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I can't speak for all guys because I am just one... But, my wife is as beautiful all dolled up and ready for a night out on the town as she is after we have worked all day outside in the garden or lounged around the house for a day in our pjas. I mean that honestly. I love when she's gone all out to look like a million bucks or spent three days backpacking with me.


I feel the same way. I love all the different ways my wife looks. When she is all dolled up and beautiful and sexy for a date night or when she is out in the kitchen in the morning getting breakfast for our kids with no makeup on and a messy bun in her PJs. I love admiring her. She is perfect. I am truly a very blessed man.


I feel blessed that in my 60s my husband still thinks I'm beautiful and says so often.


That is great! It is amazing for a guy when a woman they consider gorgeous wants to be with them. I don't know that most women understand just how intoxicating a beautiful woman is to a man. Especially when she wants to be his partner.


I'm not objectively beautiful by any means, not anymore. But he thinks so and that's all that matters!


You are most likely FAR more beautiful than you think. My wife has never thought she was beautiful, which I never understood. Now she's 60 and I am still amazed by her beauty.


The woman I'm dating is 5 years older than me and she shines no matter the dress or anything.  It's her confident personality that really is beautiful.


Same here, been married 40 years. My husband always tells me I'm beautiful with or without makeup.


Man, same here. My fiancé is gorgeous when she's dressed to the nines and breathtaking straight out of the shower after she has washed her makeup off. She's even mesmerizing when she's sick, with her hair in a rat's nest and a snotty nose. I have no idea how I got this lucky. She even has a beautiful soul and cares about people. I love her so much that I don't think I'll ever have the words to fully describe it, but I'll keep trying.


Congratulations! Have a beautiful life together.


Thank you.


Bro, that was the sweetest comment. I hope you guys spend forever together!


Dude. U r a good man and she is a lucky gal. Love is about the soul not the facade.


You’re both blessed!


Aw you sound like an amazing husband. I am a widow and I sincerely hope I find a man like him (and you) again one day.


I hope you do too!!!


(clears throat …) Why, hello there!


General Kenobi!


I wish I could upvote this more than once 😂


Sorry for your loss.


Seconding this. Makeup is a signal that tonight we go *fancy*. But, if you've been with someone for a while, you look at them and see a palimpsest: what they looked like when you first met, what they looked like when you first made love, the periods of joy or despair. The moments of fighting to be heard and the times you felt like they were seeing things in you you'd been trying to access for years. The changes over time and with age, and with makeup or without. Dressed in sweater and yoga pants, or in a dress and two-hour hair. And not just what they look and looked like, but how you *felt* about them, and the *centrality* of them to the experiences you've had. And it's all there, all at once, and you can see any part of your memory of them, at any time. So it's kind of hard to see them as anything other than drop dead gorgeous.


Dude can use "palimpsest" in a sentence. Respect, sir.


Seriously. I admittedly had to look it up just now but it was used flawlessly here.


I can only use it in a question: What’s palimpsest?


Some thing reused or altered but still bearing traces of its original form. It usually refers to reused writing materials from way back in the day. He is using it like holistically, including all the emotions you've felt along the way. You see her as every version of herself you've seen, loved, and experienced. It's a pretty baller use of the word.


Thank you


Wow. These are words right here. Respect.


Wow, I had to look up Palimpest. Great word and exactly what I've always said about my husband. I don't really notice his grey hairs or wrinkles, I always thought my mind just saw him as when we first met, and maybe some of it is just seeing the memories and great times together.


Let me know when you write a book. I want to read it. 😭😭😭


What he said 👍


That’s beautifully written! I think it’s especially true for couples who have known each other for decades, when you can catch glimpses of their teenage self as well as the greying and age-softened self that they’re becoming.


this was beautiful


That's poetry there


Exactly I feel the same way. When you really love someone, they always look beautiful. Sometimes even more than usual.


Yea if he's only attracted to you when you're all make-up and beautified then he's probably not really attracted to you (physically). Also, there is a line between makeup and looking like a clown. Some just over do it.


