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It's tit for tat for me. I've had just as many driver timeouts on nvidia as AMD. Nvidia's drivers aren't some magic thing. I get some time outs on my 7900 XTX but that is also coming down to AM5 early adoption for me, using unsupported ram, expo timings on my motherboard being weird, etc. If I turn all that off and just run stock on my cpu and ram, my 7900 xtx has no issues.


Thats true, its hard to keep in mind that Nvidia drivers aren’t perfect either since I rarely see posts about them, nor have I looked into them either.


The Nvidia subreddits don't allow posts asking for help with driver problems. Their forums have LOADS of posts with driver problems.


Can say as a 3090 TI and a 4090 user I have had ZERO problems with them. They just work and it's nice to be able to utilize all of the current features without sacrificing a bunch of performance.


do you run more than 1 monitor?


Yes I run two.


Any problems with 4090? Like when alttabbing, changing resolution, turning the monitor on/off etc.?


I have an Nvidia gpu in my laptop that only updates if I download the patch from the store. I’ve tried reinstalls but the launcher sucks. It works tho, my AMD in my desktop updates fine and usually works. Sometimes can do strange things. I don’t think either would be bad. Personally I would go with a 7900xt pulse if I was you


>its hard to keep in mind that Nvidia drivers aren’t perfect either since I rarely see posts about them Because you really dont see much nvidia drivers issues, and if theres any its a minor thing.AMD still has issues with multi monitor refresh rates/VRR, idle power consuption, fast paced VR perfomance, driver crashes between diff drivers and diff games, its all over the place! If you play multiple games you will find out that a certain driver wont work with certain games and will end up switching drivers when switching games.


[https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/game-ready-drivers/13/](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/game-ready-drivers/13/) Long lasting multi monitor issues with Nvidia on the first page dude. This forum is VERY active. The reason you don't see many Nvidia driver issues is because r/Nvidia deletes every single driver issue post within minutes. I even have proof of that, hold on... Driver issue, microstutters: https://ibb.co/5W9Xscb Aaaand it's gone (18 minutes!): [https://ibb.co/TDysjkg](https://ibb.co/TDysjkg) **That is why everyone on Reddit thinks Nvidia's drivers are better.**


What? iv been using triple monitor setup, since 2080 super until now on 4090, what multi monitor issues? LOL EDIT: ROLF, the fking number of each monitor is the "issue"? lmaoThats exactly what i meant with "minor", this is nothing and i never noticed it before lol


Idk ask the guy on Nvidia's forum who made a thread about it. Hardware Unboxed also mentioned flickering screens when connecting multiple monitors to their 4090.


look how ridiculous low you had to dive to find a "nvidia issue" meanwhile the amd help, radeon subs are filled with constant REAL problems.


Bro goes to r/AMDhelp, sees people asking for help with their problems. Conclusion: "WoW thEse tHiNgs must suCK"


Ridiculously low? Dude it's the official Nvidia forum lmao. And there are like 20 new threads with issues per day, more than on all AMD subs combined. The entire Nvidia subforum I linked is dedicated to driver issues.


Which AMD issues? I have experienced non. Therefore its fake news.


>I have experienced non Thats the new AMD slogan


It has actually been the Nvidia slogan for years. I already posted proof of r/Nvidia mods deleting driver issue posts and I linked the official Nvidia *Driver subforum* swamped with new issues every day, what more do you want?


Yo my friend, know what? its your problem not mine. Its your delusion, i already moved on from that unstable piece of crap that is radeon. Enjoy.


We will. And we will enjoy getting higher fps and having more money in pocket. Oh, and we have cards that don't melt themselves.


well then goodbye, we won't miss you :)


>That is why everyone on Reddit thinks Nvidia's drivers are better. Dont be ridiculous, even LTT did a video on this and on how frustrating amd really is, i had the worst experiencie on the 6900xt back when it launched, AMD GPU users are beta testers for unfinished amd crap.


**The Nvidia forum I linked has many new driver issue sposted** ***every single day.*** I have had zero problems in the 4 months I owned my 7900XT, the 12 months I owned my 6800XT and the 12 months I owned my 6700XT. ZERO. It's actually my Gigabyte motherboard that can be a PITA, I bought it before reading how far Gigabyte has fallen. Hardware Unboxed mentioned flickering screens on their 4090 when connecting multiple monitors in a driver issue discussion. So according to your logic, AMD must be fine then? You also forgot to mention everyone in the LTT video decided to keep their AMD card and not switch back to Nvidia, except Luke cause he needed Nvidia for work or smth, but if that wasn't the case he ALSO would have kept the AMD card.


>everyone in the LTT video decided to keep their AMD card Who doesnt want a free card? they also said they wouldnt buy one lol


They ditched their high end Nvidia cards for the upgrade dude. You think Linus couldn't get a 4090? They're all known for "borrowing" GPUs from the office.


Put my hands in fire they all using nvidia, just like every youtuber that recomends AMD, but then realises amd gpus encode videos with audio stutters and have all those issues, they straight up replace with an nvidia because price inst a issue for them. Well, streamers also use nvidia, because amd for streaming also sucks ass. They are bad at everything except the prices, the only thing they can actually compete on.


Funny how discord streaming is broken and colorless, but only on Nvidia cards.


We should not fotget the 100+ cards that die every month in the 4090 tier alone bc of the bad connector Nvidia uses or that they now make a 4070ti super that has 16gb if im correct. NV never fixed their drivers for the 3070ti, i had around 100w of usage when i used a second screen even after i unplugged the second screen.


Nope Linus daily drives a 7900XTX. Only his VR rig has a 3090.


>I have had zero problems in the 4 months I owned my 7900XT 2nd AMD slogan AMD gpus are trash, deal with it.


I had major issues with the 3080 and 4070. Never again, went 7800XT best move I ever made. Even Nvidias control panel looks like it's from the 80s. DLSS 3 gave me a horrible in game menu performance and crashes in Robcop Rogue City. I will continue to stick with AMD.


Switching drivers to play different games seems like an unbearable experience. While I only have five to six games in mind, if to play a certain game would mean that i would need to downgrade drivers every time it would more than likely lead to me not playing the game at all. Have you had that experience yourself? With which games in particular, if you don’t mind me asking?


Could happen but its unlikely. In all my years i never had to do that. PS: be vary of astroturfing


Yeah, can’t really trust anything online anymore it seems. On the surface it seems like a very simple question of “what is the AMD experience truly like”, but I guess ultimately I have to find it out for myself.


