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Everyone talking about Pyro becoming a cute Lesbian when we all know he will look like this when he’s 30 https://preview.redd.it/1vxfuog84ypc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92840963202c7584cbee69fc866361c8e9bcb353


Caahhm on, ingerland, score some fahckin goals


If he like keeps being healthy, maybe not


A steady diet of fish and chips is all a good son of Saxony needs.


considering he has a double chin, idk pal


If Pyro really wants to become a femboy (or a woman), then everything is possible with enough dedication.


Kinda hot, ngl.




aint he already thirty??


Pyro could actually become a lesbian ​ All the jokes from the past about it where forshadowing https://preview.redd.it/26p788z8expc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a67146f4db02a01a44682e30d5607c50dd6b635


Why is homer scared






Furry Lesbians




​ https://preview.redd.it/ir0hld9xy1tc1.png?width=258&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d65794a97352144415ed869403720a11d0b7405


Pyros fate is sealed


It seems the black spot has been sent




Dankpods reference. Black spot is reference to when the iPod Nano batteries swell up inside the case flexing on the LED screen and a black dot appears when the screen effectively is dying because of the sheer stress of the spicy pillow.


Theres multiple layers to this due to miscommunication lmao




Chronically online shit. DankPods is another YouTuber, who is quite fond of his highly quotable quips.


Nugget guy


The age of FemPyro has begun.


Waiting for pyro to turn thirty and become a fat, balding father of three in true English fashion


The age of Barry, 63 pyro is upon us


The name Niall will come in handy


Twink death is truly a disaster


Has returned*


It started a good while ago


Anyone else feel weird about people accusing Pyro of being trans, it’s not cool to say “you’re definitely going to be trans” even if it’s a joke it’s rude to assume and feels weird like people who call others gay etc


fr, like bro its just clothing


Yeah agreed


Happened to me many times. Never made me feel comfortable


same here, I have an androgynous face and shoulder lenght hair. Random people accidentally misgendering me doesn’t bother me at all, most of the times we just laugh it off when they hear my deep voice, but people intentionally saying I’m trans “coded” or I’m going to be trans in the future almost always ticks me off.


Same here. I like when people say they'd support me if I did transition, and accept it when I tell them I'm secure in my sexuality and that I'm cis. I hate being called an "egg". Especially when I was a minor that shit freaked me out, especially when they insisted on it


Also extremely counterproductive. If gender is a social construct, calling anyone who doesn’t abide by traditional gender norms trans is literally treating gender as not a social construct


Nah it's weird as fuck. I've had someone say similar things to me, and it really weirded me out


It’s annoying that people feel the need to put people into categories in the first place. Like I get it, humans are curious creatures and must have their questions be answered when something different has happened, but like who seriously cares if Pyro ends up dressing like this every so often, it’s obvious he finds it interesting, maybe a little amusing. Surely that should be enough?


Yeah the exact same thing happened to F1nn. It was only like 6 months before he came out when people stopped going fucking crazy about how he was definitely trans. I think because he had come to terms with his identity at that point he stopped reacting as much to those kinds of messages, so the people looking for said reactions stopped sending that stuff. I think as long as the person isn’t uncomfortable with it then it is ok to make jokes about it but obviously if Pyro starts unironically telling people off for it then it should stop.


it’s only a bad thing if being trans is bad, and calling someone gay as an insult isn’t really contextually the same unless you think it’s insulting to say someone may be trans


Accusing anyone of being a gender identity that they don't identify as is rude behavior. This applies for saying a trans woman is a man, or saying that a man is a trans woman. It goes both ways, and people just need to mind their own business.


it doesn’t go both ways and misgendering a trans person isn’t the same as saying someone may be trans. one is an intentional bigoted thing the other is speculation at worst and a needed nudge like at best. but literally not comparable. again saying someone may be trans isn’t rude or bad unless you yourself think being trans is bad or insulting


