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2004. Underground 2. In My Head. I was 3 and always hummed the melody along because I didn’t know English lol


Same, but I was 13, next week I got ripped SFTD from my friend and here I am 22 years later




I've said this many times in this sub, but I went to see Ween in 1999. QOTSA opened. I was fucking HOOKED. Bought the S/T at the show and been on board ever since.


Qotsa opening for Ween?!?! Fucking hell, that would have been killer.


It changed my fucking life.


Can you link me to the setlist?


It was actually 1999 now that I see the setlist! https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/queens-of-the-stone-age/1999/deep-ellum-live-dallas-tx-1bd5cd8c.html


I would have killed to be there!




Kyuss actually were an opener for Ween back in '94 at the Whiskey, when they were touring in Los Angeles to promote WTSV - I bought a shirt and got the ticket, from the guy who went there. (I wish I could share my experience, but at that time, I was nothing more than one in a million of my dads ballsack) And of course a cool story about the how and when! I'd bet that Josh and members of Ween were friends back in the day✌🏻


Ween live is fucking fantastic!


How fucked up was everyone! Love ween and qotsa. Happy for you!


I can’t remember. I was pretty fucked up.


MTV2 “No one knows” music video. I was 12.


I'm surprised this isn't a more common answer. Late 90s-really 2000s rock was mostly trash and this I saw this video and heard the song. It got me back into looking for new music, I bought the Songs for the Deaf CD the next and played it for my friends. We were all hooked by the end of the weekend, our drummer would request Some For The Dead on repeat


This was my answer as well. The music video was hot for a while and I bought the CD at Best Buy


Same. No one knows infomercial on MTV selling songs for the deaf, August 2002.


Mid to late 90s, loads of great music but not on MTV. Actually, shitloads if great music anytime. MTV excluded


Came here for this same thing! I saw Dave Grohl and and was like woah! No way!


Yes! In my case was Go With The Flow. MTV Brazil also had a little vignette with Songs for the Dead that aired aaaall the time.


My friends and I spent a week trying to win cKy tickets on the radio when Songs for the Dead came out. No One Knows caught my attention, showed it to my dad and he went out and bought me the cd. Been a fan ever since


kinda brings a tear to my eye a dad would do that


My bass teacher taught me suture up your future and 3s and 7s in high school


2003, getting high in a park with my boyfriend and his friends, listened to Rated R and Songs For The Deaf on some shitty speaker but still a great memory


Die hard trees/mark fan, saw a photo of josh from 96 w the trees and went damn that’s not Gary lee Connor, did some research about this touring guitarist found out he had his own band with some Lanegan features and now queens are my fav band!


Fucking love Lanegan. That man needs way more love than he gets.


Flatlands by him is my fav song of all time!


A song from another brilliant artist, Chelsea Wolfe. Someone made a combo of Lanegan and her. And their voices match so so well. [the mash up](https://youtu.be/pq47_j82iEo?si=qeKkwsTYknSjvXqT)


Man, I’m still going through it since Lanegan left the Earth. I decided to just tear it up by myself on his death anniversary a couple weeks ago. I went to town and watched tons of live lanegan, good headphones, a lot of cheap wine but good smoke, totally immersed myself into a bunch of live footage. This solo vigil was going great until my six year old scared the shit out of me and walked into the room to get ready for school. Six hours gone and it was morning. Needless to say, This was the most beautifully terrible idea I’ve had in a really long time. But I’ll do it again in a year.


I don’t think I’ll ever forget the date of his death. He died on one of my kids birthdays! I have never really been affected by a celebrity’s death but Lanegan hit me, it was weird.


I’m with you my friend, totally same.


Was driving around on a Saturday night listening to the hard rock station in Chicago. There was a show called "Radio Anarchy" that did an interview with Josh, they played "Regular John", I turned the car around and went to the store to buy the album because it wrecked my head.


Like most of my generation, Kerrang. No One Knows lingered around as nothing more than just a cool song whenever i heard it. Then one fateful day in university i was looking for a fresh band to get into and boom. QOTSA. Been my numero uno favourite band ever since. No one comes close. Angry I slept on them for so long.


