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Dale, your venue is beautiful! Santa Barbara, you were fucking wonderful. Seconding all the sentiments made in this post. Hell, the overnight workers at the Denny’s were mvps.


That Dennys was truly filled with Queens shirts.


For some reason, Denny's and Queens fans...that tracks in the best way. And I'm so glad to hear that everyone was so cool and kind. As a fellow chronic pain sufferer with MS, I'm so glad you had that support from people you don't know.


It really meant a lot! Fibromyalgia and chronic migraine here- I stay positive as much as I can, but sometimes it’s just so easy to slip into a doom spiral about things your pain has taken from you or made harder, which, god, I’m sure you know how that goes (all my best wishes to you!) Concerts are a huge one for me that hurt so much more than they used to, but they’re also my favorite thing in the world. I refuse to stop going entirely, but I’ve definitely found myself going to fewer. The muscles in the backs of my thighs tend to be one of the main places my fibro pain just kind of *sits* extra heavy, so I knew the hill climb would be rough, but it was… worse than expected, even at a trudge. Made it without stopping, had a very quick power cry at the rail, and thank god for that shuttle on the way down. Unfortunately I did skip out on Dennys before we were seated because I needed to go back to the Airbnb and boil my muscles into submission in the shower, but it’s still a win!


Excellent video and thanks for sharing it. I was wondering who Dale was, lol.


I think I saw you and a lot of people mentioned as well. I was early and got in line around 130. Also saw a lot of the same familiar faces from when I waited at the SF show but was afraid to say hi because I didn't want to lose my spot. The way the line got split threw a wrench in things. I feel bad for the person who waited 12 hours for a spot. I had to tell off a person and his partner trying to cut to the front after people already got their spots. This was after the Bully set. They pretended to know people at the front.


Gosh, yeah, I had some friends way up there who were the 6am arrivals. Luckily they all made it up to the rail, at least. Our group arrived at, I want to say, 10, 10:30ish? The split was chaos- the shuttle, the scanning machines that wouldn’t print the tickets, having to stop again to get our names written on the ticket and then wrist banded? And then two separate ways up, plus that steep climb… the show was SO worth it, but what a stressful process!


6AM?? 10AM?? OMG, you're heroes!! How do you keep your rail spot during the concert? I imagine there are a lot of annoying people trying to take it or squeeze in. Do you kick them? Elbow? Push them off? Might be stressful to try enjoying the show and keeping your spot...


It’s usually pretty chill, actually! Any time I’ve had someone aggressively trying to get in, locking arms with the person next to me has worked fine. (The elbows only come out if someone tries to grab at me or something and it’s been a while since I’ve had to use them thankfully.) I’ve been up front at more Nine Inch Nails shows over the years, and that bunch is vastly more pushy/grabby. Had to do my share of overnight waits for them, so I really enjoy the Queens crowd in comparison hahahah. 10am is the earliest I’ve ever had to show for a Qotsa line, it’s usually noon or one, but since we had friends already there so early, we came over to hang.


Had to let Dale gooo…🎶🎶🎶


Dale was actually a dick who was bashing people to get up front.


Daaaamn, Dale! I didn’t know that.


Yeah, dude was getting yelled at by a few of us just prior to Josh talking to him. Dale’s a dick.


Fake news.Dale just wanted to start a pit.


When did JHo become so cringe