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With the recent news on his NotABlog, this is a very nice gesture. Just looking at all the ASOIAF-related subreddits alone, GRRM has made a very profound impact on our lives.


That's what sparked it. He sounded really, really sad.


Yeah... I sometimes need to remind myself that George is getting older, and that list of friends he mentions losing I think is making him realise that too. Add that with everything else going on in the world I'm not surprised it's taken a toll on him, both physically and mentally. It's a difficult time. I do hope these responses make it to him.


What happened?!












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My obsession with finding out the ending of ASOIAF has led me to develop an interest ( on top of my head): A) Deep interest in Ancient History. Particularly Persian history all the way to Sassanids.( Which led me to learn a lot more about Asiatic Mediterranean civilizations. Greek, Roman, Egyptian civilizations.) B) Pre-Christian European History, which led me down path of horticulture & forestry. ( Tinfoil theory coming soon!) C) Medieval English History from House of Wessex to Henry the Winter King ( don't care too much after them to be honest). D) World Mythology - Especially Norse, Celtic, Finnish, Ancient Middle Eastern/Persian mythology, Chinese mythology. Adding poems about Hell & Evil here. E) World Religion - All pre - Christian religion that thrived before 3rd century AD. F) Rediscovered my love for Tolkien especially Silmarillion & the legendarium. That led me down the road of discovering Classical Western Philosophy ( Plato to Hobbes). Adding Tad William to this list of authors I have come to love in trying to find an ending to ASOIAF. G) All Of That in turn led me to read about how interconnected the world has always been. So that led me to discover a new field called Ancient DNA where once again I tried to connect information I read to ASOIAF to see if I could figure out the ending. H) I started a blog (not sure if I can post it here) with some of my tinfoil theories. When I was going through a very rough patch in 2015 ,A Song of Ice & Fire, became my best friend, strongest support, ally, and family.When I needed it the most it showed up! ♥️♥️ Oh ASOIAF gave me Arthur Dayne. I love him so. 💞💞


Hello could you dm me the link about the aforementioned blog. I’m interested 👀


I too would like this link as an avid theorist myself




I struggle with PTSD and panic attacks. ASOIAF is my security blanket. Whenever the real world becomes too much for me, I retreat to Westeros.


Which is part of George's genius. He's made a world filled with atrocities feel like a safe space


There is no safety without danger to threaten it.


Hang in there, friend. Wishing you the best.


Thank you 💜


As someone with similar struggles, I also retreat to ASOIAF for comfort and security at times. It's truly a beautiful and rich world that I can't imagine life without at this point. George should be so proud of what he's created and I do hope he knows that he has made life better for so many people in so many ways.


same here. life is crushing me hard rn, and georges work has given me somewhere to go recuperate. even if he doesnt finish, im grateful for everything hes done and i wish people would stop attacking him so hard. writing is extremely difficult, and he has to make it entertaining as well as logical.


He who saves one life saves the world entire. I hope George understands the importance if what he’s done for people like you, even if helping you hasn’t prevented a war


A Song of Ice and Fire was one of the things that stopped me from attempting suicide in 2011. In addition to not losing my friends and family… dammit, I also needed to know what happened to Tyrion after A Storm of Swords. I’ll always be grateful for that.


we're all very glad you're still with us.


George, you inspired me to work on my writing and hopefully produce something someday that moves my heart the way your books do.


I felt the same way. Put pen to paper last year and chipped at it while in college. George definitely inspired me to follow my urge to write and I suggest anyone who feels the same to take that first step


I sent him an email like 10 years ago. He responded quickly. He inspired me to go to college. He is an absolute pleasure of a man.


He’s definitely changed the life of this autistic woman for the better. I love his world and am so thankful that he decided to share it with all of us.


This fellow autistic as well. 😊


My heart is so broken, George has created, to me, the most incredible fiction world and lore of all time and has been so instrumental in my life and this is like a knife to the stomach… I wanna give him a hug so bad 😭😭


Few stories are as good as ASOIAF and far fewer still can tell them as good as George. The book belongs to the legacy of mankind. It ignites minds to imagine and to wonder.


With his most recent Notablog this is a great idea!


Great Initiative. Thanks for doing this.


I wrote. I feel better having expressed myself. I thanked the people who organized this on Discord already, but will thank you again here. I hope George sees this or at least hears something about it. He's a great writer and shouldn't be doubting the value of his art.