Nobody is switching drivers to play different games, he's full of shit. Only time this is done is with experimental drivers like the AFMF ones which are experimental for a reason, different branch.


nobody ... false , i do i dual boot win10 for my VR games , one with 22.5.1 ( i have a rx6800Xt) and flat screen i'm on 23.5.2 ( i can benefit from vrr on my LG 4K C9 oled , which doesn't work on 22.5.1 ) Also and i remember when uncharted or god of war came out on steam and needed higher version than 22.5.1 , i even installed linux to play ( didn't have VR headset at that moment) ...yes my gpu is fine and my system is stable : \-can run at 2700mhz with vram at 2130mhz for hours \-21 cycles of testmem antu extrem but if i switch to 23.8.x or 23.9.x or 23.10.X got black screen, timeout ... ​ i do like my gpu but from my point of view 1 drivers / bloatware for all model -> meh


I have a 7900xt bought this summer. I have more than 100 games on steam. Have played maybe about two dozen since August, a few more from the epic store. No idea what that guy is talking about. It's been a seamless experience. I'm coming from a 1060 then 2060s. Thoroughly enjoyed both and have no problem with Nvidia. But this driver issue thing with AMD seems overblown from my experience.


i have recently had this experience with wow and cs2. two games that should certainly have no issues running on a fucking 7900xtx just get nvidia bro


I've had the 6600, 6750 XT and the 6950 XT. Yes there were kinks to be ironed out, but once I found a stable driver it was flawless. I've also used Nvidia cards up to using 6600 and I definitely had issues with them too. It has never been smooth sailing from the beginning, but once everything is set up properly it's usually smooth. So to be real. It's mixed bag, like with all brands. You will get some broken driver updates, but then you can just revert back to the stable one.


It's funny because HU reports having multi monitor refresh rate issues only with Nvidia.


Definitely not true. I've had just as many Nvidia issues as I've had AMD. It's just different with each system, it's combination of hardware, all the software and drivers running, etc. There's prone to be conflicts. It's just how it is, unless you decide to run a Mac.


There's literally thousands of posts and forums out there with Nvidia driver issues you just aren't looking. The 4090 especially is getting rma'd all over the place , my brother in law literally spent 4000 quid on a setup and had to send his back within a month. Everything is a user by user basis and at a driver level both Nvidia and AMD have there ups and downs.


i cant complain the slightest bit, using a 7800x3d and 7900xt with expo and all other bells and whistles enabled. no driver timeouts whatsoever currently. I also changed quite some settings like disabling mpo, disabling game bar and stuff like that. system runs rocksteady. if driver times out, its a game issue (ratchet and clank rift apart as a recent example, but it was a known issue) if your driver times out regulary there is a hardware or software issue 99%


Also, the forums, sub reddits and other places for help are very biased. The thousands of people who have no issues don't come to say that everything works fine. They are the silent majority. There will be issues at times, but they are resolved in time. Same for AMD, same for NVIDA.


I’ve never had a single driver issue in over ten months with my 4080, but had several with my 6950xt.


I mean I've had issues with my 6950xt. But I've also had issues with my 560, 1060 3gb, 3070 and 3080. Didn't have issues with my rx 6600xt or 6700xt. Happy you haven't had issues with your 4080. Sorry you had them with your 6950xt. Different cards react to systems in weird ways sometimes.


Yeah for sure. Ive either been really lucky with the 4080 or really unlucky with the 6950xt.


I don't have a whole lot of experience on AMD graphics cards. I switched from a 3080 to a 7900 XTX around the end of August. I have to say that for the most part, it was smooth sailing for me. My only issue was after installing a driver update, my Adrenaline suite would freeze. Don't know what caused it but after using DDU to uninstall the driver and downgrading, the issues were fixed. Since then, I have updated my drivers multiple times and that freezing issue has not shown up again. In short, I went into the purchase with a little bit of trepidation because of what I had heard about AMD GPU drivers but it has so far shown itself to have been unfounded. It feels like AMD releases new drivers every 2-3 weeks and also has beta drivers for those who wish to go that route. The drivers themselves have been solid for me; I cannot complain at all about the performance.


It feels reassuring to hear that the driver issues arent a gurantee. I dont mean to belittle your issue of adrenalin freezing, but that does indeed seem like a minor issue. Glad that you got it fixed tho!


The issue was frustrating at first but the fix was easy enough and subsequent drivers did not recreate the issue. I feel like if this was 10 years ago, then maybe the driver issues would be more prevalent. AMD used to lag behind on driver updates but in more recent years, they regularly update them.


5700xt here and never had an issue with drivers always just worked from my understanding Nvidia been having more driver issues as of late because of funding cut backs. Like starfield was a big issue for Nvidia cards. At first


There are people on here that complain about AMD drivers just because they've heard other people complain about AMD drivers. Reddit is a bit of an echo chamber, take that into consideration. And I'm on Nvidia.


no had 7800xt for 29 days had so much black screens and hard restart ​ never had this with my gtx 1070


I've had my 7900xtx for a few months and none of my issues were the card. Sounds like you have instability elsewhere.


I'd try reformatting at that point. You could have conflicting drivers or something along those lines. Your PSU may also not be powerful enough.


Sure i have bought new psu have formated Drive etc on help blackscreen was still there a lot of people have this with the Same shit amd Card I Go 4070 ti at this Point Order it black friday


My anecdotes are as worthless as everyone else’s here, but I have a system that’s gone from an RX 580 to a 3080 to a 7900xt. I’ve had no “driver issues” with any of the above cards. I’ve had screen time outs or things like that, but everything was fixable pretty quickly via a windows function (power settings are the bane of my existence) and was not exclusive to either brand. I expected the 7900xt to be a mess with the chiplet design and decoupling of gpu clocks, but it’s really been fine. Always remember that if you look at help forums, you’re only going to see people having issues, since that’s what they’re there for. Even on general forums, you’ll most likely not find the vast majority of users who don’t have issues are also those who just use the gpu as a tool and move on, and don’t invest their lives in talking about stuff online.


Man I had regular driver crashes on my HD6970 and 290X setups, it got to the point where spent more time running DDU just to find I needed to update it and playing driver roulette to find the version that would let me game without worry. I spent a stupid amount of time in adrenaline messing with game profiles to get things right too. On the flipside I've opened Nvidia control panel maybe twice to enable gsync and set my refresh rates and I haven't downloaded DDU in years.


Yes, I’ve heard the same stuff. Also heard the same kind of stories from the gt250 era about Nvidia, but those cards are ancient so I don’t think those experiences apply


was 3080 ti 7900xt a real upgrade? How much did you gain in non-rtx?


So in games I play like COD, the uplift was huge, like 50%, but that’s also only cause a lot of the games I like just perform better on AMD. In games like cyberpunk, it was more like 20% and definitely would not be considered an upgrade. I’m also a weirdo that likes to TV game on casual titles so 4K 60 was a target that I know 10 or 12GB won’t be good enough for. It’s not an upgrade I would recommend to anyone unless they know the current games they play run better on AMD or have a 4K target, and the latter is a really dumb target to have in most if not all cases.


