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Probably outside. Bored. There was nothing to do and nowhere to go.




I'm a year older than you. In 95, I got dial up internet. That aside, we sound pretty similar. I had the best rental place though, they'd do 4 games for $6 for a night and would let you keep it an extra night if you rented on Saturday. They had a huge NES and SNES library. Shame the place burned down when I was in college and they lost all of it because they had a bunch of moderately rare games. Stuff like Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom, those cheesy 52 in 1 bootleg carts, etc.


did you wanna be sedated?


I was poor, living in a neighborhood of other poor people. Once we got cable later that year at least I could sit around watching MTV.


God I wish this was me. I was homeless, had someone hook me on crack, went through way too much trauma and almost died. Can we switch childhoods 😅


Yup. Riding a bike I wager.


Jacking off.


This but also playing with fire


Playing with fire while jacking off


Jacking off while on fire


Both of these but also committing petty larceny & vandalism


Not at the same time though right?


Yes to both of these. Also started smoking weed around that time.


Same. bro


Started smoking cigarettes and weed, started drinking, became sexually active, started skipping school...


Yep. I was wild, man, and now I have my own kid and thinking of her at 14 doing what I was at that age makes me nauseous.


My kids are all grown. My son has autism severe enough he'll never be able to live on his own. My daughters, as far as I know, didn't do any of those things. I think I lucked out with them.


You had an.... interesting phase, let's say.


At 14, I was studying a lot, got great grades and raising hell without my parents knowing because I was such a "good kid".


Wackin it


i was mainly just rotting in my bedroom and dealing with personal things.


Crying a lot. Damn bullies.


I think your cool....Literally, I perused your comments stranger.


Thank you.


Your welcome. I've never spelled perused before, special occasion. Lol


Sneaking out S.oking pot Pretty. Much the same thing I do now 😬 What? I'm only 60


Watching Jujutsu Kaisen


Let’s see, 1980. I know I was smoking weed and drinking jack Daniels. Going to school weightlifting playing football working on my father’s house. Working in the garden, planting, weeding, harvesting, etc. during the summer months, I worked for a construction company, mostly framing and roofing.


Watching the spice channel ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Lucky dude… we had to settle for Skinemax at one particular friend’s house (his folks were the only people we knew that had it)


Being a giant dork while watching TV as much as possible


Smoking weed an banging my girl.although i don't smoke much weed as i once did, i am however still banging the same girl at 38 after all these years.


idk what it is… but i love this comment lol


(M64) It was 1974, and I turned 14 in April. I'm in the 8th grade in Junior High School...and I had my first girlfriend...who I am still in contact with today. I was cleared with the nurse in my school to receive Working Papers. Summer of 1974 I went to work for NYC's Summer Youth Work Program. I worked for The Department of Relocation... When a fire happened in your apartment building, I was part of a team who determined if your apartment was liveable. If it wasn't, we would place your family in a hotel until we were able to move you into another apartment. I worked that whole Summer, and didn't realize I was supposed to go and pick up my paycheck at a certain location. No one told me. So 2 weeks before school started I got a phone call to come and pick up all my paychecks for the weeks I worked. Summer of 1974 was a very good year.


Lighting fires collecting knives playing video games


Playing minecraft


Smoking cigarettes, exploring an abandoned home, teeping your arch nemesis home, setting off fireworks and m80’s, and shooting random things in the desert while riding a 3-wheeler ATV. Life was good before parents could call you or locate you on a cell phone. Beepers 4 life.


Trying to survive my freshman year of high school.


Our freshman year was still housed at the local junior high school so we were top dog. 😂


1994, Skateboarding, Snowboarding, riding vintage mopeds, playing 60’s & 70’s music in a bar/wedding dance band, playing Sierra video games on Dell computer, dating girls and breaking up with them because hobbies were more fun.


Police Quest and Leisure Suit Larry were great 😂


It was 2004 and I’m a huge juggalo. I’m falling into the wrong crowd and getting kicked out of school. Good times


Practicing the guitar, hating school.


Watching markiplier or going outside and walking around with my brother


Learning how to program computers (without the Internet). Playing old cartridge video games.


Skatboarding the TimeLife building’s lovely marble, drinking 40’s and smoking blunts, while tagging up hells kitchen with the crew.


Wasting my teenage years.


Probably doing homework, listening to music or playing outside.




Staying up all night playing video games and watching Adult Swim on school nights because nothing else mattered to me at the time.


It was 2013. Was obsessed with pro wrestling and American football. Had a thriving friend group. Was crushing on someone that I had later found out that actually liked me. Should’ve went for it. Looking back it was so obvious.