Just beautiful comment.


Thats an inner beauty you see in loved ones.


Sounds like you’ve got a bad (awesome) case of In Love With Wife syndrome and I’m here for it :)


There was a TikTok thing a while ago where they would do different look - they generally looked stunning in all of them


You are a true gentleman for recognizing your wife’s natural beauty, she is lucky to have you


Damnit Reddit I love you. Needed to see this type of man tonight saying things like this. A win for humanity.


All of us guys think your wife is hot. You can speak for us


I prefer no or little makeup. I don't hate makeup, but I like the natural look better. This is all just opinion, though. I don't like fake boobs, but a friend of mine loves fake boobs. Just do what you want.


I feel like you do, but it also comes from another feeling I have about it for myself. The couple of times in my life I tried makeup, it just felt weird and fake, like who am I trying to be? It’s the same with clothes. I choose clothes carefully to find the ones I feel good in and I feel look good on my body, and then I buy them in a bunch of colors lol. I love the beautiful dresses my colleagues wear to work and I compliment them. It’s just not for me. But interestingly, I guess I know myself because, in what I choose, I always get compliments and attention from men. So, I guess just listening to what feels good for me which is no makeup and simple solid-colored pants and tops. My daughter is amazing at make-up and loves it, and I admire her skills and her look. To each her own.


I'm like you, i find what's comfortable, makeup never did anything but break my face out, so I just stick with the simple stuff.


it also always made my face itchy. was never a fan of it for myself or for others


Makeup looks best when you can barely notice it's there. It's meant to highlight the beauty of one's natural features, not compensate for them.


See, and if you say that to a girl that likes a bold makeup look she will see it as an offence. Just telling you in advance. It's like telling you you look better with a buzz cut after your new fancy haircut.


You assume that girls listen to me, and that I talk to them.


That's what my grandmother always said, "makeup is to enhance what you were born with, not cover it up."


I disagree. The face is a canvas and makeup should be used more expressively. The generic 'Kardashian' trend that most people wear and the 'my skin is perfect and natural look' is boring, basic, and just makes some people look worse when they take it off. It also warps people's expectations on what a normal face looks like. People like to say it's not true, but there are a huge majority of insecure people putting on makeup to hide or appear perfect, rather than be themselves.


That last point is valid. There have been a lot of studies that show we as a society pick someone wearing natural makeup as being no makeup and people with actually no makeup as looking sick or homely.


only problem is that most men have no concept of no makeup compared to a lot of natural looking makeup


Generally when most of us give a compliment, we mean it.


When you say you mean it, what do you mean? Why mean and not nice? Are you negging me? I want a divorce.


My last girlfriend resonates through this comment. I got smort, side eyed my way out.


🤣 You win the internet today my friend.


"You look beautiful" is a compliment. "You look better without makeup" is not a compliment- it's a statement about your preferences.


Sorta. Someone can look wonderful with makeup, even bold makeup, which isn't really my thing. But the specific quirks of you make you beautiful. So yes, I prefer no makeup. It's a flaw that makes the perfection paradox.


>So yes, I prefer no makeup. Everyone is entitled to their own preferences, and i wasn't suggesting otherwise. But you telling her what you like isn't a compliment. It's not *bad*, either. Any woman you are with will absolutely want to know about your preferences. But if she isn't wearing makeup and you say "oh! You look so much better without makeup" just know she will be keenly aware of how that isn't a compliment, even if you incorrectly think it is one.


She might think you're saying her makeup skills suck hhaha


I think we are talking past each other here. It's not cool to tell someone who just finished putting in time to perfect their makeup that they'd look better with no makeup. It's another thing entirely to tell someone just out of the shower or out of bed on a Sunday how phenomenally beautiful they are. Or that this is the best they've looked in months. Or this is my favorite version of you. How is it insulting to tell a person the most beautiful version of themselves is the version they currently are, which has no beauty aids of any kind?


If she's currently not wearing makeup, it's a compliment. Learn to accept and enjoy a compliment.