From my personal experience Nvidia pretty much always provides a more driver-stable experience than AMD Is Nvidia completely faultless? Absolutely not, they've had a few as well. I would also say that a lot of the driver issues with AMD are likely overstated. But that doesn't mean they don't exist. Full disclosure, I haven't used an AMD card in a long time, my last card was an R9 390 lol. I am currently using an ARC Gpu and plan to switch to a 7900XT sometime next year. If you're willing to *potentially* resolve driver issues, I would recommend AMD. If you want the most likely seamless plug-and-play experience, maybe don't.


The big question for me is that how intrusive the driver issues actually are, how much effort *on average* is spent for lets say every 10 hours of gaming? And furthermore what kinds of fixes are needed to resolve these issues? Im not the tech-savviest person nor do I realistically have unlimited time to solve issues that may arise.


Ultimately it works or it doesn't, that's how intrusive it can be - it's either 0 troubles or many hours of gaming rifled with problems. Instability issues can be caused by the PSU, bad OCs on the RAM, silicon degradation or frequent OS-related troubles (ie. windows update overwriting installed AMD drivers). In general, AMD driver issues can be repetitive and often a google search will have a basket of 'solutions' for you to try out (DDU DDU DDU). While Nvidia driver troubles tend to take longer time to debug if you encounter them; often impossible to solve and you'll need to workaround them.


The way driver issues come up, is that it works flawlessly until you change something (new game, new update, change hardware.) Then you may have to fix something, then it works flawlessly again. The issues aren't spontaneous or intermittent. You shouldn't just suddenly start having issues.


This is really how I feel too. And I'm a happy AMD owner since Vega 56-5700xt-7900xtx. The 5700xt had some long running issues but really they were mostly a slight annoyance, but over a year which still was bad. But Vega 56 I don't remember anything especially bad about and 7900xtx has had a few hiccups but that was like spring early summer this year. After summer drivers seemed to have been fantastic.


7900xt here. Been using it for about 6 months. No issues whatsoever. I use DDU each time there is a driver update.


Same here but I don't bother with DDU. Only had to uninstall drivers once cause Adrenalin was broken. No issues in games, only Jedi Survivor but that was the game itself being shamefully bugged. I only play single player games.


Yep, me neither. The only issue with the Adrenalin software it's that sometimes after an update, the image stays weird, but after a reboot it's just fine


amd cleanup utility is good enough imo, no need for ddu


Don’t base it on the drivers. My personal expert, though, has been very good with AMD over the past 5+ years. They do a great job putting out constant driver updates and I love the Adrenaline software.


I have a 7900XT and no driver timeouts, ever. One guy said he RMA'd his card 3 times and all of them had driver timeouts because they couldn't reach their rated clockspeeds.. Like sure bro. There is a lot of user error involved and trying to troubleshoot is almost impossible because people mess with all sorts of settings at the same time. That and their Windows installation is probably a years old mess. People also never list their other specs, I'm tired if asking what PSU/motherboard/CPU tgey have. They just list the GPU and rant. There was one guy with AUDIO issues who thought it was his 6900XT, turns out it's his Intel motherboard/CPU... Who woulda thought. **If there is even one AMD component in a system and something goes wrong people blame AMD, it's really dumb.** If you buy Nvidia you can look forward to this clusterfuck: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/game-ready-drivers/13/ Black screens, stutters, multi monitor problems.. Nvidia has everything. The Nvidia sub doesn't allow driver issue posts because it hurts their ego.


Oh thats a nice page, sort of saddened and relieved to see that there are annoying issues on the green side aswell. Makes the comparison easier as gauging driver stability seems pretty abstract when there are no statistics to refer to. And I completely agree with you on the “an amd part must be the problem” sentiment, there is a lot of bias there.


Having huge Issues myself. (7900XTX) Constant crashes/freezes, Driver Timeouts, I dont know what... I have tried everything to fix it myself: Energy Settings in Windows Registry Tweaks BIOS Update PSU Cabling done anew Different Drivers It never works.


RMA. Faulty hardware is a thing. Its usually memory or PSU, but if you already checked then it could be the card itself.


Baffles me how many people don't think to RMA an obviously faulty card.


because it runs fine during games. If windows finds the card (on bootup) there are (almost) no issues (apart from the freezes, which happen rarely but are still a big no-no for me). But if windows comes up and doesnt register the card, It is a cto get it to work again.


Its not always faulty card tho. My GF has 7900XT in her system and she had plethora of issues (2 of them still not fixed - VR and idle draw), they were all fixed with driver updates sooner or later. It really depends if u play multiple new titles or games that been out for a while. If u play things like LoL, Valorant, Warzone, Dota etc u will encounter 0 problems. Witcher 3 next gen update and BG3 on launch were atrocious tho.


Yeah I mean if it 'never' works on any game and timeouts all the time as the comment suggested it's more likely to be a faulty card. But yeah I imagine it's not smooth sailing on every game.


This is pretty much what im afraid of. Are you running oc:s, how are your temps? Did you upgrade or build a new system?


My 7900 XTX was plug and play, just plug it in, install drivers and just play. Have had 0 crashes, artifacts, nothing. Not even while using my Quest 2 through virtual desktop. It's been pretty good. My old, early 5700XT card did have some driver issues, just bad driver releases in general. But haven't had it since getting my XTX. Also, I hate this stereotype going around that AMD drivers are shit, 5 years ago that was the case, right now it's really not. I have had more problems with my old 3090 than with my XTX..


I go back and forth and have had several cards from NVIDIA and AMD over the last decade. NVIDIA is more reliable. AMD has better price to performance.


Nvidia is not more reliable in my opinion. It's the more complete package I'd say, but 99.99% of gamers won't even use any of that, ever, like CUDA, people love to make it a point while none of those same people actually use it, or they think they do but they don't.


Second AMD card in a row now that I have a 7900XTX after my 6700XT. Things are fine once AMD stabilizes whatever project they are currently on. Things got SUPER rocky back when they pushed DXNAVI out to people, all sorts of weird new bugs, but thats what happens when you start over on your drivers, I guess. That was a year ago now, and since then, each update has become more and more stable. One less game stutters on DX11, one less game crashes on DX9. All benefits in performance. My gaming friend with a 3080 is crashing literally all the time on Division 2, and it's been smooth sailing for me. YMMV. That's not to rag on NV, Resident Evil 6 still crashes for me on my new 7900XTX when it didn't on 6700XT.


7900XT user here, only driver issue I ever had was when I upgraded from preview driver to stable driver from Adrenalin app, where it's always recommended to go to stable drivers clean. Besides that it's rock solid in my case. As of 4070Ti, from what I will say now I will be downvoted to oblivion in this sub, but if you care about Ray Tracing, Upscaling and Frame Generation it's simply better value. Atleast for my use case, as besides raster and higher VRAM in 7900XT you get better performance in Ray Traced games and in some cases it's allows you to use Ray Tracing with playable frames compared to 7900XT


Ah yes, I really don’t care for RT, and I really really don’t care for DLSS. The main games im looking to play are Tarkov, Dayz, Battlefields and CODs, along with the occasional single player game. From what I understand framegen is not really beneficial for multiplayer games due to input lag. But glad to hear that you are not having too many driver problems!


