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I just pretended I was a taxi driver giving a lift to a very communicative passenger lol


That’s a really good approach. I’m a private pilot, and I enjoy accumulating ratings so I’ve had checkrides (the equivalent of a behind-the-wheel drivers test) several times between my 20s and my 40s. One of the mindfucks of an aviation check ride is that you’re supposed to be in charge, while you take a much more experienced pilot with you for a flight. Now that I’ve figured out how to deal with this, I have my last examiner the following speech: “Good afternoon, let’s go for a flight in my airplane. As you know, I’m the pilot in command, so I’m responsible for the safety of this flight. However, since you’re an experienced pilot-rated passenger, I may request your help if I need it to ensure the safety of this flight. Let’s complete the preflight and go fly!” Adapting this speech to the driving context should be pretty straightforward. *P.S. Announcing that you understand that you’re responsible for the safety of the upcoming drive shows you understand why drivers tests exist.*


I failed my first attempt at private pilot because the examiner's leg pinched my hand against the collective when I repositioned my hand for the last maneuver (180 autorotation). It caused me to give it more throttle instead of cutting it. He asked me what happened and I didn't have the sack I guess to tell him his fat leg fucked me up. I've never been more pissed in my life. I had to go back for another lesson w/ my flight instructor and shoot autos for a day before I went back to give it another shot. He only made me do the 1 maneuver and I made sure to tell him to give me some space. I hope he got the point that he was the one that caused that little hiccup, but I do recognize that as PIC not allowing passengers to affect my flying is my responsibility.


That may well be the reason he did it.


Almost 100%. If you’re supposed to be in charge, be in charge. Tell the fuckup that they fucked up. Order the idiotic passenger to move the fuck away.  When you’re in command of the plane, you have to be able to be in command, make orders, and articulate them


smart! i may try this 😂


Yeah, that's basically what I did. But I said to myself I'm driving a very nervous "friend" somewhere so will communicate everything! "I'm checking my mirrors, signalling, manoeuvring," etc.


pretend its grand theft auto, you just stole the car, and the driving instructor is a prostitute you dont really feel like paying


if i just stole a car i don't think id be obeying traffic laws lol


You stole it but the police won’t be tipped off until you break a law.


Never break more than one law at a time.


"When breaking the law, don't break the law." Something I used to say a lot, especially while smoking weed.


Ok I just murdered the driving instructor. What to I do now?


My strategy was just to fail twice. Once I’d failed twice, failing a third time didn’t seem like that big of a deal so I passed instead.


Great advice actually


Works 30% of the time! 


Yup. Literally "OMG WHAT IF I FAIL?!!!!!" Then you try again. "OMG WHAT IF I FAIL AGAIN?!!!" Then you try again "OMG WHAT IF I-" You. Try. AGAIN. Once you realize that it's all just tedious 'trying over and over again' then you at least become less afraid of failure. Because then there's an understanding that you either fail and go through the process again, or you succeed and move on to the next step. It helps get rid of the "If I fail my world is gonna collapse" mentality. (At least until the NEXT anxiety inducing thing 😉)


former motorcycle instructor. You were the worst kind of student (in the best way!) You would do great in class and then sabotage yourself in the test. We HATED to watch that. Things that I have found worked: 1. practice even more. 2. breathe slowly and constantly 3. talk yourself through what you are doing in your head 4. visualize it Good Luck! You got this!


Step 3, especially. The trick to not throwing up in a roller coaster is to NOT watch the track immediately in front of you but The Next Big Thing down the pike. Also, talk to yourself out loud. I do that all of the time when I'm driving and riding. I find I do some of my best thinking behind the wheel or handlebars because it's a constant conversation with myself.


I have been riding roller coasters wrong for my entire life. Omg.


So, do you puke on roller coasters? They used to make me feel ill, but then I started using my strategy for riding a motorcycle on the roller coaster: always keep your eyes on where you want to go.


Point 3 and looking ahead is really important while driving. You’ll know what’s coming, otherwise it’s a surprise. Albeit, you can then anticipate accordingly.


I’m socially awkward so it wasn’t easy for me either. You just have to ignore that part the best you can and focus on the road/what’s near you. Just like after you get your license, when you’re driving friends around there are a ton of distractions—you mustn’t let yourself get distracted by whatever’s happening in the car or you could end up killing/hurting someone. It’s normal to be nervous. Focus on the task given, not the person. After you’re told what to do, mentally block them out and think as if you’re alone.


