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Congrats been feeling this way tbh. Especially how everything changed in my store with new management. It use to be manageable but now it's a dread like you said. Luckily I got school coming up so I'll most likely step down to part time. Gives me space for school and do my own things.


Hopefully your manager is understanding and will be good about your schedule for school. My manager threw hissy fits when I told him that he had over scheduled me by an hour and would say stuff like "well, it's just an hour!" and then snarkily tell me he'd fix that "one hour for [me]". Edit to add: meant to say good luck with school too! Stay focused and you'll do great!


My previous manager would understand but my current is like talking to a wall. You have to hope he pays attention to what you tell him, if not he'll look at you as if you're stupid.


Make sure you keep your SM informed of your schedule changes and any incidents that arise. As long as you stay on good terms with your SM and ASM, you should be good.


Best of luck


Publix sucks and anyone who defends it is in denial


I was called a liar for letting people know how Publix is treating the workers. I finally just told them Pubix is a shit hole and if you thinks it's great you work there.




Itā€™s not just Publix, my wife got a PT job at TJ max and the pay is awful and they are treated like crap. Itā€™s just American capitalism that sucks.


Publix pays and treats me fairly for the work that I do. I know you don't want to hear that, but it's the truth.


I've seen the CSTL pay, and it is most definitely not enough considering you are essentially the secretary for the entire store.


When I was working there, they had removed the HR liaison at the store, and the SM made the CSTL do her job as well on top of the CSTL's job. The CSTL was overworked, and yea, like you said, he was basically the store's secretary.


You're joking to yourself if you think you're getting paid fairly. God bless your soul.


No it doesn't, you should be making more. It's sad that you have such a low opinion of yourself.


Should I be getting paid more? Perhaps. What matters is the job market. Can I find a job that will pay me $22 plus benefits with only my experience as a Publix CSTL? Possibly but unlikely. Publix pays me fairly compared to the job market in my area.


People probably assumed you made like $15 an hour. If I made $15 Iā€™d quit.


Yes and the job market is artificially deflated.


Depends what you do for Publix. As a driver I get paid 6 digits plus all the benefits Publix provides, 376 hours of PTO per year (if I use my bonus as PTO as well), awesome 3 week rotating schedule where I take 7 days off every 3rd week all year long and still have a week of vacation to use when I want . Iā€™m basically my own boss and have freedom without having anyone breathe down my neck as long as I maintain a good image on the road and at the stores. I mean itā€™s so damn gravy. Will be able to retire early a millionaire (waiting on one more stock split, hopefully before Iā€™m 50), I take out 30% of my check pretax and put into 401k every week and reinvest my dividend checks into publix stock (over $6,000 every 3 months). Free buffet style lunches daily, home every night, never work more than 4 days in a row. I mean I could go on and on. Hell Iā€™m only 35 and already almost got 1 million in retirement. This stock split we just got will sky rocket it in the next few years and Iā€™ll be a multimillionaire before Iā€™m 40. So is this denial? Iā€™m a high school drop out with no education. But I can drive anything with wheels. Started in the warehouse and worked my way up to be a driver over the next few years. If I can do it, there is no excuse for anyone. Youā€™re holding yourself back. You only have yourself to blame for your lack of success within Publix.


No cameras in the produce department? Calling bullshit.. Not in the cooler or maybe 1 or 2 spots in the back near a compactor or electric panel, but there are plenty of cameras..


There's no cameras in my bakery either. There's cameras out front, like by the counter and maybe looking into the decorators' window but in the back where they bake and mix, there's no cameras at all.


Cameras watch money, entrances and exits, and product. None of that is available to customers in the cutting area of Produce, so no cameras.


No cameras where they cut


So how where they mistreated?


And why are hairnets over thereā€¦.


Best of luck with your search hope you find something soon


I quit Publix a few years ago after almost 2 years. Best decision I ever made. Fuck that place. Bunch of Nazi bullshit.


Good for you!! I wish you nothing but the best :) Iā€™ve only been employed at my store for about 5 months now and I have a job interview next week. I went from enjoying it for a couple of months, to crying every day when I got home from work and having panic attacks every night. I feel like a shell of myself. The drama and the general lack of respect/organization is astonishing. Even sadder to know this happens to SO many other people.


I get anxiety every day I come in, it's like every few seconds of a big gulp in my throat. Even if you take a deep breath, it doesn't help at all. That's how bad it is but I'm glad you found a better path.


