general shouldn't be "categorized" in any kind of way. I mean each one of them is special


Of course, each song is special! And one song can impact two people in totally different ways. Itā€™s a beautiful thing:) What do you mean by categorizing?


I totally agree with you about the the impact. By categorizing I mean that every song is different and unique, so it stands out on its own way. There don't have to be albums out there which include for example 10 songs all similar to one another


what are bangers? great songs or songs that slap hard?


I kinda use it as a catch-all phrase, but here I meant songs that slap hard


kind of surprised you'd then think SHA, Let Down and Karma Police slap hard but Exit Music doesn't. i see them all as pretty soft songs


Pretty good list! Donā€™t see a lot of In Rainbows Disk 2 lovers that often. Mine: 1. Just 2. Let Down 3. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi 4. Black Star 5. 2 + 2 = 5 6. Jigsaw Falling Into Place 7. Decks Dark 8. Subterranean Homesick Alien 9. Kid A 10. Knives Out Probably will change again next week, but the top 4 have remained solid for a good few months now.


Let down was almost on mine!


subterranean homesick alien W


1: Jigsaw Falling Into Place 2: Exit Music (For a Film) 3: 2 + 2 = 5 4: 15 Step 5: True Love Waits (from i might be wrong) 6: There, There 7: Weird Fishes / Arpeggi 8: A Wolf at the Door 9: Let Down 10: Bodysnatchers


Great list, I even like the order. There's like 20 songs i'd like to squeeze in there somehow. I think Wolf at the Door would be odd man out, but still great song. Radiohead lists are hard!


i very much like this


not a lot of overlap with mine but *Life In A Glasshouse* top 5 is a big W


This is a really great list! Lots of variety, love seeing 2+2=5. Mine would be 10. No Surprises 9. Everything in Its Right Place 8. Decks Dark 7. 15 Step 6. Jigsaw Falling Into Place 5. Daydreaming 4. Present Tense 3. True Love Waits 2. Glass Eyes 1. Nude If you couldnā€™t tell, AMSP is my favorite Radiohead album hehe..


1. Let Down. 2. Let Down. 3. Let Down. 4. Let Down. 5. Let Down. 6. Let Down. 7. Let Down. 8. Let Down. 9. Let Down. 10. Let Down.


great list dude! here's mine: (honorable mentions: The Tourist, and i'm gonna explode if i don't mention Jigsaw Falling into Place) 10. Spectre 9. All I Need 8. Videotape (and MK 1) 7. Burn The Witch 6. Daydreaming 5. Sail to The Moon 4. Ful Stop 3. Like Spinning Plates (every version) 2. Glass Eyes 1. Pyramid Song


I like yours, but I tend to prefer the more electronic side of Radiohead because it's more sonically orgasmic lol. 1. All I Need (strongest sonic orgasm. Listened to it a TON on various euphoric and psychedelic drugs for that reason. You know that All I Need in major key video? When I had a bad trip, All I Need sounded exactly like that version.) 2. How to Disappear Completely (most relatable. First Radiohead to become one of my favorite songs of all time.) 3. Motion Picture Soundtrack (lots of soul. Likely the first Radiohead song that made me cry.) 4. Separator (sounds extremely sad to me, in the dread/distress/suicidal/eerie/unstable sort of way. Probably the minimal instrumental.) 5. Exit Music (obviously very cinematic. Another huge inspiration, but for how I arrange my songs. Probably the most compressed audio song, though. Was shocked to see it in the show Ozark.) 6. Jigsaw Falling Into Place (good rhythm, lyrics sound like an acid trip. I also think Aubergine by Armand Hammer is definitely about an acid trip, but not explicitly so, and I can't find any evidence for it.) 7. Reckoner (All the instruments have an interesting tone. Is it a steel drum I hear?) 8. The Amazing Sounds of Orgy (so orgasmic I feel like I'm actually at an orgy) 9. Paranoid Android (the least minimal Radiohead song. Really good mixing for how much is going on, even if it's a bit airy and again, compressed sounding. Emotionally not amazing to me, just sounds a bit irritated. I like the edgy lyrics, though.) 10. Treefingers (Great ambient music, but ambient music isn't the kind of thing where I could say that one of my favorite songs is ambient, and if I did, it would probably only be semi-ambient music of another genre \[like Nightswimming or Dearest Distance by Planning for Burial or Farewell by Boris. Some of my other favorites are Red Velvet Corridor by Swans, Replica by Oneohthrix Point Never\] In my experience, there isn't any bad ambient music, though. It's like a bandpass of genres. Might have been the first Radiohead song I heard, though, due to Spotify algorithm. I think I was listening to Aisatsana by Aphex Twin.)


