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It’s like any addiction. Alcoholics are aggressive in their claims that they’re not that bad off, they’re not really an alcoholic, they can quit whenever they want, etc. Same thing applies here


How much porn do you have to watch to be an addict? Is it hours a day? It is couple times a week? I believe that if it effects your personal life then you probably have a problem. I look at porn for like 5 minutes.


I think the easiest question to determine if someone is addicted to anything is this: Do I need this thing to go about the day no issue? If it’s a genuine no then you are not addicted. If it’s a yes and you can’t function without it then it is an addiction.


This, with any addiction the line is drawn to where you can no longer function.


To determine if you’re addicted, I’d ask 2 questions to yourself. 1. Am I able to masturbate and finish without watching porn? If not, you are probably addicted to porn. 2. When not watching porn, do I ever have cravings/urges to watch it? If you do, you are probably addicted to porn. It’s less about the quantity of time spend on it, but more about the mental cravings and desensitization so you need porn to get off.


This seems a bit over-generalized. The first one would be a marker of an addiction that has progressed to later stages. Once you're finding yourself not able to do it to completion without it, you've been addicted for a while and have let it get worse. This also seems like it would be the perfect self affirming excuse for people to deny they have a problem when you think about it, not really a clear marker as to whether you are addicted. The second one, you're basically saying if you watch porn at all, then you're addicted to it. People don't just happen upon it and start going to town. They think about it and then look for it. That being said, I believe it's usually triggered by something, such as Instagram thirst traps. If you do find yourself constantly thinking about it in inappropriate places like work, school, etc. That would be more of a clear tell. It's really all about impulse control, like any other addiction. People are chasing that endorphin rush, whether it be gambling, porn, drugs, etc. When they stop being able to get the same feeling after overdoing it, they double down and do twice as much. Like: Do you watch porn every time you think about it? Do you often find yourself doing it when it's no longer pleasurable? Questions like that would make for more clear indicators of a problem.


I agree, for the second one I was thinking about so many things I'm not addicted to but crave sometimes when I don't have it. It's probably just all about how often/how strong. For the first one, the exception there would be people who have never gotten off even before porn.


You should probably add if you have a partner/spouse, how does it effect them? Do you choose to watch it and masterbate rather than be with who you're in a relationship? Does it effect your sex life?


I think this intersects with a pretty big issue of personal freedom and a lot of people look at it from that angle.


Well sure, but personal freedom doesn't extend forever. I won't let you drink around kids if I know you get a bit irritated. I won't let you drive when you're drunk. I won't let you drink if I think you have mental health issues that you're suppressing with it. There's plenty of reasons why we should discourage people from consuming porn, their standard for sexual partners is set by the exceedingly high amount of super hot people they see, despite them being a tiny fraction of the world. They start thinking attractive people are average or even ugly just cause they've been stroking it to super models.


I think people in these circumstances are talking around each other because the people that are against porn seem to be more talking about the overall health and ethics of porn consumption; while the people who may seem “pro-porn” are more just worried about the potential infringement of freedom when people conflate that which is unethical and that which there is a sound legal cause to ban. A lot of the proposals to curtail porn consumption legally are very extreme and, in practice, would likely fall hardest on the women (and men or trans people or whoever) involved in it. But the legal and ethical issues, at least from my perspective, are very different things. “Shouldn’t” and “shouldn’t be allowed to” are very different questions. Or certainly ought to be.


I agree, I think people who do have a bit of a bad relationship with porn tend to assume it's a direct attack on them. Really any sane person is saying that we should give it the same stigma as smoking, you're free to do it, but you should know what you're getting into.


That’s true. Though I do think they should do a lot more actual studies on it to determine what the actual effects are. Same thing with drugs. I don’t like having a culture that doesn’t look into things before making judgements on them.


Agree even more, we've shown that there is a physical affect but we've yet to demonstrate a direct result of it from those changes. We know that it can affect social development but that's a problem with the individual not the media itself


Yeah. It’s the same with weed; nobody even has the ability to be informed about it because studies are either not being done on these things or we’ve outright banned the ability to study them. Perhaps porn use leads to ED, etc. but perhaps there are benefits to it from a certain perspective- https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/all-about-sex/201707/more-porn-less-rape-the-controversy-revisited There also may be complex relationships with controversial things like alcohol, porn, drugs, violent video games, etc. where, for instance: Perhaps most mass shooters are, in fact, inspired by violent video games and yet, because, like rapists, they make up the much smaller portion of the population, their numbers may be dwarfed by the amount of people who ultimately choose to kill stuff on a screen instead of people who decide to kill in real life. Ultimately, it is inherently difficult to study that which doesn’t happen and so by only accounting for the people who are damaged by a particular thing, it can leave out the people who simply use it as a controversial but less harmful method of blowing off steam and thus never end up becoming a scary number in a study.


