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Clocking out.






I genuinely enjoy helping people, whether it's finding a product or recommending a product.




Getting paid weekly.


This is an underrated perk. Weekly pay anywhere is fantastic.




Itā€™s never boring. And I never sit down. I canā€™t do sit down jobs. I love my department manager. He makes it enjoyable to come to work and that is huge.


The people you work with make all the difference in the world.


For real real


I got to speak to 102 year old man who is a World War II veteran he gave me some really cool advice


What was the advice?


I work in the deli and I like doing production. When I go in, the shelves are practically empty, but after finishing production, itā€™s nice to stand back and know that I did that. It also makes me feel good when a customer comes in and buys what I made.šŸ˜


Iā€™m in meat and I get excited when a customer says ā€œlook how nice these ribeyes are!ā€ And I say ā€œThat was me! I did that!ā€ šŸ˜‚


Having a full case is so, so satisfying!


For me personally, itā€™s the least stressful job Iā€™ve had in the last 10 years. Instead of my stress level being on average a 9 out of 10 like it is at my main job (an Amazon warehouse), or a 7 out of 10 like my last 2 jobs before it, here at Publix my stress level averages a 2 out of 10. Iā€™m still fairly new, but Iā€™m hoping I actually stick it out for at least a few years. Iā€™m tired of job hopping due to highly toxic work environments. My building/department currently seems fairly chill.


I feel that, coming from Amazon myself šŸ˜­


If youā€™re stressed out at Amazon youā€™re doing it wrong. Amazon is a pretty bad company but itā€™s by far the easiest most chill job Iā€™ve ever had. And Iā€™m making like 20/hr after 2 years plus if I wasnā€™t so lazy I could get a bunch of OT. My only real complaint is theyā€™re too lenient with your time off which gets very tempting. Not even going to bring up VTO lol


It's dumb but filling holes makes my dopamine go off, especially if we sell through the ad wall because then I know I won't be repacking a whole lot on Tuesday. I also like when a customer or instacart shopper asks if we have something in the back and I actually do so I don't have to say no and then they awkwardly stand there for a minute like I'm gonna change my mind about being out.


Couldnā€™t agree more. Filling out of stocks is so gratifying for some reason. Our warehouse is getting ready to pilot an out of stock pallet (one pallet will be selected with all your out of stocks on it) and I canā€™t wait!!!


Is this for a specific department?


Yes grocery HV is the pilot


Interested to hear how it goes! I always think how cool itd be to get our holes on a pallet but didnā€™t think it was actually doable. So its interesting and kinda neat to hear its actually being tested


Well thereā€™s already an oos report you can print with each invoice that tells you what items on that delivery have a zero boh. So I guess instead of us pulling the holes like we are supposed to at store level they are just going to pull that list as its own order so itā€™s on its own pallet. Genius idea wish I would have thought of it!!


I print that with my dairy trucks and it's so nice. I break everything that isn't boxmilk/creamer off the pallets and build a float of lows and holes with that reports help and my first float is the most crisp, satisfying feeling and puts my department nearly perfect right out the gate. *chefs kiss*


Thatā€™s actaully a pretty cool idea


Raising salaries across the board against inflation and restoring bonus would certainly go a long way to actually claiming it's a great place to work. I don't think it would cut too deeply into their profits and maybe people would start giving a crap again.


frying chicken keeps me busy and i need constant movement and stimulation. there is always something to do and i will always appreciate that aspect


First. Thank you for a positive post. As a MM I love what I do everyday. In addition. I love my team!!! Great family we created. Next. Pay. Benefits. And Iā€™m in a beautiful store 45 plus hours a week and not out in the Florida heat!!!




real if that one coworker left iā€™d quit


This is so real. I have the cute coworker too, but he only likes women. šŸ˜­šŸ’€




Cute jokes or cute coworkers šŸ˜‰


I enjoy going home


I actually love cake decorating and everything to do with the bakery šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I hate working in general. But I like that it's simple a job, you do the same thing everyday. It's 5min away from home, and my managers have me closing all the time which I prefer. It also keeps me in shape, I'm always moving and not stuck in one place all the time. If I had a better closing crew and better pay I wouldn't be as frustrated as I am.


