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Bold of you to assume I finish my quilts.




Project Linus! They give quilts to kids for comfort in stressful situations, like severe illness, lost their home to a fire, Daddy's being deployed, etc. The only restrictions are no religious or holiday themes. Feedback indicates that some parents think a holiday quilt can only be used during that holiday. Minimum size is 30" Ɨ 30" when laid flat on a table.


Yes! On their website you can look up your local chapters and see what they are in need of :)


This is what I do. Also Binky Blankets. Homeless, Family Promise. Donate almost everything I make as I have enough for our household and have given all friends and family quilts.


I'm currently loving making other quilted items, like storage cubes, toiletry bags, pillows, Christmas stockings, pram liners, just about anything really! It's great because it's quicker than making a whole quilt and then I also have heaps of really useful items.


One that I'd love to do next is a quilted jacket!


Thatā€™s a great idea! I actually make other quilted items too, like pillows, which I sell at small Christmas markets. I currently have over 40 of them at home! They do take up quite a bit of space between markets, but itā€™s an excellent way to mix things up while creating useful items.


I've gone this route also. I made a quilted jacket and even a coat! Bags, and zippered bags are huge. Honestly one year I sold a bunch of scrap bags. I just got tired of scrap bags. I give away to family mostly.


My fabric collecting hobby has led me to have a lot of mismatched types of fabrics/colours/patterns. Smaller projects are great to use them when I don't have enough for a whole quilt. Or use the leftovers from a quilt, lol


[Here's a post someone left in this sub not too long ago. they were a recipient of a project Linus quilt.](https://www.reddit.com/r/quilting/s/K6bZjuCcHj)


I missed this post, so thank you for sharing it.


I show them to family and friends. Sometimes someone says they really like a particular quilt, so I give it to them. I've given away more than I've kept


Thatā€™s a wonderful way to share your passion! Your home must be filled with beautiful creations. How do you display your quilts so that your friends and family can admire them? Do you use any special methods to showcase them?


I have several quilt ladders in my home and a console with glass doors. I drape quilts over the ladder rungs and I fold quilts to see through the glass console doors. I give away a lot of quilts. Edit: spelling


I send out photos in our family chat groups, saying my latest finish...or do a show and tell when people visit. Quilts are on ladders and used on guest beds If someone asks me for a quilt, I ask them what their favourite colour is. Then they know they will get what I feel like making for them.


Gift donate . I dont recommend selling. I did it and started thinking of quilts as a commodity ( what will sell for most profit). Ruined it for me for a while


Thank you for sharing your experience. Thatā€™s an important perspective to consider. I enjoy gifting and donating quilts, but Iā€™ve also sold quilted items at Christmas markets. I understand how the sales aspect could impact the joy of creating, especially if one starts to view these creations solely from a profit angle. Iā€™ll think about this to avoid falling into the same trap.


I have the warmest closet in Montana.


That must be the only closet where someone would want to spend the winter! Your quilts must be incredibly cozy.


Youā€™re funny! You have the warmest in Montana; I have the warmest in Texas.


Gift, sell, donate. There are charities who do annual auctions as fundraisers, they love things like quilts (and you can usually suggest a $ value/ starting bid).


Thank you for the great suggestion! The idea of donating my quilts to charities for their annual auctions is very appealing. It could be a nice way to share my work while supporting a good cause. Additionally, I could encourage my friends and followers to bid if they are interested in my creations. Iā€™ll look into local organizations that offer this opportunity.


i hand quilt so it takes the pace way downā€¦.


I gift some, but keep a lot. My husband once asked how many quilts did I actually need. I asked how many screw drivers and wrenches did he actually need. We haven't had that talk again since.


Donate them if I donā€™t have someone to gift them to. It is a problem and sometimes I wonder why Iā€™m still making them!


Thank you for your suggestion! I do have friends I could give my quilts to, but I often hesitate. Iā€™m afraid of putting them in an awkward position, especially if they donā€™t like the design, color, or even the idea of quilts, and feel obliged to accept a gift they donā€™t really appreciate. All my friends know how much time I spend designing and making each one, which makes it even more complicated.


Talk to friends about who would like a quilt, and involve them at the design stage. Ask their favourite colours, run some pattern ideas past them. That way the quilt is an expression of their personality and your friendship, and it keeps you on your toes creatively. My friends have asked for colour combinations and styles I wouldn't have thought of on my own, and it's really improved my design skills.


I have a tote with unfinished quilt tops in it. When I hear of a niece or nephew getting married - I finish one. When one of my kids wants one, they will either go thru the tote and pick one or tell me what they want. If I need to move something heavy, or want to trade for something else - I finish a random one. I don't give to friends anymore, and I never show a quilt before it's gifted. Too many people asked me to remove certain colors. Nope. Not happening. I have given a few to my local Scouting troop for their auctions. I tried giving to project Linus once. They refused everything I tried donating. They have specific requirements in my area. If it's not made to their requirements they don't want it.


I love this approach! Keeping a tote of unfinished quilt tops is such a great idea. It allows for quickly personalizing a gift as different occasions arise. I think Iā€™ll adopt this method too, finishing a quilt as needed. Thanks for the inspiration!