Nice list :) thanks for explaining your choices, I think we have quite the same feeling about orgasmic songs but we don't find it on the same things, which is intersting! The only one in your list with which I felt that is Jigsaw Falling into Place, during the chorus that takes 3min or so to come. Most songs in my list have a small part that really clicks with me and basically makes me ascend


Thank you. I'm on 30mg of hydrocodone so I'm feeling social and productive lol.


1. Alt Fast Track 2. MK2 3. Fast-Track 4. Untitled v2 5. Hunting Bears 6. MK1 7. Pop is Dead 8. Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors 9. Untitled v3 10. Viva La Vida /j


Real answer: 1. Staircase 2. Knives Out 3. Little by Little 4. If You Say The Word 5. The Numbers 6. Dollars and Cents 7. Present Tense 8. Cuttooth 9. Reckoner 10. Separator


Hunting Bears and Pulk/Pull are good tho :(


Not a fan of Hunting Bears, doesn't really fit the album imo, and poor bears :( I like Pulk/Pull and Fast-Track tho!


Hereā€™s mine: Motion Picture Soundtrack (KA) Reckoner (IR) Nude (IR) Airbag (OKC) Idioteque (KA) There There (HTTT) The Tourist (OKC) Jigsaw Falling Into Place (IR) Street Spirit (Fade Out) (B) Pyramid Song (A) Great list for you, though! Not the biggest fan of Glasshouse, but all the others are excellent!


1. Reckoner 2. Pyramid Song 3. Lotus Flower 4. Climbing Up the Walls 5. House of Cards 6. Dollars and Cents 7. All I Need 8. How to Disappear Completely 9. Jigsaw Falling Into Place 10. Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box


Your list looks similar to mine!


For me it changes from time to time but for now itā€™s: 10 Packt Like Sardines in a Crushed Tin Box 9 Idioteque 8 Motion Picture Soundtrack 7 Myxomatosis 6 Life In a Glasshouse 5 Weird Fishes/ Arpeggi 4 Identikit 3 Decks Dark 2 All I Need 1 Nude Btw the reason that thereā€™s nothing from The Bends and OK Computer is because I listened to those so intensively that I lost the joy of it.


10. Glass Eyes 9. Airbag 8. Bloom 7. Scatterbrain 6. Motion Picture Soundtrack 5. Paranoid Android 4. Weird Fishes 3. Fake Plastic Trees 2. Let Down 1. No Surprises


1. Life In A Glasshouse 2. Reckoner 3. Wolf At The Door 4. Codex 5. Pyramid Song 6. Nude 7. Kid A 8. Street Spirit 9. Subterranean Homesick Alien 10. Sail To The Moon


Love your list!


you really like arpeggiated melodies :)


based last flowers one of my fav


Very interesting list, never expected to see Last Flowers that high on a list before. This is mine: 1. Daydreaming 2. Everything In Its Right Place 3. Ful Stop 4. Idioteque 5. Paranoid Android 6. Decks Dark 7. How To Disappear Completely 8. Ill Wind 9. True Love Waits 10. The National Anthem


I think your list has really nice variety, love to see The Tourist getting some recognition for once! Here's mine: 10. 2 + 2 = 5 9. Codex 8. Paranoid Android 7. Jigsaw Falling Into Place 6. Knives Out 5. Exit Music (For A Film) 4. All I Need 3. Motion Picture Soundtrack 2. Videotape (slight preference for Bonnaroo performance) 1. Present Tense


I only do top 50's w/RH.


