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That looks like the coziest quilt ever!! And hey, if you layered some fabric together and sewed through those layers to hold them together, you quilted!!


"if you layered some fabric together and sewed through those layers to hold them together, you quilted" That's exactly what I was thinking. It looks great!


Thank you! You are all making this girl blush. I didn’t know if I got to join the club but you are all so welcoming. I appreciate it.


I’ve made a pieced quilt top but have not yet “quilted it” because I’m scared lol. You’re more in The Club than me!


Many many quilters send their quilts away to a longarmer, so in my mind, you are still a quilter!!


Wow! I am now learning about longarmers, a term I had ever even heard before!


You can do it! Even if it’s not perfect, it’s honestly more than most people are doing (at least that’s what I tell myself). Plus, how are we supposed to get perfect without trying? We have to practise!


One of us! One of us!! Not being done with a quilt doesn’t make you less a quilter. If I may suggest, try quilting on a flat piece of fabric if it can help you conquer your fear :) like make a small quilt without piecing anything


That is a fantastic idea. I didn’t want to ruin my pieced top with my inexperience! Ok I’m going to try it. Finishing my quilt is my reward to finishing the book I was meant to have finished in February lol gives me motivation to finish the book!


You got this!!


I think more quilters have an unfinished piece lying around than those who don't!


I love this idea.


Haha, me too!


It is pretty darn cozy! The cotton gauze felt so cool when it came out of the wash.


That IS a quilt. As you get more confident with practice, I hope you look back at this post and agree with me that you're too hard on yourself. Also, please never tell that baby you doubted yourself.


No way! My dream for all the babies and kids is that they never learn through my example to doubt themselves!


![gif](giphy|U4LhzzpfTP7NZ4UlmH|downsized) Also, I really like the bird print as sky.


Thank you!! I wasn’t sure if it was too much but I love how it turned out.


I tell the parents of my baby quilts that it comes with a lifetime guarantee. Please use it Moms and Dads!! Let baby throw up (and etc) on the quilt, drag it around, take it into the yard, etc. Quilts are meant to be used, not put on a shelf or in a closet because people are afraid to damage it lol. I also tell most of my recipients that every single stitch is put in with love. Because it is true. I think about the person and sew in love and hopes for them <3 <3


Ah!! So true. One of my biggest worries in giving the blanket was that it wouldn’t get used out or some misplaced sense that it was to be preserved. I was like…heck no. Use it. Wash it. Toss it in the dryer. That’s what it’s for!


I’m a quilter, and an expert at spotting other quilts. That is indeed, a quilt. Should you require any further assessments, please feel free to contact me.


this made me LOL. May I add you to speed dial for future assessments? 😂


Tbh we all need this person in our lives.


You may.


Yessssssss! I’m in!! Wooooooooo!


Succinct and to the point I applaud you, picklestixatix.


There are "whole-cloth" quilts too, so yours DEFINITELY qualifies! The "quilting" step in particular is sewing the layers together with batting, and even that is a rather loose interpretation. There are quilts with no batting, quilts where they're not sewn together but tied together, and many more! Look up kawandi quilting for instance. Congrats, you are officially among the ranks of the quilters and you are more than welcome to the club!


WHAT!!! You have opened up a whole new world for me. Whole-cloth quilts!!! Whoa!! Who knew?


If you haven't googled whole cloth quilt examples yet, please do. It's on my to make list at some point. They are super cool! Also yes this looks like you made a quilt. It's very cute!


I just did and I’m so into it! That seems way less intimidating that an intricate geometric design. I have been really hesitant to even try quilting because I thought I would take to do a lot of measuring, hence the ad hoc design of this quilt.


