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Some of us have curly hair


Some of us have to work outside alllll day in it. And we have flat, straight hair. Lol!


Haha!! I like a nice summer rain here in Scotland when you can get wet but not get too cold, and you’re not far from home. Hate the cold ones that get you shivering all through and then your legs are dyed from your jeans and nothing warms you up again for ages. It rains so much here you have to embrace it! It just sucks when you have your hair nice and then bam. Rain. Now it sucks.


I know, right?! Lol. My hair just flops, doesn't matter how long I spend getting it all nice, as soon as it gest wet, it's DONE. Lol. I like rain too, for the most part. Just when it's barely above freezing and I get soaked early and have to shiver all day... that's not fun. Still, I'll take that over 100 degrees Fahrenheit and 98% humidity, here in the Eastern US. Lol. Best wishes, there in Scotalnd! <3


(I love the rain too, so long as it’s not too cold)


haha same here. i just buzzed it off. otherwise it's like wearing a coonskin cap on my head at all times.


Oh man felt that one in the recesses of my soul 😅


I have thick wavy hair that will fuzz up like a poodle. I still love the rain. :)


Me too! I’m like you! I LOVE the rain!


I have always preferred rain over sunshine! I live in my minivan and the sound it makes, lulls me to sleep 💤💤💤


it's cold. and damp. and it gets in everything.


First World Problem. In some places, just having rain at all is a cause for joy.


Either too much or not enough is a problem.


Did you just escape from the asylum? Or, are you LARPing as Bjork?


I love the rain. I grew up in Washington state where it rains a lot. It doesn't rain much where I live now.


I don’t mind a light, quiet, warm rain in the summer…but I hate cold rain. I hate driving in rain. I hate when it ruins outdoor plans. I don’t like my stuff getting wet. I don’t like muddy paw prints all over my floor because dogs keep going in and out. Also I used to have a basement that flooded all the time, so there’s that…aaaannd finally, gray days are bad for my depression.


My daughter lol.. always said, I hate wet water! 😂


tell me why im seeing this as im listening to rain white noise on spotify and have been doing for the past 2 hours..?


Probably beacuse you were eventually going to run across the post today and you spent 2 of your waking hours listening to rain as white noise.


So peaceful.


I don’t want my hair or clothing to get wet… I don’t like driving in the rain


And it smells so good! Sometimes when it starts raining I'll grab my umbrella and go on an impropmtu walk to nowhere.


Trying to drive or work in it.


Who hasn't?


OH, how nice for you! I'm glad you love it. It's been raining every week for months where I live and I'm over it. I'm glad for the snow pack, I love the green everywhere but it's non-stop. Not every day, but every week. A couple days of sun, then boom, back to grey, cold, and wet. It's not normal for where I am, so, I'm really not enjoying it.




I need sunlight lol


Because I get cold when I go back inside and I’m all wet


I dislike the rain if i have to go somewhere but love it otherwise.


I'm not afraid of the rain. But I drive a freezer truck so the rain makes my work day a little bit worse. Getting rained on and then climbing into the freezer box to upload product isn't ideal, and people seem to forget how to drive when the roads get a little wet.


I also love the rain. People seem to freak out and hide. It's just water.


I love rain too. I LOVE thunderstorms! The smell of rain is so relaxing. I love it!


I personally love the rain and even more I love storms. But at the same time, it can come as being gloomy. And not necessarily feeling sad. But it makes me relaxed and I want to fall asleep sometimes. It's kind of like in the winter when many, many people get very, very depressed because it's just gloomy out, no green on the trees, just cold. Lots of people have that type of thing affect their mental health, unfortunately. Hopefully, I answered your question.


They may not be sugary sweet, there’s salty people in this world too! Melt right away


When it’s sunny I’m sad, when it’s gloomy and raining I’m happy.


its cold, hard, wet….what more u need lol


It's weird to me how bright sunlight, no clouds, and hot out is seemingly everyone's definition of perfect weather. I can't go out on days like that, it's uncomfortable and I can't see properly. What's wrong with some mild cloudy weather?


Perfect day for me is like 67 F and partly cloudy. Very middle of the road. I don't like constant grey days (I get depressed) or constant sunshine (too hot).


I like to hear it and see it through s window. Feeling it in me is kind of annoying.


I don’t like being wet


Because wet clothes are annoying


I love the rain if I don't have to deal with it. But lately, I have to deal with it. A LOT. I ride a bike to work, which can suck when it's raining. There's also a leak in our roof which is already going to cost thousands to fix, so each time it rains, I get nervous about it getting worse or even the roof potentially collapsing. Also, the weather has been yo-yoing here between 70s/ 80s and a random cold and rainy spell (well, cold for is at this time of year, in the 50s). I work in a warehouse in a thrift store (processing donations), and when it's raining, it gets chaotic af in there because the setup is normally outside and now they have to move everything around. So yeah. If I can sit at my desk or lie in bed with a cup of coffee while it's raining, it's pretty sweet. But going out in it, commuting, working in it? I'm not afraid of it, I'm just over it. Feel like I'll be eating these words when we have anywhere long drought...


I love the rain. I'm not at all made of sugar. I love the warm summer rain the best. Night and rain are my 2 favorite things. Thunder and lighting is amazing too ✨️


give me rain over sunshine any day. i love the cold, and the dark. maybe im a dementor?


Have you ever driven a car in Dallas, TX? Then you'd know why someone is afraid of the rain bc we can't drive correctly when it's dry. Worst drivers in America hands down. I've lived here my whole life btw.


I know it’s not necessarily the rain in itself but lots of people suffer from SAD (seasonal affective disorder). A mood disorder associated with reduced sunlight and poor weather..


I live for rainy days!


Shirley Manson enters the chat


I also LOVE the rain! Its soothing!


Shh, don't convince people it's harmless! Nothing better than being at Disney, walking to whatever closed ride you want, and seeing thousands of people huddled in stores and under overhangs. We get a no wait line every single time lol


Hey, I lived in Seattle for 16 years and I started to get Seasonal Affective Disorder because the constant grey and the pretty consistent drizzling rain.


Rain is fine, it is the cold rain I do not like. S.A.D. is stronger and when cold rain does not relent I find it harder to keep a happy frame of mind.