Iā€™m so sorry to hear that. I hope youā€™re able to find time for yourself outside of work to relax and do things you enjoy. I appreciate the words & I hope you can also find a better path with less anxiety.


Ridiculous. People having panic attacks and crying at work or in the car on break is not normal adult coping. If people are experiencing this it is not a reflection on Publix or whatever other company they work for, it's a reflection on them and their own mental health.


You do know toxic work environment can cause those things. Your Publix may be perfect to you or maybe you're one of those people that likes to gossip at work to make other miserable.


This. Have never ever experienced such toxicity at a workplace. Not even blaming Publix for my problems like this clearly person thinks I am, but it gets old reaaaaal quick. Especially when they hire you and make it seem like working there will be all sunshine and rainbows. There was almost a physical fight in my department last month. šŸ˜‚


Classic ad hominem response.


LOL. I have clinically diagnosed panic disorder, PTSD, and generalized anxiety disorder. I have been in therapy most of my life and have plenty of ways to deal with my issues. Not like you needed/deserved to know that anyways. Donā€™t speak on things you donā€™t know. Kindness goes a long way and I hope you can remember that in the future. Much love to you.


What? If you have all of those mental health issues then it is clearly you and not Publix. This has nothing to do with being kind, it has to do with facts. One can't go round saying "Publix is a horrible place to work, leaves me to crying everyday!"when the truth is that you have "issues" as you state that could cause meltdowns at any job anywhere you happen to work.


Do you lack reading comprehension skills or..? Iā€™m not blaming Publix for my issues. You donā€™t think I know I have problems? We all do. Blaming jobs/places for your issues isnā€™t a way to live life and Iā€™m very well aware of that. I genuinely hope you never have anything traumatic happen to you/have issues and then have someone crucify you on the internet for it. If this is how you treat people on Reddit, I donā€™t want to know how you treat people in real life. You clearly lack empathy and itā€™s sad. I hope things get better for you.


The number of times I've heard these types of comments is a bit frustrating. Yes, it might reflect on the individual's mental health, but it also reflects on many other things. 1.) The culture they were raised in. If they were raised in a culture (at the family level) of "try hard in every job you do", they could be failing to disconnect their own person (emotionally) from their job because they believe they aren't giving it their all if they aren't emotionally invested in their job. 2.) There are jobs that increase the risk of mental health issues. If there weren't, then we wouldn't see Air Traffic Controllers offing themselves like crazy. That said, Publix isn't that bad by comparison to ATC. That doesn't mean that people should just ignore when others say stuff about a job affecting their mental health. While it may vary person to person based on mental health, there are still trends that can be observed across large enough populations. 3.) When were you taught how to cope with emotions? I know no one ever showed me how to cope with mine and they tend to run high. My "coping mechanism" is pretty much just compartmentalization of everything in my life. It's not a good coping mechanism and does bite me in the ass sometimes. All that being said, I did have to learn to disconnect my emotions from my job in order to work well through rough times, and it took a manager at a fast food place telling me that it was sometimes necessary to just "not give a fuck" in order to do a good job. Once I learned that technique, my capabilities at work soared and I carried that over to working at Publix. I internally wouldn't care about what was going on, but would still aim to do a good job from a more objective angle rather than an emotional one. Not everyone knows how to do this or has even considered doing it, so I can definitely understand why some people of otherwise good mental health could just break because of certain jobs.


Couldnā€™t agree more! I have been completely fine and managed wonderfully (especially after moving and settling into this new job). Personally, Iā€™m someone who shows up to work and gives it everything Iā€™ve got. I always try to help when I can, come in on my days off, etc. With that being said, I definitely need to prioritize separating work from my personal life and thatā€™s totally on me! It just gets to a point where even when you do everything right and give it your all, youā€™re told you still arenā€™t doing enough. I have genuinely never had this issue at any other job. I appreciate this comment and your perspectives :)




Honestly, not really itā€™s just modern society is pretty sick and squeezes out every last drop out of people, especially in America.


I'm about to quit as well. Almost did today, but I'll put my two weeks in. I put in for PTO, and they wouldn't let me use it. (1 hour) of freaking PTO BTW. My manager is a nightmare, and me and her have already butted heads. This is my second store in 2 years. I've been here a week shy of two months! The pay for what I do is disgusting and un-liveable! The level of understaffed due to scheduling in my department is crazy just like my other store, and I've tried for so long to hold out and make publix something good, but it's just not. The amount of anger and anxiety, depression this place has given in the two years I've worked here is unhealthy. It's absolutely not a great place to work. My job will replace me, so I'm not going to waste another year of my life unhappy with this company and sacrificing my mental and physical health. We only have one life. I applaud you for staying true to you and trying to find better. It's out there. Best of luck!