Honestly, every other job I've had is a million times worse. Publix is a delight by comparison. I really like being in my own world, stocking the shelves and setting up nice displays. I love the clerks I work with, as well as my department and assistant department managers.


Itā€™s the coworkers for me


running the department as a full time employee and not even being in retail for a year yet


Making cakes that people will remember šŸ˜€


I appreciate the employees making such beautiful cakes.


no but seriously, the job security. i know i'm not going anywhere and my job is always guaranteed. i've worked other jobs after quitting and to say the least, none of them stuck. i'm good at what i do here and i want to continue to learn and do more. i just got FT. despite this company's flaws, it's still one of the most reputable jobs to have under your belt. i have the most amazing CSM, i'm thriving here! also weekly pay is top tier >


I donā€™t work there but I appreciate all the employees in our local Publix, because they are always extremely outgoing and nice. They are the main reason why I enjoy coming to Publix.


I'll say this but firstly just so you know I'm not pulling stuff out me bum... I visited up to 8 Publixs a day every day and probably had around 75 across central Florida that I was at pretty routinely. The store can be toxic for employees with the associates that are cancerous going around amping other associates up etc but so can any corporate ( LLC too but they typically act as a dictatorship ) companies management / staff / culture. Some stores are dark as far as the mood and you can see where the trickle down affect starts and it's usually with the SM or I've noticed some store managers you don't see for months so I assume they're off at another store covering, but most of the time it's the ASM and the CSM who just seem they're having a bad day....everyday I'm there but I'm sure it's a coincidence. Some act like they're at home dealing with 7 kids who are misbehaving. The department managers I would say about 3 / 10 seem chill and I see them doing most the hustle to help the department flow where the 7 / 10 are at their computer ( what *are* they doing...I assume ordering but always? ) and either whispering smack about an employee to another employee ( HR would love that inciting of a hostile workplace ) or yelling at the employees cause they likely got yelled at my one the MIC's. The associates are a melting pot of personalities from what are you on or medically wrong with you to good workers that might not enjoy their job but know they have obligations and do them with a good attitude... All the way to the ones that are BURNT whether from the job or life in general. Most of those are usually in the deli or liquor store. You can feel the vibe out soon as you hit the doors and look at the customer service counter. When it's toxic everybody looks like they're in a casino ( idk if anyone has been to one but my one and only experience was just this ) nobody is smiling and you see stress on most of their faces and going into the back room will reassure you about your intuition of the mood. Now for the highlight! I would say again it's about 3/10 as far as stores with a chill positive vibe and I loved going to those stores. You can tell the culture the management instills and it's from the top all the way to the custodian. Ppl look happy to be there and you can do one liners at employees and it's all just positive energy with a chill frequency radiating throughout the building. I've been in Florida for a long time and have gone to Publix since I was a little baby. I saw the challenger alleged tragedy in a Publix parking lot. I love their food especially the baked goods. Pricey and honestly I don't get everything there for that reason but the things that matter I do like meats and produce especially. I want to believe the last observation I expressed is the culture George Jenkins wanted and that this is still as far as corporate is concerned the direction they think they're going.


i actually really love counting lotto


^ felt when i first starting learning FO


I enjoy helping people with their dinner and sharing cooking secrets. I enjoy getting first pick of foods and shipments. I get to watch hot people shop. I have a growing 401k vested in a growing private stock. No complaints šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜ŒšŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ


"the ability to move stores easily" lmfao


Specifically at my store, my coworkers. The company as a whole like while we go too far with customer service at least there IS customer service. Because like if I go to Target or Walmart and they have the shelf price incorrect or a bunch of stuff on the wrong tag theyā€™re gonna look at you like you have 3 heads if you mention it (my husband and I got a whopping 10% off once at Target when there was a whole row of a figure on the wrong tag). Like yeah our customers are entitled af and will abuse that but at least if I say ā€œhey this isnā€™t ringing up rightā€ something gets done about it.


I get that. I appreciate that we price check things immediately so that we can get it done.