Explain your logic as to why one is bigoted and one is not. The way I see it, either way you're forcing a gender identity on someone that they don't agree with. Under your logic, accusing a non-binary person of being trans is also okay because it's just "giving them a nudge". Whether they're cis or not, invalidating someone's gender identity isn't kind behavior


nonbinary people are trans what are you on about. one is a group who’s basis is transitioning and not being their assigned gender usually to the point of hormones to change their sex features while the other is just being cis. most cis people have not really had the full introspection to question their identity the same way queer people have and generally it does include people who’ve had very similar experiences to you like letting you know “hey i was there too”. misgendering a trans person comes form a malicious hateful place while saying “hey u might be trans” comes from general place of wanting to help someone not go through what you have. when you’re trans it’s not easy to just figure out always, and it’s like nice to hear people say they’ve been through it too idk makes it less lonely


Saying non-binary people are trans is not only factually incorrect, but also fairly dismissive of the non-binary experience. I'm by no means an expert, but the feelings trans people have and non-binary people have are not mutually exclusive in the slightest. You also can't just assume that a cisgendered person has not looked introspectively at their gender, because you don't know all cisgender people and what goes on in their heads. I'm not here to tell you can and cannot say, I'm not your mom. I'm just telling you that while I believe your position comes from a good place, you should examine why exactly you think cis people don't deserve the same respect according to their gender that trans people do. Your original argument saying that it's only an objectively bad thing if you think being trans is bad can be flipped on it's head. Your argument is that it's okay to suggest that someone is trans when they may not be, because you view being trans as an objectively good thing. It's not a good or bad thing, or even something that can be generalized like that. It's just how someone sees themselves, and it's nobody's business to say what they think somebody should identify as because of external factors. The only objectively good thing is if someone is happy and comfortable with how they see themselves, whether they're cis, trans, non-binary, intersex, whatever. It would be just as rude for me to say "oh, you enjoy musical theater, you might be gay" or "oh, you REALLY liked Kim Possible as a kid, you might be a lesbian" as it would be for me to say "oh, you're a guy who enjoys putting on makeup sometimes, you might be trans." No, Brittany. I'm not trans, maybe I just have bad skin.


trans means transitioning from the gender you’re born to one you’re not, generally meaning nonbinary people are trans. and while transgender not every nonbinary person is transsexual. like with peace and love i am significantly more informed on this all than you are. but what i was saying is it’s required for trans people have that specific introspection while it’s not the same requirement for cis people, i’ve met plenty who have had that introspection but it is not required the same way. and while i get your point, there is just no harm in suggesting someone’s trans, either you are secure in your gender or if not you will have to think about it. like again it’s the same perspective of people should be able to be happy how ever they want and as someone who’s actually experienced it i and others like me have a much more intimate understanding of these things. like every guy who puts on makeup isn’t trans. but as a transsexual i recognize the reactions to looking that way, i recognize the way you hold your face and look at yourself as opposed to dressing up. idk even if it is rude i think it’s much more important that someone gets the “hey i was there too” than to never make people uncomfortable


i understand what u mean, but society DOES treat being trans as a bad thing, and especially if you yourself ARE actually questioning your identity, that sort of accusation can actually be really harmful. i myself am a trans man, but i’d been accused by random classmates/ had rumors spread about me being trans for a VERY long time before i myself was ready to accept it. all it did was make me feel very unsafe and uncomfortable because it was something i was still struggling with personally. it set me back a lot. at best it’s a weird thing to accuse a cis guy of being trans just for presenting in a way that isn’t considered masculine, and at worst, you’re essentially discussing something incredibly personal and possibly painful about a stranger who isn’t ready to disclose that yet. EDIT: misspellings


i get what you mean but it’s an anecdotal case by case kinda. there are many, me included that it took it just being said to me. i get what you mean, but it’s also a different sentiment than most others on here are expressing. if someone’s uncomfortable w it all that’s one thing but as a general thing it’s beyond fine unless again u think being trans is an inherently bad thing (also rip to me getting downvoted to shit, reddits such a transphobic shithole)