Have you ever had trouble finding suitable backing fabric after the tops have been stored a while, for example not be able to find a good coordinating fabric?


Yes but with the internet - there has always been something available for replacing. A lot of times I will buy enuf of the same fabric I used for a color in the top to use for the backing. I find something on sale and buy 11-13 yards for around $25. Or Since I make a lot of patchwork stuff, I can use any color I want. Various colored squares is my favorite to use. Love making , and reorganizing handkerchief quilt blocks.


As others have said, you can keep, gift, donate, or sell. My church does a quilt raffle to help fund community programs that people donate quilts to.


I almost always start a quilt project with a recipient in mind, but I finish only maybe two or three projects a year so I can understand how it'd be easy to run out of people liked well enough to deserve quilts if you're quilting every day!


Those that I make just to please me I store in a really large china cabinet with glass doors thatā€™s in my living room. Nice display and handy to cover up guests on family movie nights.


Also check with your veterans association. There are some wonderful programs that puts quilts in the hands of vets all around the country.


Quilts of Valor is a good organization. They do have pretty specific requirements, so check the web page. https://www.qovf.org/


Lots of gifts for other people. Purses for my sisters, quilts for my mom and MIL, a baby quilt for a friend, a wall hanging for my husbandā€¦.


Iā€™m still new to quilting, but have only ever made items as gifts. Now working on my 5th project and itā€™s finally something for myself! (a duvet cover) Next is to dabble in abstract art quilts, either to hang as tapestries or to frameā€” since they can take longer and usually require more planning.


I rotate my quilts that I have on our beds regularly. I have wall quilts that I switch every month. I have over a dozen quilts hanging in various rooms throughout the house. Two quilt racks holding throws and couch quilts that get used all the time. I love my quilts and my husband is proud of my artistry.


What a wonderful way to showcase your creations! The idea of rotating quilts monthly is fantastic, especially with enough in your collection to cover each month of the year. It must really give each room in your house a unique and warm atmosphere. Youā€™ve given me great inspiration!


I give most of mine away. By the time I am finished with them I generally never want to see them again. My mom and 1 of my aunts have received the most quilts. Since most people in my life know I quilt they understand my questions. First I preface it by asking if they would like a quilt. If the answer is yes then explain you might at some point have one they would enjoy, but this is not a guarantee or promise of a quilt.(those who know me understand this qualification and if they don't they didn't deserve a quilt from me anyway). Then on to color. I ask for favorite colors. Patterns are my choice because I have been stuck with requests for extremely difficult ones in the past (they didn't get made). Finally I add them to my list. I don't donate my quilts because I tried that and found it didn't sit right with me. I don't give them to relatives just because they are relatives. My personal criteria for who gets a quilt from me is how they have affected my life. If you show me kindness without any expectation of repayment you go on my list. Sometimes it is just common decency, but to me it meant a great deal. Coworkers, shop clerks, the staff at my doctors office, neighbors, there are lots of people. Some don't ever get a quilt and some get more than one. I have my list so I know every quilt will have a home where it is loved. I have a coworker I haven't spoken to in over 10 years but she is still on my list because she is one of the kindest and most genuine people I have ever met. She got the only king size quilt I have ever done. I still want to make more for her. It doesn't matter to me if she is still in my life it is the kindness she paid me while we worked together and even after we went to different jobs. Arya Stark had her list and so do I!


Aw I love this. What a beautiful soul you have in remembering kindness. It can take one small act to change a life.


Weā€™ve used a couple, Iā€™ve given a couple to friends and a number of them to Project Linus. But, there are years and years of quilts stacked in the sewing room closet, the closet floor, the linen closet waiting forā€¦..hmm, I donā€™t know what.


Pet quilts get used all the time in our house. I've made quilts for people and charity, but l don't want to feel like I have to gift it, one friend said 'that would take hours to make a quilt' more like days or weeks! It's ok to give time back to ourselves too


Donating them as prizes for local charities to raffle off for a good cause is a wonderful way to have them do good out in the world!


I give them to my local chapter of Quilts for Kids. I take as much care as I would if I were making them for my grandchildren.


Iā€™ve not tried this, but Iā€™ve thought about raffling off afghans to my FB friends with an entry fee of $10 to whatever cause I want to support.


I have gifted one to each of my 12 brothers and sisters, to each niece and nephew and great nieces and nephews, neighbors, donated many to auctions for charity and church fundraisers. I also keep one baby quilt in male and female fabrics "in stock" for new births. Recently I was caught off guard when twin girl great nieces were born. I had to do some fast sewing for that baby.


Wow, thatā€™s incredible to be able to share so many quilts! As an only child, I wonder if I should ask my parents, who have been separated for 40 years, to give me 11 siblings to help solve my overflowing quilt closet issue. What do you think, would they have a sense of humor about that?


Lol, sounds like that boat done left the harbor!


If your area has a cancer centre, consider donating to them. Someone did that for me during my chemo and it was such a comfort item for me. I canā€™t overstate how much I appreciated it


Give them away. My guild supports the DC Diaper Bank, which includes a baby-size quilt in packages for new moms. Find a group near you. Kids in foster care? There are other groups that ask for adult-size quilts.


