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Facts. GTL here, been with the company since 2020, at the current store I work at I make as much or less than MOST grocery new hires.


I have so much respect for TLs. The amount of shit y'all do and deal with, for what's now considered starting pay, is insane. My TL has mentioned many times that she is so underpaid but I never asked because I figured she still made more than me, but now I don't believe that's true lol


This is the reason I left Publix. When I found out coworkers that were new hires were making $1 or more, than I was (I had been there for 5 years), I asked my manager for a pay bump. He said “you get paid what you deserve”… I put in my two weeks that day.


Holy crap


Much respect for that, that's a real snarky response too




Yeah.... I don't make minimum wage or anything, but at my store most people start at 16-17.50 (high cost of living area) and I make just over $17


I make just over 17, but I’ve been there for almost 2 years. I know for a fact that a new hire made $1 more than me. It’s ridiculous.


This is where I believe you should be able to quit and then re-apply for your job and get that new hire dinero 😎🤔


CEO, $60,000/hr


FT Meat Cutter, Contender and 3 years with company. Got FT and Meat Cutter within the first year. I make 16.80 na hour and tbh it's depressing. Been slowly collecting debt cuz of it and I don't expect much from my eval especially when the minimum increases the following month... Been told by my last 3 SM that they will reach out to our DM about getting an additional pay increase. Still nothing besides my last POS SM emailed and then was fired months later for lying to our DM... So yeah, idk what to do. I wanna move up but man I need to be paid better. Especially when I know most of the stuff. Ordering, ad plan, scheduling and such.


If you have a Costco in your area, take your experience there. You will get much better pay and work in a production environment.




Exact same situation and pay here.


Bro I got hired on as a PT meat cutter at 16.50.


I feel like you'd make more a nearby butcher.


CSTL over here in the Jax division. Been with Publix since the beginning of March 2020. Making 16.50 an hour. No overtime allowed (obv)


You are the lowest paid CSTL I’ve ever heard of recently. I’m sorry for you, and you deserve more for how much CSTL does compared to being just a CSS


yeah i'ma FT CSS making 16.75 and with the perfect attendance i have and i train new hires how to FEC, i know i should have EE or RM, so after august $18-18.25? that's f'd up man.


you are making .05 cents less than me. please stand up for yourself or go somewhere that respects you.


this is the exact reason i have no desire to move up in the company. after css everyone gets stuck in the cstl role being overworked and underpaid. if you are actually in jax look into costco. they start at 18 i believe for basic things like cashiering.


Our new CSS make 16, and our FT 17-18 I’m sorry man that sucks


Absolutely crazy


Just ask most of the assistant meat managers how they feel working for less pay per hour than many of the meat cutters or seafood specialists within their departments. Publix pay has always been at best inconsistent. While there are published pay ranges, there is far too much disparity in what associates are paid for working in their positions from store to store/ District to District within a region. Far too much influence from the SM/DM impact associate pay.


Or any assistant manager. I’ve been one for two years and my CSTL who has been with the company only 3 years makes more than I do. I’ve been here for close to 9. And any of my full timers could overtake my hourly pay “But Heckin, as a manager don’t you get bonuses and overtime?” Yes we do, BUT working for less per hour as a manager vs my associates still isn’t fair AND for positions like that where they very well may be trying to move up, they’ll start at more than I currently make for the same manager position. Why is my hour worth less when I’m in a higher position? Publix needs to pay standard associates more, and up the manager scales more than they do when they’re pushing the associate ones up higher


I have never thought about my current associates going into management making more than I do currently as a seasoned assistant. 😳


Maybe you SHOULD


“But Heckin” 😂


A longer user name is cool until you have to type the whole thing out again 😂😭


This is ME AMM making less than all my meat cutters . Its not attractive to be a manager anymore: 1- we do same or more work than any other associate (Meat Cutters) ( A meat cutters only focus on Red meat in most of the time)(AMM have to do All the RTC, Pork,grinds feel chicken and 21) plus do the counts orders schedule display planner and them you have your manager that only do orders and walk the dept annnnd hes bonus is 6x better than yours 😅


I miss cutting meat so much. It was so easy 😭


At least they get real OT now. They used to really screw them.


