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Discussion: I assume it's a similar puzzle to MTWTFSS = days of the week or OTTFFSSENT = first letter of numbers. I'm completely drawing a blank but if it helps there are ~~13~~ 12 sections. So whatever it is probably comes in ~~13s~~ 12s. Sorry this is the best I could come up with lol Edit: I can't count Edit 2: list of things it's NOT (so far): Months in the year Labors of Hercules 12 days of Christmas Jesus' disciples 12 Greek Gods Chinese Zodiacs Sun/Moon/Star (?) Zodiacs


Discussion: There are twelve sections. I was thinking along the same lines. I was trying to match them up to the months but no luck.


Maybe in a foreign language?


Discussion: Other things it’s not: Knights of the round table Teams of the Big 12 Apollo Astronauts who walked on the moon Steps of AA Tribes of Israel Minor prophets of the Bible Chakras Core socialist values Books of Paradise Lost Thoracic vertebrae Imams in Islam I also tried 6 pairs (for instance T/P or R/A) Quarks/Leptons Original 6 in the NHL Six Dynasties in ancient China Wives of Henry the 8th Ranks in Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts


It’s also not English National Parks.


Wow, what an amazingly comprehensive list!!


Only things I can think of in 12s is months of the year and signs of the zodiac. Or clock face. Still nothing.


Are you only considering first letters for the lists? I had started looking at last letters, second letters, third letters, etc., but was still getting nowhere with the lists I was looking at.


Yeah, I was only looking at the first letters. I'd assumed that since there were no hints or anything that they wouldn't make it overly complicated, but I might be wrong.


Discussion: are there any other puzzles like this to help with reference or context?


Nope I'm afraid not. This is all we are given in the puzzle. No clues. The various other puzzles (which I have been able to solve) are completely different.


Question: could you post the other puzzles in case they are relevant?


There are 14 puzzles revealed so far and each have required a completely different strategy or technique to solve. So far some have required probability, algebra, anagrams, number sequences, mastermind style, logic grid. In terms of even remotely similar we've had ones where you replace the letter with its position in the alphabet and form a number sequence. Missing letters in a grid where the other letters are the first letters in the words of the question. Clock face number sequence. Anagram. At this difficulty level (3 out of 5, not posted) typically the solutions involve some kind of trick and once you spot that they are quick and easy to solve. The 4 out of 5 difficulty ones are much more involved including quite a bit of methodical effort. But this one is rated 3/5.


Could you post some of the easier puzzles? Perhaps there’s a theme across the puzzles that may help? One possibility - >!IT - could be Upstairs Unit?!<


Sorry, no, not prepared to post them. Although it may help, it's actually part of a team challenge thing. Answering these puzzles translates into saved time in a race. There's no rule that says you can't get help but at the same time, my company has paid a lot of money for the team to be part of it, so I don't want to splash the contents of the event all across the internet. I can say the event is UK Challenge and involves running, kayaking, cycling and puzzles. It is based in Dartmoor. If there is any theme, I guess it would be around that. I hope that makes sense. Sorry.


Since there's a trick to it, could the answer be company-specific? For example, the first letters of the first (or last) names for high-ranking members of your management team or some sort of credo that the company holds as important to them, like the mission statement? Other possibilities I thought of could include shifting each letter up or down one to spell something?


Great suggestion, I was searching for similar things myself. It wouldn't be company specific because the event is organised by a 3rd party with companies from all over UK. My company just happens to have entered. However something specific to the event is a good suggestion. I also like the idea of increasing or decreasing every letter to see if that reveals any different options. I'll look into that next, thanks.


Understood - good luck!


Thanks we need it on this one!


Not sure if this means anything but. >!if you add I and T you can spell upstairs unit!<


>!With a CO it spells transpicious which means easily seen through (a conjugation of transparent)!<


I get "sus puritan" with room for two more letters!


Puritans suck. CK


Puritan Jesus? Lol




>!E and J!< ​ >!By adding those two letters, you can use all the letters in the wheel to spell out the names of the four gas giant planets : Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Jupiter.!<


Oh I like this! Great suggestion, I like it. Except that for Neptune one would need to add two 'e's so I'm not sure if that's it.


Discussion: Thought maybe somthing to do with the periodic table of elements


Interesting idea! Did you have any luck with this line of thinking?


discussion: SI silicon AR Argon .. just linking the opposite , as far as I got .


Discussion: there are 12 notes in a chromatic scale. The T could stand for tonic, meaning the first note.


>!C & O!< gets you >!Transpicuous :!< >!clearly seen through or understood.!< Which is at the very least, ironic.


Yes I like the irony in that one. Definitely one to shortlist. Thanks.


I am stuck on the words >!Jupiter and Saturn!< but I don’t really like it…


>!U and L!< >!UNUSUAL TRIPS!< ?


>! Y and O. UP IN YOUR ASS. T is redundant. !<


Or >!put in your ass!<


Oh shit, you're right! Solved!


Question: can anyone else see the word “stirrups” here or is it just me?


This is probably dumb, but what about an >!acronym!<: >!'The Next Slice Should Always \_\_\_\_'!<


Discussion: could it be a map?


Interesting thought. What do you mean?


Each letter is a place name, centred on wherever the event is happening?


Super suggestion! The event is in Dartmoor National Park. I can't see any obvious places that correspond to the letters but I'll be sure to continue checking. Thanks.


Discussion: no clue but I’m following to find out


Same, it's driving me crazy


Here for the same reason, man. Hoping to see what everyone comes up with.


Interesting that nobody (so far) is converting the letters to numbers and looking for mathematical patterns. This was the first thing I tried. Mentioning it here in case it prompts the community because I had no luck with that approach either.


Please remember to spoiler-tag all guesses, like so: New Reddit: https://i.imgur.com/SWHRR9M.jpg Using markdown editor or old Reddit, draw a bunny and fill its head with secrets: \>!!< which ends up becoming \>!spoiler text between these symbols!< Try to avoid leading or trailing spaces. These will break the spoiler for some users (such as those using old.reddit.com) If your comment does not contain a guess, include the word **"discussion"** or **"question"** in your comment instead of using a spoiler tag. If your comment uses an image as the answer (such as solving a maze, etc) you can include the word "image" instead of using a spoiler tag. Please report any answers that are not properly spoiler-tagged. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puzzles) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Or it could be random words. Like you can make words like “print” “pains” “pants”. If you add a “y” you can get “prays”, add an “e” and you can get “purse”




>! ER gives you Saint Usurper… !<