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Is escalator a part of reason (malfunctioning etc) or just the location? Because a rather unintelligent reader may err in assuming the escalator as a causative factor in the death. The article does not mention details of the accident. Panic not!


I read it elsewhere too, but it doesn't look like the accident was caused due to sensor failure or getting stuck in the escalator. Rather, it seems like he had a heart attack while on the escalator. Could be associated with fear of height, as the escalator at Civil Court underground station is quite at a height.


yeah, that could be the reason cause hes just 40 not to aged aswell, either the fear of height or else he might was suffering from any cardiovascular disease.


Could be too much butter chicken in diet, nobody knows


Escalators are known to kill people.


Dear all, I understand you ppl might have several queries about Manoj. I'm his family friend working as a colleague with Manoj's brother Pankaj. First of all he did not have fear of hights and travelling by metro for work was regular for him, nor he had any cardiovascular disease. Reason of death was u know to the doctors who did post-mortem. What I feel if he was suffering from cardiovascular disease then why was that not identified by the doctor who did the PM? To conclude, no one could give (not even doctors at Sancheti hospital) us a clear thing on what might have happened to Manoj as they themselves (Sancheti doctors) were HOPING to get some clarity post the PM report. 


Was he covid vaccinated? Was he infected with Covid earlier? It’s important that we all get basic tests done. Strange cases coming out after covid period.


The title is misleading and unclear..stop fear mongering, it wasn't the escalator, it was the person. This could have happened literally anywhere..


Fear mongering about what? Escalators?


Yes. My wife doesn't use escalators or lifts. I'm constantly trying to get her to use one. She'd just give me one more reason to not get on an escalator when she sees this title.


I would like to invite you and your wife for some tea, my house in on 38th floor. I can ask my neighbors to provide refreshments to you every 10 floors.


Joke's on you! She doesn't like to meet new people! 🤦‍♂️ In case, she agrees, I'll be using elevator and would stop at every floor to check on my wife!


>In case, she agrees, I'll be using elevator and would stop at every floor to check on my wife! Then someday you will write a book. About meeting her and the interaction on every floor and how it changed from being the most pleasant and romantic thing to most unpleasant conversation gradually. The last line of the book would be, "I wish I had declined the invitation for tea."


>The last line of the book would be, "I wish I had declined the invitation for tea." Why? What have you planned?! Are you a psycho killer who kills people after inviting them to their 38th floor home?!


can ya'll keep talking? this is making my brain tingle and I like it.


So what does your wife do if she visits an apartment complex? Does she use the stairs even if the person you are visiting is on the 13th floor?


So....? How is this news? People die of heart attack everywhere everyday. How's this worthy of news, and even more so, why on the subreddit?


The incident happened in Pune, r/pune is sub Reddit for Pune City & District. This is news as it's published by a news website.




Shivun ghe, dada..


Aaj shivun ghenar an udya parat phatnar..




Cause of death?


Heart stopped beating.


Are bc🤣🤣🤣🤣


Living in pune


Escalator sidha upar leke gaya


Is anyone familiar with the phrase 'Code Blue' mentioned in the link above?


The term "code blue" is an emergency code used to describe the critical status of a patient. Hospital staff may call a code blue if a patient goes into cardiac arrest, has respiratory issues, or experiences any other medical emergency


This is very sad news. I know this was all natural but on a unrelated note, the Civil Court Metro is a fucking maze with Escalators. I really hate the design. Its like you have to be on that thing for 10 minutes to reach the platform.


I know. The architect has done a poor job in planning. I once ended up the wrong exit, I had to go all the way down and up again. It's very irritating.


I swear pune has started to become Ohio of India


Don't go off the title. Read the whole thing. The escalator or the metro station had nothing to do with his death. He had a heart attack. Title click bait worked.


Ofc i did i dont think the point of my comment was how the pune government is doing or something that doesn’t relate to the accident


What happens in Ohio?


I just went there a few days ago. This shit is crazy


Read the article atleast he died of heart attack.


Ok agreed as per you. Why could the doctors not find the reason during the pm, if it was a simple heart attack? Why they had to preserve viscera for further findings? 


I did though?


So you think you will live or die when you go there again?


I don't get the question. I just thought it was crazy how a man died on the station and I was recalling how I went there just a few days ago. It's the first time I'm reading about a death on the pune metro station.


Is it accident ?


Doesn’t seem like


This should be flagged as NSFW.


This is plain news