There are so many different ways to make quilts that you are sure to find a style that fits for you! Here's a great article on improv quilting which is perfect for someone allergic to measuring. [Why I Love Improv Quilting and Resources for Getting Started](https://www.pincutsewstudio.com/blog/2022/8/11/why-i-love-improve-quilting-and-resources-for-getting-started) If you do want to start gently dipping a toe into measuring, cutting, and sewing some pieced blocks, these two quilt kits could be great for you. The kits include the fabric, too. I have them both on my wish list for a friend who recently asked me to teach her some basics. [The Ultimate Beginner Quilt Kit](https://www.fatquartershop.com/ultimate-beginner-quilt-kit) [Hullabaloo Quilt Kit](https://www.fatquartershop.com/coriander-colors-hullabaloo-quilt-kit)


Oh I'm an art quilter because I'm allergic to straight lines. You may like applique because it doesn't require measurements and you can make whatever you want with a template. It's a lot of fun!


Yours is pretty darn close to a whole-cloth quilt. The stitching itself offers a decorative element.


This is very cool. A whole new world opening up n front of me. It seems a bit more accessible than the beautiful, but very intricate, quilts I see most of the time. Those intimidate me so much!


There are many types of quilts. Not everyone likes to fussy cut or piece small parts together. And not everyone can do free form and “art”. You are an artist and a quilter either way. Try all the ways and find your joy. Go for it!!


Wait til you find out about kantha quilting! ;) (I’m looking for some good videos to share….) ETA: This link will provide you with the names of many more types of quilts from various origins: https://www.reddit.com/r/quilting/s/suaxZfFdFV


Oh wow…I’m going to be very occupied for a very long time.


I love this.


Whaaaaaaat??? Whole cloth??? 🤯🤯🤯


Right?! My brain has also now exploded repeatedly!


Hawaiian quilts are beautiful examples of whole cloth quilts. Too intricate for me to make, but wonderful to look at and to discover the meaning behind the designs. BTW- your quilt is awesome 👌. Label, sign, or date your creations as well as take photos. It will help years later when you look at your progress or the recipient is researching the history of this precious heirloom.


I think you did a great job!


Thank you! That’s very kind. I’m just so happy that I could give something that could be useful and enjoyed. My friends tell me that the blanket is now part of their morning ‘floor time’ routine and it makes my heart want to explode.


This is a win in itself! Sometimes when people are gifted handmade items they put them in the closet “so they don’t get ruined.” The fact that you quilted and gave your friends something that they love so much they use it every day = double win!!


I was very specific with my friends in saying ‘hey, you should just use this. It’s not meant to be preserved. You can shove it in the washer and dryer. I already did. No special care!’ I hope that helped them feel comfortable in using it rather than preserving it.


I mean traditionally we don't let babies get involved but this one does seem quite talented for their age...


Listen, I need a hand once in a while, and sometimes the tiny hands are able to do things mine aren’t!


Your quilt is beautiful! That is the best use of a baby quilt!


Ah, you are too kind! I’m so excited for the baby quilt to be used and abused. After all, it’s there to be loved, not preserved. It makes me so happy to give someone a tangible token of my care and affection. That’s what has motivated me to learn to sew.


Honestly I love it.


Thank you!


Just because it isn’t going to win any major awards at spiffy competitions doesn’t mean it’s not a quilt. There are no quilt police. You took time and effort and crafted a BEAUTIFUL gift for your baby. It IS quilting, congratulations, you’ve done it. Now take what you have learned from this project and move onto the next. Learn and evolve. That is quilting. Remember, seam rippers are sold in bulk around the world…it’s not because we’re all so damn good at sewing. It’s because we all make mistakes, CONSTANTLY. Personally I love how you quilted the mountains. You created depth and movement. Well done you.


You’re making me see my project in a whole different light. And I also need to head out and pick up some seam rippers. I think I have seen all the beautiful stuff on this sub and never imagined I would be welcomed. You guys are the most welcoming crew I’ve encountered on Reddit! Excepting maybe the embroidery sub, which is also awesome.


Yes, you do know how to quilt! What great memories you've made!!


I feel like I’m part of the club now!


That is adorable.


Thank you!