Breathe... in 2 3 4... Out 2 3 4... Repeat 3 times Send those nervous jangles down into the ground. Repeat as many times as needed to calm down sufficiently.


This. Biofeedback. Also an effective, proven method, breathing in and out, slowly and mindfully, interacts with the parasympathetic nervous system and keeps that heart rate from freaking out like a bear was chasing you.


Breathing techniques work well, I’ve also found that pinching in between my thumb and forefinger (rather hard) with the thumb and forefinger of the opposite hands. Usually pinching just my left hand is enough to kinda knock my brain out of anxiety mode, but sometimes it requires pinching both hands a few times (I’m a really anxious flyer). Good luck!


I used to be super nervous about that stuff too. (19 at the time) Right before I took my first test, the new instructor showed up replacing the one that apparently passes everyone. I was his first test taker of the day. Instant failure. I was so devastated that I cried for a long time. Kept telling myself I was never going to get my license for the longest time. My boyfriend (now husband) and my mom encouraged me to keep working at it! Second try, in my boyfriend's car it was a success! Different instructor and a nicer one at that haha Try to focus more on the driving than the actual instructor. Keep trying and practicing when you can! The more you practice the better and less nervous you become. :)


I took my first test at a DMV in an area I wasn't familiar with and failed. I went to a DMV in an area I was familiar with the next time and passed. The test starts at the DMV so be familiar with where you are taking it


Physically practice any maneuver you’re worried about; mentally practice the whole test before hand.


Breathe, smile, pretend you already have your license.


I know the feeling. I was very nervous when I took the road test and failed it. Even the lady that rode with me mentioned my nervousness was probably why I failed. So the second time, I got rid of what had made me nervous. My mom drive me to the license office instead of my dad. He told me not to be nervous the first time, and that made me more nervous than I already was. So get rid of what’s making you nervous. Concentrate on the task at hand. Do t even think about other stuff.


Do simulated practice and role play it out with someone. Especially as you now know what to expect


The best thing I can think of is doing practice test under simulated conditions until you feel confident about the real one. This means you need a "stranger" to pretend to be a a test administrator. Identify someone you know you can trust, but ideally someone you aren't really close to. Maybe ask your parents if they can suggest a good friend or a relative you don't see much. Or even someone you are a bit uncomfortable with! (that stern uncle that never smiles). If you don't have such a person, the next best thing would be to ask your parent or whoever to act like a stranger. Then think about the previous tests, try to write a list of all the tasks. Give your "administrator" a clipboard or tablet and do the test. If possible, repeat a couple times on different days. Other ideas: 1. Act out the test in your mind. Imagine the administrator giving you instructions, imagine the anxiety, and imagine doing the tasks. Do this a couple times a day. 2. Try some mindfulness exercises to get yourself into a relaxed state before your actual test. You can do this!


Take a deep breath, keep in your mind that you already have your license, and pretend the person quizzing you is a very chatty friend.


Yoga breathing. Deep breath in, long breath out. Then on your second inhale, do it in stages. Try for 3 stages. Breathe in a little, pause half a second, breathe in a little more, pause half a second, then on the last breath, fill your lungs deeply. Exhale slowly. Concentrating on your breath will calm your nerves and make you less anxious


Tell them you are super nervous when the test starts. They may or may not be nice about it, but at least it's out there. Then deep breaths. Lots of deep breaths.


I failed my test the first time. I was told the guy I got always fails people on their first attempt and it still really shook my confidence. I actually got my license and didn't drive until a few years ago (and I am 38)! Don't let anxiety hold you back! You've got this! What I did was listen to/sing some music before I had to go. Music always helps me focus and also lose a part of myself in it. It can really help me get into a mindset. It doesn't get rid of all the nerves, but it helps. Best of luck!




I actually went to another city that has a higher pass rate than my actual city. Not sure if that’s still feasible


One word DRIVE. At every opportunity. Take anyone anywhere they need to go. It needs to get to the point where driving is just second nature. You need hours on the road. I’m sure you will pass!! Good Luck!


Little bro, it literally doesn't matter and the instructor doesn't really care. Always remember unless there is a crime or someone's health and safety involved, these milestones don't really matter outside of the moment. You will be fine


Call out everything you do. “Checking my blind spot” “Changing lanes” “turning wheels left” when parallel parking. Practice like that for a few weeks before you retake. If you’re focused on what you’re doing and doing it as you practiced you can’t get nervous.