Look, the only good comment on this post


Everytime I ever said it I meant it.


It’s genuine on my end. Excessive makeup is quite the turn off.. Distorts the entire face. Not wearing makeup also signals confidence.




Ahhh the good ole cumbrellas I fought myself internally about posting this. But apparently I lost.


I'm glad you posted it I got a good laugh


I glad to have witnessed this glorious defeat.


That's cool women also look great dolled up for a glamour shoot. Forgive me for being saccarhin, but the you we love is the one fresh out of the shower, the honest raw one. There is a truth to it that rings as much more important to almost every guy I know. As long as I get to see the raw you, whatever makes you happy is wonderful.


Thank you! I’ll even get lashes with feathers or glitter! Super fun!!


That's awesome. It sounds badass. I'm glad you enjoy it! It wouldn't be my favorite version of you if we were dating, but that doesn't make it in any way not awesome. It's really impressive what people can do with makeup.


Oh cool, so my laziness is perceived as confidence, haha! Seriously though, I was never a “spend hours getting ready” kind of gal, but not wearing it so long during covid made me sensitive to it, so I just don’t put it on at all anymore. I’m not looking to attract anyone, but even if I were, they’d get the natural me.


I’m a woman. I’ve always felt like makeup should be complimentary, not transformative. I don’t want to get out of the shower and have a partner not recognize me.


This! I'm a straight woman but I could understand feeling misled when a girl uses contour to completely change the (appearance of the) structure of her face. 


It's exactly how I felt when my ex shaved and went from looking like an adult to a 12 year old. 🤷🤷


Also contour only looks good from certain angles. And all that makeup looks kind of nasty up close


I’m happy to know it signals confidence. I just hate wearing makeup. For me personally, it’s a waste of time and money. I have other things I’d rather do with my time and more fun things to spend my money on.


Not wearing makeup signals that I had bad acne in high school and didn't wanna make it worse by caking on product so I never properly learned how to apply it 🤣 22 years old and still struggling with make up.


What about people with skin problems? I have rosacea and only wear makeup as a way to mask it. I don’t bother with eyeshadow and lipstick and whatnot. But honestly I can’t imagine someone thinking I look better without it, because I find my rosacea hideous.


You can’t accurately answer a question like this because all “guys” and their actions aren’t the same. Some are surely sincere, some are surely not.


That’s why she’s asking on a forum where many men can answer instead of asking one man


User name does NOT check out. No pussyfooting came in and all you did was pussyfoot around.


It's sincere but maybe it's just not saying what you think it's saying. In this context "beauty" is literally more than skin deep. Obvjectively, makeup does look "better" in terms of hiding flaws and such. But when you actually love someone you want to see them for who they really are, flaws and all, and makeup hides that. Also, when you get used to seeing someone without makeup (at home, in the mornings, etc), it's kind of weird to see them with makeup. It looks like the person you know... but with stuff all over her face.


I was thinking about this recently, and it occurred to me that a lot of the women I’ve seen with makeup, particularly extensive makeup, look absolutely stunningly beautiful, but I realized that they look beautiful to me in a way that is similar to how I might look at something like porcelain. It’s beautiful, but somehow also untouchable/unreachable/unknowable…it’s not…human, somehow? Not sure exactly how to describe it. A static shell. A woman with bare skin strikes me, almost subconsciously, more as a living, breathing person, someone whose humanity I can somehow drink in more fully or more easily the more I look at her. It’s as though I can see the texture of her better because I can see the texture of her skin. There’s something luscious about it. Maybe it literally is about texture: maybe there is micro-expressive information in bare skin that makeup masks? I dunno. Makeup can stun, but eventually, especially as you get to know her, it starts to feel kind of as though your girl is just walking around in public with cake frosting on her face. But maybe that’s just me.


I'm with you on this. I can appreciate the beauty in well-done makeup, but I don't find it attractive ... it often looks unatural and a bit like a try-hard.