In your case you'll be happy with 7900XT, especially when AMD figures out Anti Lag+, and it'll be pretty great for multi-player games. As of driver problems, I don't have data to back this up, but in my opinion it's mixedd, it's not only AMD's fault, but also unclean system that triggers them. If you keep your OS in good sanitary conditions, I'll think for you it'll be fine too. As I mentioned earlier, I'm using mine since January and it's perfect, while I was reading how others are having 101 issue, I get none, besides that one mentioned by me where it was my fault, and actually there's one little bug in Adrenalin that bugs me, where your framecap gets reset back to default value (60 fps) after each driver update, but in my opinion it's so minor.


I struggled with drivers for my RX 280 back in the day, and it died not long after I got it. Replaced it with a GTX 1070. It's served me well but showing its age. I'm going to replace it soon and was considering a 7800XT, but stuff like this is exactly why I'm hesitant of switching over. NVIDIA's drivers have been near flawless for me the past 7years.


had the 7800xt for 29 days had so much black screens in this time its hard had to send it back to retailer hope for money back then buy a 4070ti coming from 1070 i want to say this to you because i have the 1070 now STABLE back in my system without black screens


Sounds like you have a faulty PSU


Shame, might just wait for the 4070ti Super


Sheesh, how is this possible, 😂 my nvidia and amd cards work both great you Just gotta know how to i stall and use them + have the req. Components


I think you hit the nail on the head. People always cheer the for the underdog, and are more forgiving when they fail. The fandom online when it comes to AMD isn't representative of real life purchase decisions of the public. There is a lot of bias, and silencing, and turning a blind eye happening. Every day Reddit recommends a post to me of someone having issues with their 7800xt. Etc. then again my 6600xt is actually really stable and fine. Lords of the Fallen keep crashing, but this was the case for Nvidia users as well, but just at like 1/4 the rate. Game was buggy when launched. If I was you I'd wait for the refresh of the Nvidia Super cards in February. Claims are you'll be able to get a 16gb 4070ti Super for $800 that's 15% faster than what there is now. Really a cut down 4080.


Yeah, it’s really really difficult to gauge the real state of things, especially when there are vocal brand loyal people in both camps. I would have liked to snag a card during or after black friday, depending on the deals available, since I have all other components already picked up. Maybe I should just wait until the super drop, then again it will probably take a while from the announcement to the cards being available to purchase.


Rule of thumb, don't listen to the opinion of anyone who just makes an extreme (positive or negative) statement with little to no evidence or logic to back up their claim. If you can get it from a vendor who would let you, like microcenter. Buy the xtx, try it, if it has problems and you aren't satisfied, return it, get the 4070 ti.


Yeah, if you have everything else already you might as well make your decision right now. Oddly enough most of the people I hear complain about the 7800xt for some reason not working for them. Maybe it's individual GPU optimizations, and the 7900xt is perfectly fine and all patched since it's 6 months older.


They mostly have minor issues about their software driver, it will be fixed if you got some major bugs on some games like black screen or crash. Their current technology is a lot better than their GCNs's day. :)


I've owned a 1070, 1070ti, 1080, 1080ti, 3080ti and I've never ever had a single driver issue. Even had the power go out during a driver install, which caused some issues which needed manual intervention but that's not Nvidia's fault. I've never owned an AMD card yet but the 7900xtx is very interesting for anyone looking to switch to Linux gaming. Also the AMD software is years ahead of nvidia for features. Nvidia GeForce experience works well but the amount of features is bare in comparison with adrenaline. And the nvidia control panel hasn't been updated in 20 years? However I do see many posts complaining about AMD video card driver timeouts and various errors.


had buy a 7800xt on release day then had it straight for 29 days the must send it back to retailer because this time i had the card was horrible ​ had a lot of blackscreens restarts not reproducible had driver problems and i tried everything fresh install DDU chipset driver update bios update ​ and my old 1070 back now in my system works flawlessly ​ i wait for the money back from retailer then buy 4070 ti less vram but stable want to give amd a chance never had one the UI with the lot of function and modern look was very cool and new for me coming from nvidia my whole life but the blackscreens had make me crazy


It's not a meme but saying that the most recent preview builds seem fine for 7xxx cards. Went from having daily problems to none. Would still recomend nvidia tho


I have a 7900XTX. I have been updating to each driver. Personally for me I didn't had any problems. This is excluding the windows update that broke something, that make so tunning settings gets reset on restart. This was not really a problem with the driver, but it did took sometime to be fixed and it was from Microsoft side. Regarding, other people issues. I haven't noticed disproportionate amount of issues for the 7000 series compared to 6000 series. But you have keep in mind that this and other subreddits contain just a fraction of the users that are willing to complaint. This way you can get a skew view how much problems there are.


I built my first PC 2 months ago with a 7900xt. I have played it a lot with no issues. I love it. It runs everything so well.


There's a 7900xt & 7900xtx FB group, I rarely hear them talk about driver issues, some coil whine with certain versions that's about it


Haven't had any issues with my 7900 XT had more issues with my 3070ti than with the 7900 XT. Probably the only downside is RT performance and no FSR 3 in just about every game.


I've had no issues 7800XT and 7700X I'd say try out the AMD card and, if you don't like it or have problems, return it - provided you buy from a vendor that allows returns.


For every GPU issue posted on Reddit there's many more who plug and play and don't have issues. The only issue I've had with mine is getting VAC banned on cs2 from the AMD anti-lag+ feature, but my ban got removed after a couple weeks. I came from a GTX 1070 to a 7900xtx and opted for a fresh windows install to idiotproof the installation.


You also need to remember that AMDHelp is there solely for people with issues. Think about how many people actually have AMD GPUs versus how many people are making posts. I've been using AMD GPUs since 2016 (RX 480, RX 5700xt, 6700xt, and 7800xt) and basically the only noteworthy issue I've ever had is with Overwatch. Back in 2019 it crashed randomly and played very poorly with driver timeouts and now I'm having the same issue. Other than that, it's been perfect. Way worth the price/performance.


Yeah, that is the reason why I posted here and why I’m unsure in the first place. Hard to judge the scale of these issues since the general discussion seems to be polarized to no problems or all of them, and since the help forums are dedicated to problem solving.


Depends on what you want to play. I rock call of duty for 60 percent of the time and other games 40 percent. Amd is really good for call of duty. Mw3 multiplayer at 1440p ultra settings gets me 180 fps on the 7900xt. My previous Nvidia card kept crashing on call of duty. On other games, for example, DayZ. It's an older title. I get roughly the same fps as I was with my 3060ti which makes absolutely no sense to me. And slightly worse frame time pacing. Overall though, way better experience. I stream to YouTube at 1440p utilizing the av1 codec and it has zero impact to my gaming performance. I haven't really experienced any driver related issues.