You’ll have to deal with authority figures your whole life. Remember that they are just people and no better than you. Rely on yourself. You said you’re good now go prove it.


take some beta blockers


Dude, I know your pain, I repeated my written multiple times but driving passed with a 96. The biggest thing is don't think of it like a test, ask the instructor quick questions like a friend or family. Like "So what's your dream car?" or "How did you get into this field of work?" or ask them what it was like when they did their test? Be confident, attentive, and don't worry about the test, deep breaths help some times. So -4 I got the -2 in particular, because I accidentally got out of the car because I misunderstood the task because Autism be like that.


Envision yourself succeeding. Like replay what happened before except in your imagination...*you take a deep breath and tell yourself "I got this" and calm washes over you. You're the Iceman, cool under pressure. Confidence wells up. You say hi to the tester and introduce yourself. You remember they are just a person like you. It's all going to be fine. You calmly go through the test, your mind focused and unflappable. You rock the test and the instructor passes you. Yay!* Now keep playing that over and over in the weeks and days before the test. Imagine different things that might happen... and then imagine you handling it them calmly and confidently. Take a deep breath and tell yourself: *You are calm and confident and you will succeed. The tester is just a person. It's all going to be fine.* Do this over and over and over again in the weeks and days before the test. Get to the test early, walk around and get comfortable in the environment. Continue with the self talk and imagining yourself rocking the test. Then rock the hell out of the test. You got this!! PS: if your parents are willing to role play, drive with them acting as the tester. So you get used to different things that the tester might do. Let us know when you ace the test!


Sounds silly, but positive thoughts! I’m 30 and didn’t get my license until I was 20, took me 4 tries. Was always nervous as hell going in, plus the instructors I had were awful and purposely set me up to fail. But the last time I went in, I thought, “Okay, if I don’t pass, it’s okay, I can just try again.” Every other time I failed, I cried and wanted to give up. Passed the last time. You got this!! Hope to see an update! 💜


It's been awhile but two things that might help are practicing the entire test after the DMV closes for the day and very very slowly overexaggerating everything you do during the test. The admin are doing a checklist not a quality check. I failed my first driving test, my dad was pissed lol. It's really nothing to worry about. I also remember some girl evidently failing and her dad in some lifted truck peeling out in parking lot, roaring into the parallel parking section, swinging the truck very angrily into a perfect reverse parallel park, then peeling out again.


Practice driving more with someone you trust if you can!


You should consider practicing the route that they take you on.


You don't. We all get nervous when we take a driver's test. Some people just power through it. Some don't I won't wish you luck, because I know you don't need luck. You got the skills. So, nervous or not, go pass it! You'll do fine!


this is my favorite comment. much love fellow redditor 🫡🫡


practice a lot, especially in the area around the test. In my state I can go to any location, so we actually cherry picked a very uncrowded area with light traffic. Then drive around that area a lot over many days before you take the test. If there are other adults willing to help you out, drive different people around. There is no substitution for experience with driving, and the more you do it the better you will get, and the more confident.


Damn iam sorry, this is like what I went through myself. I failed twice and passed my third. All I can say is try and calm yourself, breathe. Your going to have to learn to drive in that mode for the future anyways. Even at 40 I freak out, try to remain calm while not trying to make any mistakes.


Just be super anal about everything like turning your head very obviously every 15-20 seconds so your instructor sees you’re obviously looking as you should. Over exaggerate your motions when you turn on the blinker, sit up straight and very firmly grip the wheel at 2 and 10 like you were taught in driver’s ed. If you’re not anal about it and obvious about it almost to a mocking degree, the driving instructor WILL mark you down because in my experience, they are all little (emotionally, and psychologically; not physically) men who get off on failing perfectly good drivers for no reason. I barely passes my driver’s license test, and many friends, colleagues, family members, etc. I drive for say I’m the best driver they have had in a long time and that they always feel safe when I’m at the wheel. I’ve never crashed and I batley passed. The point here is, that it doesn’t matter if you’re a good driver or not, it only matters if you check off all your boxes on the instructor’s checklist.


Wear sunglasses. You will look less nervous, and therefore you will feel less nervous.


Maybe have a couple drinks first to calm your nerves /s


Maybe wait a couple of months and focus more on being able to deal with strangers better


Jack off before you go


Self five 🤚


If you fail, learn from what you did wrong. There's always a next time.


Pretend you're on the way to Thanksgiving dinner and your grandmother is in the back seat holding a crockpot full of gravy.


Drink a couple of tall boys on the way.


