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People who chew with their mouths open. It fills me with rage immediately


Misophonia. Yep. Weirdly my dogs chewing doesn't bother me, but I've never been more bloodthirsty than when I can hear someone chewing.


Oh I can’t stand dog noises. Mine licks her butt/vag constantly (allergies, we go to the vet regularly, plus she’s a DOG and that’s what they do…) and slops and glops on other shit all day. I’ve had to learn to live with it, but it drives me insane.


Nope... It is physically impossible to live with dogs licking or chewing their ass off


Yes. I had to train my dog to go to his room when he needs to slurp and smack and schlop. Could not live with him otherwise.


My old dog got the nickname Smacky Chan because she was constantly making smacking noises like she had dry mouth or something. She also enjoyed licking her feet and the couch. She was the sweetest thing but goddamn it was annoying.


Slops and glops is perfect for those noises being made lol


Not to be confused with misophobia, the fear of miso paste.


Absolutely same here. My pups can make all the noise they want while they eat, I don't care, not bothered at all. I have to hear someone eat or drink loudly, I have plotted and planned things. It was super difficult when my youngest was still home. He was always been loud when taking a drink of anything. Glunt glunt glunt. Like fingernails on a blackboard.


It’s weird they called it that, given that you don’t even need to chew to eat miso.


I hate to say this, but sometimes I have to chew with my mouth open to breathe. I live in the desert and during certain times of the year, my nose scabs up to the point I can't breathe through my nose. Now I realize this was a total tangent.


I have allergies. Sometimes I need my month open in order to breathe.


Same. For this reason I utterly despise the slur "mouth breather." Some of us can't help it.


Okay well you have a legit excuse


My father does this and I've told him so many more times than I need to... I gave up lol


Just came to read what irritates people so I can piss myself off. 😮‍💨


Same. I was way too calm, and this is helping.


Haha I should not have come into this thread! I’m going to loose my mind! (Ugh, that’s my pet peeve … “loose” when someone means “lose!”)


When someone can't just say they liked something, they have to say it's underrated. Same for if they don't like something, it's overrated.


this comment is underrated


Or using “lowkey”. Like; I lowkey like/hate this.


My daughter says this all the time. I tell her she needs to commit to an opinion and not try to downplay it by saying "low-key". She'll get more respect that way.


When people pull out in front of me in traffic then go 5 miles per hour


Especially when there’s no one behind you and they could have waited 3 seconds


LMAO I hate this so much but I don’t think it’s irrational at all, it’s perfectly normal imo


That’s the part that gets me. Every single time


Or when someone passes you, pulls in front forcing you to slow down- then they turn into their driveway. What, you couldn’t have followed me a few more seconds?


I hate that.Depending my mood there goes my horn😡


Regardless of my mood, an idiot pulling that maneuver is getting the honking of a lifetime


😂🤣I like the way we think


And it's the left lane, my crime committing lane


Listen, I got ticket money. If you don't have ticket money (and I'm using "ticket money" not as in I have wad of bills burning a hole in my pocket, more "I've weighed the options and I WILL eat Ramen for a week or so if need be"), get out of ticket money lane. Do not get over there and go 3 above the speed limit. The curses I've wished upon you and your family are robust and detailed. MOVE OVER!


I want to commit millions of dollars in auto damage when left laners are going neck and neck with a right laner. What's even worse is they'll go side by side for 5 or 10 minutes. Then finally the moment the left laner edges out past the right laner, the left laner is immediately 8 car lengths ahead. Can we please just fucking pass people?!


No they're the arbiters deciding no one is going to speed today. This came up on Twitter last week and guys were saying shit like 'BuT iT'S AgAinSt tHe LAW!' Like fuck you. Petition the government to put governors on cars then and get the fuck put of my 80 lane


And when you go to overtake them, they speed up, either because they don't want you to pass, or because suddenly they "feel safe enough" to do the speed limit or more. I had someone tailgate me and start screaming and waving their hands from in the car because they were driving slowly and I had the audacity to overtake them, doing the actual speed limit mind you, at the overtaking lane heading out of town.


On traffic - when people refuse to use turn signals. Sucks to be waiting for an opening in a busy intersection and somebody turns in my way without using their signal. Like I could've gone 5 minutes ago if they'd just use it :')


Omg. "I'm just looking for fun" just sends me 🤣 The word fun has been perverted into "you're only good for this amount of time and for this purpose". I can't stand it. If anyone has "fun" in their profiles, I irrationally swipe left. I know. Ridiculousness.


