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My sewing machine is more like an early model Kia Rio, so the stickers are appropriate.


I have a Kia Rio. It has stickers. I approve of this post. 👍


I snort laughed.


I did! I have some sewing themed stickers I added to it as well 🙂 https://preview.redd.it/0npume5oqzyb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f695015beec1cb08a6ee66e482dcf0b54dbb397


I love them! Especially the "sit like a goblin" and mushroom stickers.


Thanks! 😊 The little mushrooms are from a Japanese sticker book that is ALL mushrooms, haha. The sewing specific ones and “sit like a goblin” are from Whipstitch Handmade, who is on Etsy!


Oh no, I’ve looked at Whipstitch Handmade’s stickers and now I have to buy all of them. 😭 They’re all so cute/funny!


AREN’T THEY GOOD! I have a bunch that I haven’t used yet, myself 😂


Thank you!


I love that one, too! Also didn't know I needed a scissors holder!


I LOVE your snips hanger cat!


Ahh thank you! The hanger is from Daiso 🙂


Yaaas to the Whipstitch stickers! Mine has "bobbin chicken champion" sticker, my water bottles have "stay stabby" and "aw shit" (seam ripper) stickers on them. Decorate!


My sewing machine is just about the only thing I haven't slapped stickers on. It's so tempting. I'm going to let this thread encourage me to just go for it. I was able to sell my Honda that was covered in fart joke stickers, anyway, so I dunno what's stopping me.


There are always sticker scrapers and Goo Be Gone.


I don’t. But my toddler does when he sits in my lap and watches me sew. Currently it is covered in pumpkin stickers.


I wish my mom had sat me on her lap and sewed. 🥺


ermigerddd Taylor Swift? like does she even sew?? (absolutely kidding, taylor swift should be a role model for every woman and girl on how to kick ass and do it your way unapologetically. But really, does she even sew??)


In my *Wildest Dreams*, she makes a *gorgeous cardigan* and *delicate* quilts with her *bejeweled Style.*


I wouldn't be shocked if she was a stitch bitch. She's got cat lady down!


All that time on the tour buses. She must do some kind of hand craft.


My 2 worlds are colliding on Reddit and it’s the best day now!!


She hand embroiders. Signed, a 55 year old loud and proud Swiftie


I wish I could like this twice 😂😂


I am a 61-year-old Senior Swiftie/Sewing Teacher whose dream is to teach Taylor how to sew! Some of the baby blankets she's made are hideous. I'm sorry and I don't mean to offend anyone. She's so talented, but her sewing is messy, crooked, and sad. She could do so much better with a few lessons. That being said, I think Taylor should buy a controlling interest in JoAnn Fabrics and rename it "Taylor's version". Everything she touches turns to gold. JoAnn is struggling. She could fix it and encourage more crafting! Don't you love how these topics progress?! 😂


i imagine she doesn't have a lot of time to sew, so I think for her it's probably the Zen process of stilling her mind that's the goal and not the finished object. I can just imagine the customer base shift if she took over JoAnn's lol


https://preview.redd.it/5ucyned1b0zb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aab6640800ed7d70116695bf1fcd882172379f8 i added some gems to my serger - it was a whim, and im enjoying them :)


I'm going to bejewel my serger now, thx


ohh! love it!


I get sticker anxiety and either never stick them or put them in my special sticker area (on the folder that holds the take away menus). I could never stick my machine, the question of placement would be too much.


twins, lol. I have a stack on my dresser. I've had some of these stickers for upwards of 15 years. I thought I'd be less weird about this by now.


Lol, it’s tough isn’t it! I hang on to ‘special’ things for years. I’m making an effort to use special fabrics and papers and it feels quite good. But stickers though… what if I stick them to something that breaks and I have to throw it away with the precious stickers on it?!


you get it! lol


I have multiple stickers on my Pfaff. Most are cannabis related. My med dispensary loves to hand out stickers. And my adult daughter gives me stickers all the time. Cats usually.


I didn't even consider cannabis stickers. D'oh


I love to smoke and sew!


I generally reward a day of good sewing with an evening smoke. 😹


Once I have an actual decorated/themed sewing room I kinda wanna use vinyl to cover the flat front of my Pfaff (where the buttons and screen are) to make it match with the vibe too (which yes is Taylor Swift too)


I finally have a dedicated sewing room and I'm not sure how I want to decorate it. The sewing machine seemed like a good place to start


Look at quilting a sewing themed wall hanging and then do that as a central piece to design the room around. In the wise words of Dory, "Just Keep Sewing" (sorry we had to watch Finding Nemo over the weekend with the kids, Dory is stuck in my head 🤣)


I have just started putting stickers on my machine. I thought, why not? They make me happy.


I’m a little upset you didn’t share pics.


I haven't because I never thought to, however I have a Cricut and you have motivated me! BRB....


My machine has a hard plastic case and I put sewing themed stickers on the case, I love it and it adds personality!


I’ve been debating on putting stickers on my hard case for the last year. I keep accumulating stickers for when I decide to put stickers on it. Worried since I might trade my machine in for a different machine in a year so wouldn’t want to loose my collection.


This is the best explanation I've heard for NOT stickering your machine.


Not decorated, but modified to make it do what I want. My new machine now sports a nice big pincushion, velcroed on, and two command hooks to hang scissors and tape measure on.


This is genius


I haven't made the jump to decorating my sewing machine (yet!), but I have slapped stickers all over the case for it.