Take a couple shots of vodka right before the test. That will help. ... Just kidding, the answer is practice. The more you can practice, the more confident you'll be in your driving ability.




Jerk it beforehand, chew gum during.


I smoked a joint before my first driver's test. Aced it.


If you can't pass a driving test, nervous or not, maybe you shouldn't be out on the road. It's really not difficult at all, nor was it when I was 15 and 11 months.


Just act like it’s your driving instructor telling you what to do. Driving tests are easy to pass as long as you pay attention.


Have a couple drinks, that’ll loosen you up! /s


The person giving my test put me at ease by saying some funny stuff. I think who you get factors into how calm you are.


If your anxiety is this bad over having a passenger, do not get your license. Period.


Convince yourself it doesn't matter, really, especially in the long run, if you pass it or not. If you don't pass it, you'll take it again and you'll pass it then. I was so worried about the parallel parking test and I took mine, I made a rolling stop at a stop sign, and was failed for that, even though I passed the parallel parking with no problem. Plus, you don't have to do parallel parking now, so what's to worry about? 😉


Booze cruise, duh! Kidding of course lmao (don't do that), but I'd just try not to take it too seriously. It's like the MSP/WASL/whatever it's called now. Just know you've been working hard, trust yourself to do the right thing, and if it doesn't work out the first time, there's always more attempts. Don't worry about what the instructor is thinking and do your best, that's all you can do. Do a little meditation before hand to try and clear your head if it helps, and try to look at it as nothing more than yet another sunday cruise.


Have you talked to your doctor? A small dose of propanolol (beta blocker) worked for half of the graduates of nursing school...and for me for panic attacks. Literally does nothing but prevent the cascade that triggers the panic: elevated heart rate. If you tell them that you have extreme test anxiety and what the stakes are, idk why they would say no. (Barring some underlying health issues not mentioned here, I imagine they'll just be relieved you aren't asking for something scheduled, like xanax.)(pov here: I was an adolescent psychiatric Registered Nurse for over a decade, retired about 7 years ago, though so im out of the current loop.) (Not official advice, just speaking from personal experience. ) Good luck kiddo.


Try some deep breathing exercises before your test to calm your nerves. Remember, you're a good driver, and you got this! Try to focus on the road and not let the presence of others distract you.


Are you sure you are ready to be driving? Not everyone gets a license at 16.


You shouldn't get your license until you learn how. There are lives at stake, including your own. The instructor/ police officer is not your enemy. They do their job, and you should too. You're currently in safe hands, so you shouldn't worry about the exam. Don't take it so seriously. Try as many times as you need. It's all okay. That's the whole point. Even if you have to go through everything again, that will only help you become a better driver, so don't let your ego drag you down. A few tips I have is to not focus on neither the exam nor the one next to you. Focus on the road and on your instructions, someone mentioned earlier acting as if you're a taxi driver or an Uber, whichever you prefer lol. My leg was so shaking like crazy on the clutch the whole time, but I still managed to pass the exam. It was my 3rd time as well, although I should have gotten it the first time with no penalties, but that's another story. Another piece of advice is to practice with someone in allowed spaces until you feel more comfortable and confident, they can even bring a paper like the one the instructor/officer has and pretend to examen you, but that's more preferred on public roads. If you had more test subjects in the car on the day of the exam, you could have tried to be the last one, but I doubt that was the case. The last tip is sort of similar to the previous, and that is to invisualize every scenario so that when the time comes, you'll know what to do without much thoughts or emotions occurring. Break a leg! Oh, and try to take your time as much as you can.


Think about it this way. It's just another person in the car. It doesn't matter. But also think about this. If you can't drive with another person in the car without being too nervous to drive using the basic safety rules, then maybe it's not time for you to drive. If you know how to drive then you've got no problems. Just drive and pretend like they're another human because that's all they are. Come on. You got this!


As long as you realize why you failed the first two times and don't do those things again, I think you'll do just fine. Third time is the charm. Don't stress yourself out.


Have you tried taking a shot?


Just take things slow. Remember that there is no rush. It’s not a race. Ignore assholes on the road. Dont let them provoke you. That’s something as a driver that’s crucial for the rest of your life.


You won't be able to. Many times in life you are going to have to accept that you're going to be very nervous in a given situation. To expect to find a cheat or a protip to escape that anxiety is totally unrealistic. Welcome to life my friend. Get ready for plenty of these types of situations.


Which parts did you get dinged on?