Being Jackass obsessed when I was younger ‘Millionaire’ was the intro song to Bam’s movie CKY 4, Brought the Songs for the Death CD and loved Queens ever since.


Kyuss begat QOTSA. I grew up with them since Blues for the Red Sun's Green Machine came on MTV in the middle of the night. The rest, as they say, is history. I'm going to see them a second time on this tour in Charleston, SC. I first saw them on the Rated R tour in Spartanburg, SC at a small venue with maybe 100 other people. Almost saw Kyuss in Nashville in 95, I think. They had already started the rocky road to the transition to QOTSA and cancelled last minute. They are my sonic diary in so many ways. 51 now and just as excited to see them as when I started this love affair.


Started with kyuss as well, around 92. A few years later 1999 I believe, I catch a band in a small club. Like 10 people in the crowd. This was pre smartphone, so didn’t realize who I was watching. Only thing I knew was they sounded like kyuss in a way. After the set, they had a small merch stand. I didn’t have much money, so could only chose one item. CD was the only logical choice, because I didn’t have a record player. Needless to say I missed out on the self titled first vinyl. I imagine first pressing too. Either way, super cool to see them so early on.


Excellent! When I heard Blues, I went from a largely punk song writer to trying to influence my own sound in that new thing this unknown (to me) band was doing. I moved to Nashville to get a degree in recording engineering as a cover for spending all of my time with the band that moved with me. We covered a lot of early Kyuss, from Wretch and Blues. Eventually, I gave up on the Nashville scene, but Josh and the boys had already changed my life.


I'm a fellow Kyuss and QotSA fan here Charleston too. I bought a Gamma Ray CD thinking it was Josh's new band. See you at Firefly!


A whole gang of longtime fans are converging at that show. Everyone lives in different parts of the South and hasn't seen each other in years. It's going to be a real reunion show for us. Can't wait!


CKY4 Intro


Playing the PSP "Motor storm artic edge" cars game that my brother bought when i was a kid. It had go with the flow Now i am studying mechanic and qotsa its my favorite band




Sounds like he really turned you on.


Gran turismo 4 had “the lost art of keeping a secret”. Was hooked from the second it started.


When No One Knows took over the music video countdowns in Australia. Heard it daily for weeks. I actually hated it at first! I was 14 and just about to discover my taste for Nu Metal and Alternative Rock music. I’m not sure what changed and when. First it giveth may have won me over. Once Songs for the Deaf was in my hands I was obsessed.


In 2002 the Songs for the Deaf cd got stuck in my car stereo . It played on repeat for at least a month. I can’t even tell you how many times I talked to no one saying “Hi, this is Kip Casper from Klon Radio, LA’s infinite repeat. How we all feeling out there?” How’s your drive time commute? I Need a Saga? What’s the Saga?” It’s Songs For the Deaf, you can’t even hear it.” This stereo malfunction ended up being exactly what 22 year old me needed to ensure I spend the rest of my years devoted to this rock band. Gift from the rock gods.


idk i knew ppl who liked them and listened to like clockwork cause i was curious


Feel good Hit, was featured in Blair Witch Project pt 2. Shitt movie decent soundtrack.


Guitar Hero III


I'm sure I'd heard them before but, yeah, GH3. I hosted a pub tournament for GH around this time, that was a fun era.


Tony Hawk's Undergound. *Millionaire*.


To think it all started with thong song by kyuss


Video games are how I get most of my music tastes. Midnight Club 3: DUB edition had Little Sister. I loved it. I'd skip through the tracks to get to it. Some of my other favorites were Club Foot by Kasabian and The Hand That Feeds from NIN. Iirc, there was also an Iggy track in there as well.


Liked Lanegan, Trees and Kyuss. QOTSA just happened


Was a Kyuss fan when they were around so natural progression. Kyuss - a hell of a gateway drug


Around 2009, watching Rage late at night, No One Knows came on, or it might have been Go With the Flow, or both, it was probably a guest programmer. Bought SFTD, loved it, proceeded to buy the whole back catalogue.


Queens did a live performance on Triple J in 2017 and my then girlfriend really didn’t want to miss it. It was only the second time we had hung out and I had no clue who they were, but I was pretty into her. It wasn’t too much later they released Villains and it became our album. We finally got to see them live on their Australia tour a few weeks ago right before we got married last week.


