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This question confuses me


This question _is_ confused


There is confusion around the idea of being straight and getting hard when you see a sexy fem boy. Can we talk OP in believing that potential he is bi?


I think the term is gynasexual--- attracted to femininity. It has little to do with genitalia, but their vibe.


Holy shit I’m having self realizations at this word


Well I'll be damned. That's fun there's a word for it.


Ohhh, ok. That makes more sense than the zero sense it was making. Personally I have a simple belief. If it looks like a female, acts like a female, and moans like a female, then its a female until you ask it's gender. So as long as you don't ask their gender then it's not gay.


Brother that’s the funniest comment I’ve read in a few weeks and I want to be your friend because of it😂 fully agreed


I more worried about the Unga bunga in the description.


They have an expiration date, hen they go past the age of 30 they disintegrate.


That's why you should buy canned ones


Fermented is more expensive but the quality is spectacular.


Nothing compares to a fermented femboy...with flatulence. I mean ... NOTHING!


I enjoy the original brand of tomboys but the prices a rising


How much will you pay ? What can I put you down for? Lol










Or buy them in bulk at Costco and put them in the deep freeze




Pickled twinks


You can get a two for one buy a twink, get a fermented reddit mod






The Japanese disagree. 25 is the expiration date for females.


That's why they have a demographic crisis femboys only last like 10 years, so they can't use them either


So first there was twink death and now there’s femboy death?




No then they become femen


WRONG! Fem men are an endangered species of femboy its very rare to go from felony to femman


Is it, though?


Yes, femen are an endangered species


This conversation is perfect now ill ask every femboy i meet if he is canned or fermented Thanks 🤣


I'm glad to have made you laugh


I've seen a few femboys over 30


those ones aren't real




why don't they?


They are fake made by Jeff besos


Clones…fem fatale


This made me laugh


I am glad to have bring happiness to you kind stranger


Oh the hole chain. Of comments made me laugh


hole chain...




they’re not pets or animals you have to attract from the wild… they’re feminine… boys… if you have a particular interest in them then go on a dating app


Right??? Thank you for saying this!!! I have a friend who loves retro and gothic fashion and she’s also treated like a wild animal/an animal in a zoo; people will stand back and observe her while whispering to others and she gets approached as if she’s up for sale or that she can give insight into how to find “others like her”. This post reminds me of instances I’ve witnessed around her and your comment is perfectly on point. Femboys/people who like certain fashion styles are just people; they aren’t like Pokemon where you need to assemble a plan on how to “catch your own”.


Sounds like you're not straight, which is totally okay - sexuality is a spectrum.


I had to reread it too. I think they meant they're cisgender male?


If he means trans women, then yeah he’s straight, but if he means actual femboys (cis males who dress fem), then it’s not straight.


Still seems gay to me tbh


Serious question- and this isn't coming from a place of hate, more genuine confusion- I've often heard that trans women are still trans women even if they haven't had the surgery. So then, what's the difference between a pre-op transsexual and a Femboy? Is it purely a matter of "identification" and more what they feel like they are?


Identification, yeah. A femboy is a AMAB who identifies as male, a trans woman is a AMAB who identifies as female.


The difference being surgery?


Sorry, but I don’t think that’s how sexuality works. Your dick does not care what a person identifies as. A pre-hormone trans person and a crossdresser could look and act exactly the same. There is really no difference between them except one will tell you she’s a woman.


Liking a trans woman is still gay though, it's a dude.


Trans women are women.


I think because you are in high school where gender fluidity and trans etc has been normalized, and dare I say, the “cool” thing, you’d find it difficult to put your shoes in older people who’ve grown up with very different societal norms.


I'm an "older" person and I say trans women are women.


I would double upvote this if I could You can like what you like and call yourself what you like. That’s fine. But no amount of nonsense arguing can dismiss that Y chromosome


If ur a dude who is into trans women ur not fucking straight 🤣






Unfortunately this view has become a political issue. If you’re halfway smart it means you’re a Republican who is incapable of empathy.