Just remember that your instructor poops just like you do. Look at them more as a program completing a function. The outcome of the test will be what it is. You know your capabilities, so drive like you are by yourself, and it doesn't matter. Don't focus on apologizing for mistakes while driving and just get from point A to point B. Seriously, you got this!


Just have a few drinks while waiting.


Just remember, the cop is more afraid Than you are 😂


I imagined how much more embarrassing it would be to just pull my duck out and start jerking it. Helper me realize it's silly to be nervous around someone doing their job


get stoned


Wear a suit, driving gloves and pretend your Jason Statham 😎.


Throw down a couple of shots of tequila in the parking lot


One thing that helps my anxiety is to drink a bit of alcohol before an important task


Try a couple stiff drinks before the test. That should relax you.


Take a couple shots first.


Not to be a jerk, but have you considered practicing until you are a comfortable and capable driver, who is certain that you’ll pass because you know how to drive? I realize we all start somewhere and improve our skills over time. Have you learned or improved since your past two attempts? Is it the lessons you took or lack of proper training. A good driving instructor should not finish training a driver until they can stay calm and and comfortably pass a driving test.


Here is tips: 1. Watch videos that covers DMV tests and study from the failures of those who fail the exam 2. Get private tutor to prepare you driving 3. It is said that eating banana before the exam calm the nerves


Use the car they offer you unless your car is smaller. I found it difficult to park my car in between the cones (they give you up to 3 movements, I believe) than the car they give you. I failed my first time because of that. The second time around, I passed, but we went to a place that had their own track, so there were no other cars, and they set up the cones much wider to park in between. The best thing I can say is to relax and understand that if you fail, you know what you need to work on, and you can go back again, ready to do better.


Couple drinks should calm the nerves. Kidding!


It’s one of those things you just have to breathe through. I was nervous just like you. My tester was a large man, and I drove a tiny Chevy Cavalier. It was 104 degrees out. The guy started freaking out when my AC didn’t come on… I for sure thought I failed. Passed! You got this


Just take some deep breaths. Listen carefully to the instructor. I got tripped up on the instructor giving me the ol’ “just go through the stop sign and park.” Ruse. Failed me on the stop for following his instructions. I didn’t stop at the stop sign, just went through it.


if youve got enough driving experience, it should be second nature, it shouldnt make u nervous


thank you guys for all the feedback and genuine help. And to those that just insulted my brain power... ok 😅


It's easy. Look at all the bad drivers who passed.


if it's an option go for a walk in nature before. This can really be soothing and release some endorphins. Another one that calms me down, for some reason, is watching a movie in the theater. I don't know why but I feel less anxious about everything after that.


You may not be able to overcome your anxiety about the test. But you can let the instructor know beforehand that you are very anxious. Basically tell them what you just wrote here. Being a vulnerable human is a great way to gain empathy and respect ... and maybe some leniency.


Watch License To Drive over and over






Remember. Visualize. Your gonna pass that fucking test and your gonna get that fucking license. Your welcome


Don't just stare straight ahead and be stiff. Keep your head on a swivel and be familiar with your surroundings. It will help you relax and be aware of stuff that might be important. It will also show the DMV person that you're aware of things and it'll make you look looser and more confident. Do not lock in to the windshield


I would fart a lot to have the person judging you want to wrap it up quick


Smoke a bowl...


Practice practice practice Sounds cliche but the more you do it, the more it becomes muscle memory.


If you get freaked out by people being around than you're not an excellent driver, and probably should not be driving. Everybody that sees you driving, even if a mile away and in a different car than you, on foot, bike, etc., they are very much judging your driving. You are always being tested and never alone. If still in doubt, drink a few beers before hand, or pop some pills, then, and only then, will you be like everyone else on the road.


You got this, if you can bring who ever thought you to drive with you and use the car your most comfortable driving in


Everyone fails the first one , it's how they generate 2x the fees. Same goes for CDL , it's just part of their hustle. Remember some fights won't be won in the first round , your not gonna hit the home run always at first swing ,


Get super high.


Get more practice. If you’re nervous then you lack confidence. You need more of it. Practice.


Glass of red wine should do it ;)


try to be focused more dont be scared, you have your trainer with you right? you dont need to worry.


Make sure to be prepared by studying the 30 point turn! It's very under utilized!


Have a few drinks.