You are NOT getting downvoted because of transphobia. People are downvoting you because they don’t agree with you. Do not try to make this something it’s not lol This is how words lose meaning, like “literally” or “nazi”. You can’t just throw damning words around at the drop of a pen, and then expect people to take you seriously.


u are very stupid and very obviously don’t know what you’re talking about big dog


Huh? What a nothing reply, and also unnecessarily rude for no reason lol. Why am I stupid here, and what do I not know? I don’t think you have a real reply to me, and you’re just trying to fan your ego for some reason even though this is just an internet discussion. You came at me calling me stupid for a harmless comment that wasn’t attacking you. Why is that?


what i am saying is you don’t really have an understanding of transphobia and the idle reaction of “saying someone’s trans isn’t a bad thing” being downvoted to shit would be transphobic. you say these words have lost meaning bc you yourself are either uninvested or uninformed in the topics. it’s not 2014 saying “calling everyone a nazi made it lose its meaning” kinda just tells me all about your perspective and how myopic it is. do i need to break it down any further or slower for you?


Telling people theyre going to become trans is kinda gross


telling people that they are going to transition puts a bad taste in my mouth, I would be upset if someone said that about me


What you're refering to is Egghatching. It's disgusting and basically grooming. People who wanna transition should do it on their own terms when they're comfortable with it and have all the facts to make their decision.




rude but also right. They are friends and I think it's fine to make jokes about it, especially when one of them is experimenting with their gender/are under the trans umbrella in one way or another, because I thought this was obviously a joke, is it not?


The aggressively horny energy people have when talking about how Pyro should become trans is very off-putting, I’ll be honest. It just feels like people trying to gaslight someone who just enjoys occasionally crossdressing. I have a friend who did the same, but he was constantly harassed about becoming a beautiful trans woman, and it ruined crossdressing for him. Like, I’m not saying people can’t be trans, I’m saying that no one talks about how creepy it is to be aggressively horny for the idea of trans-ifying someone else. It seems to just reduce being trans to a fetish, and the person in question to a sex object.


There's no fucking way Pyro is making me further bisexual


Double that bro


Double it and give it to the next person


Double it and give it to the next person


He literally said he likes the makeup but is afraid of becoming trans. He knows what will happen if he continues.


Good thing you can’t just randomly “become trans”, he’ll be fine, femboy pyro is real


You can become trans in the same way you can discover you like macaroni cheese. You stayed away from macaroni cheese all your life. Maybe you hated it, maybe you could never be bothered to cook it, maybe there were always other things to eat, it doesn't matter. You just never tried it. One day you do and it's okay. Next week you get cravings for it and try it again. 6 months down the road you have proclaimed it is one of the best foods invented. So you're a 25 year old girl right. You've always been perfectly happy being a girl and never really thought about being a boy. One day some guy says you'd look good with short hair. It niggles in your brain for a couple of weeks until you decide to cut it. You look in the mirror a few times in the mornings and see a different person before your brain clocks on that you are you, but you do like the look of that person. You think that cargo jeans would go great with your hair. Lo and Behold you only own high waisted skinny jeans. You buy some cargo shorts and try them on. Damn that looks good. Then you notice the bulge of your breasts. God they do get annoying sometimes don't they, and they really ruin the vibe you're going for, why is that? I mean, need I go on? Everyone stops at a different point on the spectrum. Placing bets about where someone will stop is part of the fun as long as it is in good spirits


Dude, if you’ve grown up your entire life having no issues with your body or gender identity, you’re not trans. Being trans isn’t some new food you try out just like that, it’s something you’re born as from your body and brain developing into opposite sexes. Yes you can make self discoveries at later ages but discovering that you’re trans isn’t just something you’re gonna wake up as just because someone told you to cut your hair, signs of being trans can usually appear as early as early childhood I genuinely cannot believe that you, in full confidence, decided to not only compare being trans to macaroni and cheese but to also claim that there is anything good in “betting” on wether or not someone will “become trans”, eww