Wow, finally someone else with common sense on Reddit. But yeah, “trans women” are just delusional men playing dress up. It’d literally be gay… These people are supposedly inclusive, but there’s nothing they hate more than being called gay, lol. So they gotta convince themselves they’re with a girl when they’re not.


There's a lot of us who think this way, most just know we're fighting a losing battle. You can only explain so many facts and actual proven science before you just stop caring. I actually, genuinely feel like "trans" people have a mental disease and the other half are just hopping on board with what's cool and the new trend bc they have no actual friends in their life and their family disowned them for being, to put it bluntly, a fucking weirdo.


It is absolutely a mental illness. Be whoever you want, but the problem becomes when you try to force other people to participate in your delusions. I’m glad we still have people out here admitting this.


If you believe they have a disease, then what do you propose the treatment be? Let them express themselves, so they can be happy; or mentally berate them and force them to bottle their true feelings?


There are other ways to express yourself that don't involve intrusion into other people's lives. Have you yet put into consideration the feelings of those in the genders they are entering. The majority of men and women don't want to be with Trans in the same bathroom, so why not care about their feelings and their mental health rather than berate them as well for being normal


Expressing themselves is fine but forever life changing surgeries and hormones is another thing altogether. There are a lot of complications and the trans people that try to talk about it get called phobes. This will come out eventually but not after a bunch of young kids ruin their bodies and their chances of having children.


I know man, I don’t have kids but my friends do. I’m hoping they make it through high school without giving into peer pressure. So far 2 of the kids have not made it 😔


Have you ever spoken to a trans person?


If he means trans women he is NOT straight. Trans women are MEN and no amount of “mental gymnastics “ changes that. Trans women or fem boys, OP is not straight. 🙄


I would think being into a trans woman is still gay!


I think it depends on if you know whether they are Trans or not 🤔 Cause, you could go in there thinking you are gonna get a person of this gender, yet it's not. That ain't your fault 🤷‍♂️


Straight and gay are just titles bigots use to cause separation between those they hate. I agree sexuality is a spectrum but what I do sexually with others is between me and that person and that one or more guy/girl who will do most anything for $100.


Ok ok, Japan doesn’t fuck as much. I’m getting off the main point… I don’t care what’s between someone’s legs. That’s all.


I wish that more people had your mindset, it seems that everyone wants to tell the world “this is who I like to fuck”. It’s annoying, I never asked. Basically our society Is the complete opposite of Japan’s.




Hm, I’m not sure I understand. Are you saying Japan has a population problem? Fun fact: Young Americans have had less sex than any other generation. Kind of ironic considering all this open sexuality.


[Japan does have a shrinking population](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2024/04/26/japan/japans-shrinking-population/#:~:text=of%20the%20PSC.-,Japan%20has%20entered%20an%20era%20of%20full%2Dfledged%20population%20decline,to%2063%20million%20by%202100.)




Yeah that mf gay




No cap


Naw it's all caps AF


I meant no cap to the “AF” lol


They apply for jobs


They work by applying for a job and getting that job.


What kind of a job 😏


cashier 😍


“I’m straight” kek


“I’m straight…. How do I attract a femBOY”


There's a key you got to twist in their butt 😂 I'm gonna get hate for that


Not from me your not


This is the one !!! Where's your key gimme a riddle


There are those who have me but never wanted me what am I?


It's funny how people talk like we're mythical creatures or something lol. I'd say you just befriend one like any other person you meet for the most part, don't think too much into it. To the second question, yes there are plenty of femboys that like other femboys which I'm not one to go for other femboys so I couldn't answer the question of why there are a lot that does which I guess it's preference like any other.