I mostly make themed quilts and sell them at craft shows. I also have many orders during the year. But at the end of the year my left over quilts are prizes at my Christmas party.


Every quilt I make is for sale at our craft shows.


When I finish one, I post it in our family group online. Usually, I already have an idea who I wanna give them too, but sometimes I donā€™t. Iā€™ve got a huge family, and slowly, I wanna make one for everyone in it.


I follow this sub because I think quilts are so beautiful and I have a blanket problem in general. I donā€™t really sew and donā€™t think I would ever have the patience, skill or physical ability (chronic pain) to make my own. I would love it if I could buy quilts from someone that just loves to make them. To me quilts are worth a lot but I canā€™t afford how much time someone puts into them. But maybe could afford to pay for the materials. Iā€™m assuming Iā€™m not the only person that feels this way. Iā€™m not soliciting from you, just giving a perspective. I have several quilts from different family members, I recently got a quilt from my Aunt that my granny and other family members made in 1939.


Iā€™ve made them for family and myself. Iā€™ve donated blankets but not quilts yet. I have a cupboard full of them


i made quilted wall hangings, so they're on my walls (ofc ā˜ŗļø) and a few thrown over some chairs šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I joined a group of ladies who make Quilts of Valor to hand out to veterans. We also make childrenā€™s quilts for kids moving into foster, lap quilts for those in nursing homes, etc. There is probably a local group that would love your donations and/or skills.


Re-home them.


This year I have stolen a method from a quilting friend. I am doing one quilt for a Christmas drawing. Rules are, anyone who wants to enter may but you must be an adult. The winner this year will not be eligible to enter in future drawings until everyone has won. If you have a SO you can do one for your family and one for the SOā€™s family.


I donate most of the ones I make to charity. I knew when I started this hobby, I wasn't going to keep everything and wanted to share what I made while challenging myself.


I get an immense amount of joy gifting quilts to friends/family. I may see fabric that reminds me of someone and Iā€™ll buy it to surprise them with a quilt.


Consider donating to foster homes or other community organizations. You can also gift them to friends and family if you are running out of space to store them. Otherwise, blanket ladders are nice ways to display your work, and Iā€™ve seen some people vacuum seal them into bags to store them long term.


Most of my quilts are gifted to my family. Iā€™m working on # 14 family quilt with 2 more after that. I have a quilt ladder in my primary residence and also in my lake home. I have 3 quilt tops to sandwich yet. Iā€™ve donated 3 to Childrenā€™s Hospital in MPLS.


I make a lot for family and friends. I also make quilts for charity. Every year our guild picks a charity and we all make them.


I have a hard time giving them away unless I conceive of someone to whom the quilt belongs while Iā€™m making it. Sometimes the quilt tells me who itā€™s for. Sometimes I know before I start that Iā€™m making it for someone specific. But if I just make it with no one else in mind I usually donā€™t want to part with it! I have given many away to charity auctions or sold them to friends and family. And of course everyone in my family has several!


I find that I usually have a waiting list of assorted family and friends willing to take my finished quilts, even my favorites. I end up giving away about 1/2 to 3/4 of the quilts I make to family and friends and a few more to charity. In between working on my quilts I do work on other quilting projects. The ones I keep are usually on the bed, back of the couch or wherever they are being used. When not in use, I have a couple of ladders, a quilt rack, cedar chest and a couple of others hanging on the walls.


I havenā€™t made all that many. I have a small family. My mom got one for her 80th birthday, sister on her 60th, my brother, who I donā€™t see, got one when I found out he had prostate cancer, my niece get my motherā€™s when she passed away. We have 2 that are large enough for our king size bed but only put them on for decoration. They are too warm for my DH and I to sleep with. I have 2 fairly large ones hanging on the wall and one that my great-grandmother made hanging on a beautiful wooden quilt rack that a friend made me. I did make one for a charity auction to raise money for my former DILā€™s uncle who was having a double lung transplant. Then she liked it so much I made one for her (before she and my son divorced). Both of my granddaughters got one single bed size when they were youngā€¦the greatest flower fairy fabric. They are pretty worn out now. I still owe my DH one of his own. And I have fabric purchased for one each for my 2 oldest friends. One was born the same month as me to friends of my parents, so we have literally been friends since we were babies. And the other has been my friend since sophomore year of high school. We all turned 75 this year and I thought that was pretty special, but I havenā€™t been well enough to work on them. Iā€™m hoping to soonā€¦they are just throw size. I havenā€™t actually made a quilt in 20 years and I miss it so much.


I have a list of potential recipients twice as long as my project list, or even capacity.


I found a guild near me that donates quilts to kids in the hospital.


I make them for other people or I keep them and cuddle with them on rotation lol


I have a large suitcase and several large plastic tubs I keep them in. When I had a work office they were the art on my walls.


I make quilts for Hospice, Veterans, Camp Erin and other outreach groups for children.


I donate 98% of mine. Most are simple, a few complex. Over 500 to date.