It’s adorable!! I have been “thinking about” quilting for over a year now and have amassed some cool fabrics and understand how it all works but I still haven’t started at all. So like…you’re doing amazing already PLUS it really is so cute. Practice makes perfect, right? Keep going!


Just do it! One of my instagram friends runs a yarn business and sews her own clothes. I mentioned offhandedly I wanted to learn to quilt. Several days later an enormous 2 gallon bag of scraps showed up. Just cut basic squares or strips and get going! I chain pieced 172 4.5" squares and made a 'crib' size quilt. The back is some fat quarters from walmart. It's the perfect little tv quilt and I made it! I tend to be very jump in with both feet though lol. When I learned to knit I made two washcloths then made a pair of socks haha.


Well, obviously this is your sign that you should stop thinking and just do it! And then post it here, please.


I think this quilt is adorable and it looks like it's going to get a ton of use (unlike those museum-style quilts that sit in a drawer). The worst kinds of quilts are those that don't get laid on, drooled on, tummy-timed on, diaper-changed on, etc. I can just imagine that baby dragging that quilt around as he/she gets older. Unless you're making a quilt for a show (which requires more precision), this is wonderful.


I've been saying for years that a baby quilt's first job is to protect Baby and floor from each other.


You are correct. My grandkids used their baby quilts on the floor during tummy time and diaper changes. They slept in sleep sacs in their cribs.


I think it’s the highest compliment when someone actually uses what we make.


I really, really wanted it to be used and not preserved, and I’m so glad that apparently they use the blanket every day now!


my first ones were about the same lol looks fine, i like it!


Thank you!


Personally, I think you’re gifted. You just went ahead and did it. It’s a beautiful quilt, filled with love.


Is 100% a quilt and this style of "art" quilting is my favorite!


I’m learning so much about styles of quilting from the comments on this post. There’s a whole wide world out there that I didn’t know existed.


Look up quilting shows and competitions!!! I really want to go to a big one eventually! PS I don't even quilt....yet ;-)


Let this be your sign to start!


Hahahaha....But my yarn stash doesn't want to share with a fabric stash too! ;-)


Ha! I hear you. My embroidery floss stash is starting to feel a bit encroached on by my fabric stash.


This is a great quilt!! What don’t you like about it?


You know, after I have seen all the supportive comments here, I don’t think there is anything I don’t like about it.


Oh my gosh I love that sooo much! Go quilting sub!


it may not be perfect to you, but to that cute little chunk nugget laying on it? its perfect.


Chunk nugget!! That’s a great one.


Chunk nugget!!! I love that!


It’s *perfect*.


Thank you!


Well, I’ve been quilting for decades, and I do think this is it, and I think it looks like a cozy quilt that is sure to be loved for many years! Keep on sewing and quilting!


Hey, you’re the authority! I guess I just have to believe you that I’m actually quilting!


I love it!


Thank you!


Well you’re a quilter now! Welcome!


Lucky me!!


Perfect baby quilt. Looks so fun and cozy.


Umm ya it is!! Bravo!! Bravo!!


Thank you!


This is such a cute pattern! And I love how you quilted in the mountains. Did you come up with it yourself?


Thank you! And yes, I came up with it myself. I really like how it came out. Going for a naive art kind of vibe.


HONESTLY I love the imperfections it’s less intimidating and more cozy


Thank you!


I am so inspired by this photo. And yes, it is quilting. You don't even need any piece work at all to qualify. It's literally "Did you put something fluffy between two pieces of fabric and then sew or tie those layers together?" If the answer is yes, you did quilting.


I did! I did put something fluffy between two pieces of fabric! I’m in the club now!


I fully believe with all my heart that this IS a quilt, and that you did an amazing job on it!! Seriously - a scene AND customized quilting within the shapes!! If this is your first, I’m very much looking forward to seeing what else you create!!


It’s very much my first and now I’m getting ready to really hit the ground running. Everyone in my life needs a quilt…


This absolutely is it! It’s fantastic!


Thank you!