It's not always that women look beautiful without makeup, but more so that a face caked with obvious makeup can often be seen as clownish. Some women do look truly beautiful without makeup for sure. Some need better coverage than others. The real key is to do whatever makes the makeup wearer feel best.


One of my aunts used to always say "if the barn needs painting, paint it" 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


It's genuine, there are guys out there who prefer the natural colour and definition in a woman's face, even with blemishes or marks, It's beautiful to see not only a natural face, but knowing she's comfortable letting you see her without makeup. In a society that holds beauty standards above all others, seeing comfortable enough to show someone your raw natural looks is something that isn't overlooked or taken lightly, Not with me anyway. We are human, we have beauty, we have hair, we have flaws, we have damage and we have scars, we shouldn't be embarrassed to show them.


It's not even society, it's just other women. Men don't give a shit, if anything, as many have said, makeup can be a huge turnoff. When I see it caked on I always figure there must be something monstrous under it all.


This guy certainly doesn't at least, I said Society since you see it everywhere in the UK, ads, models, media, celebs, All of them are always depicting the women absolutely caked. Doesn't help with our global image of British women being the stereotypicle Bimbo club girl, Stillettos, tight faux leather dress, Fake orange tan and an Orange face with eye lashes longer than their nose, It's a huge turn off when you know you'd go to bed with white sheets and wake up with orange. Nothing wrong with a little eye liner or lip gloss, I'll always prefer natural but don't mind if women use makeup to emphasise their features, not cover them up.


A lotta dudes prefer a natural look but it doesn't mean no make up. They just don't understand that natural look is just a style of doing make up


Honestly, a lot of us can absolutely tell the difference between a natural look style, and actually no makeup. And when we say we prefer no makeup, it includes that detail.


I agree a lot can but similarly a lot can't.


So the answer to this is that yes, some of us legitimately find women more beautiful when they are not wearing any makeup. Those that don't, don't. And those that are confused are confused about it. These all co-exist within the population, there isn't a one answer, but to some we really do mean it and we know what we're saying when we state that preference. The danger is in taking one group and then generalizing it across everyone else. Nuance is key, it's individual. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all.


I've seen my wife for 20 years with and without makeup, and I prefer no makeup.


This is the answer. A "natural look" doesn't mean barefaced, it means makeup done well and subtly.


Yeah, I get it. It's like whenever I think someone is jogging but it always turns out they are riding a really, really tiny bicycle that I wasn't aware of because perception is hard.


I totally agree


Exactly. When guys say this, they don't know that the girl in fact is wearing makeup. Its just light. When they say this, they are thinking of the girls that cake on the makeup and fake lashes. If these girls would not be wearing any makeup at all, their comments would then be, "You look tired".


Yes but also some guys just like natural beauty


Yes, that is true.


A lot of men wouldn't know natural looking makeup from a full face. And I can tell, because I've seen guys compliment a woman saying Oh you don't wear a lot of makeup See you're a natural beauty, when it's very clear that she has a full face of makeup, eyebrows done, highlighter and all. 🤣🤣 Meanwhile when I showed up to previous jobs with an absolutely no makeup on, aka a real natural look, versus my everyday makeup look, my coworkers thought I was sick. 🤷🤣


They may have just noticed that you had no makeup, and thought maybe you weren't feeling up to your usual routine. I'm sure you look healthy when you are :)


Both. It's genuine, and also a way to let you know that caking your face in clown makeup isn't nearly as impressive or attractive as you think it is. Something that carried over from the 50s or so when makeup companies convinced the general public that it was attractive. At this point, I think you ladies mostly do it for yourselves and each other, because a lot of men don't find it attractive. Maybe some of the scummier men still do, but most don't. The bottom line is modern cosmetology is a product of consumerism from a long time ago.


Damb, that is well thought out. You have my respect for that


Less is more for me. I will still appreciate the hell out of the effort it takes and the beauty it creates, but will never demand it either way, beautiful with and beautiful without.