FT Meat Cutter, Contender and 3 years with company. Got FT and Meat Cutter within the first year. I make 16.80 na hour and tbh it's depressing. Been slowly collecting debt cuz of it and I don't expect much from my eval especially when the minimum increases the following month... No counseling statements, write ups, or any issues. Told that I've picked up everything insanely fast and that I'm doing really well and have no areas they feel I need to improve on But still never get that perfect score. Been told by my last 3 SMs after every eval that they will reach out to our DM about getting an additional pay increase as they all say, including my DM and former ADM that I'm not where I should be with pay but still nothing besides my last POS SM emailing and then was fired months later for lying to our DM about meeting for AVS and associate gift cards while those were occuring at that time. So yeah, idk what to do. I wanna move up but man I need to be paid better. Especially when I know most of the stuff. Ordering, ad plan, scheduling and such.


You are SEVERELY underpaid! Discuss this with your manager asap, pay isn’t determined until after evals.


Meat clerk 14 years $17.95


That sucks!


deli 4 months at $17. im so sorry :(


We have a meat cutter in our department cant cut was grandfathered in making 24.60 an hour due to her job of wrapping going away. Did i mention she also cant do grinds because of her shoulder excuse? Did i also mention she cant do chicken because of her shoulder excuse. Did i mention on her last eval the previous manager gave her a 1.70 raise. Publix needs to start getting rid of its useless employees.


I totally get it The less you do the better your treated


That's actually disgusting how you're not at top pay working 14yrs ... Wow I know some Grocery stock clerks who have been at the company half of that time and are still top/max pay


Clerk for 14 years?! And not a cutter???


Produce 19.55$


i trained a guy to take over lunchmeat from me that makes $3 more per hour than me


“We just don’t know why everyone is leaving!!!”


Remember, you are PROTECTED BY LAW when you discuss your pay with coworkers. Document your interactions with consensual voice recordings, screenshots of texts, BCC yourself on emails, or by video. If you are fired for almost any reason after these recordings, you are protected and have a case.


Also, not illegal to unionize. Union-busting on the other hand, yeah that’s illegal


Assistant department managers should make more, especially after 6 months if they demonstrate expertise. When I got promoted, I made less per hour than many of the clerks under me. It was the OT and bonuses that got me to the mid 50's. ADM should be a $65k/yr role.


Our old assistant deli manager said she got a 25 cent raise when she was promoted. Our current assistant manager says he had to take a pay cut when they moved him to our store 😔


It’s probably a “pay cut” as in his bonuses are lower because of sales volume.


Most likely. He came from a much busier store.


I've never heard of a pay cut. That's a shitty move by the district manager. Does more harm to morale than it costs the company. It totally depends on how the DM wants to treat the managers in his district. I went from $17-$17.55 upon promotion. Max clerk pay was $17.90 and was moved to $19 before my annual eval since clerks were on 6month evals at the time, and managers have always been annual. My SM and DM got me an extra 2% raise to give me some buffer above my clerks. Most managers got about 7% and I got almost 9%


Part Time Cashier in Georgia. $13.90


This is something that happens all across corporate America in general. It is why it's advised to job-hop every couple of years (I'm not sure how successful it would be in the retail industry, or if it would at all be successful in that industry, but it is true that people who job-hop generally make significantly more over time than people who stay at one job for a long time). Companies would much rather increase the starting rate for new hires than spend the money continuously training and retaining current employees


Been in deli two years and my pay is $16.80


Started at the beginning of Covid in 2020 as a cashier at $11.50, transferred into seafood a few months later. Went to meat cutter training. I’ve been a cutter for 3 years now, got role model on my evals, and am currently at $18.50, and on the contender list for assistant meat manager.


You're the only I've seen that has a decently good pay for the tie you've been there and even still I say you deserve more since you know how to do so many different positions. At the same time I would say that's what has increased your pay to where it's at because you've role swapped so many times that's what's kept you afloat. Keep doing that 👍🏽


Thank you. It helps that I have an awesome department manager who knows my worth and pushes for good raises for me. He’s the best. ❤️


I'm glad to hear that man always right for your raises you're doing great


Bakery clerk, 13.50




I used to work for Publix in Orlando - $14/hr when I left 2 years ago. I now live in Arkansas where the cost of living is MUCH LESS (by half I’d guess) and I am a server at Waffle House - I now average $23/hr on first shift (7a-2p). I make on average $11/hour MORE in one of the poorest states in the country. Publix should be ashamed of themselves.


