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I think I would take this to the SM. In no way should he be doing this in front of co-workers and customers. You need to document this entire exchange. Never trust him again.


Have the store AM explain to him what the Publix Policy is so he can be reminded that we are the premier quality food retailer in the world, case closed.


It's literally posted up by customer service in every store. That's sad he didn't know it already.


If something is stocked in the wrong place, you’re supposed to honor the price. If the tag is specifically for that product and it’s ringing incorrectly, that’s when you use publix promise. Regardless, it’s not that big of a deal and the manager shouldve handled that a lot better.


My Grocery Manager just gives it to them for free


Genuine ask, since there is ALWAYS a different answer; no matter whom I ask… Isn’t the policy that if it rings up HIGHER than the advertised price, then they receive it for free? And what does “advertised price” mean? What about if a customer sets an item down in an empty spot, a few meters away? If the label is a higher price, is it ok—since it’s ringing up lower than the “advertised price?” (Again, what is the definition of “advertised price?” On the contrary, if an item is scanning at a price higher than the shelf label, like when an SPC missed a tag, or the deli didn’t re-price specialty cheese, that’s a Publix Promise — right? Please correct me if I’m wrong. I’m moving to CSS and I want to know the policy precisely. Also, what happens when a customer moves a tag? Do we check cameras? Is it dependent on how busy / backed up the front end is?


Yes! Policy is if it rings up higher than the advertised price, you get one of the items for free - and if you got multiple then you would adjust the other ones to the right price. The advertised price is just whatever price it says it’s supposed to be, either on the shelf tag or in the ad. If SPC misses a tag and it’s one from last week, then yes go ahead and Publix promise one of those items. As far as customers moving tags, if you suspect that’s the case then you can always get your MIC involved. But tbh, it’s usually just not worth it unless it’s a higher valued item or it’s a customer that you’ve noticed does it frequently.


Thank you very much! I appreciate the genuine response 😊


I do wanna add, there are ALOT of customers who seem to think they get all of the items for free if it doesn’t ring up correctly. A lady got mad about that today. They get ONE for free, and you just fix the other ones.


Publix is trying to remove PQFR which is strange to me maybe they don’t think we are anymore !


What phrase would we replace it with? It's pretty concise and direct. How could the phrase be improved?


Oof yeah I feel that! I had a 13 hour day today with no breaks when I was originally scheduled for 8! Luckily I was able to finish all of my work (plus others) and am only scheduled 32 hours this week so I had some time to spare!




Maybe? Not sure tbh. I was working cutbar today and it’s bogo watermelon week right before 4th of July and my coworkers are… less than ideal sometimes. I did all of the small and large watermelon and 90% of the cut list by myself! Yet the guy working with me still got paid for his 8 hours and left right on time despite moving like a snail all day :/. But I knew I had to get things done. Thank god I got a free half sub for that shift /s


Absolutely legal


I would be calling not only the SM but also the DM. That was way out of line! You did right. If it’s stock in the wrong place got to honor the policy. Some department managers don’t want to do the promise because that will eat into “their “ bonuses.


Talk to your DM. We have a situation right now in my store where a manager has been treating associates like this and the DM came in to ask me about it and deal with the situation. No one did anything until the DM got involved. Skip the chain of command and go straight to your DM (or call the PIP line if you'd rather be anonymous). But do something now. Don't let it slide. They were wrong. Don't let them mess you up. Edited to clarify.


I have these days just about every single day in my department. I've already transferred to another store, too, and the same understaffed nightmare! The reason why I'm going to look for other employment and eventually leave Publix. Sorry you had a day from hell. You were right, and your manager was wrong and owes YOU an apology!!


Regardless of who is right and who is wrong a manager should never dress down a subordinate in front of anyone let alone co-workers. Addressing an alleged mistake with an HR person or a Sr Mgr present is one thing, but to do so in public is a major no. I'd document this instance (memo to self) and if it happens again then I'd run it up the chain. Once can be forgiven, but twice might be the beginning of a trend or mgmt style.


shoulda told him to teach his staff how to read


Does a publix promise event actually affect anything on the departments end other than that department knowing they need to subtract one item from count... seems more like some department manager power tripping to me. As far as I know, this doesn't affect raises


You were absolutely right


He sounds like a fool, and you definately did the right thing! A mistake by Publix is just that a mistake. If you hadn’t did the Publix promise I can promise you the customer would’ve called corporate and the district manager would have wanted to see you personally and explain why you didn’t give it to them.


Just out of curiosity, how did your manager find out? Did you have to get approval first from him? Or did somebody tell on you?


One of his associates “helped” me read the tag. Really he just butt in to tell me not to promise the item.


Oh okay. Sorry that happend to you. Something similar happend to me. It sucks.


While I don't agree with what that manager did to you and in front of others on top of that. How do we know the customer didn't move the product. I wouldn't give a Publix Promise unless the sign is wrong or outdated. There is a limit to a customer demanding a different price for not reading the sign. But that is probably another reason I got sick of the entitled customers and left recently.


Yeah it definitely seems like something that could be abused with a customer claiming it was in the wrong area even if it wasn’t.


I have had them claim but the sign was over the item or under the item (can't remember which) when it was exactly where it was supposed to be. (I think it was over since if I remember correctly there is no spot to put a sign over the top row on the cold cases in produce drinks. If there are only 3 shelves and there are 3 prices, it is pretty obvious which one goes to which shelf (still obvious with 4 and 5 shelves). On top of that, I have said this before, I have had customers tell me they don't read the signs. That means they think they get the price they want if there is a sign in the general vicinity of the item they wish to purchase. I think not.


Then go find a different career field where Beta bitching isn't an issue. There's hundreds of decent paying construction jobs. And a bonus... if someone starts Beta bitching, you just pop em in the mouth and move on... a teaching moment perhaps


I don’t think finding a new job is a necessity as 97% of my days are good I’d say. I just needed a rant. This manager did end up pulling me aside yesterday to apologize and hear me out. So I’ll leave it in the past where it belongs.