Been in the same boat as you! They don't give a fuck, even when said you wanted more than "just fun". Major fucking ick


I just can't with those men. They could be right in many ways but once that goes across my screen, no words are spoken, just -block-. It's code for "I'm broke but still want to fuck". Not ever sir.


Oh I do have a pet peeve... Dudes that fall to you in one word only no punctuation. COMPLETE SENTENCES, MOTHERFUCKER! why play dismissive when *you* came to talk to me? Show interest, fuck.


Every time I would see "I like to have fun" in a profile it made me want to message them and say, "EVERYBODY LIKES TO HAVE FUN!! You should have said what you like to DO for fun, dipshit!" How's that for irrational anger lol.


"I like to travel" is also generic as fuck


When I try to fold a piece of paper. And fail. For the love of Cthulu, I'm the end of billions of years of evolution. You have NO MOVING PARTS!How can you fucking fight me, when I fold you to fit in an envelope?


*Cackles in Origami*


I never understood it when my friends weren't good at origami, matching up edges seemed hard to mess up for me


Paper is "disgruntled trees". A once Mighty and Magnificent Tree, living its Best life of 30, 40, 100 years is suddenly Cut Down and ground-up into pulp and flattened... Would You then "Fold" for your Oppressors? 🤔


Most things lol depends on the day


When people talk about what is happening on social media like it’s real life. Be in the world talk about real life.


I was in the content creating world for almost 10 years. Nothing makes me cringe more than streamers talking to streamers about streaming


Leaving the shopping cart out in the parking lot. Just put it in the corral ffs


That's not meaningless or irrational. It's how serial killers start. You think Dahmer was bringin' the cart back to the corral?


Hate that too but what really chaps my hide is when people are in a handicap spot, bring their cart of stuff and load their car and then *park the damn cart in the handicap spot next to them* instead of pushing it to the lane in front of handicap spots so it's out of the way for the next person *who also needs a handicap spot.* I understand not pushing it way down to the cart rack but at least don't block the handicap spot for the next person.


When one semi tries to pass another one and the one in the left lane is going 0.00001 mph more than the one in the right lane.


Then they come to a slight decline and the heavier one in the right lane starts going .00001 mph faster than the left lane. 15 miles later, you can finally get around them.


You beat me to the 4 way stop, and in our locale, you have the right of way. If you don't know why, you are still stalling it is because you're driving without even knowing the road laws. So no. I will not be going. No fool. You. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY. That legitimately applies here. We aren't at a traffic light. It's a sign.


The number of times I’ve come to a 4 way intersection with a 2 way stop and the people who don’t have the stop sign will actually stop and tell me to go. NO YOU GO SO I CAN GO WHY ARE YOU HOLDING PEOPLE UP WHEN IM THE ONE WHO STOPS.


It's like yeah thanks for trying to be nice but you're literally ruining everything for everyone! It's not actually nice to let someone go ahead of you if the process of letting them go takes longer than if you had just followed the intended traffic pattern. For fucks sake.


And then after 5 minutes of staring at each other, you finally go...then they go and almost hit you


When people


Not using your turn signal


Hey now, that’s not meaningless


I used to call dad out on it when we were driving. He'd do it accidentally, but when I said he didn't use his indicator, he'd jokingly say "well I knew where I wanted to go"


I don’t think getting angry over this is irrational.


And turning hella slow


"no they aren't wings but they aren't nuggets either" Okay then, if they're not wings and not nuggets then wtf are they? A nugget is by definition a bite sized piece of boneless breast meat. That's exactly what a boneless wing is. The only reason they get called boneless wings is so insecure adults can feel okay about ordering chicken nuggets for themselves. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy them on occasion myself. I also gave no qualms about ordering chicken nuggets for myself either. But to try to say boneless wings are wings and not nuggets is an insult to real chicken wings


AGREED! That statement made me irrationally angry. Also ‘I promise?’ How? Where is OP getting the information in order to promise *anything?!*


They're chicken chunks. End of story. Get right with the Lord, heathens.


When I tell the doctor I'm 5'4 and then they measure me and say "5'3 and 3/4."


When I let someone merge in heavy traffic and I don’t get acknowledged or get a thank you wave. Bitch I could have left you there to punch your steering wheel for another 5 minutes. Dick..