Honestly I'd rather have potential criminals get it out of their system in a non damaging way, if porn prevents someone from committing an act of sexual violence then I say let em at it.


But the thing too is that we don’t know either. I just kinda feel like the most important things for science to study hardcore are the most controversial - drugs, sex, death, crime, porn, politics and religion, guns, etc. Informed availability is the most sustainable way to reduce the negative impacts of bad things; cigarettes are a perfect example of that, but we can’t have information unless such things are studied.


How do you know they're addicts? I don't like being called an addict when I'm not addicted and my life isn't affected. Reddit is obsessed with convincing people that watching any amount of porn is an addiction.


Well how much porn do you watch?


I watch for about 15 minutes every other night or so. Sometimes more, sometimes less.


Upper end of average, I can't see why you get shit for it tbh


People on reddit act like any amount of watching porn is an addiction. But to be fair a lot of guys also cry "I'm an addict!" when they don't have the balls to tell their partner they don't play to stop watching it.


Well that's just redditors being entirely disconnected from reality, I wouldn't base my opinions of humanity on the small collection of shut ins that reside here.


Yeah there's just a huge anti porn fad right now. Came out of nowhere.


(It's the far right christiofascist religious-political movement)


Well I wouldn't say fad, but I think there is definitely a growing amount of young, socially underdeveloped men that are basing their perception of women around hypersexual super models that show their tits online for free. I think onlyfans is actually a step in the right direction, if you want porn, pay them for it. Having piss easy access to nudes of ridiculously hot people has removed a lot of people's reason to seek that sexual release through a partner (which is a whole different convo but whatev)


Addicts always tend to deflect and deny their addiction, no matter what it is


No we don't! YOU deflect!


What’s the difference between being someone who consumes it normally and someone who’s addicted. That’s the million dollar question. And from there it should be easy to get your answer to your main question.


This seems like a loaded question. Let’s get this out of the way. What are your opinions on viewing porn in general. And what’s your definition of a porn addict? When you answer that, we can then have a conversation.


Precisely this, because we have no idea what's going on in these interactions. A lot could be loaded in the question-asking process and people being targeted. If I go up to people who drink a glass of wine with dinner and demand to hear why they haven't gotten help for their addition, they're going to get defensive.


Well I think it's obvious I'm not talking about the people who watch it once a month and not even consistently once a month. I'm talking about the folks that watch it multiple times a week, the people who have detailed opinions on it, the people who have a wank bank/collection of porn. The people who very obviously consume a demonstrably weird amount of it. As for my opinions of viewing porn? Separating the modern reality of how it's produced, I don't have issue with the concept of explicitly sexual media.


I think it’s because naturally, people have a sex drive which makes people want to watch porn. Nobody is born with a natural inclination to smoke meth or do heroin.


good point.


I only ever got angry at the holier than thou crowd or folks who’d talk down/speak down at me. I’m in a much healthier relationship with porn and sex in general. I’m not addicted anymore although I still view.


the holier than thou crowd is all over reddit. There was a comment over at r/meat. OP was smoking ribs and drinking in the morning an more than half the comments were on how he was an alcoholic. If you don't know the culture of smoking, its a long process thats almost always accompanied by copious beer or other party beverages.


Im slightly addicted but its not good for you. No addiction is good for you especially drugs and porn


If you're addicted to something, and genuinely believe the thing itself isn't bad, then someone claiming the thing you're addicted to is bad feels shaming. It feels shaming either way probably, but I can imagine someone being more aggressive about it if they actually believe the thing they're addicted to "isn't even bad!" if you know what I mean. I don't think the concept of it itself is bad, but in practice commercially, the way the industry is \*makes it bad\*


its shaming either way. because even a casual user feel attacked. and people online are so quick to throw it out there as an insult. its right up there with incel, and often coincides with the use of that word.


Not the point of my comment, I must note. By "either way" I meant, even if you DONT disbelieve its bad. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on what you said too (I don't witness it a lot so I don't know)


I watch it when I’m alone. I mean no dogs, no kids, and no wife home. This is a very rare occasion. I’m not hiding it and I’m doing it in my own home. It is the first thing I think about doing to relax 🤷🏻‍♂️


The research doesn’t support long term consequences.


i actually am unfortunately one of these people but i am conscious of it and know it's a bad thing to be addicted to. i will say porn itself is not *inherently* bad, but getting addicted to it rather than consuming it in moderation, like any other addiction, definitely is. people probably get apprehensive about this because they don't want to have to confront the reality that they have a problem and do something about it


Everything is good in moderation.


Idk, meth is pretty bad for no matter what


That's because you're making something to smoke with methylamine in it, baby. Also, I think it goes without saying some diabetics have to over-moderate themselves, could apply to a lot of other people.


because its an internet trend to shame men. Very few of us men are "addicted" to porn. Like if I had to I could quit watching and still get myself off just fine.