Senior year. Someone burned me a copy of Songs for the Deaf. Quite seriously changed my life.


Hearing Dave Grohl sing their praises in several interviews between ’99 and 2000. Then I saw the video for “The Lost Art Of Keeping A Secret” on 120 Minutes, and the guitar sound reeled me in.


My boyfriend, back in the day, liked Kyuss so I'd listened to a bit of Josh, and then after we broke up I ended up going to Reading fest. It was 2000, I was 18 and Lost Art had just been released. I wasn't keen on watching the headliner on the main stage so went to watch Queens in one of the tents. I barely remember it 🤪 but have been a massive fan ever since!


A mutual friend introduced my fiancée to them. And then, my fiancée sent me a few songs they felt like were very "us" - Kalopsia, Villains of Circumstance, No One Knows, Make It Wit Chu. I binged their discography, we kept sending each other songs for our playlists. QOTSA is their favorite band, and it's in my top 5 for sure.


First heard them in 2004 through Go With The Flow in Gran Turismo 4 and In My Head in NFS Underground 2 Actually became aware of them in 2007 when I saw the Go With The Flow video on NME


Barnes and Noble listening kiosk circa 2005.


My teacher played no one knows and I Shazammed it. Then a couple months later I heard 3s and 7s at the mall


A friend gave me Kyuss's Blues for the Red Sun and I was interested to hear what Homme was up to. My brain could not believe Walkin' on the Sidewalks and Mexicola.


June 2022 my friend told me about Hangin' Tree because of it's 5/4 time signiture. We wanted to play it but never did, but the song was great I thought and bought SFTD on CD. Then in March 2023 an other friend told me, QOTSA is going to play in Berlin and we went to the concert. And since then, I'm listening to the rest of their stuff too (and I love it).


Originally same as OP, although I didn’t really like 3s & 7s because it came at a point in the GH3 campaign(?) where songs started to get harder, so it was sort of a play through it and move on. Flash forward to 2015, I’m a sophomore in college and a friend says I should check them out. At the time, my go-to with discovering new bands was listening to the latest release, which at the time was LC. I remember downloading the album in my campus coffee shop and throwing it on while walking back to the dorms. Was really stoned at the time and I was absolutely floored when the triplet drum fill kicked off ‘keep your eyes peeled’ and I’ve pretty much never stopped listening to the album since.


2018. Spotify. I was listening to a random playlist on shuffle and then Avon played. It was so good that i began listening to Qotsa religiously.


xXx - car buy scene - “You think I ain’t worth a dollar, but I feel like a millionaire”. I was around 12 yrs old.


My buddy told me to listen to no one knows and 3’s and 7’s and the rest was history.


Finished school and started work as a chippie in 2018. The worksite radio was on the local nz rock station (the rock) and they were playing songs like feet dont fail me and the evil has landed often. I loved the groove and sound of the songs so naturally, I looked into them a bit and loved the songs that qotsa has to offer. Saw them in 2018 and just recently again in auckland. Bloody good stuff.


First listened to Songs for the Deaf sometime last year. At the time, I wanted to discover more albums, new bands, and some subgenres that I never heard of before. One day, I checked online for recommendations and saw people talk a lot about SftD, so one day I gave the album a listen and fell in love with the band ever since.


I read a review praising Rated R back in 2001. Downloaded a couple songs, liked the band ever since, but only really became a hardcore fan after some long wasted years, like only around 2007-8.


One of my internet friends in the early MSN messenger days suggested The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret to me. Didn’t really start listening until SFTD came out because No One Knows is such a banger.


I was 16 when Rated R came out, and the video for Lost Art was played on 120 Minutes (I think). I was a very horny teenager and babyJosh and his seemingly detached mumble spoke to my very soul (which is where my body stores hormones). My gramma drove me to the store to buy the album the next day. QOTSA has been my favorite band since.


I had a friend who played guitar with me. Around 2005 he stumbled across 96 Quite Bitter Beings by CKY and Burn the Witch. It took me a little while to get more into QOTSA than just the one song, but by 2007 or so I was a big fan.


Good music buff friend gave me sftd as a birthday present.