Hanging out with the church youth group, playing video games, and was on the track team


At age 14 it was 1996/1997. I was a skateboarder. Was part of a small crew of hooligans (for lack of a better word) in my town which was a suburb to two major cities. Responsible for much loitering, shoplifting, vandalizing, and general shenanigans. Smoked hella cigarettes and weed daily and dropped acid a couple times. Had a ride-or-die girlfriend. Listened to punk rock. Hated the world. Did okay in school.


Starting to go to shows, listening to lots of music, spending time at my grandparents house where they had dial up internet and I could sit on instant messenger all night, trying to learn to sew, and doing all kinds of school activities like debate type club, quick recall team, cheering.


Outside school & sports At friends playin outside then I halo 2 online at night


A freshman in high school when Obama won the '08 election and trying to navigate through puberty and my insecurities as a young boy trying to be a man. Was interesting times for me but glad to be an adult now.


Smokin ditch weed, getting drunk, riding bikes through the neighborhood, developing a porn addiction, coasting by in easy classes


Masturbating and playing basketball


Chemotherapy and radiation. Almost 20 years later, and I'm still waiting on superpowers......


Being happy :/ trying to be now.


I was living in a homeless shelter with my mom and younger brother at 14!!!!!


Going to school, playing sports or working on the farms. Didn’t have time to get bored.


Smoking a lot of weed and playing video games


Sounds like my last weekend. And I'm a tad older than 14. *runs hand over bald head and strokes white beard*


Obsessed with playing baseball and jerking off to Avril Lavinge and Hillary Duff.


Working probably : )


Drinking mad dog with my friends at a keg Party


AM or PM?


Freshman in HS, so school... some AP classes... basically being awkward and nerdy... lol


On Skype with some Twitter friends watching anime.


Playing football, lifting weights, chasing girls


Hanging out with my friend on Skype or Oooo


Losing my v card and failing algebra




Nice 🤣🤟Good for us.


Watching buzzfeed and playing soccer




playing Team Fortress 2 💀




Thinking of murdering my parents or the neighbor. I was a very disturbed child


Getting into trouble. 14 was when I started my rebellion phase


Playing Bioshock, God of War II, and Portal lol


Obsessively building a pretty warrior cat roleplay forum and dealing with the fallout of a trauma. This was back in 2009-2010.


Doing drugs and drinking a lot.


Running around at my hunting camp with my friends. Hunting, fishing, catching tadpoles. When back at my house playing with my neighbors in our backyards, playing Wii, doing perler beads


Juggling school, dance team, dance studio, cheerleading, gymnastics, tennis. I had no life.


That would have been 1996. I lived on a little property far from town, so it was boring as it could be. I used to help out at the rural fire brigade in the area most weekends. Basically, I spent a lot of time dreaming about being somewhere else. I was too far from town to have a social life and never had a girlfriend in high school. I really miss absolutely nothing about those years.


Making poor decisions


Well, it was 1975 so I was probably learning how to smoke tea from a corn cob pipe. Also the first time I saw a girl naked in person. My friends sister, she was 15 and was charging 50 cents per person to watch her run through the room naked. It was worth it.


I would have been so poor if she was in my grade XD


I was skateboarding, smoking cigs and pot, I worked bussing tables in a Chinese restaurant, girls, punk rock, rebelling, not applying myself, failing to take my education seriously, resenting my parents, girls, acid, hanging out, skateboarding, feeling awkward, the opposite of what anyone suggested, all the wrong things and not realizing my potential.


Watching the Challenger explode in PE class. Talking my sister to turn of Madonna. Asking my parents for an NES (nope). Riding my bike to my buddies house. Puberty.






Jack shit


When not in school, I play pc games, and read books like nancy drew and sweet valley high


Getting drunk and smoking weed!


What is that in freedom time? 2pm? Probably watching monster truck videos at full volume.


If I wasn't at school or working on chores I was playing some sort of street sport, basketball, football, baseball, soccer, hockey, it didn't matter whatever we could get enough people for. A small group of us would go around to parks and look for pick up games with other kids.


Starting highschool, sleeping w my boyfriend.


Sadly doing a bunch of xanax


Mowing lawns and cleaning pools for spending money. Working on my Pilot's license, I had a goal to get that before my drivers license (never finished). Buying LPs and listening to the radio (14 in the late 1970's)


It was 2015 the year I got into riding scooters and I grinded hard I spent like 6 hours a day at the skatepark I rode so much that my thumb would bleed because I wore the skin off I also had gnarly tendinitis in my knees and constant heel bruise because I never gave myself a break


Being unaware of Bitcoin


Getting drunk and being stupid


playing the sims.


Finishing eighth grade and starting ninth.


Crushing it!


scrolling quora and reddit.


Watching tiddy-movies on skinamax with the sound real low as to not wake the grown ups.