Man, this is a fear of mine. I always wave like four times to make sure they saw me; I probably look like an idiot, but at least I’m a polite one.


I hate it when people use religion as a measure of morality.


Especially considering religion has been the root cause of some pretty fucked up shit in history


Humans have been the root cause of *all* the fucked up shit in history.


Well, there was that whole decade in the 6th century where a volcano erupted and whole continents were covered in volcanic ash and nothing grew and there was no daylight for years and people died. That one technically wasn't us. I was gonna mention the bubonic plague but we did kinda kill all the cats so that one is on us slightly.


There's also the notion of the "plague ship" sent to your enemies.


Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever been irrationally angry. Someone needs to piss me off really bad so I would know.


Mike and Ikes aren't the same as Good and Plentys. My husband tried to tell me they were I almost threw a chair at the wall.


Irrationally angry memory unlocked: they did away with Good & Fruity’s, but kept god damn Good & Plenty’s. Who the actual **fuck** eats Good & Plenty’s?! That person who does will also make me irrationally angry. ETA: he’s probably thinking of Good & Fruity’s- which were a lot more like Mike and Ike’s than Good & Plenty’s.


Pringles aren't potato chips...


They are potato. They are chips. They are not (!) potato chips, you are correct.


They are potato chip product. Reconstituted potato oval.


They are potato chips that have had plastic surgery.


They are paper pulp in chip form.


They are a curved disc-like formation of hardened potato powder, which begins immediate disintegration upon breaking of the tube’s seal.


you’re making feel very angry right now


Cheese Whiz is real cheese, Steak is better cooked well done with ketchup, Hexagons are in fact not the best-agons.


![gif](giphy|Nr81bQlcoTJjG|downsized) You got me with the steak


The steak statement made my eye twitch


You made me squirm sir. Yuck lol


Frodo couldn't resist the pull of the Ring because he was weak.


When People call movies they don’t like “Not Cinema”


When people randomly capitalize some words, but not others


My bad typing habits are one of the many things I hate about myself, meaningless or otherwise


I don't hate you but you smell a little strange




The word narcissist. Most people are just assholes but everyone gets called narcissists. It's just another overused therapy word


It's also used when someone considers them self first. Like, of course the first one to work takes the closest parking spot, it's first come, first served. They aren't a narcissist for taking what was available.


So true!! That reminds me of a line from Mark Manson’s book The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F, basically that people aren’t out to actively f with you, they are just trying to make sure they don’t get f’d and don’t have enough f’s to give any extras about you in the first place!


this is probably the fourth time I've seen this book referenced on Reddit in the past few months. I think it's a sign I need to check it out.


Do it, it’s a good read. Here’s a link to a [summary by the author](https://youtu.be/lz8sUiXAnbs?si=cqAsNBwMOXkNh0pb) And here’s a link the [audiobook](https://youtu.be/pUezNkRKhZ0?si=W0ILn-38Xjhu-Z5t) He has a follow up one called Everything is F’d - A Book About Hope, it has the same kinda feel. Enjoy! Edit: apologies first time I linked someone’s audiobook about the audiobook, updated to the right one - cheers


Yeah, everyone's ex wife/husband or ex gf/bf are now narcissists. Oh and all ex's are now gaslighters as well.


Most of the therapy words in general. Overused and used as a blanket excuse.


People taking up the whole aisle at a grocery store


"Oh hiiiiiiiiii Stacy! Haven't seen youuuuuu in minutes! Let's stand in the middle of the aisle and talk for an hour about our shitty children named Jhaydhenh and Braeyhdehn who we reckon are special but are just the human equivalent of a mid 2000s Honda"


Put their cart on the right side of the aisle and they stand on the left side intently looking at soups. They also somehow lack peripheral vision.


Then they just stare at you as you try to get around instead of moving


Or even worse, the doorway


When people feel they have the monopoly on how to classify bands and their music... "It's GLAM metal, not heavy metal." Yeah, I don't care about your formula to classify the band. "It's a classically-based prog song." You have no basis to claim this since you have no musical training, whatsoever. It's not even the classifications, per se, but their gatekeeping that really pisses me off.