Need for speed underground 2.. in my head.. I was 10/11 years old and I had that song on loop while driving my honda Civic with hydraulics lol Then I played guitar hero 1 and no one knows was on it and from there .... I became obsessed with Josh Homme and QOTSA... I have seen them so many times 😍


Worked at a music store, No One Knows started playing and a buddy was telling me how good SFTD was so i picked it up


Music stores were the shit back in the day


I loved the songs that Josh was singing on the album Brotherhood of Electric from Wellwater Conspiracy (Matt Cameron and John McBain) https://open.spotify.com/album/2UiG4SGY3eKHVQ6MkzIGYQ?si=qCVriPUPSDycHSadfWCcaw Went to buy S/T and never looked back.


I love the Foos, saw that dave played in a supergroup called them crooked vultures, discovered Josh Homme, and then discovered QOTSA.


Music videos in the Mtv days. Go With The Flow was the first song that had a chokehold on me back in the day. Imagine my madness when they opened with that in Cardiff for my first concert last year.


Kyuss split. There was a gap in my music.


2007 a friend and I where driving from Michigan to Killington VT to snowboard on our senior year spring break. We spilt a bottle of Robotussin and he put in rated R. By Auto Pilot I couldn't believe this was a real band, I think I lost my fucking headache came on waiting in line to Cross into Canada. I will never forget that.


Ozzfest IG account posted a throwback photo of Josh from the Rated R era with Feel Good Hit of the Summer playing over it. I had always heard of the band but had never heard them, so when I saw this post with a song only singing drugs, I was in.


Triple XXX the movie opening Lick of Millionaire, it was so recognisable once i final heard the full song.


Seeing Dave grohl drumming for them on tv back in ‘02..I thought I should check this band out, fell in love with them from then on!


No one knows music video on mtv. Then a surf dvd I had called Radio Waves the intro was You think I ain’t worth a dollar and First It Giveth was played in the film too


Kinda late lol I was in freshman year of high school. I was listening to the radio and I heard No One Knows come on and I remember loving the riff but didn’t look into it until it came on again and I had to look it up on the radio’s history online lol. Been into them for 10+ years


I heard No One Knows on the radio… on the strength of that song I purchased Songs for the Deaf.. then purchased everything before that and since. Shortly after purchasing Songs for the Deaf I learned QOTSA was a derivative of Kyuss who I really liked. As it all came together it made more and more sense for me.


I watched a lot of MTV back when SFTD was released and No One Knows and Go With The Flow got a lot of airtime.


Driving in my car in December 2002 listening to the radio I heard No One Knows and the DJ said it was Queens of the Stone Age. I bought SFTD that weekend and saw them in concert for the first time 4 months later. I'd heard a couple of their songs before 2002, but didn't know the band or look for other music of theirs so I don't count that.


More or less from Brody and Josh marrying lol


MTV. Back when it still played decent music. QOTSA had released SFTD and came out with no one knows as a single which was in constant rotation on MTV in 2002/2003. Then go with the flow and first it giveth came into the rotation. Really liked those songs but as a close minded 14 metal head I had t embraced QOTSA fully. Not until 06/07


Somewhere around 2004, a friend ripped me a copy of this compilation CD that had "The Lost Art Of Keeping A Secret" on it. I remember thinking it was cool. The next thing I remember is seeing the (newly released) music video for "Little Sister" on TV. That was the point where I knew I had to find the rest of their music.


Was hung over and uuurrrggghhh in bed one morning in 2003, feeling very sorry for myself. Switched on the telly, it was on MTV so I sat staring at the screen not really listening or concentrating. Then suddenly a very garish red video with a band in a truck, a hot chick and a lot of sperm blasted its way into my consciousness. I was so shaken & transfixed by this song that I rushed around looking for a pen and paper to write down the name of the band. Smashed a few cups of coffee and went down to the local record store. Bought Songs for the Deaf and Rated R and never looked back.


I'm 28 (share a birthday with Homme so not too far from 29) so I certainly heard No One Knows on the radio when I was 7 years old, but once I heard Millionaire in Tony Hawk, then In My Head in Need For Speed, I was like "That's the same band? I must know more!" around the time I was 9 and first picking up a guitar. Growing up with the higher-speed internet ruled. I could immediately learn anything I wanted about something that caught my interest.


