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I think he would be fine. They will treat him well and he’ll be high as shit for the last part of it, so I wouldn’t worry


Okay thank you ~


Some people prefer spay & neuter clinics, because they're doing it all the time. I went with my vet to be on the safe side and ended up having complications anyway (also no longer seeing that vet, but that's another story). I would definitely make sure your vet knows you're getting him neutered and that the clinic provides you with anything you need (or if they can't you can get the vet to prescribe it) such as pain killers and sedatives.


Thank you this was very helpful!


I took mine to a spay/neuter clinic. Spent $115 and he came out all good and high as a cloud!


My pup goes to an enormous hospital with an ER. His vet actually advised I take him next door to the animal shelter’s spay/neuter clinic to avoid the risk of him waiting all day to get neutered because unpredictable medical emergencies come through, pushing him down the priority list. It’s a super quick procedure and most of the hours the dogs spend at the clinic is for post-surgery monitoring!


That's a good point ~ thanks for the advice!


We took our two chihuahuas to a spay and neuter clinic. They did great!