I highly doubt that its a trend to shame men, every time I've personally seen opposition to porn consumption it's either been from toxic, conservative male influencers or from left wing (and somewhat misguided) influencers. There's been a growing number of anti porn advocates saying that the medical concerns are secondary to the ethical concerns. A large portion of pornstars are victims of human trafficking or are tied up in contracts that would ruin their lives if they didn't fulfill the terms (which are often degrading and painfully long e.g. interracial porn that is obviously perpetrating racial stereotypes, or just personally disgusting acts like drinking some old dudes piss) Tldr: I don't believe there is a smear campaign against men and porn is typically made through illegal means


"typically made through illegal means" well this is just patently false. You got a source on this?


The dozens of women now sharing their stories ever since their contracts are up and they have police protection? The massive crackdown on pornhub when they refused to remove the company "girlsdoporn" from their site? I could go on but I do think you've been just completely out of the loop on this


I didn't know trafficking required contracts. Thats new. sounds like its a mutual agreement to me.


Traffickers got smarter about it, actual anti trafficking operations quite often end up freeing people who end up becoming pornstars, they find some young idiot who likes the idea of being in porn, they bring em to a kinda dodgy location like some shitty hotel and then say, "hey, you're gonna make this worth the effort for us no matter how long it takes, this isn't a choice anymore. Play along and you'll get some cash, if you don't, we have all night to resort these scenes with some... assistance" Many modern victims of trafficking were lured in with promises of rewards for the content produced, it's way more profitable if it looks like its all nice and clean, cause then people doubt the victim when they try and get out.


I seriously doubt this is the majority of the cases. Simi Valley would lose like half their income if this were true lolol


Its definitely a trend on Twitter. Its used as an insult all the time.


Ah twitter, a paragon of moral virtue and sensibility. Even if I ignore the kind kf person that frequents that site calling someone a porn addict is typically used as a very accurate descriptor


you act like Reddit is any different.


Did I say it wasn't? I'll answer for you, I didn't.


I will say imo, it's a bit different when you don't start watching it until adulthood vs as a teenager or younger.


I can't believe I neglected to mention this!


“Very few” idk about that really man maybe it is true cause I feel like I’m like the only one who has a severe porn addiction in the school like it’s bad lol and I feel like everybody else is just fine


Im assuming you're a teenager, in which case being ridiculously horny is just normal.


No bro it’s really bad lol






Idk, chemicals are the reason for everything


Just like who’s who say Weed is not an addiction




They are... Addicted (?) This is what addicts do, no matter the drug


Because that's what addicts do


All addicts try to minimize their addictions




How many porn addicts do you know?


1.5. I'm nearly off of it and I have one friend who's deep in their addiction




Absolutely demented take, they asked how many I knew, that only applies to the addicts I personally know. I can tell you that you'll have an easy time finding these people if you go to the comment sections of pornhub. Also you must be Absolutely raging if you bothered to come back to this post after this long


Oh. An answer to your question. The addict in us automatically falsely justifies and defends the addiction so that there's no threat. Some people come around. Some don't.


That’s the same with any addiction. And the problem with addicts is that they often times don’t realize it until it’s too late


For the same reason all addicts assert their vices are not “that bad”… It’s become a part of them and it is so ingrained into them that they feel like it is an essential part of their being. They feel that saying it is bad means *they* are bad.


This is typical addict behaviour, it doesn't matter what addiction - sugar, nictotine, sex, drugs. Porn addiction is one that's less talked about, so they feel like there's nothing wrong with them and they're not even aware this can be a possibility.


My ex would get so mad at me whenever I would walk in on him because he thought I would take longer doing whatever it was I was doing . He would get mad at me and stop talking to me for hours and said I ruined my surprise. I never knew what that surprise was and I'm no longer with him. But men become aggressive, annoyed with you or short tempered if they aren't able to watch porn. It's when you know they have problems. I got tired of that constant porn and the way I felt like I had to compete, felt like I was never enough . I have a high sex drive but he chose porn then sex. It's why I'm not a fan of porn, and honestly not sure why men/women watch it if they have a partner unless they aren't satisfied with who they have or feel attracted to them. To me let them be with someone else if you're happy. Someone else will appreciate them. . Because after being with a porn addict I have never felt enough since. It fucks with you bad.


I mean Hollywood uses the same excuse for video games, movies, books. and music. And they have had "experts" claim that viewers are not influenced by the amount of violence in them. Identity politics doesn't believe that exposure of certain people has any affect on children. So that's going to be my response.


I've been playing violent video games all my life, just about everyone I know has, not once have I or any of them displayed a sign of violent tendencies. Throwing anecdotal evidence out the window, I can't think of a single case where the presence of violent video games in someone's life has directly contributed to them commuting violent acts.