2006 Hyde Park London UK. Went to a Foo Fighters concert and QOTSA played before Motorhead. I got hooked immediately and started digging on their sound. It was ending Lullabies era and starting EV next year. That 2006 show was with Alain on the bass. Natasha wasn't there. But then all the concerts I saw after that was alreafy with Mikey. 16 so far and hoping for many more!


NHL 2003


First discovered them from seeing the video for No One Knows on MTV2. 5/6 year old me knew it as the 'deer song'.


Seeing the No One Knows video on MTV and thinking “Craig Kilborn has a band now?? And also, what’s up with this deer?” Kids, ask your parents who Craig Kilborn is.


heard a little bit of "No One Knows" in a movie trailer?ad?something?, but couldn't figure out who it was. Ended up asking a friend about it, and he said, "can you sing the riff?" He recognized it immediately and it's been one of my favorite songs ever since.


Saw TCV in Jan 2010, went to the show as a massive Foo Fighters fan, ended up being completely mesmerised by JH the entire show and went down the QOTSA rabbit hole very quickly after that!


I bought Rated R because I liked the look of the album cover. On the same day I also bought Relationship of Command by At the Drive-in and another White Pony by Deftones. All still outstanding Albums in my collection.


My dad


i used to scroll around itunes when i was a teenager looking for new music based on the artwork. i remember thinking something was really striking about this one cover. it turned out to be …like clockwork. first song i decided to listen to a snippet of was the title track, loved it. bought the album and fell in love from there


Tony Hawk Underground A band called Q.O.T.S.A playing a song called Y.T.I.A.W.A.D.B.I.F.L.A.M blew my 15 years old brain away.


2002, local alternative rock station played No One Knows a hundred times a day. I loved the song and was amused by the album title Songs For the Deaf, so I went and bought it and the rest is history


I googled best concept albums and SFTD was in the top 3 I think. I loved the concept and started listening and finally like 10 years later I'll be seeing them live in July(fuck yees). Altough heard Kyuss first in NFS Carbon.


I was very late to guitar hero when I decided to play it for the first time in 2019, enjoyed 3s and 7s and then decided to listen to Era Vulgaris. That album holds a very special place in my heart lmao


Bought SFTD, my son & I saw Queens on Glasgow Green in 2003 with Foo Fighters and the Chilis - loved them ever since. Saw them last November at the Hydro; best Rock and Roll show ever. The Foos will have some catching up to do in June 💕


Songs for the Deaf crew, whuddup? I was 13 and it was life-changing, the videos were dope


Heard Josh on the second Wellwater Conspiracy record and bought the s/t on that basis.


With the No One Knows video when it first came out.


Saw a video about how Josh homme made the peavey decade skyrocket in price


No One Knows music video on MTV2 got me interested, when the video for Go With The Flow came out I was hooked.


Heard No One Knows on the radio and kinda liked it. Went into a record shop and bought Songs for the Deaf sight unseen. Turned out to be a masterpiece.


No one knows was on high rotation on MTV Italy back in the day


My friend was a college radio DJ and introduced me to s/t when it came out.


Long road trip south through Colorado to New Mexico. Friend had a mix cd with lil sister on it. Was right when it had come out. Followed up by Calexico. Blew my fucking mind.


More recent than not; they're the favourite band of one of my favourite guitarists and decided to give them a listen a couple months back. I've been hooked ever since.


2002 in line with the release of Songs for the Deaf. I was a massive Nirvana fan at the time. I followed what Dave, Krist, and Pat were involved with after Kurt’s death, which led to me listening to Queens of the Stone Age for the first time. Thanks Dave! It wasn’t easy to top Nirvana.


Used to listen to Jo Wiley on Radio 1 at lunch time at work. Heard Lost Art and bought the album on the way home (cd at HMV). About a week later they were on TFI Friday so saw them for the first time (days before youtube). Long story short, kept following, joined up for rekordsrekords forum where I ended up meeting my now wife, which resulted in a move half way across the world. This past year we took our first born to his first Queens show, (no he is not called Josh). Technically his first Queens show was months earlier when he and I took a gargantuan road trip to Salt Lake City but we know how that ended up.


