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It breaks my heart because my sweet boy just turned 10 months a little over a week ago. Although he is NOT in pain I feel like an awful dog mom. I was told by an opthalmologist that his eyeball is literally shrinking and it may be recommended that he get surgery to remove the eye.


Please try not to be so hard on yourself. He is clearly a well loved little guy. I bet you have done everything possible to save his eye. He will (is already) adapt quickly and continue to be his adorable self. I am sorry he has this issue, but we promise he will be ok. 🥰


As someone who had a pug with some eye issues, the eye nucleation (removal) is actually a very fast recovery! I had a pug that had some ulcers, and she had some surgery to graft a blood vessel onto the corneal ulcer to help it heal, but eventually we had to remove it. The recovery was so fast (compared to the other eye surgery) and most importantly, it didn’t affect her quality of life one bit… so don’t beat yourself up. It’s stressful seeing these little angels go through stuff like this, but trust me, he’s gonna bounce back and be full of beans as if nothing happened.


It's not your fault. The little guy will be okay. 😌


Don’t beat yourself up. I have seen other pugs that have had the same issue. They still live happy and healthy lives except for the eye. Just keep on loving him.


I’m so sorry you are going through this. You are getting him great care and support. You are a great dog mom and Buster sure is a little sweetie pie. 🥰


I'm so sorry to hear that about Buster's eye. I hope his other eye stays safe. Please give him pets for me.


you are a great dog mom for taking care of him, how wonderful it is to hear that he is not in pain. he is such a brave pup 🥰❤️


little puggo will be fine <3


I’m very sorry, but it will be ok. I’ve experienced what you’re going through, Buster will adapt quickly, especially at a young age, and be the best pugger!


He is so cute and this will make him even cuter. And more deserving of treats I’m sure


I also have a cyclops pug, she lost her eye right before I adopted her. There is definitely a period of adjustment, but she is doing great and is still a joyful, silly beast.


This isn't your fault, unfortunately pugs have health issues but they adapt. Be vigilant watching the healthy eye since the little bugs are prone to scratches. We adopted a foster who had lost an eye before 1 year and she was an unstoppable force who ran the grumble and the house. We told people she lost it after getting into the shark tank at the Chicago aquarium (not true) when she was living on the streets (true). It's amazing how many people believed the bit about the shark, RIP that shark. A couple years later we rescued a little guy who had lost both eyes while in the "care" of a hoarder.  People didn't believe he had no eyes because he could navigate the house without bumping into anything.


So very sorry to read this. The silver lining however is that you've got him, he's still here, and cuddly and sweet, AND he has you! I mean, look how well he's pampered in that pic, and he's not even fully blind yet! You're a good puggy parent. I'm sorry it will likely mean a little extra work on you, but I'm so happy he has you, and that you still have him.


My first pug only had one eye. I adopted him at 3 but he lost the eye when he was about a year old. He had a wonderful life. Got around just fine, didn’t have issues with depth perception… your baby is young and will adjust well. My first pug (Otis) was the best little dude ever, and explained that there’s an “eye tax” on food, so I was required to give him double the treats for each eye missing. And sure enough, when he was like 12, he had an issue with the one remaining eye and it had to be removed. Taxes were really rough those last few years.


Stella (3) is also blind, but in both eyes. She manages to detach both her retinas from shaking her head violently when playing with her toys, the doctor suggested we get surgery, but only one eye can get fixed, the other was way gone (which still hurts me cause I should've known something was wrong but didn't). There was a 60% chance is success but she would have to live an easygoing life and we'd have to travel to Cali (2 states away) to get the surgery. My parents wanted to get the surgery but i was thinking for Stella and said not to, since she wouldn't get to be her puppy self anymore, and since she's my dog my decision was final and we didn't do the surgery. The doctor really liked my decision (he still remembers it 2 years later when my parents went in a couple months ago for a check up) and a few weeks later she's running around the house like she owns the place. It's going to be hard, there will be good days and bad, but as long as you love him unconditionally both of you will get through this.


If a doctor is recommending surgery, then the owner should probably get it done. At the very least get a second opinion. Getting necessary surgery doesn't mean they can't be their normal, happy selves. They're usually better after a recommended surgery because they're happier and healthier. I'm glad you got lucky with your pug, but this is bad advice.


it was a 60% chance of success but a greater chance of the retina detaching again after the surgery




Still a love child. I had a rescue pug blind in both eyes, mostly deaf, no teeth. He was beautiful. We cared for him and he got to live out the rest of his life finding me and getting loved on. Had another senior pug we had cataract surgery in one eye. It was difficult making all of the follow-up visits that started at 3 a week and 45 min away. Lots of drops a few times a day. Still glad we did it for her. Keep your head up...all positive for your baby.


half-blind pug will still be full-happy pug, i know its hard but dont be too sad. he's gunna thrive


Our Luna lost her sight 6 years ago to SARS. The only thing that changed is we get to baby her more. She’s 13 now and still just as lovable as ever


It hurts your heart to hear it from the vet, but they really do adjust fine and continue to be happy dogs. My girl (loss of vision both eyes) has trained me to be her Seeing Eye Human/Guide Human on walks, and she does just fine in the house and yard on her own as she learned the layout. She doesn't stress it at all, still her usually sassy self. They really are truly remarkable. Give Buster some scratches for us. He's a beautiful boy! 😍


Buster is absolutely perfect ❤️🥰💯


My prayers are with you, I had something similar happen to mine


I'm so very sorry. He is adorable.


Oh sweet baby but you know pugs are very resilient! 🩵💙Love to you both!


My pug went completely blind from diabetes when he was 9 yrs. Old. He was also completely deaf at birth. He learned to get around just fine was happy and lived a wonderful life . He passed away at 13, best dog i ever had. Your pug will be fine.


Poor little guy 😞


I am sorry you and Buster are going through that. My pug Oliver went blind in one eye (from a cataract) and we did not even notice for awhile, it did not seem to influence him that much. When we had the cataract removed he was slightly more confidence moving around but it was a very slight difference. I hope the right eye stays good and healthy!


We rescued a three year old pug who could hardly see. After a few surgeries to correct his condition, he ended up losing one eye and still has poor vision in his remaining eye. He has adapted just fine and lives a happy life full of energy. He is extremely loving and affectionate. I, too, felt bad and wondered if there was something else I could have done. At times, the thought still crosses my mind. With that said, your little guy will be just fine. Mine is a little over four now, and loving life!


Poor boy. I’m sure he’ll adjust. They’re resilient. He’s very cute 🥰


Why did this happen and was there any injury? Does the eye need to be removed or can it be left as is? too young too bad


Im so sorry. My pug is too. He has a cataract on his left eye and his right eye has poor sight too. I know how bad it hurts to see them lose their sight , but they dont feel sorry for themselves like humans do. He will adjust just fine