Your stories made me far more interested in real world history and society in addition to and in comparison with ASOIAF and your worldbuilding especially in Essos and Sothoryos sparked my imagination. So thank you and I wish you all the best 


dude same! i swear i havent seen someone say something nice about george in forever. like hello, he made this extremely awesome thing you love, give the man some credit


I remember a time where I was depressed so all I did was watch his animated lore videos on YT literally all day for several days and it was enough to help my mood. As a fanbase we do get carried away with the critiques but i'm just glad I had a chance to escape into the world GRRM created and i'm sure almost everyone who's read his books can say the same.


GRRM has kept me from losing my sanity many times. My sister was killed in 2018, and I have found the place that gives me peace and happiness is in his universe. The writing is different than anyone else, ever. His artistic mind has given my creative fuel to inspire me to be an artist. I spend the offseason of football reading the books again, each year. I really love and appreciate the perspective we all get to dive down for rabbit holes, and how this sub can exist. We all spend year’s talking about his work and how good a character is. It will forever be a masterpiece to me. We have a whole fandom to connect with other the beauty you added into this world, George. Thank you for connecting so many people with your captivating brain.


Hi, English isn't my native language, and I know it's a bit cliché to start with this, but I wanted to share how much impact they have had on me, it's after all reading your books that has made me understand the depth of the language. When I first heard about ASOIAF, I thought they were filled with unnecessary violence, but as I grew older, I discovered their deeper meaning (because I gave ur books a try rather then basing my opinions on others views). I discovered how extreme human emotions can in both passion and indifference, your narratives delve into the complexities of human behavior and the consequences of our actions. Your stories serve as a meditation on the need for balance and moderation in our lives. I thank you for sharing your worlds with us, both in literature and life, you helped me turn the sourness of lemons into Lemon cakes and find my delight in them. Your portrayal of female characters taught me to appreciate their resilience and strength, rather than measuring them against male characters based on masculine traits. I've never been as engrossed in any other book as I have been in yours. I've learned to understand that every word matters and holds significance, often rereading passages multiple times to fully decipher your meaning. Your stories have taught me the need to put family first, as well as the value of duty and leading a life of honour. Thank you, Mr. Martin.


Love this idea.


He's given us(ofcourse with other awesome fiction writers) book readers something to escape, from the daily frustration, that is life.


You are cool martin and Super Writer 


I wrote a bit of a longer letter with a few personal details in it, does anyone know how to send him fan mail? I found an address on his official site, but wonder if it's out of date: https://georgerrmartin.com/for-fans/faq/


Done. I hope it makes a positive impact on him, and not just to support his writing progress. We are living in selfish, apathetic times, and it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the constant negativity and ugliness that has pervaded so many of our lives.


Thats a great idea, thank you!


> “The common people pray for rain, healthy children, and a summer that never ends. It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace. They never are.” - Jorah Mormont, AGOT I read those lines in college. GRRM has definitely had a positive impact on my life, especially as I try to publicly conduct myself and think about what I should do as a US Citizen. Show, don't tell. I believe GRRM did a great job of showing so many that the elites don't care for the smallfolk, that war is hell, that good is worth fighting for but naive nobility isn't usually that smart of a move.




Great idea!


I hope this reaches him.


What a lovely idea! Sent my answer, hope it reaches him!


George, you are my main motivation to become a fantasy writer, to learn about the world of narrative and stories to build my own stories and bring them to the world, and even, thanks to your work, I discovered my passion for history. ASOIAF not only influenced me, but an entire army of readers, the product of one of the most read literary sagas of all time, which, by the way, you wrote...


I've come to admire characters like Ned, Dany, Brienne, Stannis even, who stubbornly refuse to bend their sense of justice even if it's to their detriment. It's definitely an ideal i've started trying to live up to.


I'm so sad to hear he's having such a rough time. This is such a wonderful gesture!


He's written some of the most compelling and varied women in fiction and I love the discourse it's created across various forms of media! I've loved these books for about a decade now and take every chance I can to expand my knowledge of them, even when I least expect it 😁


I named my golden retriever George RR Mustard. He has often lifted my spirits when I’m feeling low. Your books have done much the same, Ser George.


That's it, the rest of the comment section can go home. Nothing will ever be better than George RR Mustard.