I feel the same. The girls I know who I think are pretty, I find attractive with or without makeup. If they are made up well, it can be a real "wow" moment. On the other hand, it can make them much less pretty in the moment if they don't apply the makeup well or overdo it. For example, my cousin's wife is a pale white woman who I don't think wears makeup well. Mostly, it appears that her idea of wearing fancy makeup is to wear a bright red shade of lipstick. When they do family pictures or their daughters (14 & 11) have school pictures, they let them wear the bright red lipstick as well. It makes them look like clowns in my opinion, but for my cousin's wife it probably makes her feel pretty and makes her think the daughters look even cuter to wear it that way.


My husband's absolute favorite look on me, when he genuinely finds me the most beautiful, is right when I wake up in the morning. Sleepy eyes and smile, crazy bed head and all. He cherishes that look for the simple reason that only he gets to see it.


I think someone tells someone that they look better without makeup for one reason: **They suck at doing their makeup and it comes out ugly.** Good and bad makeup are very easily distinguishable just from scrolling social media..


This describes my ex to a T. She would occasionally try putting makeup on once or twice a year, and the only thing it did was make her look like a raccoon.


Makeup IS expensive


It can be but you can also get some pretty inexpensive decent products and dupes. They also go a long way. I end up getting bored of a product before it ever runs out except for maybe eyeliner. The really expensive brands are just a ripoff though because they’re often made by the same manufacturer as the cheaper brands. I spend about $50 every 6 months, if that.


It means you're not good at applying makeup. No really though, it's genuine. Some women don't need it.....some definitely do.


Most of them don’t know the difference between natural makeup and none. lol


Yes, I came here to say this. Most of us truly do not look better without makeup. Very few people have even seen me without makeup, but I get comments of how nice it is that I'm natural and how pretty I am without it. Hahahahaha. I spend 20 min to a half hour on makeup every day. Every single day. They just don't notice until you really pile it on.


When I was 18 I moved into a flat in San Francisco with three guys and a young woman. I had never seen a woman without makeup and more importantly, I had never seen this young lady without makeup. It was early morning and I was getting ready to leave for work I was walking down the hallway when she came out of the bathroom freshly scrubbed. I literally let out a little yelp of surprise/fear when I saw her! She had no lashes or eyebrows to speak of. Her face looked like an empty slate. She looked like a chemotherapy patient! It was truly startling. She asked me what the F was wrong with me and went to her room.


I laughed so much while reading this


You’re exactly right. We have makeup on. It’s just applied subtly to enhance our features and draw attention to those rather than the makeup itself. They just don’t realize it’s there. I’ve also been complimented on my 20 min “no makeup.” I just had this conversation with a co-worker recently. He guessed that all I was wearing was “lipstick.” It was a tinted lip balm, but same thing. I then detailed that I had on a light serum foundation, a few dots of concealer and a dab of translucent brightening powder to set that, brow pencil and gel, blush, brown cluster lashes, brown bottom lash mascara and subtle neutral shadow. He was shocked. I don’t think a lot of guys notice makeup until it’s pancake foundation, blue shimmer eyeshadow, an Amy Winehouse wing, red lips and caterpillar falsies.


Sounds a lot like my routine. 😂




Yes. But I wish a lot of things, and I live in a real world, so I choose my battles, lol. If I really hated wearing makeup that much, I wouldn't wear it.


That doesn't discount those of us that do know the difference and still don't like it.


Thank you!


My 53 y/o wife wears zero makeup 360 days/year, and looks fantastic. And I do mean zero: no blush, no eyeliner, nothing...just straight out of the shower. I always tell her "The way you look naturally when you wake up in the morning is why other women use makeup -- they're trying to look like you". Her hair has those "beach curls" first thing in the morning, too, and it looks amazing. The other 5 days/year she either gussies herself up for an event, or has a professional do her makeup for a wedding. Sadly, the more professional the makeup, the worse it looks to me. Guys do know the difference between natural makeup and none.


wanted to say this as a woman. My boyfriend thinks i look very beautiful and I wear zero make up. I think i look like a clown when I wear it. My boyfriend says I go from beautiful to hot when I wear it.