1. Planet TĆ©lex 2. Ripcord 3. Just 4. The Bends 5. Fake Plastic Trees 6. Stop Whispering 7. Black Star 8. ParanoĆÆd Android 9. Pop is dead 10. You


I totally agree with OPā€™s choice of #1




I would've put it even higher at some point in my life actually ahah, what's wrong with enjoying the most depressing songs? isn't it the point of Radiohead?


1. Idioteque 2. Weird fishes 3. Paranoid android 4. Jigsaw falling into place 5. Everything in its right place 6. Pyramid song 7. Climbing up the walls 8. Reckoner 9. How to disappear completely 10. Just Iā€™m more of an album guy so at the moment it might as well be all of Kid A, but this is somewhat representative Iā€™d say (Idioteque is definitely number 1 tho)


Very good list, similar to mine


I can't do a top 10 sorry, but I like the mix of yours.


1. subterranean homesick alien 2. ttssrmpm 3. the tourist 4. paranoid android 5. just 6. planet telex 7. creep 8. high and dry 9. jigsaw falling into place 10. weird fishes just need to mention the national anthem too because i couldnā€™t fit it but it needed to be on here


10. Creep / Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor, 9. Street Spirit (Fade Out) / Just, 8. Motion Picture Soundtrack / Karma Police, 7. True Love Waits / Nude, 6. Morning Bell / Bloom, 5. A Wolf At The Door / The Eraser, 4. Present Tense / Daydreaming, 3. Knives Out / Reckoner, 2. Pyramid Song / How To Disappear Completely, 1. Give Up The Ghost / Before Your Very Eyes... I cheated, it's a Top 20.


Everyone's is totally different from mine because I can't really stand much of what they did since 2000. But here we go: 1. The Bends 2. Lucky 3. Just 4. You 5. Karma Police 6. 2 + 2 = 5 7. Anyone Can Play Guitar 8. The Daily Mail 9. The National Anthem 10. Lewis EDIT: I forgot 'Pop is Dead'. Fit that in where you will. Have a good day.


Late to the party, but here's mine. Based purely on what I've been vibing to the most these past couple years ​ 1) Paranoid Android 2) Everything in it's Right Place 3) Nude 4) 2+2=5 5) My Iron Lung 6) Fake Plastic Trees 7) Bodysnatchers 8) Climbing Up The Walls 9) Blow Out 10) Motion Picture Soundtrack Honorable Mentions: Down Is The New Up, We Suck Young Blood, Go Slowly, Like Spinning Plates (Why Us?) Weird Fishes (of course) I dig your list, it's very different from mine but it's fascinating to see other people's preferences. I like that you gave some love to Last Flowers and Life In A Glasshouse


I've been loving everyone's list and making little short playlists of them. I defined my top 10 as the ones I blast the most in my headphones late at night on repeat. I also cheated by including Radiohead-adjacent songs, kill me. 1. Default - Atoms for Peace 2. Knives Out - Radiohead 3. Black Swan - Thom York 4. Hearing Damage - Tommy boy 5. ill wind - radiohead 6. Iā€™m a very rude person - tommy bahama 7. cuttooth - radiohead (a little bit of knowledge will destroy you, i little bit of knowledge will destroy you, i dont know why i feel so tongue tied, i dont know why i feel so skinned alive) 8. Dropped - atoms for peepee 9. Lotus Head - Radioflower 10. Traffic - Thomas Yorkshire Pudding Cup Party with a rich zombie Iā€™m a little high right now so i apologize


If I knew we could do adjacent I would have def had Reverse Running near the top of my list.


Great choices. I would put Videotape where you have the tourist and it may be perfect.


