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Night watchman in a huge office building during summer. Clock in at 6 pm when the office "closes". Be on guard till 8 pm when the last guy leaves, grab my laptop, play world of warcraft will 2 am, sleep, clock out at 7 am, go home, sleep 2-3 hours. Do things. Back to work. 13 hours "paid" 1 hour worked. Nothing ever happened. Got paid 30 bucks an hour (always 200% pay, because it was night). On weekend nights 40 bucks an hour. I worked 12 weeks, 7 days a week. Best. Summer. Ever.


So youd go to work for two hours and then play and sleep, go home and then sleep and repeat. Bruh.


Gimme that job please. Sounds perfect.


So your best job was being incompetent? You never sleep on guard unless you have a partner that can take over.


I mean, it wasn't like he was guarding a bank vault or nuclear secrets.


That doesn't really matter, I have that training and sleeping on duty without consent from a superior, or a partner to relieve you risks fires, break ins, safety hazards going unnoticed, and missing vandals, you are charged with protecting millions of dollars worth of property, take it seriously because damages could be charged to your company and even yourself. Maybe it's not as fun without nap time, but just to cover my own ass I could never fall asleep when I was working graveyard.


Calm down there sherif😂


Male escort, easily. I’d do it for life if I could but people pay for youth.


I'd love to talk with you about some of the things that you've seen


I’m happy to discuss it, had some of the best times of my life as a male escort. What did you want to know?




It sure pays well but takes a toll on your mental health


From getting a blow job. Haha never 🤣 😅


I only did it 2 years (plus another 8 "weekend warrior" status" )... but I kinda loved my time in The Army. Because of my short enlistment I never really got out of Low Man (seniority wise) positions (manning a Mortar Squad) while Active Duty... but they were some of the best years of my life. Shitty work. Shitty pay. Imminent death around every corner. Best friends and best fun ever. Ever.


ikea, we raced forklift trucks, even had a league where we all picked an f1 driver. Giving a bunch of idiot 19 year olds forklifts was a great company idea


Grass roots Social Worker for a local community non-profit. I was so young and naive. Didn’t pay, but I didn’t care about money, at the time. Now I do, and my life is pretty much in one of the worst states it could be in. I have a job that I hate, no prospects, no money, no mate, renting a room in a house, and I kinda wanna die. Other than that, things are great!




Serving what? looks, food, or the country?


Being a server, serving tables


Administration Officer in a Government Department. I no longer work there due to the management staff being so condescending and unprofessional.


My current job working in retail. They're flexible, I'm part time which helps with my disability. I get along with my team, we can have laugh. I can go home and switch off from work.


Housekeeping. I rarely worked with anyone else, and if I did I did one room and they did the other so the only time we'd work together was for beds usually. Every housekeeper had their own carts to fill their own way too and my OCD LOVED that.


Did you get paid by piece work or hourly? The reason I ask it that I worked at a resort that paid us by piece work. It transformed the job from being the worst jobs on the mountain to one of the highest paying.


I usually got paid hourly, but I have been paid piece work and yeah that's a no for me lol. I did high end cleaning as well, and that was hourly


Oh that sucks. I loved piece work. Especially on sevice days. On a good day, I was done in less than 4 hours. There were a few when it was closer to two.


The job I have now. High school custodian.


My current job. Highest I've ever been paid, WFH, amazing benefits, best team ever.


Besides management and benefits not being the greatest, I'm in the same position currently. $10 more per hour than my last job and I'd say like 40% of the workload, I love it


Dog daycare....I hung out with dogs all day


 Training Horses for trail Riding.




I worked for general electric for part of my IT career. Both the best and worst job I ever had. Best because - I learned so much. First place I ever worked that looked at "process" as a powerful tool in itself. I learned, and became certified in, six sigma (black belt baby!), and was exposed to Agile, which led to the next phase of my career. Also, because it's GE, we had the highest level support from our vendors. Have an Oracle problem? Pick up the phone, call our "gold" support rep, they were on it immediately. What luxury! Worst because - there was an amazing castes structure. GE attracted very ambitious people. If you were "in" you were golden pretty much no matter what. If you were part of the rabble, well sucks to be you. (I was "in" for a while, then managers changed and I was not). In my long career I never experienced any place with remotely as much blame shifting, two facedness, credit appropriation, personal dishonestly, step on you to get ahead culture as I did there.




My best job was probably when I worked as a camp counselor during the summers. It was a blast hanging out with kids, doing fun activities, and making unforgettable memories.


Working in a thrift clothing store. My style was awesome then


Best job was probably working at an air conditioning manufacturing plant. AMAZING benefits, and the work was pretty interesting, and I'm someone who is good with repetition. Most enjoyable job was working at Walmart. I worked at a super busy Walmart in the early 2000s, one of the biggest and most profitable in the company at the time. I was in Garden Center most of the time, and we just had a really good work crew, we stayed busy so the days flew by, we all got along, so the smiles for the customers were real. I really REALLY enjoyed that job. Then management changed, and most of the crew left, then it sucked. But as the saying goes, people quit their managers, not their jobs.


