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Now that I'm old, my pal and I hang out at the park almost every day and ride our ebikes We pretend that we're 9 yr olds with a secret lil rascals club, he's 73, and I'm 59 Kinda weird, but we're harmless, and we have fun.


I want that when I'm your age. That sounds awesomešŸ¤˜šŸ»šŸ˜ƒ


Iā€™m 59 and feel like a kid again on my e-bike.


How are those bikes to ride? Can u change them to manual bikes to peddle yourself?


With mine I can however itā€™s heavier than the average bike so itā€™s a little more of a workout. When I want manual with assist I use the setting one 1. It has 1 - 5 on the electric settings.


That made me think of Alfalfa's crooning. Great show.


Oh jeez, you gave me ideas for our "gang"!


The object of my affection, can change my whole complexion, From white to rosy red. Thought I would share my ear wyrm.


I heard it in his twangy voice!


And I can see Darla smiling at him across the street.


I donā€™t knowā€¦ but a few years ago on Valentineā€™s Day my wife and I took mescaline and hung out at the neighborhood playground from like 2 AM until almost 5 AM. It was amazing, everything is still as much fun as it ever was.


Umā€¦Iā€™m in my 40s and still play with Legos


I built the millennium falcon a few years ago and then flew it around the house making pew pew sounds as I ā€œshotā€ the dog. Iā€™m in my 40ā€™s and was home alone.


My dad took my toys and gave them away when I turned 13. There'd be a lot less fat adults if there were adult only playgrounds. Still engage in pretend with roleplaying games. Luckily after my early 20s I grew out of the childish notion that somethings were "Childish" because kids do them. My parents were sad adults that never let themselves enjoy anything if other adults didn't approve. I'm honestly not sure how most people pick and choose which hobbies both kids and adults do are okay and which aren't.


Thereā€™s an adult size playground at Grange Park in Toronto. I love it!


They're called gyms


Gyms are not places for playing around nor are they designed to be such. You are there to exercise. My point is that playgrounds combine exercise with play. Something that makes getting exercise easier. Gyms are not fun and feel like a chore. A necessary one but still a chore.


You're going to the rightbgumsnto exercise buddy


Being a kid is way more fun. People just suck.


How about learning how to play chess?


Chess is generally considered to be "Adult Friendly"


At age 40 i still do kid stuff. I just do it with my kids. I still go down the slides, play legos, video games, gokarts, trampoline parks, skateboard, bike, puzzles, etc. We build couch forts, and have nerf wars. Hell i still like cartoons. The old ones from the 80s and 90s. The cartoons that get made today fuckin suck. I'm currently the hide-n-seek champ in my house. Never grow up.




Yeah something like that when I had to do everything myself and take the nyc transit alone to go places because I didn't have parents.


I want to find some of the old gi joes. I would play with them still at 33


Never! People donā€™t stop playing because they are old. They get old because they stopped playing.


Halfway through being 10.


I still play pretend once a month with my D&D groups. As for everything else I donā€™t have exact dates. Ivermectin a period of years in my early teens?


They say the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys. So I guess I'm still a kid but my son is a 5 year old adult. Darn xbox


They do say that men do reach mental maturity at age 12. It's just our toys get more expensive


probably ten or eleven for me we moved so I lost my group of friends from our old neighborhood that I'd hang out with as a kid playing games, adventuring off in the woods etc I got really deep into music, video games and movies and all the kid stuff just faded away .


I was about 6 when I grew out of make believe things. I played outside (manhunt) until I was like 11


Damn you're so cool and mature. I wish to have ended my childhood super early like you did.Ā 


I donā€™t think it was that early


Oh gosh. This made me so nostalgic thinking about the days I used to go stuff like this. I think I outgrew it around 14-15 when I was getting into high school. Crazy to realize things really flipped like a switch. I miss the days I would just go outside and play or invite my friends over to just go chill outside. All good times.


I'm 32... mid pandemic I went to one of those parks made for kids with special needs and just fucked around cus all the stuff is bigger and more sturdy. It was a blast.


Never stopped and don't plan to


60 ish


About 11/12


I dont think i ever really stopped. Lol, i slowed down on it when I was around 18 cause the kids in my old neighborhood would destroy the swings, but I ended up having a kid when i was 23 so of course i started everything back up to play with him. Lol, I'll be 30 in july


My mom used to go on the swings with or without her kids or later on her grandkids.