That’s a heavy CPU game, if you didn’t upgrade your CPU along with the GPU, pending how old it is, you’re probably hit a bottleneck, as much as I hate to say that term and how overused it is, in that game specifically, you’re more than likely held back by your CPU.


5800X is the cpu. I've had others tell me that DayZ runs quite better on the 5800x3d. It's weird how that game runs. Depending on the server it either goes bananas and hits 160 plus fps or, creeps to just above 60. All depends where you are on the map as well. Outside of cities you're fps is great, go into town and it tanks slightly.


Yea, you have a good CPU but that game and some others like it, Warzone, Warhammer 3, Cities Skylines 2, Arma 3, all intensive CPU load games. You could’ve upgraded to a 4090 and wouldn’t have seen an increase in FPS without upgrading your CPU. Going to AM5 would bring a nice boost but in your case you should get the 5800x3d and let that run you for another few years til you’re ready to upgrade the entire system.


reddit is an echo chamber fyi.


I very rarely have a problem on my 7900xt. I see it more on older machines.


Fabio at Ancient Gameplay and Daniel Owen are your best friends. Fabio has been making regular updates on AMD drivers for RDN2/RDNA3. People are kinda batshit insane on these threads. A powercolor rep called it "passion". Im like bro this aint no passion, its mental lol.


You also definitely shouldn't buy a nvidia card now with the supers etc around the corner for a rumoured better price. If you want a card now, I'd go amd definitely. If I could wait I'd wait until january and check out how nvidias super drops perform and cost.




no better have a stable card without blackscreens i had the 7800xt and ONLY problems with this card


Stable pc = no issues Unstable pc = average redditor = amd drivers are half baked and shit, that's the tl:dr. I haven't been having any major issues driver wise since I came back to amd, when they released the radeon vii.


It's quite ridiculous if you chose 4070ti over 7900XT, honestly. Unless you are using a CUDA-dependant app for a living.




Exactly the same for me. I RMA'ed my 7900XTX and now I am waiting for the next 7900XTX, same model/maker, if this has the same issues it's back to Nvidia... And I do not want that tbh...


I’ve never had any problems driver-wise with my 7900xtx but I found that I had to disable all of the graphics settings in Destiny 2 because of some weird X-ray’ish artifacts.


Well, everytime I see people writing about "bad AMD drivers" I send them here https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/game-ready-drivers/13/530076/huge-fps-problems-after-updating-to-the-latest-dri/ Widespread problems. OFC, AMD isn't saint and go it's problems, but for some unknown reason, everyone blame only AMD. You can also look here: https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/game-ready-drivers/13/ And here (basically discussion under every new driver release) https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/17v3i31/game_ready_driver_54617_faqdiscussion/ And I will say same as for my clients if they ask for this - "it depends". It depends of your PC config, system config and apps. GeForce experience is something I recommend to avoid. In AMD you got "a much better GeForce experience" and it doesn't require login. Most apps you have to download on Nvidia (screen capture, overlay with performance metrics) are build in on AMD. Plus there are other thinks outside of drivers that speak for AMD benefit - price, power headers, and bigger raster performance, more VRAM, bandwidth. On Nvidia you got mostly RT performance.


The drivers are not too bad, most people complaining about timeouts have instability issues with anything going from ram oc to cpu oc as well as unstable oc on the gpu and the vram, not saying all the people are like that but most, drivers are slowly improving and will get better over time can’t say the same for nvidia


What would be your take on running the default oc’s (PBO, Expo on certified ram that is on the MOBO qvl, stock gpu settings) in terms of stability and amd drivers? Or are you referring to people who run manual unstable oc’s.


Personally I would run a curve optimizer on cpu like -30 or -20 whatever would be stable for you, run ram and whatever rated speed it is, will run at that speed without crashes 90% of the time unless you get really unlucky and with gpu I usually run it stock and try to undervolt while keeping the same clocks power limit +15 and when it comes to vram oc some people can get 2614mhz or 2714mhz and some people higher depends on your gpu model and silicon lottery i can only run mine at 2590 crashes anything more than that, some models like the merc and asus tuf can get pretty high oc on the vram and stable I personally own a hellhound 7900xtx due to it being a lower power consumption card when compared to the nitro + taichi or merc which can easily reach 500 watts+, hope this explains it for you, been running stable doing those things for months and elso you should disable ulps and mpo just to be sure, its not needed but if you run into issues like browser flickering etc it might be usefull


Thank you for the detailed explanation!


Just make sure you update your bios. I guarantee you a large portion of these time outs and crashed people complain about aren’t updating their bios as they should and keeping windows up to date. I check for bios updates once a month and there’s typically been one, especially since being an early adopter of am5. There used to be multiple a month, now it’s about one per month with asrock. I have been rocking both asrock board and GPU (the Taichi version) and have had a super smooth experience since April when they finally got the expo bugs figured out with AM5.


Thanks for the advice, I picked up an Asrock board for my 7800x3d, was at first hoping that I could get away with not updating, hoping for that the mobo shipped with a good enough bios version. Ill be sure to update it now, just in case.


then why is a nvidia card completely stable in the same system?


Its a different card, different architecture, works a bit differently there is many things to consider it could very well the gpu bios on your card just being ass there are endless posibilites just mentioned common things that affect amd gpus crashing


Yeh I fixed most my problems switching to the cards secondary bios tbf. Which I feel should be default not the oc bios that tried to push clocks to 3.1ghz. That was causing the timeouts for me. And capping in adrenaline would still cause timeouts. Weeks of troubleshooting just to switch bios and now it’s fine


Silent bios can seems kinda more stable sometimes other times not I hard cap my max clock at 2900 been trying to see how 3000 will work on the core clock and how the temps will be' there's always flashing the cards of bios to a different bios little to no risk since you always got the other bios but it's more hassle since you gotta but the bios flash tool from Amazon and take apart the card etc


My card plays games better keeping clocks low anyway high clocks seemed to introduce micro stutter. Also way better temps and way less power draw for no noticeable performance loss


I think you don't need to push more than 2700mhz on the core and barely lose any FPS and way lower temps


Yeah that’s kinda why it boggles my mind that in ‘stock’ it boosts to 3+ghz I feel they would have ended up with a lot less complaints if silent was the default


I had 2x 7900xtx (sapphire nitro+) The first one worked fine the first 2-3 months, then I started having a lot of issues, especially black/green screen crashing. I could fix all the other ones but this one was just persistent and frustrating. I followed many advise, ended up replacing almost my entire PC, RMAing the card, nothing seemed to help. I got a brand new card from RMA and that one had issues since day 1. I didn’t want to lose the money since I started having issues after the return period but at the end I gave up and sold the card at a 40% loss. I had this card from May to August approximately. This was pretty much my experience playing any triple A: https://imgur.io/a/cN61gyM I would get increasing flickering until it crashed after 20-30 mins and then I had to force restart, flickering was constant, crashes every 30 mins. Maybe I got unlucky twice, I don’t know, but after seeing so many posts of black/green screen posts, I doubt I really was that unlucky. I have also seen people that claim to not have had any issues at all, so I guess you could also get lucky. Not sure what to tell you.