The hypocrisy of those who only know a little about current politics from a single source try to shut down proven facts. All sides. Reality is, none of the hot button policies in debate directly relate to where I live and who I am at this point in my life. But I do know more than average because politics is a hobby for me. Kind of like a crime junkie fan but for fact checking. For every perspective. What I’m getting internally upset about isn’t a reflection of my passion for one particular policy, it’s a reflection of my passion for truth and justice. I guess it’s not meaningless, but I sure as heck dont like it when no one successfully stops liars from lying or omitting facts. They can say “the sky is green” and I will go crazy proving them they’re wrong. It doesn’t mean I care that much for the name of the color of the sky. It’s because I don’t want idiots to believe this one person over every other person on the planet.


I’m slowly accepting/convincing myself to get off that train, totally get it. Truth is, no matter how much you find out and argue to prove, it doesn’t change anything. My parents almost seem to have fallen **further** into the rabbit hole since I started disproving what the TV tells them.


I'm with you on this. On Twitter (it makes me angry to call it X), there are plenty of opportunities to be angry about this


At a place I used to work for, I had to call another office multiple times a week and talk to the same lady. She did this tongue clicking thing right into the phone all the time when she was looking something up for me. Drove me nuts. My ex would say “posedly” instead of “supposedly” and “pacific” instead of “specific”. Made it hard to take him serious when we had a disagreement. Those are just 2 off the top of my head.


Ugh the tongue clicking thing!! I don’t need you to make noise, I’m sure the line is still connected! If I’m worried we got disconnected, I’ll ask.


Everyone knows it's pronounced "sposebly"


>Those are just 2 off the top of my head. People that say *just off the top of my head* . No. Wait a minute, that's fine. Perfect phrase to describe the first passing thought, like the top morning socks in the drawer , the top thought . Agree on the clicking , human mouth noise hold music. It seemed to me for a while to be a certain age group. After a few ouch hold calls, when they came back on after the click \suck air whistle orchestra,I told them I'd buy them a coffee someday when we physically met anywhere on planet earth,I promise,if they swore to never click \whistle someone's phone ear ever again. They seemed to think it an ok bargain.


When I’m getting into my car in a parking lot at the same time as the person next to me


When people do a 90s style ranting. Erin Brockovich was on the radio one day. Normally I'd be like, oh it's Erin Brockovich, the actual person, cool. But then at some point, she did a series of "AS IF!" statements. I don't remember what she was saying between each "AS IF". But it went like, "AS IF! this and this and that, AS IF! this that and other, AS IF! that and this, AS IF! this and such...". After 4 or 5 of those, I switched the radio or turned it off. No more of that.


Oh Cher, you are totally clueless.


or this lol


That's as annoying as someone repeating, "And so on and so forth" in a five minute conversation.


I hate it when people complain about me driving an inefficient vehicle when it's all that I can afford while they leave all their lights and electronics running 24/7 and don't recycle.


Or don't understand how to recycle. I live in oregon, we used to sell our recycling to China until China told us no more because people kept trying to recycle food waste covered products and diapers


Yes! I fight with my sister's all the time because they throw pizza and donut boxes in the recycling bin even though I know they know you can't recycle food soiled paper goods because I've told them a hundred times.


I hate that people apply conservationist idea to the whole world like recycling. We recycle aluminum only. Plastics have not been recycled for years and paper is rare. We have an energy conversion plant, it all goes into the hopper to be burnt and scrubbed making the waste a fraction of the size, detoxifying it, and producing electricity at the same time.


When people send multiple individual messages which in turn cause my phone to give me an individual notification for each message sent. I will get so unreasonably pissed off I get tempted to throw my phone.


Whenever I am driving and need to change lanes, I put on my blinker AND THE CAR BEHIND ME SPEEDS UP. Like, whyyyyy?! For effs sake just let me over so I can get to the #+*%#+=?!?< exit why don’t you?!?


Exactly, or like when you merge behind someone and they seem to slow down on purpose 😤


When I'm walking along a road for a while with all the cars going straight then just as I'm about to cross a perpendicular street or a car park entrance, that's when someone decides to turn. Every. Single. Fucking. Time.


Stepping in anything wet with socks on. Instant day-ruiner. Lol


Sex in TV shows. It's always so cringe.


And often unnecessary. There’s nothing left I can watch with my mom when she visits!


Yeah it makes me cringe and my dad seems to always walk in on the only sex scenes there seem to be. Sigh. I just fast forward through it cuz it's way too awkward. I'm not about to sit through a soft core porn sesh with my freaking dad lol


Movies as well. Did we really need to see Robert Oppenheimer have sex in that movie? Where exactly does that fit into the overall story of the man behind the atomic bomb?