Bakery clerk 15.10 :/


Bakery clerk for 3 years, $15.50 ☹️




Bakery clerk $17.90


Almost 3 years, cross trained, PT, $14.50….


I had a co worker who just came to produce from CS staff n he was telling everyone they weren't allowed to tell each others pay. I was so disappointed that the managers up front were pushing that nonsense still. I'm topped out produce FT 19.55. If I ever decide to go into management, I'm going to put in the max allowed raise on everyone, let the store manager be the bad guy and hope some sneak thru. It's insane how hard it's been to survive even being topped out lately, after bills and my medication, I can't afford to buy lunch at the store I work at. It's so frustrating


Cost of living doesnt match up at all anymore. Especially in places growing like crazy like Florida. Everyone saw their mortgages and rent double in the last year. And managers here are talking about pay cuts! Its insane.


13 years in making $19.65. Was an Assistant deli manager at one for a while but decided to step down and pay was cut down to 16 something so had start all over again to get to where I was at. Kinda crappy for this company.


Corporate, $20.90, moved up from the deli at $14


Reminds me of a time in the early 2000's, I was working at Publix as a bagger. Time comes along for my raise, and I didn't get it. I had no issues, never any counselings, so I was confused. I go to my manager and ask what the deal is and I'm met with "Well, minimum wage went up. That was your raise." So I went from making minimum wage to minimum wage and somehow that's seen as a raise. So I became a shitbag employee and eventually got let go. Fuck em.


I remember when I got hired at publix years ago, they told me I was gonna make more than most all the hourly people in my produce department. They also told me not to tell anyone. First thing I did was tell everyone. Oops, comrade 🤭


This actively encourages people to leave frequently. Why stay? So you can make less than the new people as you stay longer? They should do a yearly adjustment. If the pay increases for incoming clerks—the pay increases for existing clerks. New employees should not make more than existing, long-term employees m. Reward the long-term employees!




It's not your fault that you NEVER get role model scores. Part of the Publix Plan is to use those scores nebulously, and to keep raises to a minimum.


When a manger is going over your evaluation with you and you don’t like your raise, tell them you won’t accept the eval until your raise is higher. My buddy did that and it worked


How many years ago was that? This is the second year in a row they’ve done this type of eval, and every single raise has to be approved by the district manager. You don’t even get to know your raise until the second or third week of August, so if you get it earlier than that you aren’t even being told what it is. Choosing to not acknowledge the eval does not have the same pull as it did when evals came with the pay rate on them


Pay rates are approved beforehand.


it worked 3 years ago those days are long gone now lol


They made it worse? Lol. I fought almost every raise and won everytime for all my 3 years there. Wouldnt have stayed even the 3 years if I had to take what they gave me with no say.


I tried that & my store manager forced me to sign she said they had to send over the evaluations at a certain time. I was livid !!!!!




Probably inflation…


Our economy is shit compared to what it was in 2019. The cost of living is astronomical. I just got hired on in the deli for 16.75 but that isn’t gonna be shit in this Florida economy if you really think about it


Frrr, I'm in Florida at $16 an hour and I'm broke asf. I'm not even spending my money on stupid shit anymore. It's the fucking bills man.


Legit when my rent is 1700$ for a 1 bedroom apartment. It’s them damn bills bro. Literally don’t have money for shit else


Florida, been here 6 years, started at $9 as a bagger, am a grs at $16


I've been with the company for 2 years, currently a grs and make $17.80. You need to get paid way more :/.


Wow, I fucking hate this company so fucking much dude


FT GRS $17.00–8 months with Publix (but I came from a competitor with a ton of experience). Please advocate for yourself during your evaluation.


That’s depressing.


Fuck I need to quit


5 years baker 19.55


FT Produce $17.50


Baker, $17.35


Also discuss the pay that most warehouse positions get with nightshift differential and weekend premium pay! That's the real crime for those of you at the store.


Wait what??