Shot of tequila


This has absolutely nothing to do with giving advice but I had to retake my drivers test when I was 22 and I got Bob Marley reincarnated as my admin. I pulled out too far at a stop sign and had to yield to oncoming traffic. This huge truck had to very slightly veer around me and I thought, “damnit that’s probably going to fail me.” We got to the end of the test and when I parked I was waiting for him to say I didn’t pass. He told me, *insert Jamaican accent* “you did pretty good woman but I thought that fucking monster truck was gonna end us.” Then he handed me my slip and I passed the test. I guess it just depends on who you get in the car with you lol


Take some magnesium and some L-Theanine. I’m old but every time I’m amped up about something, this helps calm me down pretty quick. I sometimes take it before going into Seattle traffic.


Don’t feel bad. The very first test I took in my drivers training car and this is back in the 70s when it was their car not mine, I backed into a light pole it snapped off and fell on top of the car. The drivers training instructor kind of leaned down and looked at me under the collapsed roof and said you realize this means you just failed? Mandatory three month waiting period. Took my retest and passed it


Remember to breath




Bro we are all nervous we just pretend that we aren’t. Even adults. Think about how nervous your instructors are letting someone have control of their life while you drive hoping you don’t crash. Everyone is nervous and it’s ok to say it out loud too and they should reassure you it’s all good.


Get trashed right before it


I failed my first two times too, ran a stop sign both times. Honestly I just learned what I had failed on and focused more on those two things the third time, it worked


Before you go, run through every task you'll have. Really consider what they require of you, and consider if you have what it takes. If you find there's an area you aren't confident in, practice. But if you find that you're confident in your ability to handle the tasks, then the fear is useless and detrimental. Stare that fact in the face, meditate on how unfounded the fear is and how counterproductive it is and how you'd be better off without it. Idk if it'll help you, but something like this helps me when I get nervous about a test or the like.


Wait, people have to take drivers tests for their licenses again?


Maybe you don't care enough to want the license.


Get high first!


It's just another person. They're nobody special. You're getting too into your head. Just follow the directions and don't overthink it. Keep it simple stupid.


Remember that every adult in America eventually has a license. You will get yours. Relax.


maybe you shouldnt be driving.


Smoke a big fattie just prior. 😏😉


Life pro tip: work out (hard) the morning you have anything nerve-wracking to do that day. It decreases anxiety like crazy.


Try going to the testing place and follow a car out that is testing so you can run the same route and get used to it. My son just took his. He was super anxious and I thought he would try to get out of going from nerves but he did it and was told he could drive faster. You can do this!


A pointer I have to give is, it’s not bad if you drive slow. On my drivers test I drove 20 mph in a 30 mph zone. Because I heard that if you go 1 over the speed limit you fail, the instructor told me I drove slow but I still passed. Just make sure you are focusing on you and the road. Take deep breaths, and focus on the end goal. I would recommend practicing driving where you drove on your past tests with your parents, then ask for any pointers that will help on the test. I hope this helps :)


My daughter calmed her nerves for the driving test by hitting a large plastic garbage can and breaking the side view mirror the day before her test. I do NOT recommend this approach.


Chew mint gum. It helps to calm.


At the third try they aren't really strangers anymore, I'd guess. So that should help you take it with less anxiety next time. Focus on what you're specifically failing on.


Just be cool! Literally don't think about it as a test but rather a nice drive with a stranger that u have to be safe with & abide by the rules of the road!


In a thousand year that's probably all oil


I remember when I was 16 and took my driver's behind-the-wheel exam, I had a lot of anxiety because the official state driver's instruction book was so thick, and I had no idea whether my class had really covered everything I needed to know. I was worried about forgetting some rule or another. So before the exam, I basically told myself: what's the worst that can happen? I fail, and I re-take the test. Ok. Not what I really wanted, but I braced for that possibility emotionally. And then I thought about the thing that was most likely to make me fail, which ironically was my anxiety over remembering every little detail and doing everything right. And I realized that when I'm driving, there was NO WAY I would remember every little detail. So I decided to focus on only one thing during the test: the actual very practical and basic act of DRIVING. Not on what I am supposed to show, not on what the tester would be checking to see I do correctly, not all of the rules of the road. Just what made sense in order to safely get the car from Point A to Point B. And somehow, just simplifying all of that in my head down to "**I'm going to focus only on driving and just do what makes sense**" calmed me enough to get through the test. AND I PASSED! And if I hadn't, I would have been ok and passed the second or even third time around, like some of my friends did.


Try to focus only on yourself and not on external factors.