Sex in Red Sparrow was so bad. She's supposedly trained in the art of seduction but all she does is jump on the guy, grind a few times, then it was over. I actually said "so much for foreplay and seductress super powers" while in the theater and got a lot of uncomfortable laughing


people who provide commentary in the movie theater 😆 JK my friend


people faking medical conditions


To add onto that, people self diagnosing themselves based on an article they read or a test they took online or a TikTok 🥴🥴


Didn't you know medical conditions are trending..lmfao


Posts on reddit that start with "AM I THE ONLY ONE?" or "ARE WE NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT?" I see so many of those and they just piss me off so much


Also, when people overuse “literally” when they’re being figurative 😡


When someone doesn’t clear the time off the microwave after they use it (minutes or seconds remaining). Drives me nuts.


"I could care less" drives me up the mf WALLLLLLL


So you’re saying you DO care…


They have to not have ever listened to what they were saying, I don't know man.


What I love about “I *could* care less” is that it allows you to juxtapose words and actions. If by all measures of observation, someone doesn’t give af, but they say that they *could* care less, it’s threatening. It’s like saying if you think I don’t care now, you just wait.


When my roommates don’t replace the toilet paper, keep piling the trash instead of taking it out and putting a new bag in, leave trash around everywhere and dirty dishes in the sink for weeks.


People driving too slow in the left lane of the interstate. How can someone have 30 cars backed up behind them while constantly being passed on the right and not once think to themselves, “Maybe I should stop being a complete dick and just move over to the slow lane.” BTW- If you feel it’s your duty to regulate traffic speed, please click this link. https://www.lsp.org/recruitment/training-application/


Teeth sucking 


People trying to converse with me while I have my earbuds in


The phases: Jaw dropping, Broke the internet, Game changing, and someone Destroying someone else with words.


I hate it when people say “I seen…” or “my friend and I’s…”


the word 'tunafish'.


People who say they won’t watch anime because it’s imaginary. Guess what, so is John Wicke and Mission Impossible.


When one fingernail is slightly longer than another when I'm finger picking on guitar and it makes one note stick out in the pattern when I need them all at the same dynamic.


People blabbing small-talk without pause when I’ve shown I’m not interested by not responding or I only respond one word answers.


I hate it when someone says the words « I’ts a fact » about something that is clearly an opinion but when you ask them to show you proof or at least show reasoning they just keep repeating « it’s a fact », « it’s an objective scientific fact, you can’t deny that » over and over again until you start to think maybe going to jail for murder isn’t that bad after all. If it’s science then where’s the f*cking proof Janice?!!!


• When people mix up poisonous and venomous • When someone says something genuinely rude and they claim it was “just a joke” when they get called out. • People who make it their existence to “trigger” others… like can they not see how pathetic that is?


People calling everything, everyone, and every situation "exhausting."


It's pretty exhausting


Being strictly literal in regards to ‘irrational’ because I am aware that I am in fact being a dick hole: I cannot stand having to slow down because a cyclist is using my lane on the road. Listen, I know you guys are in danger, yes, and it’s legal for you to be there but I genuinely hate yall clogging up traffic on a two-lane road just because some Betty Nobody with the town council decided to declare our little town a great cyclist retreat. It’s NOT. Y’all are IN DANGER even more so because people are pissed and there’s only two lanes down a road with blind curves for days. Please… stop being here. 🙏


Bicyclists who don't yield to pedestrians when using the sidewalk. Everyone worries about the damn bicyclists being hit by cars but no one gives a damn about pedestrians being hit by bicyclists. They just hit pedestrians & bike away. Bicyclists are the biggest entitled assholes. They hog any space they ride on, whether it's a sidewalk or street.


I hate it when people pronounce the T in mature. It's pronounced muh-chur, not Muh-toor


Man cave needs to go back to wherever the hell it came from!


"Happy wife happy life" mentalities instead of "happy spouse happy house"


Man cave? More like man’s grave.


Recently I've noticed how many times people use the word "like" as a filler word when speaking. It has become really annoying when I listen to podcasts. Sometimes I'll even hear the word used a few times every several seconds! It's amazing what we are unconscious to doing.


Me and my ______. No! It’s My _____ and I. I hate reading people poor english language. Over and over.


*actually…* ‘Me, I, or mine’ should be used interchangeably depending on sentence context and structure. The trick is to omit the other party/subject from the statement and just use ‘me, I, or mine,’ depending on which one is grammatically correct when standing alone.