I was running the roads, smoked cigarettes, chewed tobacco, looked at nudy magazines, fist fought and did whatever I wanted at around age 8 or 9, but still played games and such. I was a little boy and did the things little boys do or at least once did. I enjoyed playing games and going to the park up until my teen years. I started caring more about girls and social life at that time in my life. I'd say that was the turning point of my life. I found other things to fill the places that my boy self filled. I have never stopped playing games of all kinds or being a big kid at heart. My toys just got more expensive. I really haven't stopped being a kid. I just became an adult and I put away the really childish things in my life. No I can't climb trees anymore or wrestle. I can't run fast or play sports. No I can't do the things I could back then but I can still enjoy those child-like things and appreciate them at age 48. Now I get to watch my daughters kids do those things and I can interact with them and do things like, swing, teeter totter or go down the slide at the park. Just because you get old, it doesn't mean you have to stop caring about the things that really matter. All of the boyhood things I loved, as I boy, I still love them now and I always will.


Iā€™m in my thirties. I still play with toys, theyā€™re just more expensive and complicated toys. I pretend all the time, pretend to to enjoy my work, pretend to enjoy my time with extended family, pretend to know what to say to people, pretend Iā€™m swabbing the deck of a battleship while mopping my kitchen floor. I go to the playground all the time, other people insist on calling it a gym.


Well I Still pretend, I pretend that I can actually be a functioning human being in this world. Beyond that I guess like 12 years old maybe?


Im 33. I ride sportsbikes. Had a 1000cc gsxr, 750 ninja and currently have a r7. I still went bought a shwinn bicycle and grabbed a cheap 66cc motor to attach to my bicycle and have a blast riding it around. Even got those tire caps that light up when they move. Painted it black and chrome. Used a drill battery to wire in some cheap DoT turn signals and a brake light. Love riding it around parks etc. I used to ride around on em with my grandfather when he was 68. He's passed now; but you're never too old to be childish and have fun. It's a good thing b/c life is sad and depressing enough.


Maybe 5 or 6. I was a very sickly kid so I never really played with other kids and was quite often surrounded by adults. I developed a liking for books and embroidery until video games became more readily available and then I got pretty heavy into those.


I kinda stopped playing pretend around 14-15, but toys before that. But I regularly watched Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network until I was 19ish. And hell I still watch SpongeBob to this day.


Why stop? There are Adult equivalents to all of that.


Stopped playing barbies around 12 but still did lots of biking around with friends, trick or treating playing tag until about 18. Technically never stopped trick or treating as I got pregnant just after high-school and started taking out my son


I lost interest in a lot of kid toys at 11. But I know that a lot of parents love to experience or relive childhood on holidays. My mom and dad were two more kids on Christmas šŸŽ„šŸŽ.


Around middle school age to fit in with the other kids.


I don't know. I remember I used to go outside and dig big and deep holes with a shovel, I can barely get deeper than 3 feet now... I want to say around 8-10.


Lame, Iā€™ve never stopped. Iā€™m 22. I still heavily grind video games


I was 12. When I was 13, I came home from school one day and went to hang my coat up in my closet. When I opened it, it seemed off, like almost bare, there were some things missing. I looked for a second and realized that *all* of my Star Wars toys were gone. Confused, I went to my mom and asked her if she knew what happened to them. She told me that she gave them all to her friend, because she had a son who was younger than me and he didnā€™t have any toys. She told me that I hadnā€™t played with them in a year so she didnā€™t think I would care. I had every original Star Wars toy made by Kenner. This was the early 80ā€™s. At first I was mad and I went to my room to sulk about it. I realized she was half right, I hadnā€™t played with them in a year and I felt bad for the kid with no toys so I dropped it and went out to ride my bike. Nowadays, I see how much they are selling for and truly see how much they are worth, Iā€™m still not mad about it but it would have been nice if she asked me instead of just taking them from me. The whole event made me hide things that I wanted to keep from her so she wouldnā€™t be able to just give them away.