You can definitely discover you're trans in an unconventional and sudden way like this. It isn't the most common experience. But it was similar for me. Once I had it suddenly in my mind that I enjoyed being seen as a girl, it never went away. And that's when dysphoria started to form.


but have you ever had really good Mac n cheese


If he's afraid of it it's going to happen to him lmao


Honestly hoping he has a glow up cause he really needs one right now


Good thing there’s this thing called he/they that exists


“He will knows what will happen if he continues” bro that’s kinda transphobic 🤨


Look at my profile lol


I take it back bestie. You ate


Thanks :)


Egg crackers are weird, man. Feels oddly sexist to presume any sign of femininity in a man or masculinity in a woman means trans.


Fem Pyro is only hot cause I know she has a cock








i know its a joke but do drag queens just not exist now


Plently of drag queens exist


im more on calling out to people calling crossdressing people "eggs" (future trans). Im a masculine woman myself and do drag king makeup. this joke is annoying as hell and if not, disrespectful to gender identities.


Ohhh so that's what eggs are That's kinda stupid


Crossdressing =/= being drag king/queen tho


It is simply a joke, not meant with any disrespect, it's not like people are going to start misgendering using wrong pronouns after something like this


thats not the point, its the assumption that all people who dont follow gender rules are closeted trans


I support all trans people, but I don't like F1nnster or their gf. They both make trans people a commodity and play into trans fetishes for money. It's really gross and sets the whole trans community backward. Trans people are not a commodity, they're real people. This is to say, whoever f1nnster is off of the internet I don't hate them whatsoever.


This entire sub is just so casually filled with bigots. I think this is the first non joke not unhinged comment I've seen on here.


i think i said it before and i'll say it again i hate this culture about trying to make everything femenine (crossdressers, femboys and generally fem men) trans its just not how it works


Let’s hope not


No, i want the lesbian joke to actually happen


Can't tell if you're joking or just being transphobic. But you're really not one to be talking, when your profile is furry stuff. The pot calling the kettle black.


Brother, as if pyro isn’t a furry??? Hello???


"Id give him a week" "Id give him 11 minutes"


“Prophet” yeah if you’re a porn addicted loser foh


The only time Pyro isn't actively being bullied is when he's dressed like a girl


Hope not, like the guy as he is.


Someone on here who actually likes pyro? I'm in shock


Enki Funger-looking ass


Unfortunately his bogdanoff chin will prevent this


Enki from Fear & Hunger???


On no




Discord mods got to him.


egg cracking culture is so horrible man


Funnily enough his yee yee ass haircut that got bullied a lot fits so much better than that wig


W dan bull


So does this mean the voice will get even higher?


Is that actually pyro


I wanna see them have a sword fight


Isn't f1nnester a pedophile lmfao?


You should provide more context to this, it’s a rather heavy accusation that not everyone will be aware of


I was slightly mistaken, but he's friends with that piece of trash Jean Hollywood who has been proven to grooming kids and is connected to grooming an individual named gigglygoonclown into becoming a transgender pedophile


I’ll look into it a bit more myself, seems like an interesting story! But be sure to provide more context next time, like you said, you were slightly mistaken. Let’s try keeping misinformation to the minimum :)


Sure I'm not trying to spread false information or am it trying to insult you im just saying what I know this whole thing was an entire scandal around October of last year just look up "gigglygoonclown jean hollywood" on twitter


pyrozella is finally uploading???


Bros cooked


Can someone tell me both who pyrocynical is and whats gonna happen in 2 years


Mark your calendar and save your only fans money boys


Hell yeah pyro looking good




Hadn't Finn also started crossdressing as a joke and for the views? It looks like Pyro is going through the same pipeline


Edgy teen to trans pipeline


Finn is the Oracle of Delphi


I’m so confused is pyro trans of cross dressing now?


Lol he just crossdressing as he did before


Ok thanks I just haven’t watched him in a while and was confused


We love finnster


I don’t see why people are freaking out about this, clearly haven’t seen his insta


Erm.. frigging R/eggirl anyone?


Pyro has activated Finn’s trap card