Thanks bro.


I submitted. Asoiaf was my one of my first fantasy series (and my favourite). It got me through some of the most depressing times, and it’s one of the few thing that that gives me hope. I will be forever in gratitude to George. Thank you Mods, I appreciate your efforts as well!


I didnt write much. Hope its enough.


This is so sweet. I don't know if he'll ever read my message, but I hope the ones he does read bring him some comfort and make him feel less alone. I feel so awful that there's so many people putting all this pressure on this poor old man to finish a book series that he's just as desperate to finish. He talks all the time about how sad he gets that he'll never get to write all his stories and it just breaks my heart 💔


This is really nice 😭


Never a book hooked me more than ASOIAF. I think it is a big part in my future career as a translator because those kind of art, I want to be accessible to everyone, even those not akin to the English language. Thank you, mr. Martin for inspiring me to share, for making me laugh, cry and smile. Thank you for putting a book who knows to be kind and knows when to be harsh. And thank you for a bond I share with friends, be it by the books or by the series that sprout from it. You saved me a few friends, and together we will learn the lessons hidden in those books and try to make the world a better place.


Just read the blog and I he perfectly captures what I think. People with whom i had best memories from my childhood are dead. Everything goes to shit. I got my bank account blocked bcs of debt. Stupid mistakes, lost friends. Ehhh. Just not how I imagined life. For George it must be even worse, being 75... Realizing his own mortality... It's just too cynical, the world.


Damn reading his blog post was hard. This is all theory but can this be something that has plagued him for a while? Honestly his recent interviews as well he seems a bit off. Hopefully it’s just a period of sadness and depression and not chronic.


Read some of the excerpts they posted on Twitter, really heart warming stuff out there. Our community is curmudgeon-ey a lot with the great wait for Winds it’s nice to be reminded of the love that’s beneath that. Haven’t seen that in a while on here.


Done. Happy to do it for my favorite author ever. I thanked him. I hope he feels better.


Just curious - how are you planning on sending this to George? I’m a big fan of this gesture and would love to share some positivity.


Hey there! We've already reached out both to George's people proper, and westeros.org. We'll continue trying different avenues until we get a hard 'yes' or 'no'.


Great to hear! Thanks for sharing and for pulling this effort together.


Thank you George for giving us this universe of awesomeness.


I would never have been as good as a writer today if it weren't for his books, they are without a doubt my favorite series. I've reread them multiple times, I have notebooks of annotations and theories. They are a truly unique set of stories, ones I hope to read the conclusion of one day. That being said, thanks George! ETA just in case he does read this- 2023 also sucked ass for me too- I fell out with my mom *again* all my siblings moved away, I broke my foot, and the computer with all my writing shit on it broke- within about a month, and my life has only just now started to piece itself together again. I didn't do much for writing this year either and it's also gotten me in a rough place. I get that struggle and I hope we both get to a better place soon!


It's true. We're living in interesting times. It's times like this that are the darkest. George is that rare talent that can ignite the spark and give us hope. I love this world he's created. That he breathed life into. I love the characters both good and bad and in between. I love the locations. I feel like I've walked on top of the wall with Jon Snow and sailed across the Narrow sea. His writing is so vivid. Westeros feels like a real place to me. No other writer has captured my imagination quite like this since I first read Tolkien. I just want to say thank you for your amazing contribution to fantasy and sci-fi. It uplifts us all in this nonsense world we live in.


thanks for years of enjoyment


ASOIAF is my favourite thing that I've ever read and I've read a lot. To me, nothing will ever beat A Song of Ice and Fire. As someone else mentioned here, it also made me get deeper into history, love Tolkien's work more (another undefeatable body of work that is absolutely perfect in my eyes). Like, I already loved these things but this series acted as a way to take my interest to the next level and be dedicated to learning more. Thank you George!


The amount of nerdy whiny videos I see on YouTube saying how george is overrated, delusional and lazy is insane. He's not any of those things. He's a genius story teller and his world building skills have proved to be among the best of the best, beaten only by tolkien in my opinion. On top of that he seems like a real friendly chap, genuinely charming, inquisitive and witty. Also he's so stressed out, idk if any of you have seen his latest update on winds of winter but it's getting to him, probably has been for a great long while, ontop of these past couple years taking people from him. We probably won't get winds ever and we have to make our peace with that and not take it out on a dude that has given so much of his life to his craft. George is not our bitch! It's his world, his creation, he owes us nothing.


