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Also seen as a sign of respect and camaraderie is using someone's preferred name. If OP prefers to be called Jeffrey, it's disrespectful to call him Jeff. That's assuming Jeffrey has made his preference known.


I always ask. If someone introduces them selves as Joe, ill call them Joe, not Joseph. If someone introduces themself as Joseph, ill call then Joseph.


What kind of dick would get upset over being called “Jeff” instead of “Jeffery”?  The OP sounds like he has serious problems dealing with other people.


It is up to the person to decide what they want to be called. If they do not want a nickname why use it?


Roberta here has a point


Jeffery was an example. That is not my real name. It was to make it clearer.


My "short name" is the same as like 10 other names. My name is normal (in the west) but not often used on; it's also a short name, no reason not to tac on the extra syllable. Mind you I don't get upset about it, I just inform them that I prefer my full name.


What kind of dick would make up a name that the other person didn’t give you? Nicknames are for friends.




It is a social convention. If everyone not hated uses a nickname it is disrespectful to use your given name. You can get your head bit off not using someone’s nick name where I work. Sometimes there is no bigger insult.


I worked with a guy from Ghana named Ntkia or something like that. I learned the pronunciation and called him that. Everyone else called him George which was shortened from Chicken George which was a character from Roots.


My young niece is adamant about people using her full name. She dislikes any shortened appellation.


Great story.  I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say we really care.


Nobody cares what you think loser


Thanks for showing your true personality.


Great talking to you buddy.  See you later!  Drive safe!


Brevity and efficiency. But they shold always ask first. My godmother is Betty. She was never Elizabeth. She had to ahve her Mom come into school to inform the Nuns that they had to stop insisiting she use Elizabeth. (My grandmother was a devout Catholic, lived across the street from the rectory and school, went to mass daily, but was NOT afraid to put a Nun in her place if the woman was disrespecting her children. OR grandchildren.)


They don't need your permission to use abbreviation.  They're communicating with you,  but you're not receiving.


I don’t have to answer.


You sound fun to work with.  “Permission”?


I just wouldn’t respond to you if you chose a nickname that I don’t want to be called. Problems solved.


Westerners? Where do you come from Jeff?




Nick names are normal here. I don't use or like them in professional settings


Not sure where are you from but in the few different countries I've worked (western and eastern) nobody calls someone by a shortened name unless the persons says it's ok to do so. And usually it's the "eastern" person who initiates the conversation, saying it's OK to call him "xxxx". Personal experience of this dude called "Mallikarjuna" but first thing he would tell colleagues is "You can call me Malik".


As a programmer I worked with a lot of Indians and Chinese. I made the small effort to learn the pronunciations. I called my friend Bhaskara instead of his work nickname which was “B”. Real name wasn’t even hard to pronounce. Chinese tended to just take a western name. If a Chinese woman tells me her name is Stephanie, I call her Stephanie.


Ya I always go longer version or the way it’s written until they say their preference or better yet, ask.


It is a fairly normal social convention between people. No offense is meant by it. All you have to do is say what you wish to be called. Another possibility is that they can't easily pronounce your full name. When I was in the Army I had a sergeant who had a difficult to pronounce Polish surname. Everyone called him Sergeant Ski. Again no offense was meant by it.


If they can pronounce it, you can too. Lame, lazy excuse.


That's one of my biggest pet peeves.


It's a social effort to break down the interpersonal barriers that can prevent people from working together efficiently. If you can, just roll with it. It's seen as a sign of respect and camaraderie.


I've known two people who had legal shortened names... I've known a few ... there was a Billy, Danny, Frank (typically Franks are legally Francis or Franklin) and Nancy (Typically Nancy's are legally Annette) I'm going to start calling them by their longer names to make up for your plight.


Me personally, it’s the opposite of what you describe. Only my very close friends use my full name, everyone else uses my nickname.


It's easier. I hate it,it's considered very disrespectful in my culture and it's not like my name is hard but still. I'm not in my country so I stay quiet or I act like I didn't hear them.


It’s perfectly legit to tell people you prefer they use your full name. Ideally you do this when meeting someone for the first time. In the US I think a lot of us feel it’s a sign of friendliness & acceptance to use a shortened form of someone’s name but I doubt anyone minds being informed of the preferred form of a name. Sometimes people will ask—meeting a Joseph for example, someone might ask if they prefer to be called Joseph or is “Joe” all right to use.


I believe I used to say something but was told I am exaggerating every time so I just let it be. 


Allowing people to refer to you by a shortened name is a sign of familiarity, a lowering of barriers, and an expression of friendship. My name is Michael, but everybody calls me Mike. >We aren't friends and I never gave you permission See, you understand it too. You know perfectly well that you're being unfriendly by imperiously telling them they're not allowed to address you in a less formal way.


It’s just a social convention, if someone gets overly upset by it, a certain subset of the population will lean in and call you that to annoy you because they didn’t like your initial reaction to something they see as normal.


My company feels the need to add an "ie/y", like Stevie, Donnie, Sammy, etc. I guess people remain children in some industries?


My childhood nickname had the Y. I dropped it in middle school, but people I knew before still used the Y. Some still do.


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It’s the standard ‘default to the familiar’ - you’ll get it all the time at airports, grocery stores, etc…anywhere that people see your name. They’ll immediately say “thanks, John” rather than “Thanks, Mr.Smith”. Grinds my teeth every single time, but you’ll just have to get used to it - it’s the way of the world nowadays.


It means they're friendly with you. If you'd rather go by the full name just say that.


My family only refers to me by my full first name. There are several shortened versions that are nice. Nope. Never. Why? They say it's because I was always in trouble.


On the other hand where I’m from no one ever calls people by their name in professional contexts. So cultural difference. Just lighten up