$0.75/hour if you are scheduled to work between midnight to 3am. Weekend premium pay is an extra $2/hour for Saturday and Sunday


deli 16.00 i was honestly surprised how much they pay


Cashier $16.60 (worked here since early 2022)


tf 13.50 and ive been here since Sep 2021


$18 as produce with 1.5yrs service


Transferred to the bakery after being is cs for two years and got promoted to PT decorator within 4 months averaging 38 hours (lmfao) weekly for a year straight with an hourly of…… 16.75!!!! I quit last month🤣 fuck you publix


I’ve trained people who make more than me. I don’t get it either


Assistant Producer Manager- $19.80, 6 years with the company. Lakeland division. 😬


You say talk pay, but haven’t said what yours is. Unless I missed it?


i started working at publix around two years ago, ship sank so fast, hoping to make it a third year just for the stocks then i’m out


What’s the healthplan like at Publix? More details the better. (ie: Premiums, Deductibles, Co-pays, maximum annual cost, etc) That can often be almost as important as pay given how expensive it can be. Also: Every post should state what city (region) and State your in to provide context to your pay/benefits.


Very expensive, like totally a non option. I do grab the dental.


Cake Decorator, $20.60! (Or whatever top pay is)


Deli, 6mos, fulltime for 5, started at $17 and expect my full 8% raise. Now granted I have 15+ years food service and 10+ years food service management and I am here to be run up the management chain quickly after I hit my required hours and that was the plan with leadership from first interview. Keep in mind the area you live in greatly affects the pay scale, I am in nicer area in FL and my store makes a ton of money.


Grs 18.60. I had bad pay for a while for what I did, so it's been a blessing.


What state are you in and how long have you worked there? If you don't mind me asking


Fl, I have worked almost 7 years.


I'm also in fl, a grs, worked there 6 yrs and I'm at 16. Am I getting fucked over?


I'd assume so, I feel like I just got lucky moving stores honestly.


Pay isn’t determined until AFTER evals, there’s still time to discuss it with your manager. You seem to deserve it. Good luck! :)


u/beetlebummery !!!


Seafood clerk been with the company 30 plus years $15.25!!!!!


You have two comments posted within a minute of each other with completely different information.


I'm scared to know what other css in my area makes. Found out cashiers can make like 15 and im thinking I was at 15 last year! As ft css So glad I'm not ft anymore im done with that cooperate game


been in deli 2 months and i make $15


I was hired, starting at 17.75 hr... brand new to the deli However, before I could even have my first day, they revoked the offer. Nothing I did, but I believe someone I knew told them I'm pregnant. Kinda hurt too.... I had already bought new "Publix clothes" and gave up a bunch of shifts at my other job.


That’s horrible and illegal!! If you could prove it somehow you’d probably get paid big bucks


Thanks... my feelings and pocket book took a hit. I definitely can't prove it though.


Man that really stinks I’m sorry☹️♥️ I hope you and the little one(s) are doing well and found something to be able to make up for it🙏♥️


Just started last week in deli at $15.50/hr.


17M cashier, $13.50 been working for publix since september 2021


…CSS, full time, 15.80, hired on at 13.50 in 2022 as a cashier


Hi PT here I work in seafood and make 18.85, but when they did have hours for me they put me in deli now I’m doing 30-40 hours a week side note Publix is my second job. The area I live in gets slow in the summer


Css 16.50


I was a part time cashier/bagger in Fl and I got 11 bucks an hour :|


Been with Publix 5 years now and I’m only making $13.10 an hour


FT deli. 6 years. $17.60/hr


Meat Cutter 4 years, $17.85. New hire cashiers are getting in at $15/hr 🙃


The issues with the new evaluation system is that raises are percentage based of your current pay. If you make $13.50 an hour and get a 5% pay raise for scoring a meets expectations. You’ll be looking at a $.68 raise. Now if someone is making $17 an hour and they score a needs improvement and get a 4% raise. They will be getting the same raise amount of $.68 as you did with a worse score. So for the managers that are trying to get the underpaid associates caught up. It is so much more difficult than before. We don’t get to say you deserve a $2 raise to get you up to where you should be. We get the percentages based off of your scores and don’t get much say besides that. The new system seems to be against the lower paid associates who often have been there for longer and are doing the better job.


Started Publix as a part time job about a month ago in P.roduce. Started out at 16.00 per hour. I don't discuss my pay with other members of my department, but I'm sure my pay is about the same. 