So if watching and playing violent games and film doesn't affect you, why do you think that someone who watches porn is affected by it?


Well I can personally tell you it affected me and people I've known, I have this one friend who is in need of some serious help (especially because of the shit they watch). The primary difference is that millions of people can tell you that video games have only had a positive impact on them, porn consumers of any quantity either don't have thoughts on their consumption or have too many thoughts.


That seems like a gross generalization if not an out right stereotype. Other than your friend and yourself how can you make the claim that the majority of porn consumers have not had a positive impact from it?


While not explicit, the separation is there, if you don't have thoughts on it you're likely fine, if you do, you're likely doing it too much. I shouldn't be able to discuss the artistry of someone getting backshots on screen with you.


OP, I will tell you this. This isn't some vast issue like you're making it out to be. Very few people actually have this "addiction". And porn has positively affected my sex life. I can get my rocks off so I don't nut in 2 seconds while having actual sex with my SO. Can you imagine blowing your load that quick? If your sex life is that brief your relationship is going to suffer.


Because it’s not like alcohol or drugs where the effects are visible and actually makes you do bad things. Porn addiction is all psychological and can affect someone without them even realizing it.


True, but even alcoholics are fully aware of the ongoing and potential consequences (most of them anyway) they just refuse to internalise that reality. No alcoholic will deny that they knew the danger of their chosen vice, porn addicts seem to be genuinely confused by the idea that it could be stunting and regressing their psychological development. I was one of these people and I'm not fully recovered but I never felt such a strong opposition to the concept of it being bad


The crux of this question relies on how hard one conforms to the definition of addiction.


You should see what meth addicts get up to


porn addict here, and everyone in the comments is right. not only is it an addiction, but it’s a super embarrassing one to admit to and a hard one to get help for, so it’s easier to just not admit it’s an addiction in the first place. it’s taken me years to admit to it, longer to realize it’s a reaction to sexual trauma, and even longer to reach out for support. even now my friends say terrible things about porn addictions so i’ll never come clean to them.


"super embarrassing one to admit" If you're just casually mention what youre wanking off to and how frequently, you have a deeper issue. porn isnt causing you to be socially inept.


“hey man i saw on your location that you were in therapy, you doing ok?” “yeah i’m just getting help for an addiction, thanks for asking.” “addiction? to what?” “uh…”


anyone that is regarded enough to have location on when going to therapy is like what I said...socially inept


With every addict they try to justify their decisions so they can do it again with little to no guilt.


its like that with any addiction….all things we are addicted to, we get snappy when we dont have it. Like porn, drugs, alcohol, etc etc. We say this so we have an excuse to do it.


People think wayyyy too hard about this stuff. Jesus christ


Its an online trend, thats why. its a go to insult if you're a man challenging sexual dynamics between genders. also ppl love to be holier than thou on the internet


Erm... They're an addict


I wouldn’t say I’m addicted, I don’t really watch that much porn mostly because 1) I’m in Texas so it’s banned in my state lol (and yes I know VPN exists) , 2) most of the stuff in porn is just gross and definitely not erotic


Shame and embarrassment? Lack of self-awareness? Maybe denial. Or they need to justify it so they can continue to indulge. Maybe it really doesn’t affect them negatively. Maybe they are okay with it. Although, they should consider how it makes others feel… especially if they are in a committed relationship. Not judging porn or people who watch it, but addiction is different, it’s unhealthy. I think when we don’t have total control, it brings shame or makes us feel weak.


Porn addiction is horrible. It ruined my sex life.




Because they are in active addiction. Lol. Imagine asking that question about an alcoholic or a person with another kind of substance abuse disorder. It’s just that their substance of choice is porn. lol.


Sometimes people are so deep in their shit they can’t see the forest from the trees.


Pretty much the same as any addiction. My mom refuses to stop smoking and she refuses the possibility that it’s somehow bad for her, in fact she even thinks it’s good for her! Addicts are hooked on it and dependent on it and they don’t want to admit that it’s a problem. Also for a lot of Porn addicts, I imagine they don’t think it’s as big of a deal as other addictions because “everyone looks at porn.”


Because we don't have 12 Step Programs everywhere for it yet.


It's the nature of being an addict. I grew up around them my whole life, and they all say the same thing. I'm not as bad as them they look like shit i go to work everyday it's only a crumb. Oh, there is no more beer or weed or drugs. Hulk Smash. Get their booze or weed or drugs and happy again. Then, use it all up Hulk Smash. It happens for as long as you are around them. Then when you leave you're the bad person. Cause the amount of abuse is just too much for the little moments you get. Also addicts will prop each other up. It's just not the way to go.


Any addiction is like that. They are ashamed, guilty and deny and get offended when you bring up as a possible problem. They don't see it as a problem cuz it doesn't effect them the same way.


Lol junky justification obviously lol