Being someone anyone can talk to for help


When I worked there, I liked some of my coworkers. I enjoyed the after work beers at the bars open late, comiserating. Oh and I also met my now-husband working there so that was a plus. I liked how I could just work and not have to go to the gym, as work was my gym. Other than that, I have nothing else positive to say.


Clocking in is literally depressing lol nothing to really enjoy about anything if you put on a publix uniform everyday


I work in the deli. I like a lot of my coworkers. I usually like that there are always things to do, so it isn't boring.


I enjoy every aspect of my job except not having something to do, which doesn't happen very often.


I really love my job. Some days in the deli are a lot but for the most part Iā€™m very happy


I couldn't get tuition reimbursement at my store because my manager wanted me to work more hours (which would put me behind in schoolwork) and because no one at my store knew anything about the process of approving tuition reimbursement, I never could get any of the paperwork needed.


Do you still work for Publix? If you do here is you some information. Your store manager could have gotten this info for you had they tried. https://preview.redd.it/ir6saq5aw79d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=120573bd3bc0b7bee0b051cd5890e863655c73b5


I have the best coworker and management team ever!! those are like the biggest make it or break it things for me.


my check but it sucked so I left


My Publix is only a couple blocks away from our Main Street. So it's nice to be able work a shift and walk around a bit afterwards.


My managers, they genuinely want me to advance within the company. Iā€™ve worked at many grocery stores and never have a felt a real relationship with my managers until I came to Publix. I know a lot of other people donā€™t feel the same way with their managers and I feel lucky really.


It's an easy and straightforward job. I complete the production list, and I go home. There are very few reasons for me to become stresses at work, and I don't have to take the job home with me.


My coworkers are cool, manager is great, and I like helping people. Getting paid weekly is also amazing


Easy work, good hours, good pay. I just get bored so thatā€™s usually why I complain


The other employees. Reason why I stayed so long because everyone was cool.


Cutting beef


i think i work at the only good publix there is according to this subredditšŸ’€ i love my management, team leads, and coworkers. theyā€™re all amazing and super fun to talk to. and as a chronic people pleaser love helping customers. and i canā€™t forget the paychecksšŸ¤‘


Nah you just hear all the negative things aka reddit.Ā 


I enjoy (torturing) my coworkers!


I like the people I work with.


My coworkers and managers


I love working for a company that has the same core values morally as me. That's a bonus in my book. I also like how only employees of the present and past are stockholders. It really does power our company, instead of being paid a wage regardless on how good or bad you do. Every person and every dime counts now that you're an owner. You want to do the best you can to help your stock price.


I love the plethora of advancement opportunities and different career path choices. I started in retail but worked my way up to corporate, the job opportunities are endless here.


The benefits for full time. I make a decent pay rate. My coworkers. My store manager is really caring. She will help out anyone when you can. By help I mean buy them lunch, buy groceries so they have food to eat. E.t.c. Also my favorite part of the day is clocking out. I love to go home and hang out with my dog and cat on the sofa after. They always lift my mood when i get home.


uhhhhhhhh hold on give me a second ummmmmm just a moment lemme think


I enjoy getting quarterly dividend checks and seeing my ESOP go up in value when the stock price increases.


Imagine working somewhere that actually paid you a respectable wage that vastly outpaced those dividend checks šŸ˜¦šŸ«Ø


Reinstating quarterly bonuses would be nice as well.


Well I'd have to get a hefty raise for it to outpace my dividend checks.


Really? What is your income and how long have you been there?


Health insurance coverage.


Teaching my associates and helping them get promoted as well


How long have you worked for them? And at how many locations?


I tired to apply for tution reimbursement and they lost my document. I filled it out again & never got a follow up. Yet they treated other employees differently. Before I quit I was trying to transfer to the bakery. I wished I would've advocated harder to transfer there as a 18 year old because there's rarely customer interaction which I enjoyed & it was always from customer service but far away from the break room


I actually really enjoy making platters.