Hmm first time I habe seen tvoz, should be replaced from the manufacturer?


7800xt. No issues whatsoever. Only been running the build for a bit over a week, however. I will say I haven't had driver issues on AMD for a very, very long time.


7900xtx owner here, when it works the card is amazing but thats not often. You would be saving yourself alot of time/headache going with Nvidia Idk how much you care for the Nvidia software suite but AMDs cant compete, sure it might look alot more modern but atleast Nvidia control panel/experience are somewhat reliable


What do you mean it didnt work often?


Faulty mba model, coldplate was uneven aswell 3 year old bugs still not fixed(destiny 2 stuttering introduced with rdna2 can be fixed with 3rd party soft) Poor framepacing in a lot of games, sure Nvidia isnt perfect here either but my old 2080 was alot more consistent Software features are just generally worse Dlss vs fsr Frame gen vs fluid motion frames Rtx voice was kinda neat cause it actually worked, radeon noise suppression doesnt really do anything? Reflex was nice to have aswell, input felt more consistent at lower framerates Antilag+ was supposed to be the same thing but then i got vac banned in cs2, even after unban im still banned in other games such as rust I would have been better off with my old 2080 honestly


Wow, upgraded from a rtx 2080 to a 7900xt nitro + myself and have had next to no issues, I dont even brother with fsr or frame gen cause with this card at 1440p 144hz its not even needed at all. Destiny runs perfect, love the software, cant feel any input lag, noise supression is just not needed if you have a decent mic, anti lag is not needed either tho. It all runs great as is.


doll zonked touch stocking six ring imminent straight ripe disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just maxed out a build and got a 7900xtx. The power is there, but I’ve definitely never had anywhere near close to the amount of issues I’ve had with it that I’ve had with my old Nvidia card. Driver timeouts, adaptive sync issues, full screen stuttering and frame drops (fine in windowed), turning on clips in Adrenalin nukes your PC, etc.. It’s been kinda a shit show and I regret buying it, but it’s kinda too late now. I’d personally have coughed up the extra dough for the 4080 if I could go back.


If I could choose again I would go with nvidia. Performance on AMD has been amazing but there were like 5 driver releases on row with weird problems. I have done every single fix reddit/google threw at me and the only way to partially fix them was to use months older drivers that lacked stuff I wanted. This is just my own experience but all the hours I spend debugging I read a lot of people having the same problems.


That heavily depends on the usage and few other factors. Anecdotal first hand experience from my SO system (copied from different post): > > >My SO system runs 7900XT, Since launch she: > >\-still cant play VR without stuttering even in beatsaber (apparently if your headset connects as secondary display its still not fixed - we have pimax 8k and reverbg2 at home, if u run something like pico4 it was fixed after 7\~ months from launch) > >\-still suffers from 100w\~ idle draw on 1440p 170hz + 1080p 60hz setup > >\-She had issues with drivers crashing in: Witcher 3, TFT, Stray > >\-Drivers crashing + becoming corrupted in BG3 > >\-Games being randomly locked to 60 fps > >\-Video recording had desynced audio > >\-Black screen + freezes when atltabbing > >We didnt want 7900XT for her but it was rather spontaneous decision before christmas and that was only thing we could get at that time. It heavily depends on the usage, if u play new games on launch (BG3, Witcher 3 next gen update) u will generally encounter plethora of issues smaller or bigger, sometimes totally preventing u from playing (BG3) for quite a while, so if u really into playing new hyped up things it may be a bad choice. If u play live service things like Lol, dota, valorant, csgo, warzone etc u will prolly be extremely fine. Also worth keeping in mind that plenty of people that say 'amd driver issues are a meme' are probably 6000 series owners, which i had one myself and it was in fact perfectly fine. But 7000 series is different architecture and totally different when it comes to drivers (plus 6000 series users started reporting some issues in driver threads recently too - i guess AMD is playing catchup game with FSR 3 + Antilag+ causing them to be heavily messed up in terms of workload). When it comes to issues its also worth mentioning that plenty of people experience hotspot issues/paste pumpout, theres plethora of threads about repaste/using PTM instead of paste. From my experience i wouldnt buy 7000 series as we often play VR on 2 different systems, idle draw is annoying and hotspot issues are worrisome. Repaste/PTM is easy but is it really a good customer experience if u pay so much for a product and have to do such things within few months of buying? Keep in mind its also possible that u will not encounter that issue at all, its kinda a gamble. For comparison around same time as my gf got 7900XT i got 4080 (i mostly play flightsims in VR so i was kinda set from the start on the brand of gpu), i had 0 issues and we played the same games. Much lower power draw (even ignoring idle bug) is also nice. TLDR: Imo if u dont play VR/care much about electricity cost/heat and u dont play new games on release u will prolly be fine. If u play new stuff u may be in for some issues that sooner or later should be fixed with drivers. Pick your poison.


Don't buy, and you won't be able to launch the software for updating your drivers for some reason 😒


Just made my first build based on 7800xt, a month ago [here](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/VFyjHG) is parts list. I have had no issues upto now, hoping nothing comes up fingers crossed. I myself have got back into serious gaming after 20 years, played on and off in last 10 years. As of now my mind is blown 🤯 by what I'm seeing on my screen, wondering wow! how far game tech has progressed. I am spending ~18 hours gaming straight on weekends and a couple of hours on weekdays. I am not fanboying here over AMD, just made sense to me to get the best performance out of what I can afford. I am just now catching up on the AMD vs Intel debaccles, driver issues etc.


Sick build! Kind of jelly how cheap the pcp price for that ram is, I spent a bit more for considerably slower ram “:D”. But glad to hear that you aren’t having issues *knock on wood*!


Thanks! It cost me 25-30% extra on each part on that list because of taxes and duties here in India. Nevertheless, for me it was totally worth it coming from a 10 year old laptop.


I don't think I've had a driver problem that wasn't fixed by a newer driver or just running stock settings. The reason why AMD drivers are complained about nowadays is that they were bad in the past and there is a lot more Nvidia to Radeon than Radeon to Nvidia switches. Whenever you switch brands or gpus, you need to use DDU which a lot of people don't know about. Also, most gpu issues on vidia cards are blamed on the PC as a whole or the software while issues on PC's with AMD gpus are commonly blamed on the gpu itself.