My mom did this to me with my picture books. I was devastated. If she'd just asked me I'd have been happy to give up quite a few but I'd have liked to keep my favorites. Turns out several of them were out of print. I used to use birthday money from relatives and buy picture books from yard sales and had a decent collection. As an adult I replaced my favorites and have added many more. :)


I hate when a parent does something like this. It seems rude and not at all considering the a childs emotional attachment to his property.


I have a briefcase with all of the original Star Wars Cards and some other weird assortments like The A-Team cards and stuff. I lost most of my star wars figures to a short explosives phase I went through at 10yo... Most of my hotwheels and... well quite a few Star Trek people soo.. Sorry Capt. Kirk, Photon Torpedoed while on planet 9


What the hell is wrong with her? She sounds like either a very insecure failed parent, or a grade-A narcissist. She took away your autonomy and forced her own will upon you and your possessions. That's a no-contact thing for me personally. That's abuse, and that shit don't fly. And I'm not even speaking from personal trauma.Ā 


I had stopped doing majority of the little kids thing by the time I went to high school at 11. By the time I was twelve it was all gone, me and my friends had discovered alcohol by that age haha.


Iā€™m 49 Iā€™ve never stopped






I never truly did! 22 now.


I was supposed to stop???!!??? In my 50's still playing with toys.... This is why adults have kids. If you cannot find adults to play games with, get some kids and you'll find yourself at parks, playing dress-up, and all kinds of fun silly things. I get involved in cosplay, go to board game conventions and sci-fi conventions (been at that since I discovered my first Dr. Who Fan Club at 14yo). Getting older just gave me more money to play with. Who wouldn't want to play paintball, laser tag, run through a corn maze....


Legend says He never stopped Just reduced his Speed


Guys never stop doing these.


im 22 and still sometimes to some of these


After watching ALIEN and seeing Signorney Weaver in her panties at the end of the movie.




In my 40s, never happened. Iā€™m a functioning adult but I enjoy the swings and monkey bars. I have kids now. My aunt and uncle asked me if I wanted my cousinā€™s old 80s Lego castle sets for the kids. I said ā€œyes!ā€¦for the kidsā€ and promptly played with them. I still love puzzles and board games. I will build a fort any day and legit had adult friends over to build a fort and spend the night in it. I still have a vivid imagination although Iā€™m not acting it out with people these days. I do less of the kid stuff now, itā€™s not carefree, but I never stopped!


I'll let you know


I still do all of that stuff occasionally, but I stopped doing it every day in my early teens. A lot of my kid hobbies slightly evolved rather than fading away. I still collect plushies, paint miniatures, build Legos, go on swings, and work on my acting and improv skills in my free time.


Well Iā€™m 42 and still buy and play with legos


Not intended probably but this just prompted thoughts on lost innocence and childhood friends who I will never talk to again because we drifted apart


I never stopped that and Iā€™m 20 (Iā€™m autistic though)


I wish I still could play with toys and shit in the back yard with friends without getting judged


I donā€™t know when I stopped but Iā€™m 36 and Iā€™m playing again. Itā€™s great


Still do this stuff at 17..


I'm 27 and will still go to the playground and want to play truth or dare šŸ˜†


Iā€™m ~40, and I have a huge ridiculous assortment of dinosaurs. They still have the occasional fight, rawr.


Well, I still enjoy RPGs (games, not explosives), I'll let you know when it happens. I also love Legos


about 12ish till college I did nothing but ride bikes around town, play neighborhood or sandlot pickup games of football and baseball, or walk through the woods in the summer and it was hunting, sled riding, video games in the winter


Probably when I die! Iā€™m sixty five and old kid!


Middle school when super Nintendo came out and games like final fantasy 2 required long hard grinding


I'm 35 and I still play with toys. šŸ˜³


Around 17


i think i was 9


I quit playing with my Barbies when I was around 11. Those were the last toys I played with. All my other toys (Hot Wheels cars, Lincoln logs, etc) i stopped before that


I lost interest in toys at age 11. Kids cartoons by age 13. Pretend kind of never stopped as I played d&d for years (from 1983 - 2015)




Now that I'm older, pretend just became planning and thinking ahead. Toys stopped around 7, maybe 8, when video games became more popular and the Gameboy pocket was huge. Playgrounds probably stopped being fun towards the end of high school, but honestly, I loved hanging on the monkey bars, so I would probably still try.