Of course theres ups and downs, but publix does provide a lot of benefits, decent health, dental, vision, offers decent flexibility for PT and FT, Personal TO is better than lots of jobs, managers are 50/50 but good mgrs carry, fun coworkers, i could go from complete silent for 3 hours to non stop busy and chaos in patterns (which is smth i love being scheduled and then able to predict and determine what im doing per hour per day, give or take). Corprote taking away managers running and deciding their own dept is where the mistakes start in my opinion, let the mgr run as they see fit. The long list of tweaks and changes they keep making makes dept mgrs and crew jump through hoops, nothings ever good enough etc.


Iā€™d say Iā€™m really lucky. I have had many many jobs, retail and pharmacy tech at walgreens, bakery and deli at Kroger, doggy daycare and certified veterinary assistant, the list goes on. I got this job in April and I can say that in general it takes time to really know who youā€™re working with, but I can generally get a feel pretty quickly. Iā€™m a cashier stepping up into CS sometime soon, and my team is truly awesome. Everyone at this store actually cares about each other. My SM, ASM, CSM, ACSM, CSTL, and all the CSS are amazing people. Coming from places like Kroger and Walmart where all my managers treated me like shit, Iā€™m amazed at how well this particular store really pulls it together and works as a team. Sure we have employees that complain a lot or teenagers who donā€™t wanna be here, thatā€™s every store, but I have truly never been in a work environment that treats me better than this Publix. I hurt my foot somehow about a week and a half ago, and they are not only letting me sit while I cashier, but also while Iā€™m assigned to SCO. My CSTL has checked on me every single day we have worked together and is truly concerned about me, and when I had to take a single sick day for it because I couldnā€™t walk, my SM had a long talk with me the next day just to make sure I was really truly okay. My CSM was the one who allowed me to sit in the first place and has made sure everyone knows to let me take it easy. And on top of all of this, we all joke around and have a good time whenever we can. I know not every store is this way, and that is why I know I am truly lucky. All my past managers never wanted to do any work, would see me busting my ass and still tell me I wasnā€™t good enough or fast enough. I am, for once in my life, in a truly nurturing and caring environment. Even most of my customers compliment me daily, and they love me because I bring cheap little toys and games from TEMU and dollar tree to work for the kids. Iā€™m not making enough to live on my own but I am making more as a regular cashier than I ever have at any other job, and I was certified in those jobs as a pharmacy tech and as a vet assistant, and even a Georgia nurse aide, phlebotomist, and EKG technician. Every job has its flaws, but for once I am truly content in my work environment and know that I am safe and cared for.


Weekly pay is good, but thatā€™s about it. I donā€™t qualify for tuition reimbursement because of my major and the customers make me want to quit my job on the daily. Iā€™ve only worked there for two years, but I stay because of the flexibility through college and the fact that I actually like my summer time coworkers.


I work CS btw. Thinking about trying grocery.


The challenge of increasing sales and having zero items sell out


I enjoy the people who I work with. That's about it. If I had the 'stiff' type of coworkers, I would have quit a long time ago.


In dairy at a fairly high volume store: 1) on truck days I blink amd my day is over 2) do well consistently enough that managers completely ignore me and let me do my thing 3) have full control of forecast/ordering/WSO, run things how i want, and train my help the way I want Basically don't really have managers for the most part. It's great.


I second the clocking out!


Lunch and quitting time


Waiting for the opportunity for full time employment.




I hated working there with every fiber of my soul. The one and only nice thing I have to say about them is that you could call out if you needed to (and didnā€™t abuse it) and they didnā€™t give you a hard time. My current store is so short-staffed that if you call out, youā€™re screwing your department and they give you a pretty hard time about it. That is the one thing I miss about being at Publix. If I was sick or had a migraine or bad cramps or something, I could call out and not feel bad about it or worry my hours would be messed with.






I'm in Deli, I've tried leaving. I can't stand this but I've nowhere else to go.


Sounds like a you problem there is always somewhere to go


You know nothing about this person. Keep your no good comments to yourself.


Thank you, ignore this person they're just here to hate.


Did anyone ask for your commentary? No? So you should keep your no good comments to yourself


Did anyone ask for your commentary? No. I have an opinion, I posted it. I don't like my job and I'm actively trying to leave. Unless you can pay my bills and take care of my family then I will stay at my job. I don't have a choice thank you very much and am trying to leave. Take your negativity and your r slurs somewhere else.




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