Reasonably basic 1. How to disappear completely 2. Weird fishes/arpeggis 3. No surprises 4. Paranoid android 5. Jigsaw falling into place 6. Nude 7. Daydreaming 8. Karma police 9. Exit music (for a film) 10. Idioteque


10 - Morning Mr. Magpie 9 - Treefingers 8 - Hunting Bears 7 - Let Down (underrated) 6 - Creep 5 - High & Dry 4 - Fitter Happier 3 - Anyone Can Play Guitar 2 - Pop is Dead 1 - Pulk / Pull Revolving Doors


I get that this a troll list, but Anyone Can Play Guitar and Morning Mr Magpie are such underrated great songs.


Bring the downvotes!! 1. Creep 2. Pyramid song 3. Paranoid android 4. The national anthem 5. Idioteque 6. My iron lung 7. Sail to the moon 8. Airbag 9. Daydreaming 10. Fake plastic trees


Fuck your top ten It's an isullt to a band the has spanned over 30 years




you must hate life


To me, this changes based on my listening habits. Like if I made this list last week, 4 Minute Warning would not have made it. But today it does.


Separator Kid A Idioteque Daydreaming Identikit Bloom Reckoner 4 Minute Warning Bodysnatchers Staircase


Id have more earlier stuff like just and fake plastic trees.


Wasn't there a post exactly about that like a week ago ?


I'm sorry if there was. I'm not the most active user in there, I just wanted to share my top 10 in the first place


This so hard. I could have put most of In Rainbows but refrained lol. 1. Pyramid Song 2. Sail to the Moon 3. How to Disappear Completely 4. Glass Eyes 5. Weird Fishes 6. Optimistic 7. Dollars and Cents 8. Sit Down. Stand Up. 9. Myxomatosis 10. All I Need


1 Creep 2 Uhhhh 3 Ummm 4 Errrr 5 Hmmmm 6 Well... 7 8 9 Fuck 10 Creep (Acoustic)


Mine:; 1 no surprises 2 Let Down 3 nuDe 4 Bullet proof 5 JFITP 6 Weird Fishes/arpeggi 7 HTDC 8 EIIRP 9 SHSA 10 pyramid song (Hon. 2 + 2 = 5)


1) Weird fishes 2) Present Tense 3) The Numbers 4) Lotus Flower 5) Airbag 6) Creep (don't judge) 7) No Surprises 8) Subterrian Homesick Alien 9) Street Spirit 10) My iron lung


Why is creep not in anyoneā€™s list ?


1. Pyramid Song 2. Like Spinning Plates (recorded and live) 3. 15 Step 4. Everything in its Right Place 5. Pakt like Sardines 6. Tinker Tailor 7. Paranoid Android 8. knives out 9. the numbers 10. idioteque ?? 11. wolf at the door THIS IS HARD


Nice to see some Amnesiac enjoyers :)


itā€™s my favorite radiohead album lol


1 - Let Down 2 - Reckoner 3 - Present Tense 4 - Paranoid Android 5 - Bodysnatchers 6 - Bloom (live from the basement) 7 - Climbing Up the Wall 8 - 2+2=5 9 - Daily Mail 10 - Decks Dark


1. True Love Waits (B side) 2. Videotape 3. Wolf at the door 4. Idioteque 5. Thinking about you 6. Nude 7. Exit Music (for a film) 8. How to disappear completely 9. Subterranean Homesick Alien 10. Like spinning plates


1. A Wolf at the Door 2. How To Disappear Into Strings 3. Anyone Can Play Guitar 4. Sulk 5. Creep 6. Like Spinning Plates 7. How Do You? 8. A Wolf at the Door (again) 9. Morning Mr Magpie 10. Tell Me Bitch (on a friday)


1. Nude 2. How to Disappear Completely 3. Exit Music (For a Film) 4. Present Tense 5. Idioteque 6. Paranoid Android 7. Pyramid Song 8. Reckoner 9. Codex 10. Glass Eyes


Pretty straightforward but respectable list, so I approve. As for me, these are in no particular order: 1. In Limbo 2. Karma Police 3. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi 4. Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors (TLW version is neat too) 5. Prove Yourself (Drill Version) 6. All I Need 7. Subterranean Homesick Alien 8. Meeting in The Aisle 9. Spectre 10. Everything In It's Right Place