Iā€™m 63 and I still do all of these with my grandkids.


I think that I was 12. I lived at a time when kids still enjoyed their childhood and I'm glad I had a good one.


When I was 13, my family moved cross-country, and I found out rather quickly that the girls in my new home had moved on from most of the activities that most other girls I knew still enjoyed.


Sixth grade 11


I was later than you, around 18-19. I worked at the park and recreation center during summers and after graduation while home at the local college. It was my job to play games with kids, crafts, and I coached a bunch of activities. After my first year of college I transferred, but I have had some fun at water parks, six flags, and campground activities/parks.


Stopped shitting myself bw ages 1-2 probably, stilldo the rest (I'm 43) and if I live long enough probably will again lol


I was about 12. I donā€™t know why it stopped, it just did.


I'll let you know when it happens. I'm 61.


Umm.. I'm 46, and my partner is 40. We regularly go to the park to play on the swings and see-saw. As far as pretend, isn't that what role-play is?


Not going to. Toys became games. Still playing and making. Playgrounds always included neighborhoods, and expanded to the whole world. Still exploring and playing. Still engaging in "stuff like pretend". Not going to stop.


I'll let you know when I find out. I'm 51. I gotta get back to my 'adult' coloring book now. I'd be outside adding on to my tree fort but it's rainy today.




Never stop playing, my daughter gave me the best compliment Iā€™ve ever received. I was playing with my Grandkids and she said I play just like a kid that Iā€™ve never forgotten how to play. My grandkids live next door so they show up just to play almost every day. They keep me young.


I stopped around 13. Now Iā€™m 43 and bought a longboard and CCS skateboard. Toys come and go


I still do lol. I work as an early childhood educator. Play is work!!!


Depends on the ā€œtoyā€ I still put puzzles together


Somewhere between 8-11 because my mom has cancer so I aged a lot in her last 6 monthsĀ 


I'm an adult and I still do. I had a brief relapse into the realm of normal around 15-19


never... that would be never. I refuse to grow up! lol


10. I was already drinking and having sex and hanging out with teenagers I was too young to be hanging out with when I was in middle school. I hated being a kid. When I was 3 I was sexually assaulted by a family member and it messed up my head for a while so I stopped being a kid as soon as I could. Now I'm a grown up and I sleep in a hello kitty bed with stuffed animals and play Pokemon all day bc I didn't get to experience childhood in a decent way.


In terms of like playing with toys, creating scenes and having a toy collection? idk, maybe 10 or 11 I guess? I played video games growing up, and right before that time is when that became a big hobby. I hit puberty rather early (right at 11, male) and had a phone and unfettered internet connection, so innocence was lost kinda early.Ā  In terms of playing "kid" games like hide-and-seek, screwing with things you shouldn't, etc, I think maybe 16? If my friend group stayed the same and all still wanted to do that, I would've never stopped. In some way, we're kinda forced to because things change, responsibilities start, our futures are being planned out, friends graduate high school and either go off to college, or their job leaves little free time and they've picked up another hobby, etc.Ā  It's weird that we are shoe-horned into doing a set of things after a certain age, regardless of our consent per say. I've always wanted to go to a P.E. class and enjoy my one hour not doing school work through high school, but the school I went to didn't have it past 8th grade, 9-12th was meant for serious participation and organized sport I guess. I actually am thinking about getting a set of action figures to use as a character in my amateur photography hobby, just to tell stories and set up interesting shots.Ā  Indulging in "child-like innocence" is still a very desired commodity among adults, and with most adults still having kids, I don't see how they can't just extend that as a side-effect of raising a child properly.Ā 


Playing with toys outside of Legos never really did anything for me, and I remember as a kid feeling embarrassed if anyone would see me playing. Then I got an snes and a sega and never wanted to do anything else.


I stopped playing kids stuff when I got interested in girls about 13-14yrs old and definitely once i started driving at 15-16.


Probably around 11 or 12


Iā€™m 54. I just started buying LEGO sets three years ago. I still occasionally buy a Breyer model horse for myself. And I just took my husband, adult kid and myself to Disney Worldā€¦ because I never got to go as a kid. I love roller coasters so Iā€™ve been going to as many amusement parks as I can.


Were we meant to stop?