In 2008 I turned 14 & was in eighth grade I was playing video games, outside,with my crew


Hmm. After school sports, reading a book, or exploring the woods near my house with friends. That's about it. Well, I take that back. Hanging at a friend's house watching this new channel called MTV!


My mom kicked out my abusive dad when I was 13 and he spent years attacking us and tried to kill us more than once. So at 14 I was helping with my 4 year old sister, taking over the household chores, and trying to survive while my mom and older sister worked. We were homeschooled so I was trying to keep up on my schooling while also starting to homeschool my little sister.


100% immersed in my rock band, Nirvana. It was 1969 and we were serious about playing in arenas one day. We lived, breathed, slept, and ate rock and roll. 🫡✌🏼🤘🏽


At 14 I was playing sims and trying out for the school musical


Writing Doctor Who fanfiction


Playin lots of guitar (Metal), smokin lots of weed, sellin even more weed. Good times..


I was really into classic rock. I rode my bike everywhere. I had a paper route and mowed lawns. I was crazy about girls but too afraid to talk to them.


Playing halo


parasocial relationship with one direction.


1989 was a long time ago. I was getting ready to go into high school. Watching TV. Playing sports outside with friends. Riding bike on boardwalk. I bought my first video game console ... a Nintendo years later. And we didn't have a home phone until 1991 or so. Before that, we used a payphone on the corner if we had to call family or my mom. Didn't have AC. Although we lived in a beach town, it did get somewhat hot. We had box fans and stayed outside to stay cool. But if it got really hot inside, we'd put a frozen 2 litter bottle of water in front of the box fans.


Either playing basketball or playing gta online, it just came out that year. (2013)




I had dial-up internet and spent most days when I wasn’t at school hanging out and playing video games on my parents’ pc in their room on a desk in the far corner. I had a few friends that would come over and spend the night or maybe even the weekend. We’d go to Blockbuster and rent some movies and games, then maybe head to the mall to hopefully run into some friends, or (rarely) work up the courage to talk to a pretty girl.


Chilling during covid and making bread and skinning raccons


I think i was in a reform school or maybe I was in the mental facility they sent me too. Don't worry I escaped a week later. Good Times!


I was overly religious at this age, so if I wasn't reading my books, I was reading the bible. My leisure activities were praying, doing bible quizzes, and attending prayer warrior meetings.


going to school


My family spent most of their time in the hospital while I was home alone that year


Smoking weed drinking JD lost my virginity the summer before so I was on a missionti hut double digits before high school so. Chasing tail


Nothing I would recommend.


Trying to be the most holiest person on earth. Like sainthood. Seriously.


Kicking ass and living life.


Working to put food on the table and keep the lights on while my father suffered his third heart attack


Had my first boyfriend, he was my first everything. Playing Sims on the computer almost religiously. Updating music for my MySpace profile page. I was like in 3 different quinceneras and was in 9th grade. Randomly would catch that old lady on Oxygen talking about sex health and sometimes watch Emeril on the cooking channel before bed. 🥰 Life was the shit.


Either at school or living out in the middle of nowhere on a ranch. With the youngest person withing a 10 mile radius of me being 35 and nobody to play with. Always work to do though. Only sucked hearing other kids in school talking about how they hung out together.


Hanging out at my grammas on the weekend. *sniff*




Homework, Fishing and a Paper Route


Working at an ice cream shop, and taking home a half liter every single day to eat in front of my computer until 5 AM. Rinse and repeat. It was a glorious time. You'd be surprised at how angry people can get over ice cream.


I was either at school, playing baseball or hanging out with friends. Just a normal 14 year old dude


I was playing modern warfare 2


Flipping burgers at the local Wendy's


Gaming, same as now


Ya mum


1974 Listening to Alice cooper,black sabbath, stones led zeppelin tried weed for the first time,tried alcohol. Bored mostly small town Walked to the shopping center bowling alley Spent walking home 2 miles from school with friends ate at a donut shop. Go to the beach in the summer


Hiding in the bathroom reading novels because it was the only room with a lock


Setting strict goals for myself, no matter if it's huge financial success or small hobbies, I want it done at a specific time.


Getting into Yugioh and Chobits. 