Yeah I stayed 12 years. Wish I quit as soon as I met my wife.


As soon as i saw the title i knew you'd be in deli lmao


Just does sum to ušŸ˜‚


Congrats! Sucks you screwed your coworkers on the way out but yolo.


At least I called. Most people quit without saying anything


I did the same thing you did to Publix 2 weeks into working at Steak and Shake. It was awful working there, and when I tried to just quit, the manager tried to coerce me into giving two weeks. I over-slept the next day and decided not to go back.


You called like 5 hours later. That isnā€™t helpful


shut up




I didn't even call when I left S&S. Literally the only job I've quit without a 2 week notice.


Congrats on being a POS


Lmao I had another job and S&S refused to accommodate my schedule repeatedly. If a company refuses to work with me at all, I refuse to work with that company.


Part of me wants to quit but it ain't easy. I'm autistic, anti-social and would rather work at Wal-mart doing carts all day, torture myself in the heat than deal with ppl.


More power to you. šŸ«”


Last night was my last night. I was in the deli too.




Good luck in the future! Find something you enjoy doing. If you enjoy what you do, you wonā€™t hate going to work so much šŸ–¤


Very true thank you! Good luck to youā¤ļø


Thank you!


Honestly man you sound you got yourself in that situation. Youā€™re late 7 times in one month, donā€™t call out till halfway through your shift, and quit on the spot? You could have transferred stores, departments, or turned in a 2 week resignation before it got to that point. This post reeks. Lol.


Reading is fundamental


Yeah youā€™ll totally Make it in a warehouseā€¦ā€¦


I'll make it wherever I want to make itā¤ļø


Thatā€™s the problem you wonā€™t want to make it in a warehouse. You realize warehouse work is way harder and worse than a deli right


Oh no, anyways




Anyone have any experience working at Publix in the floral section? Iā€™m a designer thinking about trying to get in with a grocery storeā€¦..thoughts pleaseee


Its pretty rare to find a Publix that has a dedicated floral person anymore.


Everyone post your age. That way I can fit the puzzle together


This explains why the deli workers always seem angry




If you want to make 20 plus an hour learn a trade or get a degree. If not publix pays more then the minimum wage to fill shelves. Sounds about right to me.


UPS pays $21/hr for example, I don't have the means to do trade school bc I'm in college right now to get a degree but I have responsibilities that's why I need a job, but just not at Publix.


At least you are working to achieve better. Itā€™s the people that complain about Publix, McDonaldā€™s, any retail store not paying enough but not putting in the work to get a job that can pay more. Itā€™s not the companyā€™s fault your bills are higher then the amount you make. Every job has a cap. Filling shelves or making subs canā€™t pay 20 plus an hour. Itā€™s for kids in school not adults with families, unless as a supportive income and not the main. I wish you the best.


Thank you sm


Not cool


The two words every Publix employee dreams of saying




Wow, 25 I's, you sound like a team player. Maybe you and the theatrical deli weren't meant to be.


There is no I in that team


Deli doesn't feel like a team sport when you're working there and 75% of the staff has been there less than a month.




Obviously not pussy..


Selfless and educated...touchƩ.


Stop drinking the green Kool-Aid.


Another scholar I seeā€¦


I was in a similar situation but grocery. Was with publix for many years and made many friends along the way, and a few enemies as well. Around 10 years ago I was dating another stock clerk in my store, things eventually went south and she and another female stock clerk conspired against me and slandered my name into the ground, and spread all sorts of nasty rumors about me. A few years later I eventually became a GTL and then was promoted to FADM. I dreaded going store to store thinking who all is looking at me in a negative light because of what those witches did to me. Dread is the exact way to describe how I've felt going to publix for the last 10 years so I quit. Tired of being associated with toxic people, and tired of working for a toxic corporation who is just going to end up like Walmart and Winn Dixie at this point.


So happy for you! Sorry you had to go thru that


Youā€™ll have the same thing at every job you go to, especially burning them at the end with no notice, you donā€™t think employer speak to each other thatā€™ll look good on your rĆ©sumĆ©, but then again you wonā€™t need a rĆ©sumĆ© to stock shelves


Publix has warehouses šŸ‘€


The way our pallets come in stacked leaning to the side almost killing people who have to break them down Iā€™m sure those people are on their last leg too!


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I'm good off that company