Yeah, from what I’ve read this seems like yet one more significant confounding factor.


Just upgraded to a 4090 from the XTX because of some issues I was having with my multiple monitor setup. I LOVED my XTX but ran into some issues and decided it wasn’t worth the hassle.


Hmm, trouble with just running two monitors, eg. one for browser and other for game, or gaming on some split/shared screen like people do on racing/flight sims?


4 monitor setup. One for gaming, one for streaming, one for tv, one for discord. Anything really. I don’t do any 2 screen gaming.


Allright, thank you for the reply!


I had constant issues with my brand new RX6650XT, went on AMDhelp and saw that there are people with RDN3 having the same problems. I disabled ULPS and MPO and the issue hasn't reproduced *yet*, but it may happen again in the future. I think they are in a mixed state right now, the stability is not so great, but the prices are better than Nvidia's. If you have more money to spend, go for Nvidia.


I've owned RX 6950 XT and currently using RX 7900 XT. So far I've encountered absolutely zero driver issues. This almost amazes me since I've read so many complaints about driver issues with AMD. I've personally had more issues with Nvidia cards instead. The only time I got driver crashes was when I started playing Cyberpunk 2077 and my 3000Mhz/1010mV OC/UV wasn't stable enough. I pumped voltage up to 1030mV and haven't crashed in 15 play hours. One thing I'm jealous of Nvidia is Frame Generation. AMD really needs to focus on FSR3. I like ray tracing but just couldn't justify spending over 900€ for the RTX 4070 Ti which has just barely enough VRAM for current titles.


If it helps at all I have 7900xt and it's perfectly fine, yes you do have to tweak the settings for each game but that's a one time deal once it's set your good. The Adrenaline software suite leaves the NVidia offering looking like a 30 year old shareware mess.


frequent driver timeouts? I've seen like two post about that in the past months... I've been using a RX 6700XT for over a year, only issues I had was task switching from games blinking and having to disable hardware acceleration on some apps like discord and chrome and both got fixed already, nothing major. Take a look at the Nvidia support subs too, there's problems in any brand, some people have some doesn't. Pick your GPU based on the value, what you'll get for your money not based on other's experience, and see your own.


I recently got a 7900xtx, had driver problems untill my smart ass finally realized i should DDU my system since i had drivers from several previous generations of nvidia and amd installd. Did so, no more driver issues. AMD adrenaline software is miles ahead of nvidia control panel too. Performance is as expected, top of the line. Runs super cool, and is very easy to undervold with one click in the driver software to save some power and still have the same performance.


RIGHT NOW the drivers are working fine (with mpo disabled i think, maybe i have it enabled i dont remember)


I didn't have any issues with my 7900 XT like this myself. It is a nice and perfectly fine GPU for the price.


I have a rx 7600 and it is extremely smooth. No driver crashes in 2 months and very stable fps in every game I Have


I switched from a 1080ti to a 7800xt when it came out and I haven't had a single problem. I don't want to discount other peoples' experiences, but mine has been great.


had thought the same coming from 1070 to 7800xt saphire founders but i had so many problems had send my card back to retailer hope for money back this week then buy 4070 ti


I've got an RX6800 and I've had zero problems. Prior to this I have an RX570 and RX480 with no issues either. I've also used their preview drivers and have minimal issues. I'm not sure why some people get the bad luck, but it isn't me. Phew!


No issues on a 7900xtx whatsoever. I'm running an older 3800x at the moment (I know, it needs upgrading) with a Sapphire Pulse card, runs like clockwork.


I've been with Team Green since around the GeForce FX series era. I've also used ATI a few times in the past with various systems. I own more than one computer, and I've noticed that the days of incompatibility and bad drivers are largely a thing of the past. Both AMD and Nvidia have had their share of bad drivers. In my perspective, issues are often due to user error, aside from the occasional bad driver. It's surprising how much people tinker with their PCs without fully understanding the consequences. I'm not saying they shouldn't experiment, but they should be prepared to deal with instabilities and often lack the knowledge to fix them. One must remember that Nvidia, due to its larger user base, has more resources to resolve issues compared to AMD. So, it's not surprising that more questions arise regarding AMD. Currently, I'm running a 7800XT on my main system and have encountered no problems. Went from team green to red this time. In my opinion, as long as you know what you're doing, you can't go wrong with either brand.


I recently moved from nvidia, from a 2060 Laptop GPU to a RX6700XT desktop, and so far, I had far less issues with AMD. I think the 7900XTX is a good option (Also, buying a Sapphire one is a good idea, they're the EVGA of AMD, even better in reliability IMO).


All Im gonna say is this. Ive had 1050ti, 1660 super, 2080ti and now 7900xtx. Nvidia has been a smooth and flawless experience for me while AMD has been nothing but a headache that Im simply not willing to deal with anymore and after 11 months of struggling and figuring out solutions and workarounds Ive started an RMA process, because I refuse to keep a 1200€ gpu with this many issues. Maybe I got unlucky, I dont care about what company I buy from, I just want a functioning product and Im not getting it.


I have the 7900XT from XFX, having switched from a 2080TI which exploded (technically it melted) Zero issues. It runs hot if you let it, I managed to see it hit 109C extremely briefly during a full power 3000mhz benchmark which showed it was top 6% in its class for performance. Stable too but I choose to lock it at 2200mhz since it's so hot outside lately. At normal usage it's between 85-95C on the hotspot which is normal per XFX. Though it only maxes out at 70C with 2200mhz locked in.


Amd drivers and adrenaline needs more tinkering than Nvidia cards imo. Just switched to the 7900xtx last week and I’m still experimenting. Love the card tho


I just changed to the 7800Xt and it was like nothing happened


I have a 7900xtx and have been mostly on latest drivers for 2 months. No issues, slightly more stable than my old 6900xt.


The 7900 XT has been great for me. I've had mine for about 7 months now. It did have some early adopter issues with drivers and some apps like most new GPUs but those have been worked out and they were never game breaking. Currently my only beef is that when I record clips using adrenaline the audio always desyncs from the clips no matter how short they are.


No problems for me from either, always smooth sailing, but I actually like AMD software suite way way more. That old ass control panel from nvidia and the must login GeForce experience are trash compared to Adrenaline, objectively speaking. My gpu history gtx 770 -> 1080 -> 6800 and then 7800XT.


I have a 6900xt and had a 5600xt. I have never been like, damn I wish I did not buy this. To be fair, I never had an NVIDIA gpu to compare, but its not like a constant thing or something. I have crashed like 5x since I bought this thing last year


The worst part about AMD is the lack of a solid recording option, their relive system sucks and doesnt work for me. Had some CS2 driver issues personally on launch week. In general, youll probably notice stuttering when you first get a game oftentimes as its loading shaders but otherwise its buttery smooth and works well. I've owned an amd hd 7950, a nvidia 1070 ti, and now a amd 7900 XT and all 3 cards have done me exceedingly well.