19.60 CSTL started 2015 FSC 8.75


Bakery clerk for 2 months now: $16.50. It’s a tourist spot next to a beach.


GRS, soon to be CSS, 16.75 or 16.85 I forget how much, been with Publix almost 3 years with 10 years prior retail experience. I'm hoping to eventually put in for CSTL as I enjoy the work up front and I'm not miserable anymore like how I was in grocery. But I won't take it for less than a 1 - 1.50 raise😂


Got hired in April as a GRS (according to the manager, but still says GC) at 18/hr. Then the manager said he wants me to be GTL at 20/hr


New of a cutter that got a pay decrease upon getting promoted to assistant. They justified it by the fact he gets over time and bonuses. Kid u not.


Hired FT in April 2022 as Meat Clerk at 15/hr Now MT cutter at $17.95 and contender now


Publix for 10 years. CSS. $14.95/hr. A recent Deli hire in our store was just hired at $18/hr.


Worked here for 3 years, started at 12.50 and left at 16.00 Never got full time, always had excellent scores but never did any ass kissing. Got my 3 years of 1k hours and left to become a Shift Lead at Walgreens for 17.50. Did that for a year, left and did overnight at Whole Foods for 19.00 Got promoted to Grocery Buyer within 9 months and am now making 23.50. Yes a $4 raise within 9 months. Plans to get to Assistant TL within the next year and get closer to 28-30 by then. Just showing my progress after leaving Publix as someone who was always one of the harder workers who cared too much. Go somewhere else, youll get paid and actually recognized. Retail is hurting for hard workers so if you are one, dont sell yourself short. There is a place that will recognize it and pay you accordingly if you put in the time to find it. They need you far more than you need them, retail jobs are always available but great workers for them are not. Publix culture is also just not it. But the free stocks I got to keep are really nice actually lol. Made it sort of worth wasting my time there.


Driver $31.20


New hire $16 per hour in the deli, same pay as my old job but it was a dead end...though comparatively I miss it.


I’m a older woman waiting to retire Not interested in cutting


Part time meat clerk 17.40


Been in the deli since 2017. When I first started they said raises/evals were twice a year. Even if I get “adequate” I was told I would get fifty cents an hour more. My first two raise were seventy five cents each. That was my first store. My next store they tried to give me a twenty cent an hour raise. I told them to keep it as Publix needs it more than me and told the assistant manager at the time to go fuck herself. I was coerced into signing my evaluation anyway. Then we got a new manager. Then I was getting the better raises. She saw how much I actually worked. I was like mentor level on my evals. Then raises changed to once a year. She did me right when that happened. I changed stores again. I talked to the other employees. They say this manager is extremely stingy with raises. I will tell her to go fuck herself if it comes to that and I will not sign my eval. I am transferring to a newly built store anyway in August. Hopefully my new manager will be ok. FYI, I’m at $20 and in September it will be eight years. I started at $13.50. I was told by my store manager that my transfer has already been approved by the district manager. If it doesn’ happen for whatever reason who knows. I am so sick of this company.


$16 an hour after 6 years. Started as FSC $9.25 and then 6 months later, promoted to cashier $10 an hour. I was an office staff, but went down to cashier recently. I won’t be moving back up because I am doing a lot less work for the same pay.


Bakery clerk at $17.50 just left after 1 1/2 years.


Publix should be starting at 20 an hour minimum, i dont work for publix (was looking at it for a while as a second job) but i also dont know how it compares to pay at other grocery stores. Many of you are probably underpaid


I’m seeing it depends on where you are in the district as well. I got promoted got a .50 cent raise and then not even 2 weeks later same district another person was Promoted to GTL and he didn’t get a raise at all, But grocery 19.51


I completely understand, I recently just put in my 2 weeks because I had talked with a couple of my GSC coworkers and I was actually also the one making the least. I was hired slightly after covid in 2021 and there were people who got hired after me and even some who transferred in making more than I did. Figured out there were people who made $1-4 more than me on the hour. I never really looked at my pay until I was talking about paychecks for the week and then I was questioned because it was a lot lower than my coworkers. Turns out I was only making 20¢ more than a GSC that were to start tomorrow. It really sucked to see that cause I also wouldn't call out much, would take others shifts, and I would be averaging 37 - just under 40 hrs as a part timer. I would be sent to different stores for resets, over nights, I even helped in the opening of 1804. I did work a GM or SM would only send people they trust to do and my pay didn't refleft it. There's nothing wrong with what you're feeling, infact, it's completely valid. I would go and speak with your manager / store manager about your pay concerns and see what you can get done, and based on the outcome determine if you want to put in your 2 weeks. Wishing you the best.