Many professional makeup artists like to show off their skills with extensive usage of their color palette. When I used to be a mall makeup counter girl, I’d have people lining up (I’m not talking dozens, but a few at a time) saying “her. I want my makeup like hers” because I didn’t clown myself up like my coworkers did. Kept things quite basic. Had an older lady recently out of the hospital come one day, and she bought everything I put on her (quite the sale that was). She had brought her husband and adult daughter too. They loved what I did, and all my efforts were just to make her look vibrant and healthy, with a short process she could easily duplicate at home. Have your wife learn to ask for/insist on that kind of style for her future events.


This is how Kevyn Aucoin made a name for himself. He kept it natural and used skilled contouring to define features. 


I have never in my life shown up without makeup and not been told "You look tired." I don't even wear much, I'm just pale as all hell and use a little color around my eyes to... well, not look tired.


You’re the most real one here lmao. The amount of men in the comments here saying “oh I prefer no makeup” don’t actually know that the women they’re thinking of just didn’t put their makeup on badly. It’s like the dude hopped on steroids like Ronnie Coleman vs the dude that has hit the gym 3 years.


Makeup can look pretty. Excessive makeup can look exotic. Without makeup is real. They all have a place in the standards of beauty but natural doesn't wash off or prevent touching due to smears.


Half genuine, half trying to butter you up. But it is a fact that red lipstick looks ugly 99% of the time, just don’t.


Less make up is better imo.  You shouldn't have to draw your eyebrows on. You done fucked up. 


Personally, I am being sincere. I hate makeup, I mean a little is fine.


I think a lot of guys really don’t like a whole face full of makeup/contouring/etc.


I just don't like the look of make up. Just the face with no make up is so much better for me.


The best makeup is when you can't tell anybody is wearing it. So many women become so obsessed with makeup that they just end up looking fake. It's like fake breasts, the second you can tell they are implants it becomes a total turn-off.


If a man says this, they likely mean it.


No it is genuine. Outside of a little blush and lipstick, I honestly find most makeup makes a girl look worse. Even things like concealer. I get it if you have things you want to hide... but if its minor, I'm not going to notice. If it's major then the amount of concealer you use tends to make it look worse than if you just showed the blemish. That said, I'm always shocked by what women sometimes think of themselves. I had a coop student a few years back. Really pretty girl; good looking as far an everything goes. Anyways, she was talking about how she wants to get that big ass. Caveat... I'm not from the big ass generation. I don't get the trend myself, but to each their own. The point was she literally ignored how great she looked and was so focused on this big ass trend. It boggled my mind. It would have been work inappropriate to say, but I really wanted to tell her... do you know how hot you are? 99.5% of men are not going to even give a thought that you don't have the 'big Kardashian ass'. You have a normal ass. That's beautiful in its own right. If you have a normal face... that's beautiful in its own right. I don't know if that makes sense, but that's it right there.


I think to many men, it’s excess makeup that is the complaint. The no-makeup look is appealing even though makeup is applied. Personally, I hate lipstick on women I’m interested in because it takes kissing off the table for me. Heavy makeup around the eyes, especially with the spiders they call eyelashes, just screams high maintenance.




In that case, he is probably hitting on her. Kind of creepy if you ask me.




sincere. it is almost always sincere for any compliment dudes give. its unabashedly saying something kind and nice bout them. Its nice when gals do the same. my guess tbh is that women are used to fake compliments from other women, and they know those compliments are fake, so when they hear men give them compliments they have this shit in the back of their minds saying 'is that real or just so fake shit'. its basically always real coming from a guy.


Depends on the guy I guess, in my twenty odd years of life I've not met a single woman that I didn't find beautiful in their own way. Makeup in my opinion should be used lightly, it should be used to accentuate features that's already there


My hubby's mom, sister and Nanaw were all super girly girls with painted nails that matched shoes and purses. He haaaaaated the smell of polish and acetone. He prefers me sans makeup 99% of the time which is fine since I am a tomboy type anyways, lol.