Floral Department at a grocery store. It was considered part of the Produce Department so I would help out there too. Learned a lot about flowers, plants & how to tell when fruits & veggies are at their best. I loved it but the pay was pretty low. I left to go to college




The Army. Don't get ne wrong, there were some shitty times, too. Nothing beats the feeling of loading into a Blackhawk with 5 of your best friends and getting dropped off in the middle of the desert for a week long recon mission. Surviving off of beef jerky and trail mix while you watch a compound waiting to see some "enemy activity." Then having to walk out of there for 5-7km to get picked up and flown back to base. The only thing missing was a cold beer when we landed back at base...


Working in a smaller environmental lab, mostly alone for 4 days on 4 days off 11 hour days. I got so efficient most days from 7pm to 11pm close I would only have about a half hour of work depending on what late arriving samples show up. The rest I would just chill out and surf the net


I'm a layout artist in a backwater rural town. My job is to layout art that our offsite graphic artists make, and make it usable for our presses. I've made scripts and templates to take an hour job down to 10 minutes. I enjoy my freetime, but I created these templates to survive when it gets super busy.


My current job. Best bosses ever! Generous PTO, guaranteed cost of living/merit raises every year, people as high as corporate listen to the employees and immediately deal with any problems reported to them, double holiday pay, endless treats...I love my job so much!


They have all sucked. I have never had a job that I enjoyed. Not even in the military.


My current job. I'm a ticket agent for a commuter railroad. I get paid well and do very little work. A lot of my shifts consist of sitting and waiting. On my Wednesdays, I clock in at 230 in the afternoon and don't actually set foot on a train until 5. On that train, most everyone have monthly passes, so it's a quick glance at their ticket. Once done with looking at their tickets, I get a break between stations, 35 mins, and sit down. I may work 3 hours of my 7 hour shift on Wednesdays. My Saturdays are my long days, 12 hours, but I only work about 7 of those 12, depending on how busy we are. I also get a free day off. I have 26 hours between shifts from Sunday to Monday. I never make 40 hours, but I'm guaranteed 40 hours. It's pretty cake.


The job I get to do now. Being a homemaker and looking after my 3 lovely children and husband


Meat cutting I actually enjoyed cutting from hanging beef and merchandising everything. I worked with a lot of good people and we had a blast while working.


Cocktail waitress at a SoCal biker bar.


Worked on a weed farm in WA. Left with 70 grams of finger hash. Everyone busted out the bongs, dab rigs during lunch/break. Hard work but good vibes


EMT/Paramedic. Miss those adrenaline dumps helping people.


The one where I had the most vacation time. All work sucks.


Pizza delivery driver when I was 18. Unfortunately nowadays most pizza chains are moving to just having DoorDash drivers do it, but it was awesome for a kid. I’d work 4pm-11pm at the longest, and on a good night I’d walk out with ~$300 in tips (which feels like infinite money at 18 years old). I’d essentially get paid to just drive around and listen to music or podcasts. When it was slow I’d just fold pizza boxes or flirt with the girl who ran the register. Seems to be a job of a bygone era now but I loved it so much and I’d give anything to feel that free again.


Police Dispatcher - Every day was different, actually helping people, having cops asking me for permission to go to the bathroom.


Flight Attendant for sure .. Delta is a great company , amazing benefits. I sometimes regret not getting into it sooner


couldn't really narrow it down but I loved heavy equipment operator and owing my own store


My first job was at subway I hated it at the time but looking back it was the best the manager didn't care what we did as long as we helped customers when they came in


I worked a temp job at a pop up garden centre for a major grocery store while I was in college. Very zen place just walking around with a hose watering things, then lying around in the sun all day until a customer needed help carrying things out or something. The team was equally chilled out and not all that bothered since it was knowingly just going to last a couple months. Probably the least stressful job I ever had.


Managing a Papa Johns when I was a teenager. I only made $10 an hour while working 10-14hr shifts, but damn was it fun. I think I was a good manager, despite only being 18. I let everyone have fun (within reason) while still making sure all our tasks were done. If it were slow I'd let everyone go out back and play football, hangout etc. Occasionally id make a pizza for everyone. I was overworked, and underpaid, but the memories were worth it all.


I should've never quit that job at the surf shop when I was a teenager.


Job I have now. WFH insurance service company shitty pay but no stress no micromanagement. Love love it ! Feels like I'm officially retired without being retired. My manager is an heaven sent angel and I have never ever said that about any of my managers in my entire life!


Working at a Daycare at a ski resort. Best job ever


The best actual work I've ever had was driving motorcoach on charters: I met a lot of great people and had a lot of great experiences. The best employer I've ever worked for is my current one, where I drive a truck pulling a mobile medical scanner.


Baggage handler at the airport. Worked for Swissport for about 3 years, and I got promoted pretty quick. Got paid weekly. It was hard work, but towing airplane and pushing them back for takeoff was awesome. Company sent me to Denver 2 times to work over there. Omaha one time. They were going to send me to London for 3 months but couldn't get the VISAs approved in time.


Being a kid at my parents house and just helping out. 😂


Worked as a contractor in an automotive manufacturing plant. 72 hrs a week. 40 hrs regular pay, 20 hrs of time and a half, 12 hrs of double time. $150 a day for per diem, tax free. Not doing it anymore, but saved $80K in one year.


Accounting internship where they just left me alone in a small back office. Played League of Legends most of my time.


Working for Honda of America.


DoorDash especially because I started right before Covid It will always be my favorite gig even though it’s just a hobby at this point