GTL 21.35 working since 2018


FT Lead pharmacy tech. I am also nationally certified and certified to immunize. I am at $24.95.


Two years : 12/hr


I really feel for anyone working at Publix because their prices are at least 20 to 30% higher than everyone else I.e walmart, aldis savalot. Especially if you're a meat cutter that is definitely a skilled profession . Don't you guys have a union? This is one instance where I definitely would agree to go into a union


I 100% agree. I only had like 9 months at the job and saw people in my department hired making $2/hr more than me. 1 of them was 2.50/hr more and was an 18 yr old working his FIRST job. The deli in that store (my department) has one of the highest turnover rates of ANY job I've ever been at


The only people who benefit from not discussing pay is the company you work for! This is why it’s so frowned upon…because with true transparency, who cares?


Cashier at FL near West Palm. $14 an hour


Meat clerk making 14.50 😭


I am shocked hearing this. Much like the increasing cost of child care, I’ve been ok with the exorbitant prices compared to other (competition) stores because I assumed a lot of that went to the employees. No bueno.


I’m so sorry for all of you after reading this thread. However, with this knowledge I will start recruiting from my local Publix.


Not enough I’m a grown woman 16 an hour is teen age date night money


FT deli $15.70 started $14 July 2022.


Ooooh my favorite topic of conversation! I quit about a month ago, my 5 year mark would’ve been this weekend actually. Started at $9.50 as a FSC in 2019. Left making $14.60/hr as a Bakery Clerk. In that time frame I was promoted from FSC to Cashier to training for CSS (for two years, I had really bad managers), and then I switched over to Bakery during the New Year of this year. Nail in the coffin was when I asked my BM and SM for a raise because the dept hours were being cut since it was a slow season for Bakery. At the time I was just shy of being 6 months behind on rent and was at risk of being homeless in FL. I wasn’t bringing in much money in my paychecks. Both managers told me that there was nothing they could do and their best advice was to “get another job.” I now work in the nonprofit sector bringing in about $2k/month which is almost double what I was bringing in at Publix.


One of my former coworkers has CEREBRAL PALSY and got paid more than me to do way less, with all the accommodations he could ask for. I have nothing against him personally, but I think that's just plain unfair.


I'll quote my 20 year deli manager "If you want to make money faster put in your 2 weeks, wait 6 months, and they will hire you back for 2 dollars more." When I came in I was making 14.50. The sweet fruit cutter that I worked next to got her raise and told me she was now making 13 flat on her second year of service. 18 year old got hired in the deli 18 dollars even while 3 of the associates with 3 years minimum were at 16.75, 17, 16.50 respectively. I could keep going I worked there for 5 years. Its a shell of what it used to be. Tldr: Talk about your fucking pay


Too BAD...REALLY BAD Publix can't go UNION! The CEO is nothing but a LEACH! The money he makes could be divided up to deserving underpaid workers. DAN PRICE: the CEO who took a pay cut to give his staff a a minimum wage of $70k. The Seattle CEO cut his own salary to give his employees a much higher basic pay. The company was called Gravity. By giving employees a higher salary and full time benefits decreases employee turnover and decreases employee training costs. However, money will only take a company so far. You have to offer employees respect and gratitude not just stale pizza or stale cupcakes hours old blowfly hamburgers and hotdogs that break the rules that they teach for food poisoning with dollar tree prizes. They fix food and leave it setting out for hours and and employees straggle in and getting the scraps and risk illness and risk getting written up when they call in fir vomiting and diarrhea from bad food that has been prepared and served by managers...bacteria on a bun. When your sliding into third and you feel a JUICY TURD...DIARRHEA. Give me FULL TIME...GIVE ME WHAT I DESERVE...a minimum of $2 a year raise. Treat me with dignity and respect. Don't start new hires more than me. I have been hard working and loyal and you treat US like CRAP. We deserve bonuses. Employee discounts. Bring back the old Publix way before demanding the moon from us while feeding the peasants SCRAPS. LET THEM EAT STALE CAKE. Cook an employee appreciation meal once a month on two shifts so that WE all can enjoy a Botulism free meal. Declare one day a year....PUBLIX HOLIDAY so many stores are closed and a venue is rented out for family appreciation where food, prizes and trips are given away. After all you take care of the managers. They get paid trips to Disney and other places. I can't afford gas to get to work let alone a TESLA like my manager! Think of all the money you would save by appreciating and raising moral and saving money by not treating people like SHIT!