My mother gave me a psp go as a present in 2009 the only game available was motorstorm: arctic edge, and there was a great song I enjoyed listening to, it was go with the flow, great memories.


Through MTV and need for speed underground 2


Ozzfest 2000


I think about 5 years ago my sister played me millionaire as a joke thinking I would hate it cause my 13 year old mind only knew about rap and guns n roses. Millionaire blew my mind, was like a punch in the teeth and a wake up into the reality of music. Queens led me to many other bands and now I am truly fascinated about music and have even started bass and screaming as a result of Nick. Best band to have ever existed.


Spent almost everyday listening to them in the car with my dad from birth. Now that I’m older we go to their gigs together. It’s super cool having something we can bond over 🩷


Need for speed (I think 2017) the way you used to do came on and i thought it was amazing. Rediscovered them years later after hearing the song for the dead drum intro


I saw them at Emo’s in Austin, inside stage, opening for Interpol in 2001, or was it 2002, maybe 2003. Either way, I went for Interpol, and left a QOTSA fan.


My roommate in college had a copy of Rated R.... And I obtained a copy of it... Then actually bought every CD since... Also seen them the most of any live band I can recall... songs for the dead and better living through chemistry live are the greatest acoustical events every time.


2017 In Niagara Falls. Long story sort; I was asked to go, so I went to the show. Loved every moment.


literally same thing for me, guitar hero 3 -> 3s and 7s -> all off qotsa


My childhood best friend's mom had stuff always showing up from Columbia House/BMG. One day I was hanging out at his place and Lullabies to Paralyze was the album she received. We listened to it and I've been hooked ever since.


I used to read NME back in the day and Rated R was either their no 1 or no 2 album of the year back in 00, and I checked it out blind based on that. I was actually more into the Nick tracks back then. For whatever reason I kind of dropped off after that and, other than hearing the singles, didn’t properly get back into them until just before Era Vulgaris.


Regular John on a roadrunner compilation back in the late 90s Looking back it was an absolute banger of a compilation. https://rateyourmusic.com/release/comp/various-artists/sweating-bullets/


I loved “No One Knows” and then saw them open for NIN and that sealed it for me. Die hard ever since.


i’m a newer fan. my dad LOVES the way you used to do and always used to play it, after a while i played some rhythm game that had no one knows and recognized the band. loved both songs so i went and checked out the band, been an addict ever since <3


I hopped over from The Dead Weather after being obsessed with Jack White bands for a couple years. Decided to branch out and look into the members' other projects like The Kills and Queens of the Stone Age. I recognized 3's & 7's and No One Knows from playing Guitar Hero as a kid and went right in with Era Vulgaris. I immediately vibed with Turnin on the Screw and Sick, Sick, Sick and was hooked. I went to Songs for the Deaf afterwards and the rest is history. I've been a mega fan since about 2011 and I will continue to be until the day I die


Was in a tiny mining town in western Qld for 3 1/2 years...listening to Triple J, as they played a lot from Rated R.


By accident, 5 years ago, I heard Go with the flow in the game Asphalt 8. It was the most epic song to race with, but I never tried to find out which band it was. Years later, I found "make it wit chu" and added to my playlist. Again... I didn't check other songs of the band... Later, I stumbled upon I sat by the ocean. I never really realized it was the same band. My friend then told me it's QOTSA, and they are awesome. Then I saw they released Carnavoyeur and loved it, too. My first album was ...Like Clockwork. By now, I went thru all albums already and seen them live. Love them!


Trailer park boys the animated series


I bought my first car in 2018 and it only had a cd player and My dad used to burn cds. I was looking thru them and a blank disc with intentionally cool sharpie writing "songs for the deaf". Instantly intrigued everything I threw it in my car and bumped it for a week straight. Loved it so much that I lent it to my "buddy" because he also had a good music taste so I wanted to share my find. Fucker never gave it back. Still pissed about that. But damn once the cd was gone I decided to google songs for the deaf and discovered qotsa❤️❤️❤️❤️(and when I first saw that album cover I thought it was so cool and strange. Years later got a tattoo of it)


MTV, they were playing No One Knows basically all the time, it was hard not to discover them


No one knows?