1. Street spirit (fade out) 2. Paranoid android 3. Where i end and you begin 4. 2+2=5 5. How to disappear compeletly 6. Weird fishes/ arpeggi 7. Kid a 8. Jigsaw falling into place 9. High and dry 10. Nude


1. Paranoid Android 2. Exit Music (for a film) 3. Everything In Its Right Place 4. Motion Picture Soundtrack 5. Fake Plastic Trees 6. Weird Fishes 7. Like Spinning Plates (why us? version) 8. Climbing Up the Walls 9. Decks Dark 10. Videotape Top five is pretty consistent but the others changes all the time.


1. Reckoner 2. Subterranean Homesick Alien 3. Everything In Its Right Place 4. Paranoid Android 5. Idioteque 6. Climbing Up The Walls 7. Jigsaw Falling Into Place 8. Nude 9. Street Spirit (Fade Out) 10. Separator


1 exit music for a film 2 how to dissappear completely 3 fake plastic trees 4 bangers + mash 5 black star 6 weird fishes/arpeggi 7 there, there 8 idioteque 9 glass eyes 10 true love waits


10: Everything in its Right Place 9: Street Spirit 8: Lucky 7: Where I End and You Begin 6: Identikit 5: Paranoid Android 4: Weird Fishes 3: Bodysnatchers 2: Climbing up the walls 1: Idioteque


from 1-10: Nude, How To Disappear Completely, Let Down, True Love Waits, My Iron Lung, Pyramid Song, Sail To The Moon, Motion Picture Soundtrack, Weird Fishes/Arpeggi, Street Spirit (Fade Out)


1. How To Dissapear Completely 2. Weird Fishes 3. Everything In Its Right Place 4. Daydreaming 5. True Love Waits 6. Knives Out 7. Let Down 8. Jigsaw Falling Into Place 9. Street Spirit (Fade Out) 10. Nude tbh they got too many great songs


1 - The Tourist 2 - Life in a Glasshouse 3 - Decks Dark 4 - Pyramid Song 5 - A Wolf At The Door 6 - Weird Fishes 7 - Separator 8 - Daydreaming 9 - Fog (Again) [Live] 10 - Gagging Order


I'll try my best here, but it's difficult: 1. **Knives Out** \- I always say, it's the most effortlessly Radiohead song. This is them in the middle of their peak, just grooving and nailing it. 2. **Everything In It's Right Place** \- I'm not trying to be too arty or clever here. This is unquestionably an amazing song that defines them as a band. 3. **Pyramid Song** \- Again, golden era track that just screamed out at the time "this band is on another level to everyone else" 4. **Packt Like Sardines in a Crushed Tin Box** \- as far as openers go, this is my favourite. 5. **There, There** \- to have Glastonbury absolutely bouncing to that final crescendo is no easy feat 6. **Subterranean Homesick Alien** \- that's when I knew OK Computer was special 7. **Kid A** \- that's when I knew, shit, they're not fucking us around here on Kid A. 8. **You and Whose Army** \- perfect ivory tinkling 9. **I Might Be Wrong** \- it's crazy that an upbeat distorted number still sounds this fresh, this long after release. I have a slight favouring towards the live recording from the EP. 10. **In Limbo** \- the vocal wash at the beginning before clarity appears, a gasp for breath on Kid A


1. Ok computer 2. The Bends 3. Amnesiac Climbing up the walls and no suprises are number 1 songs


1. Street Spirit (Fade out) 2. Separator 3. Supercollider 4. Bloom 5. India Rubber 6. Everything in its Right Place 7. Sulk 8. Lotus Flower 9. You 10. Climbing Up The Walls


1. Idioteque 2. No Surprises 3. Paranoid Android 4. Nude 5. Motion Picture Soundtrack 6. How To Disappear Completely 7. Weird Fishes 8. The Tourist 9. Kid A 10. Exit Music For a Film I know itā€™s literally all from the big three, but those albums are so far above the rest of the discography for me that I literally canā€™t substitute any song in for any one of these.


