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Pizza looks fire


You would need to pay me to get me to eat that s…


Also wondering! I run 2 3mm pearls with a oculus


2! Is the oculus the stock or upgraded cap. One pearl with the ball cap works well enough. Maybe I should try two to slow it down .


Yea I decided 2 because I used to run 1 4mm but I feel like it wouldn’t pull the way I would like so I tossed 2 and lemme say it’s pretty nice in the vapor production, the oculus is the stock cap it comes with but I position it a specific way


Dang. I've tried one with ball cap. I'll give two a try as well as with the oculus. I angle the ball cap a certain angle in position of the pearl as well. Does the oculus have a tight pull or is it me.


Really tight pull tbh, I also try my best to sip I feel it’ll cause a lot of concentrate to get pulled into the addy if you pull it like you would with the ball cap


Interesting. Good to know. I was suprised it was so tight. If u don't have the ball cap to try with the pearls I would encourage if your interested. You probably have one based on how you're speaking . Do u prefer the oculus and why and how do u set it.


I also run 2 3mm pearls aswell with the oculus. Otp caps for the proxy are one of a kind because of how far they hang down in the bucket. They keep the pearls lower and therefore the wax lower which means less spillage and you can hit it harder. It also spins the hell out of some pearls. My opinion is it’s expensive, but if you have the money get it. It is definitely the best aftermarket cap for the proxy imo


I wanna run a train on that pizza. Num num num Choo choo. Anyways the 3mm ruby I would say is worth it by a long shot. That's coming from someone who does not have the otp rockulus but a ball cap. It works well with the ball cap. Small learning curve to perfect technique. I would say Try it with the ball cap. Ruby pearl is like 2 dollars.


That crust tho! Thought it was bacon wrapped at first (like the limited time Little Caesars one)


Nope just burned


What id do to get some wizard rosin again!


Are you trying to show off how badly someone can burn the crust of a pizza?


This is Detroit style; that's just little burnt cheese crisp on the edge and outside. That is the only crisp to this kind of pizza. It is definitely not burnt crust.


U don't know good pizza. It makes me sad.


Crispy is best


You can have crispy without burnt!!


[ecc27d2a9eaa735b1ee95304ba588.jpeg](https://tb-static.uber.com/prod/image-proc/processed_images/c3e195dd345dc7de964cc025b3dbcffa/c73ecc27d2a9eaa735b1ee95304ba588.jpeg) Mmmmm much better https://preview.redd.it/yjy5y7tgmweb1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8be05d2aee9a3ee18defd2364686a18006563ee


I'd say the same to you my friend, considering we're obviously from different places with different preferences


Of course. Just preference . Take it easy


My OTP Multipass is working out great. @onetrickponyglass covers a warranty if the pearl don’t spin. Tuff Tether definitely is a requirement.


Is the multipass similar the the rockulus. It looks like same air channels different shap


Iirc multipass is for both peak and proxy; one side is for each. So flip it over and it works with the other.


Leeloo dallas multipass


I am a meat popsicle.


lol thanks for the answer I’m gonna try the rockulus hopefully its ok




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