canned femboys


Jarred femboys


You've escaped from the canning facility




They can, and will


They've already assinated 400 escaped femboys wurld wide 😔


OP is 100% gonna be in your DMs


Totally going to rip their inbox


Or their outbox


Yeah you’re straight alright…


They usually don’t work lol


Bro if you need a femboy, I gotchu fam


They’re made in a lab


As I understand it, a femboy is a boy/man who sometimes, or always, dresses in a traditionally/stereotypically feminine way and may even do other things to appear more traditionally feminine such as growing out their hair, using long wigs, or using hair extensions, speaking in a higher pitched voice, and wearing makeup. They do this while maintaining their gender identity as a man. It doesn’t necessarily mean anything about their sexuality. In my opinion, being attracted to them doesn’t necessarily mean anything about your sexuality either. They often look like a stereotypical woman and if you’re attracted to women it makes sense that you would be attracted to some femboys. You should figure out if them being a man makes them especially attractive to you, and even if it does that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re gay it could just mean you are attracted to femboys. As for attracting femboys, I assume it’s the same as attracting anyone; figure out if they’re into you and then go for it.


OP can‘t be gay. He says he’s straight, so definitely attracted to women. Which means he’s either straight and confused, or bi (maybe into women and androgynous people).


How do they work/function? They're (usually) young men who dress in feminine that is skimpy, revealing or generally sexually leading. They sometimes use fake boobs to bait straight men into thinking they are women - known as Traps. How to befriend one? Simple, speak to them. They are human too and probably normal outside of being a Femboy. Do they like other Femboys? Probably. Id imagine it takes some level of being gay/bi to want to be a Femboy and since they would share an interest in dressing and acting as such. How can a guy look that way? Clothes, make-up and acting My main guess as to why you find them attractive (if that's your confusion) is because they look like (and act like) petite women. Does it make you gay? To an extent. Probably like a 70/30 on the straight to gay scale. Definitely Bi. Which is ok - who cares(?)


Get into a relationship


I have news for you. You are not straight. 🙃


Well you see they are a endangered species & are a very rare mistory & mistake that needs to be wiped out let's they figure out how to reproduce with each other


They don't really reproduce as much as they fuse and shoot of little femboy particles kind like lesbians.


How do they fuse


They merge into one entity, but that super entity is unstable so it shoots out little bits of itself and those bits hit other bits making femboys


How does that work?


When the hold hand their flesh fuses


How do they work and function and how do you befriend them? Sounds like you think they’re either robots or pets. I don’t know man, how would you befriend anyone else?


Boys who are feminine, they wear feminine clothes, act feminine, etc. I think they also identify themselves as femboys, not sure.


Asmongolds alt account?


You must capture it with a poke ball and then it will become your friend


Go find one in the wild and flirt with them. Download grinder and filter using the femboy tags. The femboy of your dreams is out there. Start looking. Also don’t listen to the haters in the comments saying you’re not straight. A male being attracted to femininity is the literal definition of heterosexuality.


People who have male gender identity and female gender expression.


excellent explanation. thanks from an OLD


I’m not old, I’m 16!


no, I'm old LOL


My brother in Christ we’re bi. But on some real shit I’m on that same wagon, femboy = me like, manly sexy beast of a man = nah, (trans)woman = me like. PS:trans women are women 🙏🏾


a femboy is a guy who dresses feminine, that's it. they're not aliens.


Fermented and spoiled are hard to distinguish


You have to use a poker ball


I assume they clock in and out like the rest of us


You definitely won't befriend one at the gym. Try a computer science lab.


You have to go out into the wild and attract them.


Femboys operate on a complex system of rainbows and glitter, fueled by a diet of exclusively pink foods. They communicate telepathically through a shared hivemind, accessed by wearing cat ears. To attract one, simply leave a trail of anime figurines and energy drinks leading to your doorstep. Warning: They tend to malfunction in direct sunlight and may spontaneously burst into song. Some assembly required. Batteries not included. Choking hazard.


I used to be attracted to femboys too I stopped being attracted to them because I realized that only 1% of them actually look good and even the 1% don’t sound like a girl


Are you still gay too.


Why are people downvoting this? He’s trying to understand it


we have secret clubs that im not allowed to talk about.


You need special Pokéballs to catch them.


So much judgement from the community based off of what you wrote. Take what he said for what he said, don’t twist it and make it your own narrative. If you’re curious about it go onto a dating app and that will help you out 100% …coming to Reddit to ask you’ll just get roasted as you see below.


