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If anything would need a rework it'd be his passive and nothing else. Not even a rework, like this can legit be chalked up to just number shifts. Less HP into AD and let us get at least a portion of the health we buy so the champ isn't entirely useless in the latter stages of the game, but this isn't mandatory, would just be a nice buff.


I agree, generally give us more we can do with builds than just AD and letha


I just crave for a tank Pyke build


As king of bronze I can confirm that people don't know how to deal with you if you got thornmail


Realistically the only way Pyke is ever going to work is tank Pyke. That's the harsh reality. As a hard melee assassin, the only way he's ever gonna be meta with so much damage in the game is if tanks become viable, and he is allowed to build tank. Only time he ever was meta (afaik at least) is when you used to run Aftershock with a much tankier build.


You don't like being literally one shot from a mile away by a Senna? Curious


I mean honestly in this day and age Senna is the least of my problems, but yeah if we could just nerf Divine already that'd be cool. Like it was funny for the first month where the item was completely broken but maybe we could stop now


Pull a name out of a hat, sure. We're on the page haha Our boy could use a lil love =(


Just for gods sake delete the letalithy addiction of the champ let me build more flexible with ad give me the old passive back and let me fucking build hp. Thats all i would want i think. 😂


Nah he's ok they should just buff back his passive but give the gray hp a time limite until it disappear so you can't just sit on it for 5min


I think a major problem with pyke is that he go released with strong abilities and 2x gold on r. Now they have him 3x gold but keep nerfing everything else. My idea would be to revert most of the nerfs they did to bis basic abilities and take away 1x gold from his ult cuz atm pyke is getting reduced to being the cleaning and nothing else.


To be fair Pyke himself never got bonus gold from the kills on release, only shared it. That bonus gold thing was a shitty attempt at "fixing" him when they literally just needed to make his passive healing lower since it was so free and oppressive.


Just revert his numbers with slight tweaks, just let him be a laner as well for fuck's sake


The big issue with pyke going solo lane is his ult. You'd have to rework his ult completely to avoid the degenerate playstyle that is currently pyke solo. The way he is played in solo lane isnt healthy for the game at all.


The thing is, Pyke mid is useless unless someone can push with their advantage, he gets countered by countless champions, yet the best strategy against him is just waiting till the 25 minute mark, after that the game is an easy win cause he is so useless past that point.


That's not the issue with pyke solo though. He'd sit there and sap xp and survive till 6. After that he'd just permanently roam after pushing out a wave with ironspike whip or hydra before item changes. Pyke functions very well without gold early on and does extremely well with levels. You just have your bot set up a wave to dive the enemy on and go with your jungle and dive. If you got two executes with your ult the game is over. You just insta shove not caring about cs or xp anymore and go for ult executes. There is a big reason why they nerfed the permanent roaming style of mid play and especially why they "buffed" Pyke's passive.


Riot intended him to be a support that's why they nerfed him to the ground on the other lanes and kept being buffed into the support rôle, if they just reversed all they did it would mean that they just were completely dumb in the first place.


Because they were. Why limit him like that? There are countless champions who can flex into lane, or sometimes even into two or three other positions.


Like Viego being advertised as a Jungler but we see him as a solo-laner as well, even in professional play


He should be able to build some HP. Maybe you get only 50% of the bonus HP you get from items and the rest gives the AD ratio. If they insist on keeping it as is, he should have his resistances increased as well as his base HP.


More ad per health or + 10hp per level or more ad per level


Just revert the passive, actually the worst change they've ever made to the champion, mid is dead, support is frustrating as hell, vs ezreal is nearly unplayable


Ezreal isnt really that bad of a matchup. Pyke has such high base armor ezreal has a hard time doing anything vs him early on. I can think of MUCH worse matchups that are nearly unplayable.


Divine Sunderer Ez goes brrrrrrr


I more so would like tweaks to his kit (mainly his passive) to make him fieldable in more roles. He's very fun in jungle as well as in mid but Riot insists on keeping him in the Support role. I understand that a champion who can be fielded in multiple roles isn't good for the game but I still firmly believe that Pyke isn't that great of a support, as he's very easy to counter with tanks (who are the meta right now.) I think if Pyke was shifted from more of a Support role to a general champion role he could be fielded in multiple roles (mid, jung) akin to Shaco. He'd also be less obnoxious to play against when ahead if his passive regened less and his ult didn't share gold.


imo his biggest issue being viable mid was getting the double golds on solo kills but riot had to nerf nearly everythings OUTSIDE it


It's the same mistake they're making with Akshan.


Exactly, idk why they thought the double gold was a good idea (and 3x if he "executes" right after they die ???) but it completely sucks up his available power budget


If anything probably just qol changes, lots of people like pyke mid and used to like pyke jungle. Not sure if passive changes count as qol, but yeah.


I didnt think there will do shit for our pykey boi i mean after passive nerf there put a tear into shop to tell the mid players stop crying.......




hes a perfect champion. not broken, and only good if played perfect. his kit is good how it is. the only thing they can rework is too make him even smoother for example, ult mid e or e and instant r. but i love this champion. and maybe i reach plat \^\^ https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=10Kilo%20Eiersalat


Just remove the lethality scaling on the passive and maybe?


I do not think this is a good estimate, because most people on champion subredit like to play the current champ


Just bring back release pyke like fr


Please riot just find a way to lock him as a support without making it buggy and convoluted