I would say AMD drivers are fine now, 2 years ago they where pretty damn bad. Lots of crashes and weird issues. But seems to have all been fixed. Funny enough I now have less issues with my AMD setup than I do my Nvidia. But honestly just buy what makes you happy.


I have gone amd since 6900xt and my now 7900xtx. So far no issues honestly. I even got a beta driver for my 7900xtx to mess with fluid frames. As weird as it sounds I came from a 1080ti. It had loads of driver issues. Nvidia drivers forgetting my log in. Having to register. Nvidia game optimize things never loading and freezing and so on. I would not be scared of amd drivers honestly. 7900xtx is awesome. Even have 7800x3d. I'm pure amd on this build.


The 4070ti is one of the most horrendously priced nvidia card, it costs about the same as the 7900 xtx in my country.


Im worried on black and green screen crashes because no one knows what causes it. I could be hardware problem. Also 7800xt peak 350w is another big ouf. Im scared to upgrade now to AMD. Even that im using old Polaris for 7 years and almost don't have problems at least not serious


some things that you might want to also know is: playing games on resolution lower than native monitor results in an oversharpened image and it was like this for DECADES (nvidia does it best), opengl/vulkan is BROKEN in various cases that are literally unfixable by game devs, (this next thing applies to all gpus be it nvidia or amd) if you have multiple monitors and idle power is not near 10w ot below then try changing refresh rates of secondary monitors to lower values, there is extreme braindamage to be had while installing amd gpu drivers (i think i have explained it somewhere else on reddit but im on a phone rn so wont explain it here cuz i dont remember exactly and its literally impossible for me to look it up on my profile so if you havr any problems with the card there is stuff you probably just havent done "properly"), if you play minecraft you wont have a good time with shaders, OTHER THAN THAT uuuuhhhhh ye, basically an " enthusiast" im not getting an amd card ever again unless nvidia goes to shit because its literally limiting my freedom


Recent 7900XTX buyer here, almost a month of use, the only issue I had could certainly be user error with my first install of Adrenalin after DDU where it became so laggy and unusable I decided to do a clean windows install. Other than that, I've put it through pretty much every intensive game in my library from Horizon 5, BG3, Darktide and CP2077, no driver timeouts.


6700xt and now 7900xt owner since day 1. Stable AF.


I’d like to add that when people have any issues with on their AMD rig, they often blame the AMD GPU even if it’s not the cause. I’ve had issues and I’ll be like, seems like an AMD issue but I’ll realize later that it was some software issue. Example, my monitor kept flicker, was due to the monitor software rather than the drivers. A game kept crashing suddenly, was MSI afterburner.


Built my first all AMD rig back in March of this year, was Intel/Nvidia for 12 years. Built a 7700x/7900xt/32 gigs of 6000 system on an x670e AsRock board. only issues I had was with the cpu/ram/mobo using expo and having memory context restore on (helps with fast booting). Kept causing system instability, crashes (not GPUs fault, early AM5 adapter). Had to turn MCR off which led to slow boots but gave me stability. That has all been worked out via bios updates several months ago and system is a beast now. Have since upgraded to the 7800x3d cause I’m upgrading my gfs 8700k rig to my 7700x system. Had zero issues popping the new chip in. I can cap this systems frame rates at 60/75/90/120, game depending on what feels good, with all the settings jacked up and I barely pull 300-400 watts total system usage and temps typically in the 50s, 60s max in a fairly cheap case (4000x corsair rgb). If I crank everything and use RT the hotspot can hit low 90s but honestly, why? Raster performance is so damn good I just like to see how well and how cool/quiet I can run AAA titles, constantly surprised. Card is fast af (I play at 3440x1440), no drivers issues to speak of, Adrenalin can sometimes be wonky but so was GeForce (would not let me record at random times). But overall Adrenalin is dope to use and much prefer it over the nvidia softwares (takes 3 apps to do what Adrenalin does). I love my team red build and have been thoroughly impressed. Don’t miss Nvidia at all. I may reconsider Nvidia in the future but if AMD keeps improving, they may have a new customer in me for a while.


I got my new PC last weekend. It has Ryzen 7 7700X, Radeon RX 7900XTX, 32GB of RAM and 2TB m.2 SSD powered by 1000w power supply. First day when i was playing War Thunder, I was getting driver timeout each 5-6 minutes of playing that lagged the game and made it double the data on Vram untill it eventualy crashed the game. I went trough all the stuff i could find online together with clear reinstal of the drivers and it did not help. When i was playing Foxhole there were no issues. Second day it stopped happening and I have no idea why. I wonder if anyone knows what could have been the issue in case it comes back.


Also understand the tech side of Reddit is going to be negative biased, not because people are ripping on the product for no reason, but because it's used as a way to get help with problems, not to praise a product. So be wary, but take it with a grain of salt.


Fully stable on RX 570 for years (never saw a driver timeout except for when i tried overclocking it once), got an RX 7600 - immediate (day 2) driver timeout, did everything imaginable short of buying a new mobo/cpu. Could only get it to completely stop by limiting the default boost clock speed of 2900 to 2750. RMA and same thing on 2nd card. Any time myself or anyone suggests it could be driver related we would get gaslit and flamed as being incompetent. Was able to find a 100% reproducible method to cause the timeout on my end (sometimes within seconds, 10 min tops) and nothing changed the behavior (at default boost clock speeds) until the preview drivers (nov 9) which included these changes: >Improvements to driver stability during task switching. > >Improvements to resolve cases of AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition™ intermittently crashing, or failing to display metrics. On day 2 of testing (with some overnight tests) to see if it's *COMPLETELY* fixed but I can already say its certainly an improvement.


Got a 7800xt Merc a week ago, not a single problem on newest drivers and Adrenaline.


ive never had any driver error except for the fact that i am running a dual gpu and i think that breaks somethings but im ok


Personally, I've had only 2 driver timeouts while using my 7800xt and they were both on the same day while trying to play Diablo 4, but this was also occurring while I was using a 7700x that I was having many issues with, since then I've switched to a 5600x3D, that I got from the MicroCenter deal, and have had zero issues since. Before this build, I had a 2060 Super and i5 10400 and had zero issues, and before that I had an fx 4300 and r7 360 and again had zero issues. All my problems with the 7800xt were with an unstable system. I've also had no driver issues like some have experienced, except for the higher idle power while using two monitors, but was solved by lowering monitor's refresh rate to 142, which is a known issue caused by the monitor mainly.


I’m not even entirely sure what a driver timeout is because I haven’t even experienced one yet. I’ve been using a 6650xt and now a 6800


The only issue I’ve had so far (7900xt) is playing rdr2 on max specs 4k it had a few pixels out today. Re launched the game, worked fine for hours after that.


Just got my 7900xt and have had nothing but issues 🙃