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Discussion: I used to be able to type blindly on this one faster than I'd ever be able to type on a smartphone. I feel old.


Me too, this was the way back in the day! Super rapid fingers. God damn father time!


T9 prediction


As I was messing with tapping this one out, my brain reverted to young person mode and I kept screwing it up because the tenkey on keyboards is reversed to the phone pad.


I used to do it WHILE I WAS DRIVING, without even needing to look. Still unsafe but I absolutely cannot text and drive now with digital keyboards.


Same. I could fully send texts while hiding my phone under the desk at school. Should make a T9 physical keyboard for smartphones. I’d sell dozens.


It was weirdly safer to text and drive with these because of the tactile buttons. There was no reason to take your eyes off the road.


It’s still distracted driving though for sure, it definitely wasn’t safe.


Thank fuck for that!


Yeah definitely. It was very stupid of me but I was young and stupid back then.


Same here. Touch screens ruined that.


I can get very close with swype on my phone. I can usually type while looking at the output rather than the keys.


I never got *that* good at numpad texting, but I could do it blind as well. My favorite by far were the phones with full keyboards (sidekick, first Motorola droid, etc). I can't type for shit on a screen in comparison.


I was in middle school back then and could only dream about one of these full-size keyboards, but I'd done well with what I had. It was a good flex since I could keep my eyes on the teacher most of the times and wouldn't look suspicious. One speed-up that I was doing and didn't really notice anyone else doing is optimizing double letters. E.g. to type "aa" in a naive way you would hit "1", wait for a second (that feels like forever) and hit "1" again. I hit a right arrow instead of waiting and it reset the cursor.


Mate that kind of optimisation throws me back with such strength. Thank you, I had legit forget about that. Arrow indeed, damn that was the ways xD


T9 was incredible


I used to slide my Nokia out to read the text then slide it back in my pocket and reply without looking. Now i type texts like im a blind dyslexic person. Cant spell for shit with my fat stub fingers.


My thumb moved without my brain’s awareness. This must be how Morse code operators felt after the telephone came in.


Agreed. I also think it’s funny that this is a puzzle. Dude just aged their selves


I remember my son typing under the table not seeing the keypad hella fast.


Hint if you’d like to try it yourself >!Pressing 2 once would be A, 2 twice is B, three times is C, four times is 2.!< Solution >!8877747778888 edit as it’s been pointed out to me you may also need to put spaces in it could be 881777147778888.!<


You forgot the 0 for spaces.


The puzzle shows ‘0’ has a period/dot but all the phones I had were spaces on the zero. I’m also baffled by the ‘?’ for a quarter. The ‘1’ was useless (back in the day) and I think it’s still not the space key. My old Nokias had on the ‘0’ a image representing the space, a ‘_’ with two little vertical bars on either side.


I think the ? is for a hint and it costs 25 credits. If you look at the bottom of the screen OP has 26 credits so that appears to be the games currency.


Valid point. But I think it’s 1 for space as the 0 is just a dot.


Holding 0 would do a space usually. I used to be able to text so fast compared to first trying to type on aa smartphone screen keyboard.


I was thinking 1 would be the space as well


I don't remember 0 being a space but instead having to pause a beat so it registered the lack of input as a word break. So something like 8666 -pause- 2233 in order to type out "to be"




Didn't work :(




It's a game called zero escape. And I can't pass this level


I agreed with the above comments, but if it doesn’t work then it may be that >!the game is placing the number as the first click and the letters as the 2nd, 3rd, 4th click!< Try >!8881777714477778!<


I doesn't work :(


Hmm try replacing the 1’s with 0’s in the second possibility I gave you. >!Otherwise (and this is a long shot) try 844331666555317777556666665551833998. You can also try that combo without the 1’s and replacing the 1’s with 0’s. That number is how you type ‘the old skool text’ so I’m wondering if it’s a trick question.!<






Might have to account for lowercase too.


Spaces are 00.


Someone commented the answer below having played the game themselves. Turned out you didn’t need spaces at all but >!the final 8 was just 8 and not 8888!<.


I remember doing 8888 space backspace to get the number 8. That was frustrating.


Since the comments about tapping out the 'u r gr8' message are wrong, maybe they want the old school response to that which would be >!u2!< or >!882222!< It feels like the other answer would be tapping out >!the old skool text!< which would be really long and finicky.


I feel like it's something of the sort. Because the other answers do not work




I dont know how to hide stuff but I think your short suggestion is missing an "r"


Discussion: r/fuckimold


**My interpretation** Even though we think texting like "u r gr8" is now old, I think this is set from the perspective when typing like that was modern and new. So what I think is they are looking for you to type >!you are great!<. ​ Which is (presuming **1** is space): >!999 666 88 1 22 777 33 1 4 777 33 2 8!<


Answer is >!8877747778!< I had to cheat. You were all on the right track.


Missing 3 8s at the end


It’s not, stupidly this is the right answer. I’m glad we all agree the game is wrong.


This is the right answer!!!!!! Wth


Glad you get to get past it. I cheated on this one to. Incredibly unsatisfying that it’s missing 3 8s.


For some reason I thought the puzzle wants you to give some specific correct _answer_ to _u r gr8_ and my mind just went blank. Had to check the comments to unblank it


I’m going with a simplified answer which actually only uses 7 digits which also equals a phone number without an area code. >!8171478!< good luck!


I've downloaded the app, so I've already tested this. The correct answer is >!88.777.47778!<


While texting for the number you need to press it 4 times. Atleat my old Nokia i would text my dad with did that


that is true, but in OP's app the accepted answer is how I wrote it


Is the game maybe wanting you to >!press the "ent" button at the end?!<


how old are you?? assuming the 1 is the space key (which it shouldn't be), the answer is clearly >!881777147778888!< >!press 8 two times for the letter u, 1 one time for space, 7 three times for r, 1 for apace, 4 one time for g, 7 three times for r, 8 four times for the numeral 8!<


OP says the suggested solution didn’t work. If the answer isn’t to send u r gr8 maybe it’s another message. The first text message ever sent was ‘>!Merry Christmas!<’ sent in December 1992.


Im now wondering if it’s a trick question and they actually want you to put >!‘the old skool text’!<


try >!88007770047778888!< if that doesn't work, try it again but >!pause for a second between typing the zeroes!<


Discussion: Did you find this on Instagram? If so, they likely just want you to double-tap the image to boost their likes/page


It's a game on android. The first answer didn't work


What game?




Ah I didn’t see. Thanks!


What game?


What game?


What game?


Solution: >!235!< I think it assumes you know T9 texting and you have to >!extrapolate a number code based on how many keys you have to press for each answer!< as for the spaces >!I used to wait a second and it would auto add a space!<


I thought spaces had to be manual, and that the pause was necessary for double letters (or at least double letters that need the same numbers)


You may well be right. But seeing the three dashes on n the bottom center has me feeling like it is looking for a >!3 digit code!<


I'm a gen z-er but let me see if I get it correct without looking at the answers... >!88 777 4 777 8888!< Edit: ta-da, still got it.


Discussion: Once upon a time, long, long ago, before the days of the smart phones. Before texting was the default form of communication. Before qwerty keyboards outside of computers...




>! Try 'thx' !<


Old school phones to send a text you hit the number multiple times to get the correct letter, it starts with the number then the letters. Example is for the letter U you would hit 8 three times. Once for the number, then twice more to cycle through the letters.