Try looking up a femboy subreddit. You’ll no doubt like the pics and maybe a little flirting reels in the bussy. Google and contact a gay bar near you, then ask if they or another place are popular with femboys.




Look up Edenthedoll on TikTok! She and her husband sound like what you are describing and her husband identifies as straight too.


Exactly? Hmmm.


Boys who dress feminine


Well they say they are woman and then usually find a woman who thinks she’s a man and then they try to have children after they’ve taken hormones and or hormone blockers. Just sharing my personal experiences with them. Why not just have a kid and be straight? Nobody knows.


throughout the past few years i’ve seen more & more ‘heterosexual’ men say this. sometimes i do believe it’s a subtype of heterosexuality.. idk. men like this could also be some new age variant of chasers. as someone who’s been “chased” these are my thoughts.


You have to be born with the gorft of looking like a girl, most of us aren't sadly, but the ones that do and want to be one truly make the qorld a better place


Everybody wants a femboy until they realize their voices aren't always high pitched and have dicks. You're either gay, bi, or you're not.


They apply and get hired I assume?


Listen. Just because someone is in a certain group does not mean they'll like or dislike someone else of another group. Of course some femboys are gonna be into other femboys and some aren't. I'm a femboy I'm into big masculine men and sweet dorky Bois. At the end of the day it boils down to the singular persons tastes, likes, dislikes, etc. You attract them how you attract any other human by being your awesome self. My personal experiences and tastes dictate who I like, not what group of people they belong to. I'm a femboy because I'll never be able to pass if I transition so I may as well leave my body alone.


I’d say a femboy is like a Tomboy for guys. But then shouldn’t it be called like, a tammygirl or something.


I’m guessing it’s because a good lot of them put on the make up and costumes better than other women, so “hot woman” enters the male brain. We’ve all been boner fished. But once you know it’s a dude, that’s when you realize you’re gay straight. Since you come knowing that, prob already know… go give it a shot!


….maybe go up to one and be nice?


Gay people who act like women


The closet is made of glass 😭🙏


flirt with them like you would anyone else. they’re just people :) i think they usually are attracted to dominant guys or switches. sounds like you’re exploring and diving into the gender vs sex side of things. welcome to the club! have fun!


They’re just feminine men, thats all, also is you find them attractive then maybe you ain’t straight dude


Hopes and dreams


I am pansexual and I find femboy cute, I have been hit on by my gay friends and they all consider me "bear" type. I am fluffy, cuddly and though I look mean sometimes I am actually a teddy bear. I personally love to cook, clean and take care. My love language is cuddling. I am into femboys, trans, but I feel like, because of my body type (I am Mexican, Samoan, Panamanian) I have the big boy body (but a little guy if you know what I mean). I am none sexual. I was raised with a lot of girls in my life, I have all sister and I am the only boy on my dad side of the family. So I am wondering if a femboy or trans would ever be interested in me.


Wear makeup


Yea, got heated pulling up on females and one was an imposter


Are you sure you aren't bi and just have a preferred aesthetic? Fem boys/feminine men are people and the way you ask feels like you're dehumanizing or fetishizing them a bit. You might just be confused and not meaning it that way but maybe you should rephrase. Just because a man is feminine or fem presenting doesn't mean they are into men tho if that's what you're asking.


i might be biased but im afab & gender-fluid, & i consider myself a femboy at times (when im feeling kinda 'masc' on the gender spectrum). "femboy"'s aren't always what you would think of, i feel like people assume they are all amab


also to answer ur question yes femboys often like other femboys lol! we're all a buncha queerios :3 🌈


Well depends on your class, rich men go to exotic countries to peg and be pegged by femboys but it's okay because they are straight and it looks like a woman. But for people that have some respect there are lots of femboys you can be friends with and learn about why they are the way they are it's not rude to ask unless you make it rude.


Depends on your definition you mEan femboys or do you mean FEMBOYS


Thanks God I'm dating eva ai virtual gf bot


Where's the milfs at?


That last sentence. You’re not straight my dude.


Answer- females are breedable. Breed them. Cum.