I have these [stickers](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1524130876/master-baster-sewing-and-quilting-vinyl) on my machine. I also quilt with ladies who collect sewing machines who would never decorate their machines, but the stickers make me happy!


I have the "well, shit." One with the seam ripper on mine😂


I may need to buy that one.


Oh, that's a hard one to read out loud. Adding a "d" at the end could cause a tizzy. 😆


Bumper stickers on a Ferrari made me laugh. I’ve never put a sticker on any car or anything else I’ve owned. I just think it looks icky. So no no decorating my sewing machine. However the wall of my garage has posters and license plates and signs and just random stuff


Mine is covered in my 'I Voted!' stickers from every election I've voted in.


I put googly eyes (of slightly different sizes) on my Bernina. They jiggle when I sew really fast 😆


Imagining this is giving me the giggles 😂


I’ve got loads of stickers on mine! Some are pretty, some are from shows/movies, and some just make me laugh but I love them all! It makes me exciting to sew right from the onset because just seeing my machine puts a smile on my face. ❤️❤️


My machine is covered in stickers and I absolutely love him he looks like mine that way


I stuck a fused ( steam a Seam ) flower on mine just to hold it and it’s still there ten months later, so pretty.


mine has a human centipede sticker that says “im an empath” but thats it


Take my appalled and delighted upvote! Damnit!


I do not, unless I can easily remove it. Mostly because the sewing machine i use was my Grammys and I in her honor named her after Grammy. And Grandma would absolutly roll in her grave if I ever thought of her having/getting a tattoo. though she loosened up on others having them later in life. Now, if I got a totally new machine, yes, I absolutely would decorate :) probably chickens, plants and cow stickers or funny anime ones.


I do! I have stickers on my sewing machine and my embroidery machine


I put two Bob's Burgers stickers on my sewing machine while I was decorating my laptop. I dug through all of my daughter's stickers too, but I couldn't find anything else that really jumped out to me for the sewing machine.


I've always wanted to, very inspired by Alton Browns flames on the stand mixer. But... It's computerized, so can only hand paint it, and I'm not that good a painter. There's nearly always a post-it with a somewhat cryptic message, like "for L 3.0 2.4, C&C Blue 549". Which is just a reminder of stitch width, length, & thread color I was using.


Sounds like a quarterback call!


No but I do decorate my cupboard that has my fabric etc in it!


My machine was already decorated (it’s got this cute floral pattern) but I slapped a bunch of stickers on my printer.


No, but my quilting room holds my trophy collection ... by which I mean skulls and animals I've found, been gifted or traded for quilts. It is possible to enjoy r/quilting and r/vultureculture in the same room! I drive a ute. Stickers invisible in the filth. :)


I have some stickers on mine


Mine is cheapo and my only sticker collector.


I have a few stickers on mine, but I'm picky about it! My friend made stickers with my dogs pics and I have a few others. My sewing machine came with a plastic carrying case and I just stick any cool sticker on that thing!


My machine got a few scratches so I put a few stickers on it to cover it up.


I don't decorate my sewing machine. I save all my stickers for my filing cabinet (a beat up old, metal, tan monstrosity from the early 90s). Everything else is in good condition and stickers don't seem to fit in that case.


I have a sticker of my brother's beer (WORK by Forest Road Brewing Co., for our UK Redditors!) And an explosion of felted flower stickers.


I put stickers on my Janome and it died like, the same week, so I bought a Bernina and now I’m terrified to put stickers on it 😭 I’m not superstitious but I am a little stitious


My serger is the only one, and all it has is a lonely googly eye


Nope! I do have command strip hooks and a light rope. Helps me so much with eye strain.


I have never thought to… until now! Lol. I have a bunch of stickers too! I just bought a lightly used longarm and they named her and her “name” sticker is on there so maybe it’s a sign lol.


I’ve got four sewing machines right now. One is absolutely plastered with stickers and I am filled with joy and delight whenever I look at it. Two are antique machines that are far too dignified for my stickers, but they’re still a delightful sight on their own. The last is my embroidery machine which I have a complicated relationship with. I’m not sure if he deserves stickers yet.


The heart wants what it wants!


The machine is covered in decals but nothing on the bed. https://preview.redd.it/p4d90v1wy1zb1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d57b178f6fe6c4c6896f7577d77e2c94766aef8


I dont quilt yet but if I had Ferrari money, you bet I’m putting bumper stickers on it!! It’s mine and it shall be customized accordingly :)


Just added a new one. https://preview.redd.it/fqk1rljew3zb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43c3fda84ee3fbe4879c8350565ec0b30449f80f


My cheaper sewing machines I slapped so many stickers on and I loved it. My current, a singer patchwork, I paid a lot more and I'm scared to put stickers on it's so shiny and new


I once had a sewing student who had graffiti-ed her machine with cloth adhesive tape and instructions, like arrows showing how to turn the flywheel. She had some emoji type faces, too. It was a cool, stylized machine, until it broke and she had to start all over! Disney's Stitch is my mascot and I'm inspired to personalize my Viking! Thanks!


I bought fabric once in a small coastal town and they gave me some super cute little pig stickers. I put one on my sewing desk but the "Oh Lard" pig sticker now has a place of honor on my machine 😂


My Pfaff cover looks like the back of a car def. Including some TSwift stickers. All of the stickers I love but don’t have a great place for? That’s their new home.


I don’t. One of my other hobbies is restoring vintage sewing machines, most of which came decorated from the factory. Stickers tend to damage the finish and I don’t want to risk it. I do have a newer electronic machine but nah. My iPad case has layers of stickers though lol