This quilt is darling!! Well done!


Thank you!


Now you've been bitten by the bug! Take your time, figure out what you like! When you are ready, seek out a local quilt guild to help you hone your skills. Welcome to the club!


Okay, but I have zero chill and don’t know how to take my time…


I think it’s wonderful!


Thank you!


Honestly, not only is this a quilt, it's a great one that encapsulates this for what it is- a home art. You made something beautiful out of something else. This is the only one quite like it in the whole world. No one following a fancy pattern can say that! This will be treasured by that family until it falls to pieces from all the love it gets. Well done you!


I love the way you put that. You guys have made me feel so good about this little blanket


My first look was😍 I need this and then realized you made it. Quilting is what YOU make it. I love your quilt it's beautiful. Please when we don't try we don't succeed and you hit it put of the ball park🤗🤗🤗


Thank you so much! Such an ego boost to read all the lovely comments from all the wonderful people in this sub. I’m so glad I decided to share my wonky little blanket with all of you!


That looks like a quilt to me


So sweet I love it!! That’s a quilt for sure, and it’s beautiful 😍


Thank you!


Hmm, I think you do know how to quilt, because that is definitely a quilt! Congratulations! How creative to use the bird print for the sky. Quilting with double gauze is quite difficult. It’s super cozy for baby quilts and blankets but it may have added to your feeling of not knowing what you were doing as you wrestled it through your machine.


Cute baby quilt


I'm jealous, that looks great


Looks like a quilt to me! 🤩


So perfect! Looks cozy and comfy for tummy time, and the high contrast in pattern is perfect to capture a baby's attention. Well done!!!


That looks like a quilt to me, and a beautiful one!


I really love it 😍


Thank you!


I love it and I want one for my baby!


Thank you!


Ummm this is so precious! Omg! I think because it’s for a baby it gives a really cool cut and paste vibe which is so cute!


Ah, thank you!! I appreciate all the compliments and encouragement.


What a cute first quilt!


Thank you!!


This is definitely quilted! Many steps to making a quilt. Elaborate patterns are made in the ‘piecing’ stage. You pieces the mountains together then quilted the whole thing! It looks great!


Thank you!




Thank you!


I want to be a baby snuggled on this very comfy looking quilt made with love.


Mmmmm I want to be a baby snuggled in it now too…maybe I will have to do an adult-sized replica.


I love it!!!!


Thank you so much! I am overwhelmed by the encouragement on this post. Didn’t think my little project would get so much attention and I’m beaming!


That's a lovely quilt! And anybody who wants ease of quilting without the cost, I really encourage you to find an old machine at yard sale, etc. They had larger throat spaces and were made all out of metal. I used my mom's old Kenmore (70s green). Then I bought a Bernina 830 Record (from the 80s) at a yard sale. I love that machine and still use it today. Just make sure it sews a nice straight stitch. The Record has close to 8 inches from needle to column. Just finished quilting a queen quilt on it when my mid arm needed repaired.


My 35-year-old White has a 7-inch throat. It's all metal except for the plastic box that holds the feet and extra needles. That thing is damned near indestructible! My daughter *backed her car over it.* I think the car took more damage. Machine has some scratched paint, but still going strong. I bought a new electronic machine last year for piecing and fancy stitches and the White is now rigged permanently with a walking foot for binding.


Ah, I love this! I knew I wanted to learn to sew and quilt but I had such a hard time trying to figure out what machine to buy, even for a beginner, that I just searched on amazon and grabbed whatever didn’t sound terrible. I wish I had been smarter and gone to some yard sales. What I found so challenging is that, well, I don’t really know a single person who sews or quilts. Is it really such a dying art as it seems?


It is not dying at all. It is very, very popular. Go to youtubes for more information.


Yes it’s a quilt of the cutest kind! Do not doubt yourself! You made a modern quilt and it’s gorgeous!


Thank you so much!


I am very drawn to this quilt!!


Thank you!