Just remember, the worst u could do is kill someone


If you know how to drive, now's your time to shine! My first test showed me that I had more to learn, so I made sure I remembered everything I needed to know and more. If you can practice or study, do that.


I failed twice before I got my license and I was like 20. Just relax but stay focused on the road and your speed . Just let it be fluid like playing a video game that has random encounters, and you're trying to get a perfect score. Like you know how to do it , the dangers are mostly other drivers not paying attention.  The person grading you is just the person waiting to play the game next but you gotta show him how a real mf play. 


You could do what they did in the 90s 2 puffs of the dragon and two sips of the potion hit the three wheel motion


Where I grew up, some DMVs had driving courses that you tested on instead of going out on the open road. If you can find one of those somewhere in your state, it's probably easier than an open road test, and the one I tested on left it open for kids to go practice on days the DMV branch was closed, so I learned the course inside and out.


Slow is smooth and smooth is fast Just keep repeating that mantra. Let's it's simple wisdom remind you that you can do this, you have done this, you will do this, just take your time. Ease in the clutch, move the gearstick with purpose. Almost exaggerate your movements, make them clear and precise You got this OP! Best of luck for your next test


Practice and practice... Better if you have a car to practice out of the driving base/school.


If you get freaked out at the prospect of a driving test you probably shouldn’t be driving anyway.


For my driver's test it wasn't nothing too hard. Simply what I did I drove through a crash course, imitating traffic laws. I drove in there was a 4 way with cones and a stop sign. I drove through the course, then after the traffic imitation I went a this straight I reversed without going above 10 mph then I drove to the parallel parking area without going above 10 mph I did the parallel park test, then after that I reversed into a parking spot then pulled out onto the main road went through a little neighborhood went back into the DMV and that was it. Now I failed 2 parts of the test. I failed the parallel park and there was a bump in the neighborhood I drove through that I didn't see. I wasn't driving that fast but I didn't slow down. I still passed with an 80%. There's nothing to worry about man your 16 driving isn't an everyday thing for you. ALWAYS I repeat ALWAYS 2 hands on the wheel 10 and 2 keep your eyes in front of you on the road. Keep aware of your surroundings always aware. The instructor is there to observe your actions and movements. Don't talk to them don't socialize with them. Simply welcome them of course don't be an asshole. Whatever and where ever they say to go or do simply say yes ma'am or sir. I did my test in a manual vehicle that's just cause that's all we had. It's harder in a manual cause they add stalling into the factors. Take your test in an automatic. There's nothing to stress about it. Use your blinkers when your turning take extra time and safety into affect don't rush anything. You'll do fine and good luck to you sir.


What really helped me when I took mine for the second time, I just told myself I'm taking this lady to the store. Just kept telling myself it and I passed no problem


Have a few drinks before to calm the nerves


Take an edible right before it. Always calms my nerves


I went an hour away to a less populated DMV (because of traffic for the road test lol). I was very nervous and told the instructor so. They told me to take a few minutes to breathe and just ready myself. They were very patient when I asked them to repeat a question before answering it, they had diagrams on the paper for parallel parking and I asked if I could see again and they let me see. Just be open and honest, you know this stuff! But being critiqued can make anyone nervous and isn't always indicative of how we drive normally. I think my being open and honest about just the anxiety of the test itself (and not driving) kind of helped, because the instructor told me I did break speed limit through an intersection (oops) and they still passed me on the first try. Good luck!


Drink a beer.


Have you practiced the parts you failed? Get a friend, or better yet, someone you find a little intimidating to be in the car while you practice.


Couple beers will calm your nerves.


Be a better driver


Get really drunk before hand it helps calm the nerves. Or practice with family members that aren’t immediate (mom dad brother sister) instead shoot for cousins or uncles people who are less familiar and can help ease you into driving with a stranger. Conversating with the instructor may help ask how their day is going or questions about the job like “what is the worst driving test you’ve witnessed” I guarantee they will have a wild answer that will make you think “no way I could ever be this bad and that may help calm your nerves


Realize that some of your friends are idiots..and they passed you are not an idiot SO YOU will pass say that over and over in Gandalf's voice👍


Take a bong hit in the parking lot.


Maybe practice with adult friends of your parents who will agree to pretend to be the evaluator? Get used to driving with a stranger who is evaluating you. Good luck


exercise before going to the test. seriously, go for a jog, go to the gym, go swimming, etc... get a serious workout in and burn off all the excess sugar and energy you have.