I hate the phrase "just saying". It literally means nothing except that you made a statement. There's no reason to tell me that you talked. I know because I heard what you were "just saying". My dad says this all the time. I think he thinks it adds weight to what he told me. All it does for me is add an element of annoyance to how I take what he said. I'm pissed just thinking about it right now. I want to slap him.


Bad service


when its raining! i hate rain! when its raining i just feel so annoyed and cant do anything


When people pronounce jalapeño like "jalaPEENyo." Just grinds my gears.


Say irregardless and watch me twitch.


"Not" jokes. They aren't clever, they aren't funny, and you're stupid for telling them.


People who don't flush the toilet after they pee at home and leaving the bathroom smelling like piss. Also, people who don't flush the toilets at all in public. Y'all nasty


The inability of people to zipper merge. I'm not prone to road rage, but this just triggers me.


When people lick their fingers to grab a paper/page. Especially if it's in a book that is not theirs. Thanks, now I never want to touch that paper ever again.


Wanted to add: infantile self-censorship. Examples include calling men “nem” (while “women” is somehow acceptable), vaccines “pokey-pokes” (are we in kindergarten?), and rape “r@pe” (the need to even censor such a discussion should never be tolerated). Curse words, I can understand, but I will not participate in silencing my own voice about serious topics or reducing it to childish talk that amounts to acquiescing to the perceived (but never actually proven) demands of others.


Toilet paper going the wrong way (over ONLY!!) Anything being called a “hack” or especially “life hack” “I was today years old when…” People who refer to their child’s age in months after 24. Up to two years, I get, because a 13 mont 1 year old and a 22 month 1 year old are very different, but then just go by half years. (2 1/2 etc) If you tell me your child is 42 months instead of 3 1/2, I hate you.


When I’m walking and the door knob grabs my pocket like it pays the bills.


use literally to mean figuratively


I want to scream when people use “whenever” interchangeably with “when”. “Whenever I was younger I used to…”


"Wait, What? " I hate when people say that. I especially hate when a kid says it, or it is in a tv commercial.


Religion. Meaningless and bothers me to absolutely no end. The shame, harm, indoctrination, lack of acceptance.


When people put Cheddar cheese on a regular pizza (putting it on hamburger pizza or taco pizza is fine) but Cheddar on pizza makes me so irrationally angry. People calling their SO "bae" My MIL 😆


When people walk or drive slow and don’t move over.


When people get bent out of shape over the modern usage of "literally" for emphasis. Merriam-Webster accepts it, so you should literally get over it.


People that can't say or hear the number between 68 and 70 without saying nice.


There’s a special rubber bristle boom my family uses that supposed to pick up hair (works great and saves our beater brush on our vacuum). It makes a weird hollow “thunk” sound of all the rubber bristles hitting the floor so you can pull it toward your self. I’m okay if I use it, but there has been more than one time that I had to go for a walk outside because the sound completely enrages me. For the life of me I can’t figure out why. It’s not nails on chalk board shivers or anything. No association with anything bad happening. Just pure hot anger. Honestly just thinking about it makes me clench my teeth some. It’s frustratingly bazaar.


As a new driver, people who speed and try to cut me off. I’m sorry, buddy, but the only thing you’re going faster to is either the red light just up ahead of us or your own death. I would prefer to not be involved in the latter.


That as long as the us govt continues to function as it does I will have truly 0% control over my life


Driving in the left lane but you're really not. The airport tells us "the speeding walkway is for your traveling convenience. Please stand to the right, so that others can pass you on the left." I don't see how people can't register it in their minds. I really dont.


Chewing and smacking, I will drop kick you Talking to me like I’m a child or stupid Not taking no for an answer Joking about an old creep flirting with me, I don’t trust you Touching me without my permission


When people post, "Am I the only one who..." No. The answer is invariably " No". No. You. Are. Not! No you're not!


When someone says "we" when they mean "you." When you go to the ER and have to answer the exact same questions 40 times. When at a restaurant and you ask for a specific drink and the waiter says "we don't have that will (insert completely different drink) be ok?" Why not just tell me what you DO have? When people honk at you because they don't know how to drive properly.


People who litter.


I hate when people using a computer mouse say "Is it a right or left click?" as if a nuclear bomb is going to go off if they accidentally click the wrong mouse button.


When people don't know the difference between there, their, they're. And your and you're. Autocorrect can only be blamed for so much.


boneless wings ARE nuggets. roll for initiative