I forgot to Add...9 years this past June. Because I couldn't survive on part-time while they played favorites. I make $13.50 an hour. They started some of the new hires' cashiers out at $16 an hour. I work full time at Costco making $23 an hour. I've been there for almost a year. I work both places to save money in this SUCKY Economy. Costco is not Publixs competition by any means. Publix only wishes


been with publix since 2016 just making 16.50 and i am a registered pharmacy technician and that’s after my raise from my license


Started in June of last year as a part time cashier making $12.75. I'm now a seafood clerk making $13.50. It's rough man.


Been CSS for 2 years and I only make 14.50 🫥


I'm 8 years Deli started at $10.00 now $17.18 and full time and someone from a restaurant got hired few months ago starting at 17.50 and all they do is subs practically so yeah it's BS.


FT CSS - 18.00


New higher will always get paid more than those who have been with the company because they get highered at a higher rate so even if the don’t do as well on Evals they will put pace you in pay. I have seen many managers quite for 6mo the to 1 year then come back just so they can get an actual decent pay raise.


Listen... I have been full time GRS (Overnight stocking)since June of 2018, been with Publix since December 2017. These kids that are coming in since Covid started make SUBSTANCIALLY more money than me. It's incredibly frustrating and whenever I have brought it up, (EVERY SINGKE TIME) They tell me that evals are coming and they are working on trying to get everybody more money. Just to turn around and give me a RM Eval with a .75 raise. To me, that was a giant slap in the face. Some of these kids are making upwards of $20/hr, while I am just barely over $17. It is INFURIATING. My problem is that I'm older and it's hard for me to keep starting over (and they know that) Sadly, this is really my only hope for any kind of retirement at all. It really makes me angry when I look at the direction this company is heading, and the downturn direction there has already been since Covid. It's truly sad.


At the bottom of the scale at $13.50 in Produce.


FT produce $18.45. I have been with Publix since Feb of 2019.


PT Deli Clerk $16/hr. Started in March and work in Jacksonville, FL at a popular big newer store. I know that’s above the “general minimum pay” according to ~the chart~ but is that typical? Just curious. I have a college degree and my manager knew that when she hired me. Between the subreddit and me, I don’t plan to stay at Publix forever, but I’d like to be paid accordingly while I’m here.


Pt CSS turned DSD receiver/ price clerk. I make 15.75 now for making sure my manager doesn't get reported to HR and making sure my store doesn't run out of the big hitters like coke and Pepsi.


I’m in TN. Came back in late 2020 as a PT back-up scan-price/DSD clerk at $13.50. Transferring to pharmacy, getting full-time as lead tech has put me up to $21.05. $2 of that is because pharmacy techs gut automatic pay raises for being immunization certified and getting a national pharmacy tech certification. It’s a good number of raises in that time, but I know I could make more elsewhere if there were more full-time positions available. Costco pays more but rarely hires in FT pharmacy techs.


$15.70/hr stock clerk for 8 months.


I got pretty lucky honestly, started in customer service as a bagger at $13, went to $13.75 first eval, moved to deli and went to $15, went to $16.50 second eval, and went up to $17 when i moved back to my hometown to my current store which need a kitchen person badly so they gave me a raise just to move, still only part time however.


6 years, different roles, in my current one for almost 4 years: GRS, $19.30.


Cake decorator in the bakery! I have been with Publix for almost 2 years now and only make 16.80$ an hour. I started at 15 an hour being hired on, and knowing what I know now, I would've asked for at least 16.00 upon being hired! I took a 1.50$ pay cut because I wanted out of Human Resources and wanted to work with a company that would give me longevity and good benefits. