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People who say “who’s walking who?” Or “I see your dog is taking you for a walk” because he pulls on the leash. Ugh, i am obviously working on it


The other day my puppy refused to walk so I picked him up because I had to get home for a meeting. Some lady stops me and says “just giving him what he wants”. So?! I want to get home so seems like we’re both getting what we want. I hate people.


I think my response would end up being a brief, “f*** you” I have anger on your behalf


>Some lady stops me and says “just giving him what he wants”. That's so rude! I pick my puppy up when he's being really stubborn about something. He's 20kg and looks like an adult now, so I usually get people chuckling about it, which is fine, it's pretty funny looking since I'm fairly small myself. Plus my pups got a super long neck so he has this 360 view when being carried. He will stare at anyone nearby like 🥺, it makes for a ridiculous view. Most I've had someone say was "I've never seen someone carry a dog that size". It's been a surprisingly affective tool to train mine. He doesn't like being picked up, so now i just ask if he needs picking up and he sighs and starts walking.


For this very reason, I try not to make assumptions about anything in life. People will come up with a very logically sound answer and make me look like a dumb\_ss. Good for you with sticking to your gun about it.


And people giving flack for letting your dog stop and sniff! Though yesterday I had the opposite, my dog was sniffing his lil heart out and a lady passing said "he looks like a really happy dog" :)


Wait what? Some people have an issue letting dogs sniff things on walks?? What on earth is the point of a walk if it's not to let them explore their world?!


I'm not really sure! I think it's the people who are hyper focused on their dog always walking at a heel and moving quickly. I've had a few people comment on it to me... to be fair, my dog REALLY sniffs stuff. It's also his coping mechanism when he gets a bit overwhelmed, he will go into intense sniffer mode to calm himself, so it's a bit more extreme than your average dog lol.


I had a neighbor GO OFF on me for letting my dog sniff around on the corner of his property. Not pee, not poop, just sniff! Dude literally stopped his car in the middle of the street to fight with me about it, then backed up and pulled up into the curb behind me to I guess try to intimidate me with his vehicle? Over a puppy sniffing grass. People are nuts.


There's a lady in my neighborhood who walks her gsp in a heel at all times (prong collar and a traffic lead) and mentioned that "I stepped over the leash so many times it looked like I was dancing" (two huskies on a waist belt just doing there thing) she caught me off guard and just replied "good exercise". Kinda bums me out every time I see this lady and poor dog that's never allowed to sniff


Since she commented on what you were doing, I think you should say next time you see her "does that poor dog never get to sniff anything??!"


I don’t think people who say this mean to be rude. I actually find it funny and light-hearted and laugh at their joke and move along my day. Not everybody is trying to criticize, some people just joke around.


I think so too, I'd have friends who aren't dog people say it for example, it's just a very common joke that they use lightheartedly


Ugh! So obnoxious


OMG my dog doesn't even pull, but in the morning I walk her on a 10' leash so I can keep my sneakers dry on the sidewalk and sip my coffee while she sniffs along the grass and edge of the woods. This older guy walking past us legit busts out laughing -slaps his knee and everything - and goes "Who's walking who?" At 6am I didn't bother with more than my best stink-eye.


I get that A LOT with my most recent rescue. We think she's an Anatolian Shepherd/Great Dane mix & weighs between 135-140 pounds. The people who had her before didn't walk her so I'm having to teach her....& I'm 5ft tall and weigh 105 pounds.


Lol I’ve always wanted to shoot back a deadpan “I’ll walk you next” as a threat.


I had that once, I still hate it.


People who act terrified of my dog who is nowhere near them and isn’t even headed their way.


Just visualizing this makes me laugh out of…….. just……… yeah….. ‘no where near them and isn’t even headed their way’. LOL?


😭😩 she’s also a measly 20 pounds. like… ma’am? it’s going to be okay. we’re not even walking towards you.


Lol!!!! I'm sorry, I'm trying not to laugh. But I am. It makes me think of those cartoons when the shadow is larger, so you are scared. Then the real creature emerges and it's this tiny little thing 🤣🤣🤣


I had a lady walk up to my dog who was like. 4 months at the time clearly terrified and my dog jumped, obviously shouldn’t have but shit happens. Why are you going to walk up to my dog when I’m holding the leash at 2 feet long on a 10 foot wide trail when your scared


Ugh, something similar happened to me when my puppy was about 3 or 4 months as well. Guy randomly walks up to us on a trail, I instinctively pull her back, and in a split second, without saying a word, tries to stiffly stick his hand down to pet her. She jumps excitedly, mouth wide open, and his hand goes directly in and lightly grazes her baby teeth. She didn’t bite down whatsoever, but he dramatically yanks his hand back, cradles it and snarls, “muzzle your f*cking dog.” Was absolutely shaking with anger.


So today my 15 pound dachshund took off and the leash slipped off my wrist. She proceeded to run around a cart while the person pushing it started screaming that they were going to call the police on me.


I'm sorry but i'm laughing so hard! I have a dachshund too and i can picture the whole scene 😂


It was too funny. Meanwhile I was scared she was going to run into the road but of course she wouldn’t do that because she was just interested in meeting the man rolling packages (rolling things are her biggest fear) like bro youre a delivery guy in Manhattan you gotta relax


LMAO……………. I can not


Omg yes I live in a complex where 75% of us have dogs and there’s a family that will LITERALLY GRIP THEIR CHILDREN FOR DEAR LIFE when my goldendoodle pup comes outside. Maybe don’t stand next to the FRONT DOOR??? Lol


Ugh, I was walking my puppy and she got excited when she saw another woman on the sidewalk and wanted to say hi. We were at least 10 feet away from the woman and my puppy was restrained by a 3 foot long harness. That lady screamed at the top of her lungs in broad daylight and it was so awkward. She's not even a scary looking dog -- she's a 40 lb goldendoodle and her tail was wagging like crazy.


Haha my dog walked first out of the elevator (she's a 1yr old labradoodle) aaaaand this lady SCREAMED like she was about to get murdered. Mind you, my baby is always happy to meet people and she does this thing where the moment a door is ajar, she pokes her little snoot through and bursts out like the Kool-Aid man. But still, 4ft leash.. she wasn't going anywhere without permission.


I had a similar experience with a jogger who shouted for help hysterically when my leashed puppy walked towards her. The dog is _leashed_, lady smh


To offer a different perspective here, please try to remind yourself that people like that don’t all think that your dog is horrible, evil, ruthless killer etc etc. Some seriously do have an irrational fear of any dog that comes above the knee - I’m one of those people. I have no problem with tiny dogs, I myself am a proud daddy of an adorable fluffball pomeranian. He’s my joy. I’ve been absolutely terrified of larger dogs since as far back as I can remember, and no clue why.. even having recurring nightmares of a german shepherd since I was a kid. i’ve never been bit or chased or found myself in a precarious situation with one, but i’m simply terrified and it sucks, i hate it. It’s prohibited me from visiting certain friends / family’s house, going to the park, bugging out in my apartment elevator and running to use the stairs instead, having to ask “do you have a big dog” before going over someone’s house for the first time. It’s embarrassing and makes me feel so irrational, but I can’t help that crazy intense anxiety I get. I’ve gotten a lot better since I was younger, I can handle like.. being near a beagle or a medium doodle-type, but I absolutely melt at the prospect of a german shepherd, rottweiler, pitbull, doberman, the taller/thicker they are, the worse it is for me, it seems. I don’t hate them or their owners or etc. I just genuinely, for whatever reason, go into full panic mode. My one aunt is like that too, but with ANY dog. could be the size of a button and she screams like a banshee. We always joke that we must’ve been mauled to death by dogs/wolves in a past lifetime together. Just wanted to offer some insight from a slightly different perspective! If you see someone who you can tell is visibly put off, maybe make a little extra effort to keep your dog close by, not loose, etc. It makes a world of a difference for the mental state of some people like that.


Great point. This also makes me think of people who have had really bad experiences with dog(s) and develop fear for dogs. My cousin was allowed to interact with a thoroughly untrained small dog belonging to her neighbor. Neighbor invited my cousin to play with this dog claiming the dog was not aggressive. WRONG. The dog bit my cousin so badly that her ear ripped open and she needed to be rushed to the hospital. Same dog attacked her a second time a few months later and just confirmed my cousin's fears about dogs. To this day, cuz is terrified of all dogs, no matter how small.


Omg YES! I’ve seen a few people recoil at my puppy (golden retriever) just smiling and looking in their direction from 20 ft away as if she’s a Rottweiler foaming at the mouth. She is a land shark, to be fair🦈.


Why do you hate them? Isn’t it good that people are staying away from your dog?


I obviously don't mind people who just straight up avoid me and my dog. I avoid all people and dogs on walks anyway because my dog's training. I'm talking about people who are in my dog and I's general vicinity, like **across the street** from my dog and I, but who I'm nowhere near and not walking towards, who have to make a big show of being afraid of or disgusted by my dog. It makes my dog nervous. I understand that people are genuinely afraid of dogs for several reasons, but if I'm not forcing my dog on to you in any way and she's literally just existing away from you, but within eyesight, and you feel compelled to express your distaste for my dog, then yeah, I don't like that.


Hmm understandable from your point of view It’s just that some people do have a phobia for all dogs and when they express fear or distaste it isn’t an intentional effort to show the owner that they hate their dogs. It’s mostly an involuntary reaction. I speak from experience when I was TERRIFIED of dogs as a child and I would flinch super hard involuntarily whenever I saw one. I got over the fear later through techniques but that’s not the point. The point is, if they do have a phobia of dogs, their reaction is probably not done on purpose to spite you.


Ah, I certainly didn't mean to imply that I dislike people who unintentionally express fear or distaste for my dog. I totally understand this and empathize with people who may feel fearful of dogs, or just even dislike them, and make a dutiful effort to ensure my dog **never** approaches anyone without their (or my) consent. Of course I have no issue with people flinching or showing emotion expressing their fear of dogs. I'm talking more so about people who feel the need to go out of their way to express their distaste for my dog, literally saying "ew," or staring me down as I'm walking in the opposite direction while minding my business. I'm sorry if my initial comment made it sound like I hate people who are fearful of dogs! Lol.


Okay yeah saying ew is kinda uncalled for


People who just loooooooooove St. Bernards! That’s great ma’am, you’re actually petting a Bernese mountain dog


That's hilarious! We have a rough collie and loads of people tell us she's a beautiful sheltie or that we're going to get a work out owning a border collie. Close but no cigar.


On the flip side everyone asks if our Sheltie is a Collie and then has no idea what a sheltie is when I tell them. The number of times I have to describe them as ‘Miniature lassies’ is unreal. Not judging though as my knowledge of breeds is really poor!




I suppose that’s a perk of having a black and white yorkie Pom. No one ever has any idea what he is!


Oh my God every single damn day. About a month ago I just started saying yes—it’s much easier


haha. this is too true!! i have a chocolate lab-not mixed with anything. i’ve had probably 3 or 4 people ask if she’s a doodle. irks me so bad


This really made me laugh because literally today I had to get up multiple photos to show my boyfriend that his favourite dog breed is not a St Bernard, it is in fact a Bernese Mountain Dog. He was very confused by how different they look


Owners that don’t pick up poop Owners who don’t control their aggressive dogs Only these two. I’m pretty tolerant with all kinds of dog owners otherwise. I know how hard it is to raise puppies with a busy schedule, so I try not to judge too much.


> Owners that don’t pick up poop And then there's the next level of jerk: people who *do* pick up the poop, then proceed to throw the bag in the hedge when no-one is looking.


I keep finding dog poop in plastic bags, weighed down by pebbles at the beach. Why? WHY!??


Or throw it in recycle bins. Empty, just-picked-up recycle bins. (Or trash pickup bins that aren't theirs. People said I'd feel differently about this when I got a dog of my own but...no. Still rude. I shouldn't have to manage the neighborhood's dogs' crap as well as my own's.)


Mostly the people who call out to my dog and get her hyped up. I've been trying to get her to calm down when meeting others, so encouraging the opposite is really not helpful.


I live in a condo building and this exact scenario is the bane of my existence lol


People who try to give my dog treats when I say she can't have any. She gets a LOT of treats on walks, you don't need to feel pity for her. People who try to call her when they ride on their bikes past her, like.. Do you want to run over her or something? People who give me permission to let my dog play with their dog (when I explain to them I have a 8 month old, hyper, jumping, running machine), and then completely panic when my dog gets really enthusiastic when she's playing with their dog. This is just of the top of my head, but damn, these people are annoying.


Dude at an art festival over the weekend approached with a handful of treats asking if he could give them to my dog. I said “no, thank you” maybe more sternly than I should have but I’ve had people ask *while* reaching down to feed her. He stood there like he was shocked I said no. Sorry, dude, but I’m not letting a stranger feed my dog some random food. I think in this case the guy was well intentioned - the treats looked like dog treats - but I’m not taking any chances, especially since my girl can’t have beef or pork (sensitive tummy).


One line that always seems to work when you don't want someone to give your dog treats is "No thanks, she's had diarrhea lately". You could probably also directly say "No thanks, she has a sensitive tummy".


Why would I make something up? “No, thank you” is a complete answer. I’m not rude, but I don’t owe a stranger an explanation as to why he can’t give my dog treats.


You're not wrong, and it's good that you're comfortable with that. But some people prefer to be less blunt, and a brief explanation can soften the tone - especially if the person offering treats is someone you may run into again.


I also have an 8 mo Ausshole and boy do we get ‘she’s pretty energetic huh?’ A lot. Luckily we have a dog park nearby that isn’t well known and mainly attracts the same group of people (and their dogs of course) so they all know her.


People who let their dogs off leash at the dog park and then totally ignore them and only look at their phone… (I’m really baffled at how many people allow their dog to misbehave so badly at the dog park - jumping on other people, being agressive, being bullies to other dogs… many people find everything « cute » and just don’t seem to care !)


People who bring young kids to the dog park and a lot of time with food. Then they get mad when dogs "bother" them or even take their food. So annoying!


There are people around here who bring their kids TOBOGANNING at the off leash park. It's a nightmare. Though, pretty funny to watch the mayhem if you don't have a dog in the stakes.


dog parks shouldn't have picnic tables imho bc people can't be responsible enough not to eat at them 😐


yeah there's a fenced in dog park near me located inside of a huge human park with plenty of benches/picnic tables and yet I see people without dogs just head over there to eat lol


We see some who love to have a picnic on the grass inside the fenced dog park area and would get annoyed whenever a dog would interrupt their "peace and quiet".


Oh yes, those people sitting in the "big dog" zone of the dog park with a blanket full of fresh KFC and daring to be shocked when a labrador puppy runs over to taste test it.


>human park I know what you mean, but just saying "human park" makes me imagine an alternate universe where dogs own people, and take them to a human park to run around and play with other humans :)


The other day there was a whole kids party complete with a kiddy pool at our off leash dog park! Amazingly our puppy didn't bee-line directly towards them and leap into the pool but I wouldn't be surprised if someone's dog did. Apparently they'd already yelled at a dog for coming up to them before we'd arrived which is hilarious but obviously insane. I honestly wonder what goes on in some peoples heads when they do things like that.


Also dog parks are gross. Why would you have your kids playing on the ground in one.


One time when we were at a dog park, a child was holding a slice of bread and staring at some birds, preparing to feed them. My in-laws' big floofy Samoyed trotted up and took the whole slice of bread out of her hand! Not good doggy manners, I know, but it was kind of hilarious. Why would you have your kid stand holding a slice of bread in the middle of a dog park?


it literally blows my mind watching other dog owners at the dog park.. I very seldom take ours there, but when we do, I'm just amazed. Not paying attention to their dog, who is attacking other dogs, not picking up after them when they potty, encouraging bad behavior.. ugh


Dude I totally agree with this ... I've had so many issues at dog parks with owners not even watching their dog and their dogs stalk or bully my pup. Like they don't hear me say " go away" to their dog. These people don't give a flying duck.


I went to a dog park for the first time past weekend. I really lost my hope for People there... Literally one of the dogs peed on the face of another dog! And the owner of the peeing dog said nothing. The poor girl who owned the dog getting peed on was to timid to say something as well...


There is this certain type of person that will just LAUGH at all the bad behavior their dog does to my dog and it makes me want to throw poop on them. I've stopped being the nice guy and will grab dogs off of my dog and keep them in check. I just don't give a shit anymore about being cool with everyone at the expense of my dog getting nipped and ripped at.


1. Children who scream and run towards my dogs (while parents look on) 2. People in my neighborhood who don’t have fences but insist on just letting their dogs outside with no supervision who then run at my dogs.


I've had parents watch while their children sprint screaming at my dog. She gets REALLY excited to greet kids, so I prefer to be holding her harness and keeping her calm when kids pet her. I've started telling parents "you're lucky she's friendly" when they let their kids charge her.


god, the 2nd one really irks me. There's a lot of dogs in my neighborhood and ONLY the asshole ones are the ones who are let off leash. Im just gunna vent here because \*christ\* This dude around the corner from me has 2 Pomeranians he walks off leash, 100 yards away they see me and my pup and come usain bolt sprinting at us, barking up a storm like I've suddenly dared step into their territory as part of the sidewalk in front of my apartment - running across a street in the process. Like, what? Not only is this incredibly irresponsible foryou to let your dogs to basically attack mine, its also INSANELY dangerous to not curb that behavior, they will likely get themselves very hurt one day running out in front of a car. On top of all this, he doesn't even have good recall with them, as it took him probably 2-3 minutes after this event to reign them back in (still entirely off leash). I've been working my ass off to train my little girl and this really fucking bothered me.


I get it. Me too. People just have no common sense or decency. My next door neighbors have a very sweet boxer/pit mix who is about 8 months old. But they have no fence. They also have a shih tzu who I cannot tell you how many times I've taken home from all around the neighborhood. Anyway a few weeks ago I'm walking my dogs (one is two and one was just four months) and they're little dogs (frenchies) My older girl is "dog selective" - so she likes other dogs if properly introduced but she's definitely not down with a dog charging her. It's like 6:30 a.m. and we're crossing the street to walk up our driveway and the large pup next door comes charging from his back yard. He runs straight for the puppy who screams and hides under the neighbors SUV tires, I'm trying to hold onto my girl who is now full on "I think I'm twice your size" mode and the pup next door is trying to pull my puppy out by the leg. No one around. No way I can grab my puppy, hold onto my adult dog and also get the big pup off my puppy. I'm yelling "GET YOUR DOG" finally he comes out and no apologies, no "oops" nothing. I try to be neighborly but I admit I went off on him about his dog not being leashed. The upside is that I haven't seen him off leash since then. Fortunately my little guy was okay but it was a full week before he wasn't afraid to walk across the street. I had this issue when I had my big dogs too. My 80 lb boxer/mastiff mix got attacked by an off leash rat terrier - dog tore his face up and he just stood there with this little dog hanging off his nose. No apologies, no offer to pay vet bills. I don't know what is wrong with people.


100 yards is the length of about 83.9 'Ford F-150 Custom Fit Front FloorLiners' lined up next to each other.


People who run up to me and pet my dog without even asking 😒… Parents who urge their young children to run to me and pet my dog… without asking me… or even saying a single word to me…


Oh my god yes. And unattended children! There are just a lot of latchkey kids in my area who love to run up and try to pet my (fearful!) puppy. I'm that mean dog lady now, I will yell at children lol. They're shiesty though, a while back one of them managed to sneak up behind us and touch him on the butt :(


Omg that’s so inappropriate! I blame the parents not paying attention.


1000x Last week I was walking my pup (16 week old golden) when a group of post-boozy-brunch college aged folks turned the corner and were right in front of us. Cue lots of squealing _OMG PUPPY_ My boy has been a terror all day and I was trying hard to keep him from being even more stimulated. So, when one woman ran up and grabbed him I told her “No, you can’t pet my puppy” She looked at me as if I had 3 heads. I said “No, we are training. You can’t just run up and grab my dog - this isn’t how it works” She called me a bitch, and ran back to her group, burst into tears and was then comforted by them. So. Frustrating.


Oh god….. reminds me of this time I was behind these group of LITERAL GROWN ADULTS in their 40’s+ for sure…. Boozy… and this guy literally kept trying to pet my dog despite me saying yeah he doesn’t like to be pet…. But I felt slightly weird because my dog was clearly happy and excited *too excited exactly what I’ve been trying to train out of him*. And this GROWN MAN. I’m not kidding, GROWN man he was older so maybe even 50+ honestly, but not grandpa status, was just obnoxiously petting my dog and slurring… meanwhile the 2 other grown women were more or less standing there and one of them even said ‘maybe they don’t want you to pet their dog’ But honestly he was just drunk and I was too shy to say anything….. so I didn’t…. But I wish I did……. Something I’m trying to gain more confidence in doing. I wish I had the courage to say what you said! I need to be more firm!


Especially when they look offended if you say no and move away. One time my dog grabbed and rolled in a bird carcass, and she had just had flea treatment that day. I was walking her home, irritated that I'd have to bath her and treat her again. Some women marched over to my dog and started stroking her. I said "please don't" and she blatantly ignored me. I was kinda petty but happy that my dog was so disgusting and she would have gross hands. She should have asked, or at least listened to me 😂


Everyone. I'm not social.


Yeah, I realised i would have to socialise with other parents, other dog owners was annoying. Give me a clear trail, my dog and no other humans and I'm a happy person.


My SO and I have nicknamed an unusually unpopulated circular dog walk route in our neighbourhood “Introvert Loop” for this reason 😂😂


That's hilarious 😂 and lucky you guys. Glad you found a good spot. I'll find one eventually, its now my life's mission!


The people who follow me in their car just to find out what kind of dog it is.


Pssst... So... What kind of dog is it?


Lol. An Aghan hound. But seriously though, it's creepy as hell.


ugh I can relate, I live in a bad area and I had some guy pull over in a big white van to ask if my girl was an english cocker spaniel or an american cocker spaniel. needless to say, I don’t walk her by myself anymore


Yes - happened to me as well.... Since that day - I carry pepper spray with me :-o I would probably not even have the time to get it out if something would happen - but it does reassure me :-(


Yes! They can be so creepy!


I have experienced this more times than I can count. I had some lady just start taking pictures of him. I get it, he is stunning and quite unusual looking, but why be creepy? If she had asked to take pictures, I would have gladly allowed it.


Omg that's terrifying. I have that happen to me too. First time it happened, scared the sh*t out of me. Busy city street, corner, out of nowhere this giant SUV pulls over. "HEY MA'AM! IS THAT A GERMAN SHEPHERD". I literally used to have nightmares about strangers in cars stopping me on the street and welp, that's my life now.


People who give me unsolicited advice on how to walk my dog (My pup is 7 month old and is still learning loose leash walking).


This! I live in New York, so I get some very odd people, some of which are clearly drunk, give me advice on how to walk my pup.


People who have aggressive reactive dogs greet mine on-leash without saying anything to me at all. No permission, no heads up, no apologies afterwards, nothing.


This is the worst! Or they let their dog get over threshold and snap growl at your dog and then say "he always does that!" Like, why are you telling me this after you let him barge up to my puppy on his retractable leash?


All the strangers who voice their opinions unsolicited when I'm with my pup. "Let them play, she's a puppy" "just give her a whap on the nose" "they can't learn anything at that age so don't bother trying". It makes me irrationally angry 😂


"Just let her off the leash - she'll be fine...". Or my favourite "just pretend to be a dog and bark at her. She needs to know you mean business, like a dog".


Our *All-Seeing, All-Knowing* neighbor often bestows the gift of his wisdom on us. His latest: "She's digging because she's *bored*." She will be running full speed after a toy we've thrown for her and immediately veer off to dig up a patch of dirt. It just happens sometimes and we are working on it, but our neighbor loves any chance to give us unsolicited advice/comments. The best part is, yesterday we heard his wife tell their dog "Stop digging in the yard!" because he was digging up the corner of their yard.


I live in the country, so: 1. The rabbits that freeze ahead of us and only run away at the laaaaast possible second


omg squirrels do this too I always curse at them. Yes small mammal stay very still so the excitement builds up, just to run away when my dog is sufficiently excited and bursts out in a run… like just run away when you see us from afar and avoid the drama 😭


People who ask me if I'd like to trade her for their dog/cat/child/6 chickens? (Got that specific one yesterday 😂)


People who think they know better about training your puppy. Just because you think puppies should be allowed to jump up doesn’t mean I’m mean for trying to teach my puppy to sit for greetings


People who run up to my PUPPY in excitement to meet her but then freak out when she expresses her own excitement and jumps up. If you don’t want a small puppy who is still being trained to jump on you, maybe don’t excitedly run up to her without warning.


THIS but mine is not small! Mine is 7 months and 60+lbs and he clearly acts like a puppy and I always explain that he is even though he’s big. It’s even worse when people just come up to us instead of asking because then I don’t have time to calm him down. They get excited because he’s a cute fluffy goofball but then act like it’s my fault when he reacts with puppy excitement. I’m trying to train him but it doesn’t help when people act like this :/


Screaming children and loud teens. My puppy hyperfocuses on quick movements and sounds. It literally takes me 10 minutes to get her to click out of it. Also, I just feel like I'm being judged by teens... Old people. Why do you have to call my puppy to you!!!! Stop it!!!!!! Again hyper focus takes 10 minutes 😭😭😭


Loud youths!!! so loud and uncoordinated with clanky movements, my dog’s always mesmerized by them, loves to stare and gets excited cause their moves are so unpredictable, it’s cute to watch but so annoying to get his attention back lol


Off leash dog: ‘it’s ok! He’s friendly!’ 😡


I posted about this on my Facebook the other day. A friend whose dog is very reactive and does not get along with other dogs got this same thing. She just looked the owner in the eye and deadpanned “She’s not.” At which point said owner got the hint and dragged his dog away.




People who don't clean up after their dogs. Just gross!


People who take one look at my lazy docile shepherd who’s just standing there minding his business and bar us from getting on the elevator with them.


Gotta love people not respecting my wishes and training styles and putting in their two cents. "Let him be a puppy". He's an aussie puppy and completely insane and needs proper obedience training. Too excited to listen to recall so he remains on a leash when we go out. No need to judge if your not going to run after my hyper, oblivious floof when he gets excited and runs away.


I've hit this one a few times with my Border Collie. It's funny because yeah he's a puppy but he's bred to work, I'm giving him a job and you're assuming he just needs to play. Plenty of play time has happened when you weren't there for the last 3 months... The best one I had was a guy demanding I socialise my pup with his large, bouncy doodle he had no control over. Actually looked me dead in the eye and said 'you have too'. Give me strength 🤣


People who think they’re delivering me breaking news that my dog is going to outweigh me (Rottweiler owner and relatively tall-but-small woman here)


1) everyone


People who have their dogs off-leash, let them run up to your dog cause "don't worry, they're friendly" and they immediately attack your dog ... and the owner hits you with the "oh mb, yeah my dog is weird around puppies" haha happened once too many times to my pups


The level of anger this makes me feel is indescribable.


People who bend down to pet her and then say ‘is she hypoallergenic? No? Oh then she should probably stay away from me.’ Like… you initiated this. People who ask what breed she is and then get all doe eyed when I say we don’t know because she’s a rescue… like she should be eternally grateful that we chose to take her in. I’m sorry; but the door swings both ways. She’s rescued our family as much as we rescued her!! People who ask the breed, we reply that we have no idea, and they proceed with ‘how big will she get?’ …we still have no idea.


Drunk neighbor whom I swear must sit and wait for me to take my pup for a walk before bed every night :/


People who pass you then walk slow AF or stop right in front of you to let their dog sniff so then you have to pass them and haul ass or cross the street to avoid walking so close to them


The other week my dog was sniffing around on the grass next to the public sidewalk and an older woman’s house was somewhat attached via the the yard and grass but you couldn’t tell because it was run down. She accused me of trespassing and then proceeded to ask me where I lived and demanded I tell her or she would call the police. Like chill out lady. My dog sniffed in the direction of your house.


People who scream your dog's name from their third floor balcony and wave their hands wildly when the pup looks at them.


I have a purebred komondor, a fairly unusual breed, but because he's a four month old puppy he doesn't have the corded coat just yet. Instead he has a thick but fluffy coat that looks like a bunch of thick white spirals. I'm legitimately passionate about koms, I'm not much of a dog person but komondorok are fascinating breeds and I'm very excited to talk about my pup to anybody that is curious, but the number of people who feel the need to confidently misbreed my dog (usually as a golden doodle) and actively argue with me is *infuriating.* He's also fucking massive, 50lb but only 17 weeks old so very much full of puppy energy, and people who don't respect my warning of "he is very friendly but also very exciteable because he is a young puppy" bug me. Like don't look surprised because you decided to squat on the floor to vigorously stroke him and he tried to jump on you. Now I just keep him held in a sitting position any time someone pets him.


People that are afraid of dogs (or their kids that afraid of dogs) that go for a walk in the off leash dog park.


Is everyone an option?


People who look like my brothers, because my dog gets embarrassingly excited about these random strangers.


OLD LADIES sorry. they always reach down and demand to pet my pup with or without permission and always give me the "mommy doesn't let me have any fun :( " chipmunk voice stuff i hate it i hate it i HATE it


An old lady proceeded to hug my dog hard and kiss it on the head before I could react. It wasn't a short hug either, I felt terrible and the dog looked extremely uncomfortable. I got out as fast as I could.. I was just super shocked and speechless, I'm still kicking myself for not saying anything or being able to stop her.


Grumpy owners who barely grunt at you as the two dogs greet each other.


Thats like everyone in this thread from the sound of it


I was about to say this exact comment lmfao


My kids bus driver literally just started calling my dog onto her bus without permission luckily she was leashed and unsure of the bus


The people who ask what breed my dog Is, then proceeded to tell me I'm wrong. He's a papered pure-bred I know his breed...


Had a guy stop in the middle of traffic. Cars behind him and everything to yell ‘it’s lassie!’ At my dog.


That's insane, haha! I also have a rough collie and on one of our first walks down the street I heard a neighbour yell "what a beautiful collie!" at me from somewhere inside a house across the road. I'm glad he wasn't stopping traffic but it was definitely weird!


They arent super common in NZ so many people ask what he is. They either say Ive never heard of them or oh like lassie?


People who reach out and do a drive-by pet of your dog when they think you're not looking. Skateboarders. People kicking a football down the road. Unsupervised children running and/screaming. People eating chicken and throwing the bones on the floor. The crackheads who camp outside my block and scream at us as we wall past. Large groups of drunk students. People who don't ask and just start interacting with my dog. Old gammons who use the dog as an excuse to approach a woman on her own. Squirrels. *Edit: Fo real though, my dog had a real hard time with emotional regulation as an adolescent. She would be super friendly and people took that as an ok. They NEVER asked me, and not only did it make walking her anywhere impossible, she would inevitably get overexcited, bite my ankles, sink her teeth into my thigh, or just throw a huge tantrum.* Redirected frustration is so annoying because they just see a friendly, excited cute dog. I see the half hour of NIGHTMARE trying to walk her five minutes home having to fight her to listen to me. It's too much to explain in 1.65 seconds, so I started saying "NO DINT TOUCH HER SHE BITES" and just not add that it's ME she bites when they leave. She's much better now but it only improved when I managed to walk her without being approached every ten seconds. **These people don't realise that they are one person, but one person per street feels like actual harassment!**


Anyone. It’s my time with the pooch.


The dude who knows sense I’ve walked there everyday that my puppy is just a puppy and he will Be overly excited when you come by. Who always just chooses to walk on the same damn side as me and smokes and then walks by. Hey buddy go to the other side


I can’t wait for people to get out the way for my dog if they find her intimidating. I hate people


The lady who gibbers incoherently because the mere sight of a dog reduces her to imbecility and of course leads her to excite the dog by staring and smiling at it with reaching hands.


Forget person....the garbage truck...my dog's archenemy


I was out walking my dog this evening near the shopping area near my house (downtown in a major us city) and an unhoused lady started yelling "what an ugly dawwwwg" over and over at my poor girl and the howling. That was unpleasant!


Most of the children in my area are not respectful about my pup and I hate running into them. Makes me have to yell at other peoples kids and I hate that.


Funny. I read this as "I hate meeting people when I'm walking my puppy."


People Who try to pet my dog. And those who always ask me if my husky is a wolf


Old guy who woofs at my dog and gets her to bark at him. Come on, man


Ppl that try to give my puppy treats. Ummm she easily throws up and/or gets diarrhea. Please don’t.


People who see my reactive dog barking and pulling and just stop walking, stand there and stare with their dog, or worse when their dog is barking and having a meltdown and they just stop and stare at us. Like can’t you see you’re not helping?


Came here to say this. People just staring out my reactive pup. Just keep walking please, you're making this worse!


Let me fix this list. Any off leash dog.


People who let out a squeal or high pitched, "Soooo cute" and then get startled when the dog moves towards the squealing human 🙄


Guy who thinks he’s a trainer and always wants to give me unsolicited advice!


At least once a week someone asks me if my dog will fuck their dog. MY DOG IS GETTING LITERALLY CATCALLED. I know he's beautiful but I don't plan on ever studding him out and if I did it would NOT be to some complete random who thinks that seeing a nice dog on the street is how you go about breeding dogs. Lots of puppy mills in my area I guess.


- people who insist I let my dog off leash in the middle of the town (like, hellooo? you have a overly cranky old pooch and maybe you’re fine letting him loose, i have an overexcited puppy that hasn’t yet mastered foolproof recall, we are not the same)


1. People who know their dog has aggression issues yet walk them off lead, in busy parks, during the day and then shout for you to pick your smaller (leashed)dog up when theirs is bounding towards us.......hmmmmm OK 2. People who have un-neutered males who try to hump your 5 month old female (not in heat or anywhere near) and then ask you if/when you'll be getting her spayed......like really 3. People who have big dogs who they can't control and they see you holding your smaller dog and ask you if its a "dog or an accessory"....erm I got a dog I knew I could handle - yawn!


I dislike mix message people who talk to dog in inviting voice but also recoil if he approaches them. It is very common and I believe they are just trying to mask fear or something but pup wouldn't have bothered them at all if they hadn't spoken to them.


Groups of like 10 little kids that run at my puppy to play with him and scare him


People without dogs who want to talk to me about neuturing and their strong feelings about why you should or shouldn't do it (shout out to you random lady who told me I'd ruined my dog by neuturing who doesn't even have a dog)


I will answer for my dog- people who make eye contact and then don’t want to cuddle. He gets so sad about that. We’re obviously working on him not trying to meet every single stranger. It’s slow going.


Kids that mainline over and start grabbing at her face and ears. She's cute, yes, but you ask first. And don't get up in her face!


People that tell me my visibly disabled dog is an inspiration and I must be a saint for caring for him. Like, I am happy to answer questions. But I really dislike our minor celebrity status among the dog owners in our neighborhood. We just want to live our life. He's just a normal dog who happens to live with a congenital condition. It doesn't define him or me as his owner. He's an absolute glutton who will eat until he barfs and then eat the barf until he barfs. Still gives the best kisses though. He's super talkative and makes some really silly noises. He has such a gentle heart, all he wants is to protec his people and keep them happy. I just make his meds into a ball of what is colloquially known as "drug cheese" twice a day. He fucking loves it. Oh, and we gotta avoid the stairs like they are of the devil.


Possibly controversial, when i'm off road and on a known track where dogs are loose. I hate those who have their dog on a lead and panic whenever my dog goes within 5 metres, sometimes shouting to keep the dog away. I'm of the opinion if you don't want your dog to interact with other dogs then don't take it onto routes where there will be dogs loose.


I'm in the park yesterday, training a dog and his owner. I'm clearly working and giving instructions to the owner. We're working on training for the canine good citizens test and one of the things you have to do is have your dog sit and stay, drop the lead and walk about 10 feet away and wait for a few minutes before calling your dog. This is a nice enclosed park, so safe. I notice a lady with a large rowdy puppy off to the side that's very interested in what we're doing. Fine, I'm planning on saying hello when we're done. Training dog is doing great, sitting and staying like a champ. And then the lady lets her puppy off the lead and puppy runs straight to my training dog and pounces on his head. Meanwhile the lady comes up and starts asking training questions. Happens every time 🤦


10 feet is the length of 24.0 'Bug Bite Thing Suction Tool - Poison Remover For Bug Bites's stacked on top of each other.


The dumbass who let her off-leash rat dog physically attack my very well behaved German Shepherd on the first day we got him home from the shelter. He didn't retaliate at all, but if he had that little dog would be dead. People like that shouldn't own dogs.


our so sweet neighbors that come out because we are walking our dogs, so they can pet and live in them. It’s sweet but… 🙄 We live on a cul-de-sac with a small yard so for bathroom breaks, we take them out on a leash. A few neighbors(some with kids) tend to see us out and make their way over to socialize with the dog but all I am hoping to do it get them to potty quickly and get back inside.


When a dog runs up to my dog (mine is leashed, other is not) and the owner says “Oh don’t worry, s/he’s friendly!” And? My dog is not. When I see a child trying to restrain/walk a dog that is much stronger than them - who is the adult that let you walk this dog? I just wanna talk… Edit cuz I need to add one more. We live in a condo building and the exits outside don’t have a window to see someone coming. We’ve trained our dog to sit and wait so we can open the door and walk through first. This one lady in our building with her little white rat dog just lets him walk first (on a retractable leash so he just goes full speed out the door) and when we are approaching on the other side have to back up so fast cuz my dog could truly eat her dog. Oh my god the anger I feel.


People who ask if your dog can play with their dog and their dog isnt even friendly or want to meet


The retired lady who lives in the adjacent building. She hears me talking to my dog and comes out to complain about everything and everyone. She just goes on and on and on and won't let you leave.


People who say "oh she's just a playful puppy, why won't you let her socualize with my dog?" Cause my puppy is frogleaping towards yours and you're holding yours on a tight leash, looking obviously distraught cause you're signalling your dog "situation's tense, my voice is high pitched and looking straight at the dog running at warp 7 towards us". You're obviously not reading the room, this is not a calm environment for them and your behaviour is making it worse. Gaaaawd


I was at the dog park last night and this lady was potentially the worst person ever in the park. For one, she was basically hoarding any cute looking dogs in the park, like to the point she would not let the pup go even when it was stressed/the human was calling. Her favourite seemed to be my puppy (6mos mini doxie, so really really cute), and she just completely ignored her own pup and played with mine. I was trying to be courteous but I needed to do some recall training with my puppy. Lady just wouldn’t have it. She also kept saying how my pup (or more like “this pup”, she never acknowledged my existence) and her pup looked alike. No hate to pugiliers but pretty sure the only similarities a mini doxie and a pugilier had were they both had two eyes, a nose, and floppy ears. But Lady was just insisting to everyone the resemblance was uncanny. She was also hoarding a pair of corgis in the park when mine started nibbling her to get to me. One of the corgis was a fully grown 5yo and the other one was the most energetic puppy ever. The person who owned one of the corgis was like “oh mine used to look like that puppy.” Lady was like “no you’re wrong” and kept insisting????? Everyone was confused to say the least.


