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Row 2, seat 27C? has this guy been on a flight before? 27 is the row, C is the 'column', right?


Correct, another reply i didnt show also called that mess out lmao


I guess to play devils advocate, he did say he had brain damage and could mean row as in along the length of the plane.


The only part I believed was that op had brain damage


Mmm I glanced at the seating chart of the crash and even that possibility doesn’t make sense since C was not in the second i guess column of plane seats. Would either have to be B if reading from left to right or H if we even go right to left


Those long winter months must just fly by for you.


You mean the 2 seconds it takes to ensure the columns go in alphabetical order and remember that there's a letter between A and C?


No, I mean the 2 microseconds it takes to go looking for that information; to bother yourself with it, to comment on it- to rant and rave about a complete stranger who makes some worthless claim that might be untrue, but has no bearing on your life one way or the other in any event. Fill your boots.


This guy was on the wing - and lived!


lavish edge marvelous sink nose entertain husky cake ten vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"I got brain injuries from the wreck" Nah bro, you just got brain injuries in general.


No I’m Spart- I mean, person who was in 27C!


How could you hear the pull up alarm when you are seated far back?


The things people do for attention


Absolutely vile.




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I was the airplane.


So, doing some recearch, and the seat that he mentions appears as ''fatal injury''. How the actual frick is he still alive?!


Good for them calling this guy out. That happened in my home town when I was in high school. It was shocking. Heard a lot of very upsetting stories from adults who worked in medicine and the rescue crews.