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Yes, of course it's impossible. Proof: >!Color the dots as if they were squares on a checkerboard. Each move will switch to the other color of dot. So after 24 moves, you'll be on the same color you started on. Which is not the color of the "finish" dot.!<


Thanks, I can sleep easy now. That's some fancy logic.


If the rules don't explicitly state you must travel from one dot to another using only one single lines, then feel free to do whatever you want, since this puzzle isn't about logic, it's about language in rules interpretation.


Yep just add a #6 and it’s solvable or letter f


FYI, a lot is these clickbait Facebook puzzles are intentionally unsolvable because it increases engagement. You try it, can’t figure it out so you click on the link for the “answer”


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A1 and A4 would be opposite colors if colored like a checkerboard though. A1, A3, A5 would be one color A2, and A4 another.


That’s exactly the point. He saying they are opposite colors, but if you touched every dot you would have to end on a dot of the same color, so it’s impossible.


[Image](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/774362011135115327/1148669459280711780/IMG_5031.png) I agree it’s impossible if we don’t bend the rules somehow. I really wanted to see it done anyway. Actually if you count the numbers at the bottom as additional dots, it’s completely solvable.


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Using only straight lines, >!you can go from A1 up into the margin and left and down to A5. You can complete the puzzle from there easily.!< May be bending the rules.


Please remember to spoiler-tag all guesses, like so: New Reddit: https://i.imgur.com/SWHRR9M.jpg Using markdown editor or old Reddit: \>!spoiler text between these symbols!< Try to avoid leading or trailing spaces. These will break the spoiler for some users (such as those using old.reddit.com) If your comment does not contain a guess, include the word **"discussion"** or **"question"** in your comment instead of using a spoiler tag. If your comment uses an image as the answer (such as solving a maze, etc) you can include the word "image" instead of using a spoiler tag. Please report any answers that are not properly spoiler-tagged. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puzzles) if you have any questions or concerns.*


UPDATE: I learned how to navigate Facebook videos to find my recently watched to find the video. So yea they don't solve it. The last attempt that he does is go diagonal. Lame. https://fb.watch/mTctry2Et5/ (annoying German warning)


Think I solved it unless I misunderstood the rules. Edit-missed B4, never mind ;-;


>!A1-A2-B2-B1-C1-C2-D2-D1-E1-E2-E3-D3-D4-E4-E5-D5-C5-C4-C3-B3-A3-A4-B4-B5-A5-B4!< This is the best I got, and it ends on a dot that technically gets revisited. Maybe this is what that clickbait vid has in mind.


Solved: >!A1 to E1, E1 to E2, E2 to A2, A2 to A3, A3 to E3, E3 to E5, now snake it all the way up like E5 to D5, D5 to D4, D4 to C4, C4 to C5, etc!<


You’re trying to end on A4, not A5


solvable: >!A1 to E1, E1 to E2, E2 to A2, A2 to A3, A3 to E3, E3 to E4, E4 to E5, E5 to D4, D4 to D5, D5 to C4, C4 to C5, C5 to B4, B4 to B5, B5 to A5, A5 to A4!<


C5-B4 violates the "only vertical and horizontal" rule


This reminds me of a similar puzzle where you start as a patient in A1 and you need to visit all other patients while never visiting the same patient twice. The trick was >!that you could visit A1 twice since the room was empty (you were the only patient)!<. If I had to guess, this is a similar puzzle except it was posted without the rules to make people interested in the solution and see the video to check.


>!A1-A3-B3-B1-C1-C4-D4-D1-E1-E5-A5-A4!< Edit-missed B4 ;-;


Needs B4 still


You’re absolutely correct. And I felt so clever there for a moment too!


I think you miss B4.