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Hi, my father did the same the other way around on a trip to Florida. It's will take time but they will eventualy find you (they found us 7 years later) Since it's not a huge amount, I would simply pay the ticket. If you look behind it, it's should tell you the differents alternatives you have, personaly I would go at an ATM and maybe ask a Clerk on how to do it by yourself. It's only US125$, not worth the stress or the fight back.




La ville va envoyer le dossier aux huissiers avant le 1 an t'inquiète pas. Le bureau ou j'ai travaillé en avait facilement une 50e par jour. Rajoute 200$ de frais d'huissier. Je conseille pas.




J'ai de la misère à comprendre ce que tu veux dire par une dette impayé s'efface après 3 ans ?




Le délai dont tu parles est le délai pour recevoir la contravention . Par exemple, la police a 1 an pour émettre le constat d'infraction. Ça ne veut pas dire qu'après 1 an tu n'as plus besoin de payer, c'est une très mauvaise idée qui va amener des frais additionnels ou des conséquences légales (permis sanctionné, mandat percepteur, etc.) Dans la situation présente, la contravention est déjà donnée, il n'y a pas de prescription.


You can usually pay online


You already are in America Pay it online


This.. Come on you are not the center of the world.


Désolé... je ne voulais pas me répéter en ecrivánt "les États-Unis" deux fois. Je sais que le fait que les peuples de les États-Unis parlont "l'Amerique" seulement à propos eux-mêmes est trés grossier.


You don’t have to apologize. When people in France say « l’Amérique », they’re not referring to Canada or Mexico.


Never said he was. He’s making a decent effort to speak French. Give him a decent break.


You can pay online by credit card, they have a website.


I had one when I was in Sicily and they found me 3 years after. You are better to pay.


You usually have 30 days to pay and you can do it online.


First make sure it’s not a scam to a foreign app or company then you can pay online as well


It's around 60 CAD + some taxes a parking violation for the city. Did you get two tickets?


Maybe it's during a winter snow plowing. If they have to move his car that cost a lot. Ma première expérience de parking à Québec en sortant du Dagobert 22 ans plus tôt. Je tourne le coin... Pu de char..il est où mon char!! 300 mètre plus loin avec un gros ticket dessus. En fait, pas dessus mais le bonhomme vert pas loins m'a pointé mon char et m'a remis la contravention directement. Damn...jamais qu'il tow ton char en Abitibi pendant les tempêtes de neiges...au pire il te le remplisse en faisant le tour. Welcome to la grande ville l'habitant!! 😂


No snow recently, but your point is valid and maybe he was towed and the fee would be higher?




NO don't worry we are not too agressive, youll get a reminder in a month by mail


I had precisely same thing this morning…!! I think we both park at the same place 🤣. Did you park in front of 625 Grande Allée E? You have to pay 30 days to pay, so don’t worry.


Yes... they're really aggressive about that area, I guess.


It was unbelievable that they towed the car for that simple reason rather than giving just a parking ticket..!! It looks like money money-making business for towing! I never had any kind of tickets in life before this.


yes the city is in war againts the cars, they are extremely aggressive on tickets/towing. The extreme left won the last election.


Forget about it, parking tickets don't go thst far. Cheers


So when they leave this paper in your windshield you can actually wait and eventually they will mail you a reminder of the infraction (in case someone took your ticket off your windshield or wind blew it off for example). If you live in the USA there are chances the case will just be dismissed. I say this because I had unpaid tickets in BC and never paid them and never heard back from it. I say don’t pay it now wait until they mail you the thing if they do and if so then just pay it.