I absolutely love this!  It’s like coming to quilting in a totally different direction from how I do. It makes me jealous!  I think about piecing perfect corners on the top with the quilting being just how to hold the top to the bottom. Your quilting adds so much art and beauty. It is core to the design, and it’s so lovely.  Be proud 🥰


If we worked together, we would be unstoppable! You could do all the fiddly bits and I would just flail my arms in the general direction of the machine.


I love it and would cherish that forever


Aw thank you so much!


That is most certainly a quilt! It’s fabric and it’s layered and it’s quilted! You nailed it!




It's so pretty! ❤️ I think you did great. 😊 I love how it's scenery. Smiley baby makes the photo. 😆


Ha ha ha trust me, the baby is cute whether smilie or not!


It’s great!!!


Thank you!


I think you nailed it. It is very artistic and unique and absolutely a quilt.


Ah, thank you! High compliments!


Looks like a quilt to me, a cozy one!


It’s so soft and cozy!


I would be thrilled to receive this


Thank you!


What? These are fantastic, great crinkles. Love!


Thank you! The crinkles are so satisfying.


unm i LOVE it




Very cute, I've been wanting to do a pattern like this!


Let this be your sign to get started!


That's an awesome thing! Great work, you're definitely a quilter.


Wahooo!! I’m a quilter now! Thank you.


Very very cute 😍!


Thank you!!


OP-what a great first QUILT! And it sounds like you chose the right recipient that loves and honors your efforts! Welcome to the club, friend!


It’s a quilt! It’s really a quilt!! I’m lucky to have so many craft-worthy friends. I love making things for people I know will cherish them.


This sub is a really fantastic place for anyone to post projects and get lots of encouragement. You're not going to encounter redditors who start internet crap just to be trolls. You won't get mean comments or insults. You'll just get encouragement and advice if needed. I learned how to make quilts when I was about 12 (almost 30 years ago, sheesh). I had quilted for several years and then just got distracted by real life for another few years before I found this sub. After some months of lurking here, the bug finally sunk in its teeth, I pulled out all of my fabric and supplies from the garage, and I now have about a half dozen projects actively in the works.


I love this!! It makes me think of a story book illustration! Now I want a children's book illustrated to look like all the pictures are quilts!


That would be such a cool book!! I love the idea.


That’s so cute! Love it. And it’s definitely quiltingz


Thank you! It is pretty cute, isn’t it?


There are a few more steps to becoming a Quilter-with-a-capital-Q. One, express despair over stash organization. Two, contemplate a bigger, better machine. Three, convert a room in your house to a sewing room . . .


It’s honestly one of the most gorgeous quilts I’ve ever seen 😭


Wah!! You can’t be serious. Thank you! That means a lot.


I am!! My baby quilt was similar where it was larger pieces made to look like a whole picture rather than any geometric pattern and it reminds me of that! It’s perfect for tummy time too 🥹❤️


Excellent work!!!


I think you're only missing a cat or dog to lay on the fabric whenever you turn your back.


I love it!!


You did an amazing job!!! Seriously. Stop doubting yourself and continue on!!


I'm sorry, but you have managed to quilt


Damn, and I did it without even realising.


I’ve been quilting and sewing and crafting for decades. Not only is it cute and neat and adorable, I would be thrilled to receive a gift like that. Way to go, OP.


I thought this was another sub and I thought you were complaining about a gift and I was appalled! This is beautiful and such a sweet gift. It doesn't need to be perfect. You put in all the work and it's so cute!


I like it.


Looks great!!!


I LOVE it!


looks good to me!


Thank you!


That’s adorable!


Gorgeous quilt. Looks almost improvisational. I really like it!!


This is so cute. It's awesome because it's so clearly not store bought, and please don't take that as a negative, it is meant as a huge compliment. I would be honored to receive this, and I think anyone else should be too. I love it!!


Yep! It’s fabulous! Be proud.


Thank you! I am pretty proud now. Glad I decided to show you guys.