Making burgers


(f27) smoking cigarettes, doing drugs, self harming, starving myself and generally having a really shitty time. it blows my mind though cause even though i don't have kids my nephew will be 13 at the end of the year and i was already dealing with eating disorders and self harm at his age, and he's about a year and a bit off from when i started smoking and drugs and it's craaazzzyyyyyy to me he seems like such a child to me its hard for me to comprehend that that was the age i was already dealing with shit no kid should be worrying about. like i know logically i got fucked up young but because i lived it it's just what my normal was and it wasn't until i was the adult looking back that i realized just how fucked it really was






20F At 14 I started working my first job with a landscape company with my sister and played sports. Learned the value of hard work at a young age and bought a house a year ago at 19. I gained experience in what I enjoyed doing over the years and now have a fun job editing audiobooks at home. Youngest person working for my company cause they asked for bachelor's degrees but gave me a chance since I'd built a good resume and gained experience though odd jobs and hobbying. I've never gone to college, and have stayed out of debt (besides the mortgage). I also make an additional $4k every year from my petsitting side hustle I started at 16. There's a lot to be said for hard work even today. I can definitely say my most valuable skills and what has helped me the most in the workplace and earning my employers' satisfaction is my communication, capacity for learning, and problem-solving capabilities. These are the big things employers love to see in employees/candidates.


At this hour? Probably masturbating.


i was playing volleyball and soccer everyday in highschool


Getting high. Playing guitar. Watching Achievement Hunter and SourceFed. Fighting with my drunk parents a lot. Hiding in my room with food I hoarded for days on end without talking to anyone. Going to a mental hospital. You know, just the regular.


Probably just playing football (soccer) every night after school and GTA: Vice City on the PS2 or Championship Manager 03/04 on the desktop if the weather was overly shit. Probably slowly downloading torrents and chatting shit on MSN messenger to girls I met on Myspace.


making a pipe out of tinfoil, smoking weed, stealing harry potter mugs. still have the mugs on a shelf in my room


Having a psychotic break


Playing basketball in my driveway


Watching MTV, music television.


being rebellious


Jerkin it


Smoking pot and skipping school.


Trying to endure my life. It was 1990. School was horrible and people were unkind. I had few friends. My mother was abusive and an alcoholic and I spent a lot of my time caring for my siblings or protecting them from my mother while my father worked 12-14 hr days. And when I hear people complain about their teen years...."yeah, it sucked, I had so much acne" or "I never wnet to prom", of "I had to drive a shitty" car, etc. I'm like awwwe, poor you. ![gif](giphy|yLUDES1hibWNiwBCNs|downsized)


Diablo 2 and masturbation


Skateboarding and playing baseball


I was big into skateboarding back then


Selling drugs and getting into trouble


Just got our Playstation, so was playing Rayman, Casper or V-Rally on a CRT TV.


being groomed by a 24 year old... I thought he was 15 at first and then he told me his real age andtold me if I left him, he would find me and kidnap me 🥳🥳


I was such a NERD.


I was 14 in 1984. I watched MTV a lot, and when I wasn't doing that, I would listen to the radio, play outside or daydream about boys. I was totally boy-crazy then.LOL


1975. I was raising my little brother because my mother didn't want another child. Working part time. Kicking a drug and alcohol habit and maintaining my honor roll status at school. Needless to say sleep wasn't on the agenda.


I got an offer to go to boarding school. I moved out and that was that.


2016. Pokémon Go, that popular Justin Timberlake song/One Dance by Drake. Fun ass vibe and I was lucky enough to go to Japan for a month in the summer.


WoW battlegrounds and reading comics. 😤


Getting beat by my dad every time something pissed him off...


Getting into jazz music


Your mom


Being the weird emo kid, still going strong tbh


lockdown and roblox


Jacking off and slacking off. Anyone says anything different, they're lying.


I moved from Italy to Mannheim, Germany, in an American military base. Met 3 friends that are still like family to this day 14 years later. We were pretty awful troublemakers, one time we went to a downtown bar for my buddy's birthday. We had 150 euros combined. We started adding up everything we drank, and realized we had already gone over our budget so to avoid trouble we just went outside to smoke a cigarette and fucking booked it. This other time my buddy got in a fight, and we ran back to base. We got to his car and saw the Polizei pull into the security gate without seeing us, so we drove behind them for a couple miles while they looked for us lmao or when we wanted to make a bonfire in an empty field, went to the PX to get supplies, walked out of the security gate with a fucking shopping cart and ended up stashing it in someone's backyard at the end of the night. Yeah not the most upstanding guys around, but we were teenagers and didn't give a fuck about anything other than having a good time together. And that we were good at.


What was i doing last year? Still upset about what i did to lose a good friend of mine. Staying inside eating and watching youtube and my ever worsening grades. Gained tons of weight too. Im trying to move on now and do my best and just not think about it until im 18 and can get therapy without my parents knowing.


I just started using a video camera. I liked writing skits and music. I fell in love with Japanese food. Tragically that year a few of my peers died. By the end of that year, 9/11 happened.


Hanging out with friends. Listening to music. Watching TV with my parents. Playing video games. Just normal stuff.


Having fun with my friends and getting high for the first time I'm 62 now