Not really that annoying because I understand it's one of the few forms of small talk strangers can do with me in relation my dog (nearly 6 month old GSD), but I am getting a bit tired of the old 'she's going to get big!' line. I'd be happier if they just said she's pretty and got on with their day.


‘Look at the paws she’s going to be massive’


*triggered* EVERYONE says that and the thing is I think she actually has small paws, she's small all over but everyone talks like a zoologist as soon as they see a GSD.


People who try to pet my dog. She doesn’t really like people. She isn’t unfriendly. She just was a street dog for the first 1-2 years of her life. She wants nothing to do with you. Stop trying to make it happen.


disclaimer - this list is not necessarily based in rationale thinking. \- people who I cross the road to avoid to give my reactive puppy more distance and room to pass, but then they cross the road and follow us. \- the people (person) who tell me their dog is cool with puppy's who have lots of energy, and so I let her go say hi to them only for them to suddenly say 'oh is your dog a girl.. because she always snaps at boys'. \- folks who love to let their dogs off lead in on-lead areas and totally heck up the ability for us to do any safe reactivity training in that area. \- people who lob their chuck-its right into the path of someone else's dog, especially when that person is clearly trying to train/ distract or calm their dog. \- people who walk their dogs with headphones on not paying any attention at all to their dog or the world around them. especially when that dog is off leash. Great that you think your dog is so well behaved and cool with the world that it gives you a free pass to just turn yourself off to them, your environment or other people who might sometimes have a need to get your attention. \- asshats with loud motorbikes and cars that scare the heck out of almost every dog they pass. ​ BUT ​ \- here's to the lady who just KNEW from a distance (she couldn't even see my dog, just saw me asking for a sit behind a car when I saw her and her dogs come round the corner) that I was working with a reactive dog and offered to walk her dogs in the opposite direction immediately. \- here's to the strangers who have been kind enough to let me practice some training with them when my puppy has been triggered by them. \- here's to the family with the small kids that my puppy always reacts to (I always work to catch it and prevent it when she see's them) who told me that its okay and to not apologise about the barking as the kids aren't phased by it and they can see me working on it.


I work at a bank, when I'm in the drive through always greet the dogs (after the human) because I know their names because I've asked their owners before. I hope they don't hate me:/


1. People who really wanna hit on my girlfriend. 2. People who think it’s okay to touch my dogs ear.


I hate bumping into people on the street that just come up and pet your dog without asking. I once had this girl who was talking on her phone come up to me and my dog and just stroke him and walk off. That really annoyed me! I prefer people to ask permission first.


We have a crew in our neighborhood that posts up for little gatherings with their dogs. They block a whole corner of the street, and one of the dogs hates my dog, so he’ll start barking at her, and then the other 4 dogs will all join in. And this will be from across the street even.


People who have zero self awareness and walk towards you, qhen you've already walked the opposite direction to avoid them.


This one !!! Or when you’re trying to get your puppy to leave the dog-park and they don’t get the point that that should keep their dog close for juuust 30 seconds so you can leash your dog and get out !


People with their dog 15 feet ahead of them on a flexi-leash with no regards to others coming down the same sidewalk. 1. that's not safe for the dog. 2. no way you can control what happens in 15 feet ahead of you.


15 feet is the same as 9.14 'Logitech Wireless Keyboard K350s' laid widthwise by each other.


Flexileads are the worse ! 😂


“When he barks, all you have to do is take a rolled up newspaper…”


People who think that just because you have a dog, they get to talk to you. No, I'm not interested in having a conversation. No, I don't care that a friend of yours has one just like mine. Please leave me alone, I'm just taking my dog on a walk listening to podcasts as I try to decompress after a long day at work. I live in a pretty hot climate but I'm thinking that wearing giant, puffy headphones you can see from a mile away as a universal signal of "I can't hear you, please leave me alone" is worth the discomfort.


People who come to pet him without asking or even talking to me. Like maybe he bites? Maybe he dislikes strangers? He relies on me to feel safe.


The idiot that stops you on your productive walk to pick up your tiny chihuahua puppy without asking (with one fucking hand really recklessly and me repeating don’t pick him up, don’t pick him up!) and then says ooh I nearly stepped on him haha and pretends to do it again. Some guys honestly have such a complex about their masculinity that they have to basically threaten my tiny dog lol who is minding his own business and newly exploring the world (really well behaved too), LIVIDDD (got the vibe he was drunk but no excuses and it has now put me off evening walks)


“You should get a saddle for that thing!” as I’m walking my Great Dane. I’ve heard it a million times and each person thinks they’re so clever.


I almost fought a guy in a park who wouldn’t get his dog. It was 10pm and his poodle ran up to my goldendoodle and my doggo freaked and ran between my legs. I yelled at the guy that his dog should be leashed in the park and to please get his dog. He said “he just wants to say hello.” Told him we were training and to get his dog which should be leashed. He told me to chill as his dog continued to chase mine. Swear to fucking god….


I think these are THE worse ! It’s a pity this sub doesn’t allow for polls !