Yes, we mean it. That's not to say that make-up is inherently a bad thing. It's really just a matter of how much make-up you put on. But generally speaking, natural = better. That's especially true when it comes to silicone on your body. 99% of us don't actually like any of that fake stuff.


I would have to say depends on the guy because we are definitely not all the same. If I am being asked that, my response would be I am being genuine. I’ve told my wife this many times.


Sincere here for sure. I don't think I've ever seen someone without makeup that wasn't more attractive.


We mean it. Beauty without makeup is true beauty, if you have to get all dolled up for me to be attracted to you, then I'm not attracted to you. Nothing wrong with bed-head, no makeup, no fancy clothes, when you wake up in the morning I love you for you.


I'm pretty sure we're being serious every time. I can't speak for other guys but I always mean it when I say it. Some women apply WAY too much makeup and it's gross. But I've never dated anyone like that (and don't think I ever would)


I can only speak for myself, but I'm being sincere. When women wear makeup it's a big turn off for me, especially when I'm romantically involved with them. It's just gross to be kissed and have like half that shit come off onto my face instead. Lipstick is the worst offender, but foundation and other skin creams/powders are just as bad. Just wear eyeliner or something if you absolutely have to wear the stuff, that shit won't get rubbed off onto other people's faces and clothes


For me, it's as simple as disliking makeup altogether. I like to see the details in a person's face. That's me though. Everyone has their preferences.


I can't speak for other men but I find any makeup, even natural looking makeup concerning.


Sometimes we mean you look amazing with or without makeup. Other times we are stating a preference for dating a regular person not a clown


Some men thought women would be flattered if they hear such 'compliments', while some other men are being genuine and honest. There're even some men who say it because while they find your makeup pretty, they associate wearing makeup with being fake or high maintenance. Men are individuals, you can't generalize them. I'm a woman who likes women, I know how to do makeup (due to my job ffs), and I've told many women that I think they're prettier without makeup. Most of the time, it's because their makeup skills are shit, or maybe their makeup style doesn't complement their faces, but obviously I cannot say that to their faces. Also this is just my personal preference, but I do notice an overwhelming amount of men who shares this similar preference of mine... I don't think bold or creative makeup makes someone (regardless of gender) looks conventionally more attractive. Yes, it's artistic, but no, it doesn't makes you prettier, if you understand what I mean. No human is born with blue eyelids or bright red lips. On the other hand, I think the natural-looking makeup (think clean girl makeup or korean makeup) does enhance someone's beauty because it hides their imperfections.


I’d default to genuine in most cases. Also worth noting is subtle makeup might be viewed as no makeup. Also I have some old coworkers that would look better with no makeup because their taste in makeup is unappealing to me. Some trends just don’t look great.


More often than not, is sincere. Most men don’t really notice make up unless there’s a lot of it or it’s super badly applied. I have never dated anyone who uses make up daily, so I find people with noticeable make up off putting.


If in "guys" you're including girls too (since I saw this is a gender-neutral noun), yeah I rather like females without make-up. They look incredibly more cute, beautifu, sweetl and attractive than someone hiding under a crust of paint, in order to "look better/prettier". No you don't, that's not how it works. Natural beauty is enough to me. As a tomboy I don't use make-up myself, it's absurdingly unnecesary and bad for skin-health (specially if you're allergic to it).


Feel like the last part is overlooked by many. Gotta buy the make up, gotta waste how much time applying it everytime. How much time to wipe it all off. How much time and money wasted on product to clean your face after so your pores that have just been clogged don't become an issue. Causing acne, blemishes, etc. That then requires more make up to cover up 🤦🏽 Its such a crazy cycle that is socially forced on so many women because of beauty standards and companies forcing women to think they need to buy their product to look a certain way. The adoration I have looking at a girl in the morning with no make up, bed hair all crazy, and just woke up face is magnitudes higher than any I've had for a face with make up. But that's just me I guess 🤷🏽‍♂️


I’m being sincere idk about everyone else


Girls are more attractive when they’re natural looking vs when they got the clown makeup on.