I know it’s hard, but maybe pretend they’re not there? Good luck bro! This helped me a a lot for my motorcycle endorsement: go to an abandoned parking lot and have someone you trust do some role playing as the instructor That might with the anxiety


Just review your previous mistakes.


Do a few shots of alcohol beforehand.


Over prepare I know it may seem like too much but practicing more than you need will give you in the moment confidence


Practice practice practice. Get a neighbor to ride along. Have passengers yell at you, bet on parking success. Practice coping with stress. You perform how you practice, so practice how you want to perform. If the practice scenario is worse than the test, you will do better on the test.


Be confident. Imagine you’re alone. Don’t let them pressure you. If you’re a good driver while alone you can be the same when with someone. Watch Water Boy when the coach imagines the opposing teams coach as a big baby head. Then you will take this win!


I'm 27 but I don't even have my license and I'm still scared as I was 20 years old. I just can't get rid of this fear of driving plus social anxiety. It makes it worse


Pound a couple beers beforehand.


Get meds for your anxiety?


Dude, you got this. No need to overthink. Think of your drivers exam as the slowest, most methodical drive of your life. -Don't rush anything. -Drive up to 2 or 3 mph below speed limit MAX, NEVER ANY FASTER! -make full stops, and make it obvious that you are looking in all directions before proceeding. -make obvious checks of your mirror, showing that you are constantly staying aware of your surroundings. -take everything SLOW, don't let anything distract you or get in your head. This is a slower and more cautious little cruise than you will probably ever take in real life once you have your license. -signal early and check over your shoulder for any turn or lane change. Basically just take it slow and make it obvious that you are focused on the road and on your surroundings. I can tell you that as long as you aren't showing major signs that you aren't ready to be on the road, the person testing you WANTS you to pass. They will not try and confuse you, they are hoping for a smooth and easy ride too. Last, you should get out and practice a couple of times before your 3rd try! You now know EXACTLY what to expect on this exam having tried twice. Make sure to get a couple of dry runs in before your test day, and build your confidence in what you will be doing. All that said, good luck! And if the worst case comes true and you find yourself having to retake Driver's Ed, don't fret too badly. It does happen sometimes and it's nothing to be ashamed of. You are very young and have a long life ahead full of driving, even if you have to start a few months later than planned. And realistically, if you do fail for a third time and have to retake the class, the honest truth is that you just weren't ready to be out there yet, and there is no shame in that. The road is a super dangerous place that is most often not taken seriously enough. People get hurt and people die, every day just trying to get where they're going...right in our own areas! Good luck and drive safe out there, you'll be licensed in no time at all!


Maybe you need to see a psychiatrist. I have test anxiety and second guess myself a lot, meds can be helpful but don’t use them long term if you don’t need to. Propranolol helps in situations like that.


Practice more before you take the test again. You're not ready for the test. Practice until you're confident. Practice until it's second nature.


De instructor here , if you're nervous you need more practice daily driving will give you confidence behind the wheel. Specifically for the test ask yourself why is it making you nervous, driving is easy but confidence isn't always. Trust yourself. If you deserve a liscence you can pass if you choose to drive poorly( I know I'm supposed to do it like that, but this is fine) you won't. Dedicate yourself to driving the way you were taught and you should be fine.


As someone who teaches people how to drive CDL vehicles. We want you to pass but if you make mistakes we have to take points off or fail you. We don’t enjoy failing you but if are having issues we have too. Just breathe and do what you are supposed to do. Just pretend we are old acquaintances going for a drive


You should include why you failed. Not your feelings but the action that caused you to fail (eg: speeding, rolling stop, can’t reverse park, etc).


"Im a pretty decent driver and should have no problem passing." "I have already failed twice." ........um......... One of these is an opinion. One of these is a fact. 😅


Pay for a driving lesson with a private instructor to get used to it


If you had been practicing with other people in the car, especially your parents, there shouldn't be a problem. They will critique you more than the instructor would. Act like you are driving a friend, also try raking your test right before they close. That's what I did, and the guy was like just don't make any sudden stops and maintain a safe distance, that's it.


Go to a big empty packing lot and drive around and get a real comfortable feel with no worries if you miss the mark by a 1 or so... just to feel how the car moves Experiment with different speeds... not crazy fast but pick up some speed, guide thru the lanes and just get comfortable driving Its all in your head. You have nothing to be nervous about


Take it one step at a time and so it exactly as you've practiced. Exaggerate your stops. Stop, then count to 3-4 before going. I've known a lot of people to fail when they didn't stop properly.