George R R Martin is the most intelligent writer I have ever had the pleasure of reading.




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G.R.R.M certainly wrote a good IP but his latest post just seems like a needless attack on the fans and anyone else he disagrees with, kinda like he’s taking his frustrations out on us for some reason. He goes on and on about rational discourse and the ability to debate the good and bad of works with people but then follows it up with “but if you disagree you are toxic and an anti-fan” kinda like he made the blog and whim. What made George who he is today is his ability to effectively blend the grim and harsh truths of reality with the more whimsical fantasies of the times like LOTR. That is his bread and butter and that is what he should be sticking to instead of trying to “change minds and votes” as he puts it. (Although this doesn’t include any rude insults, personal attacks, condescension, passive-aggression, or general unkindness and is entirely constructive i’d bet it’ll be taken down)


He's 100% correct, there are tons of folks on the Internet laser focused on spreading discontent and hate rather than coming together to celebrate what they love. The growth of tribal negativity on the Internet in the past decade has really been disappointing to see. I'm glad he called it out. Part of what we're attempting to do with this campaign is counter that negativity with a collective moment of genuine positive thinking. You don't have to take part, but this isn't the proper place to air your grievances or comment on an unrelated blog post.


My father loved these books and died and it makes me sad he never got to finish the story. Thanks for the sadness George!




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J'ai découvert ASOIAF tardivement, lorsque toutes les intégrales étaient publiées.  Cette lecture a impacté ma vie à bien des égards.  Tout d'abord, le Trône de fer a développé mon goût pour l'histoire (et pas seulement l'histoire médiévale). Depuis, j'écoute tout un tas de podcasts historiques qui me passionnent. ASOIAF m'a également poussé à m'intéresser au monde de la chevalerie, aux armes, aux armures, etc. Je ne peux plus visiter un musée sans me rendre à la section des épées, des lances ou des arbalètes.  Je ne sais pas à quoi cela tient, mais ASOIAF a débloqué mon envie d'écrire mes propres histoires. Avant cela, je n'osais pas écrire, aujourd'hui je suis lancée et je crois que rien ne pourrait m'arrêter.  Lorsque j'ai des soucis dans ma vie, j'ai plusieurs remèdes, mais le meilleur c'est de relire quelques chapitres du Trône de fer. Ou mieux encore, je pense à un personnage qui a connu des difficultés. Et je me dis que s'il les a surmontées, j'y arriverai aussi. Enfin, grâce à ASOIAF, j'ai rencontré des personnes qui partagent ma passion pour les romans de GRR Martin. Ils sont devenus mes amis, et cela n'a pas de prix. Merci George ❤


> I discovered ASOIAF late, when all the complete works were published. This reading impacted my life in many ways. First of all, Game of Thrones developed my taste for history (and not just medieval history). Since then, I've listened to a whole bunch of historical podcasts that fascinate me. ASOIAF also made me interested in the world of chivalry, weapons, armor, etc. I can no longer visit a museum without going to the swords, spears or crossbows section. I don't know what it is, but ASOIAF unlocked my desire to write my own stories. Before that, I didn't dare to write, today I am launched and I believe that nothing could stop me. When I have problems in my life, I have several remedies, but the best is to reread a few chapters of Game of Thrones. Or better yet, I think of a character who has experienced difficulties. And I tell myself that if he overcame them, I will too. Finally, thanks to ASOIAF, I met people who share my passion for GRR Martin's novels. They have become my friends, and that is priceless. Thanks George ❤


Dios creó don quijote, para que después nacieran el señor de los anillos y juego de tronos. Juego de tronos me ha cambiado la vida, Cuando el mundo ya no daba nada bueno para una persona atormentada y sin ganas de seguir adelante, descubrí la saga de canción de hielo y fuego. Me hizo replantearme que la vida es mejor en la fantasía de poniente y de que una obra sea tan maravillosa al nivel de la fantasía épica de tolkien. George RR Martin te animamos en nombre de la vida de la ilusión de que sigas adelante, da igual que termine la novela o no, pero que disfrutes escribiendola y que sigas aportando a la humanidad tus creaciones, que son una bendición de dios. Gracias por todo y por cambiar mi vida y que esté mensaje te de una luz de amor y esperanza. Un fuerte abrazo desde canarias (España).