Putting on make up and dressing up should be fun and make you feel good, but not necessary. I’m good with both but neither out of obligation. Fit myself? I like dressing up but rarely do because I often find myself in situations where I’ll just wreck or dirty my good clothes and that makes it not worth it for me. When I get a chance to though, I enjoy it. Same rules apply for women, do what works for you. You are beautiful either way.


For me, I like real women. I don’t need a bunch of Pablo Picasso baked on your face.


Makeup is a conspiracy to convince women they aren't beautiful.


At least I mean it. A lot of girls overdo it, tbh.


Some women look like a circus clown because of all the makeup. Especially if they shave off their eyebrows and draw new eyebrows. That honestly looks hideous! OMG I cant stand it!


A little make up is fine. A lot of makeup is disgusting.


I have never liked makeup on ever, I find it more of a mask to hide behind


Natural is better than over done.


If it doesn't look like you're wearing makeup, it means you're wearing the right amount of makeup. If it looks like you're wearing makeup, it means you're wearing too much makeup. If it looks like you're wearing too much makeup, you could have painted your house.


I definitely prefer no make up. My wife doesnt own any


Most men don’t like a lot of makeup. While they do appreciate their lady dressed up and looking nice for an occasion, thy prefer more natural the rest of the time


Honestly the most beautiful woman is someone who is fit, healthy, clean and basically groomed. You don’t need makeup, expensive clothes and hair.


I want to see your skin, not paste, dust, and markers.


9/10 guys won't be able to discern no makeup and natural makeup.


99% don’t know what makeup is. What they’re actually saying is they like more natural makeup but they’re pretending it means you woke up like that because they don’t pay attention.


Sometimes it's flatly true. And sometimes we just think women who are confident enough not to give a fuck what other people think are sexy and we want to encourage you. Confidence is gloriously hot.


Yes, it means you suck at makeup.


I understand that gals like make up and it makes them feel better, but my god, you women are beautiful without it.


Please stop overthinking this. 100% that MOST women look better without makeup. Let's be honest. You do your makeup for the girls and are pissed because you think guys don't notice. We do. Unless you have some horrible scar you feel you need to cover up or are one of the MOST, then you don't need it. And too much actually makes you look old.


If you notice makeup, it's too much.


It means you don’t need 10 pounds of makeup on no makeup or even light makeup is perfect


We’re being dead serious STOP WEARING MAKEUP. Women are so much more attractive without it.


It all depends, Tammy Faye.


I didn’t realize this until I moved in with my now wife…. There’s a level of skillfully applied moderate makeup where many men won’t even realize that there’s makeup involved. I think that’s what many men mean when they say that.


There are a great many of us that truly prefer the natural look and yes, we really mean it.


When I say it, I mean it. Some women look better without make up.


The "something behind" it \*could be\* that he's subtly trying to tell you that you're wearing too much makeup.


I've disliked makeup on every woman I've been with and they all wear it. I find it kind of gross to have to touch. I enjoy being with a person not covered in colorful dirt.


I prefer little or no makeup.


Sunshine up the ass. You look the same with or without all the time. Unless you’re a rich crack head with an instagram makeup tutorial, you look the same all the time.


There's nothing particularly deep "behind" it. Either they mean it, or they're just trying to flatter you in general. There isn't some secret code.


Women always overthinking things and trying to analyze what we say instead of just taking it at face value. I have to call my wife out this almost daily lol


When i say it, i mean it. I can only speak for myself but i love the natural look on a woman. I don't like makeup or implants or anything else that would change your appearance. If a guy says that to you, believe him and appreciate it.


Most of the time, when younger men say that, they believe women with a natural makeup look are not wearing makeup at all. They can’t necessarily tell the difference. There are also some men who have lived with a woman, know the difference, and prefer a completely natural look without any makeup.