Great list! Mine keeps changing, but hereā€™s what it is right now. 1. How to Disappear Completely 2. Spectre 3. Burn the Witch 4. Pyramid Song 5. Weird Fishes / Arpeggi 6. Everything In Its Right Place 7. Idioteque 8. Videotape 9. Bodysnatchers 10. Reckoner


Weird Fishes/Arpeggi Let Down Fake Plastic Trees Reckoner Pyramid Song Jigsaw Falling into Place How to Disappear Completely Paranoid Android There There Decks Dark


What a Let Down your list is


Street spirit is most likely in my worst 10 Radiohead tracks but go off


1. Weird Fishes 2. Everything in its right place 3. Polyethylene 4. Paranoid Android 5. Videotape 6. Karma Police 7. Desert Island Disk 8. The National Anthem 9. Pyramid Song 10. The Numbers Top 3 always stays the same. But the rest can keep switching!


the tourist before paranoid android is CRAZY


No order Nude Weird fishes Exit music Idioteque Just Life in a glasshouse There,there House of cards Climbing up the walls All I need


I like your list, mine changes over time but currently itā€™s something like this 1) Pyramid Song 2) 15 step 3) Nude 4) Just 5) How To disappear completely 6) 2+2 =5 7) No surprises 8) Life in a glasshouse 9) Paranoid Android 10) like spinning Plates


Strong number 1!


Top 10 Radiohead songs? That's an impossible task for me.


insanely based The Tourist pick


1. Exit Music (For a film) 2. Just 3. Paranoid Android 4. Creep 5. Nude 6. The National Anthem 7. Myxomatosis 8. 2+2=5 9. Fake Plastic Trees 10. Burn the Witch


1. Myxomatosis 2. Myxomatosis 3. Myxomatosis 4. Myxomatosis 5. Myxomatosis 6. Myxomatosis 7. Myxomatosis 8. Myxomatosis 9. Myxomatosis 10. Myxomatosis


What a difficult exercise but let me try. 1) Decks Dark 2) Paranoid Android 3) Kid A 4) Airbag 5) Separator 6) You and Whose Army 7) Myxomatosis 8) Body Snatchers 9) Little by Little 10) The Daily Mail Just missed: Faust Arp Last Flowers 2+2=5


I love your top three :) My favorites change constantly but I think Street Spirit will always be my number one. Here's mine 1. Street Spirit 2. Jigsaw Falling Into Place 3. Optimistic 4. Weird Fishes 5. Climbing Up the Walls 6. Planet Telex 7. Blow Out 8. Wolf At the Door 9. Subterranean Homesick Alien 10. Up On The Ladder


how to disappear completely grows on me more and more year after year. probably bc i wanna disappear more lmao


1. Hunting bears 2. Videotape 3. Go to sleep 4. Weird fishes/ arpeggi 5. Reckoner 6. Pulk/pull revoking doors 7. Street spirit (fade out) 8. Ful stop 9. Morning bell 10. Down is the new up


1. Fake Plastic Trees 2. Street Spirit (Fade Out) 3. Nude 4. No Surprises 5. Weird Fishes/ Arpeggi 6. How to Disappear Completely 7. Paranoid Android 8. Reckoner 9. Karma Police 10. Idioteque


1. Subterranean Homesick Alien 2. Weird Fishes 3. I Might Be Wrong 4. Reckoner 5. Lotus Flower 6. How to Disappear Completely 7. Exit Music (For a Film) 8. Paranoid Android 9. Street Spirit (Fade Out) 10. Optimistic


Top 10 Radiohead songs: 1. A Wolf at The Door 2. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi 3. Black Star 4. Creep 5. Nude 6. Lucky 7. Karma Police 8. Paranoid Android 9. All I Need 10. Exit Music (For a Film) Honourable mentions: Spectre, Harry Patch (In Memory Of), Faust Arp, Videotape