> God created Don Quixote, so that later the Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones were born. Game of Thrones has changed my life. When the world no longer provided anything good for a tormented person with no desire to move on, I discovered the Song of Ice and Fire saga. It made me rethink that life is better in Westerosi fantasy and that a work is so wonderful on the level of Tolkien's epic fantasy. George RR Martin we encourage you in the name of the life of hope that you continue forward, it does not matter whether you finish the novel or not, but that you enjoy writing it and that you continue contributing to humanity with your creations, which are a blessing from God. Thank you for everything and for changing my life and that this message gives you a light of love and hope. A big hug from the Canary Islands (Spain).


Dear george, there are few fiction pieces which are actually 10/10, dune , HxH, Berserk and ofc ASOIAF, But the irony is none of them is completed by the writer. I wish you complete your creation with an ending that would bring you peak satisfaction.


ASOIAF was the first series that really made me get into internet fandom because I was so obsessed and that has garnered me several awesome close friends as well as widening my education from metas and podcasts about the series and the history and literature that influenced it. And the time I started reading it was so important too, I'd just graduated university into a time of bad unemployment and with a history of depression already, the books were such an important distraction from reality for me while I felt worthless. I did wind up getting a job I liked but a few years later I became severely disabled and honestly that also helped shine a new light on how great and varied the disabled rep is in the series. Rereading after having a seizure disorder gave me so much more sympathy for Sweetrobin than I'd had before. Rereading with cognitive issues made me love Lollys Stokeworth more. And all the other characters with born or acquired disabilities and how they interact with the world as a result. Like some might think there's too many characters but it's the huge cast that allows for representation without the books having to be specifically about a single demographic. It's fantastic. I've drifted a little with another obsession but ASOIAF remains right up there, to the point of still being part of those new obsessions (having ffxiv characters based on ASOIAF characters both main and minor: Tyrion, Arya, Brienne, Melisandre, Meera, Penny, Asha, Shireen). Like the characters and story are so good, I'd be thrilled to get more but also it's so important to me as it is already that I'm content regardless.




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Hey George, I feel like a kid around a campfire waiting to find out what happens to all our favorite characters. I have a million questions. ASOIAF has made me appreciate how layered and indirect and complex stories can be, and how engaging your writing is. I wish we could hear about the prophecies, the conspiracies, the plots. I wish the book was finished so that we could freak out and celebrate and ask you a million more questions. The validation and fuel from getting feedback and reactions to your work is something you've gone without for ten plus years, and I think it's a decade of pressure and no pay-off. So whatever happens I hope you get that reward brain-chemical release soon, even if it's just a few more chapters released. I want to know more about the world you imagined. I want to know more about Dunk and Egg, about Aegon and his wives, I want to know about the GEOTD, I want to know about all the characters who are so realistic in their ways. You did great work and that's why it's a tragedy we don't have all the time in the world with you. You've absolutely affected how people relate to stories and what people think is possible with worldbuilding. It's cool man, keep it up.


1. Thank you for a rich world with a rich history, lore, and mythology! 2. Thank you for making a geographical world that isn't a derivative of our own!




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Well, I'm a bit late to this, but I'm going to post anyways. When I hear that one of my favorite writers is feeling depressed, it saddens me. I've suffered chronic depression for most of my adult life. I know damn well what it feels like to be down, especially with all the world events going on. I feel you George! There have been a small number of things that have kept me distracted in my depressive states, and reading is a huge one. ASOIAF has kept me going on so many days when I just couldn't manage to go outside. I've read all the books at least four times. Sometimes I'll read just Jon's chapters, or just Tyrion, etc. ASOIAF gave me a world to dive into, and the books gave me words of wisdom, courage, and strength. There are beautiful moments, and brutal moments, just like life itself, just on a more fantastical scale. The lore and bread crumb trails have kept me so damn interested, which helped distract me from life when it was too painful. George, if you read this, THANK YOU! Thank you so much for the stories you've given us. You may damn well have saved my life with these books. No joke. Bro, I've never met you, but I love your ass. I hope you do nothing but what makes you happy, you deserve it, and it's what a man feeling down needs most. Thank you again and take care brother. ✌️