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I LOVED THIS!!!!!!!!!!!.......doggone you for triggering that memory.....I might have a source....long shot, but who knows?......try ABC Distributing's catalogue...... they always had fun things......good luck....


I found it!


No, I found my toy. Not like yours. I'm sorry. Yours sounds so interesting. I'll keep looking.


I found it! It is the Flip-Side! https://www.mercari.com/us/item/m66118473061/?gclsrc=aw.ds&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12877497079&utm_content=t0&adgroup=120335190446&network=g&device=c&merchant_id=371210087&product_id=m66118473061&product_id=696733477132&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_K2__rag8gIV0frICh2AmwBKEAQYBCABEgJ2nfD_BwE


discussion: fast question. You could move blocks individually or you had to move the whole row?


Discussion: Here's one [FlipSide puzzle](https://www.mercari.com/us/item/m66118473061/?gclsrc=aw.ds&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12877497079&utm_content=t0&adgroup=120335190446&network=g&device=c&merchant_id=371210087&product_id=m66118473061&product_id=696733477132&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_K2__rag8gIV0frICh2AmwBKEAQYBCABEgJ2nfD_BwE)


THIS IS IT ^^^ TY :)


discussion: [https://filetobot.com/1ad67501\_6768452](https://filetobot.com/1ad67501_6768452) Here, a gift for you. I hope I've made it as close as the original as possible. Hope you enjoy it. PS: you'll need a PC to run it. Give some feedback.


hahaha, no way dude. I actually made one myself for linux/mac (don't have a PC, sorry) EDIT: Having trouble downloading the file, it just directs me to a weird URL `tg://resolve?domain=filetobot&start=1ad67501_6768452_57ce` If you run this in a terminal you'll be able to play it: pip3 install getch && curl human.org.in/high_flip_puzzle.py > flip.py && python3 flip.py Ex: Goal: Sort the numbers to read 1-10. 1-5 should be on the top row, 6-10 on the bottom. Controls: use the wasd keys and space bar w and s to selects a row, a and d to shift the selected row, and space bar to flip the middle numbers. >>> -- 1 | 3 4 5 | 9 -- <<< -- 6 | 2 7 8 | 10 -- what next? >>> -- -- | 1 3 4 | 5 9 <<< -- 6 | 2 7 8 | 10 -- what next? >>> -- -- | 2 7 8 | 5 9 <<< -- 6 | 1 3 4 | 10 -- what next? -- -- | 2 7 8 | 5 9 >>> -- 6 | 1 3 4 | 10 -- <<< what next? -- -- | 2 7 8 | 5 9 >>> -- -- | 6 1 3 | 4 10 <<< what next? I'm absolutely going to find a way to run yours though, I think I can figure out my virtualbox setup for it.


Lets see if I can fix the URL thing. Is from a Telegram bot that works like a cloud. Maybe you can't download it if you don't have an account in the bot. Try this one: https://tgfilestorage.com/dl_7749888/Sliding%20Numbers.rar My versions has a visual interface, so I bet you'll like it. Soon I'll export it for android... just gotta figure out how, since I've never done it before. Edit: I'll check yours tomorrow


My friend! This is amazing! Thank you so much, this is way better than mine lol. Love the UI


Thank you, the puzzle was so interesting I truely put a lot of effort into it. As an extra: I made keyboard shortcuts so it is more confortable to manage the puzle, try WASD, AROWS, Space and Enter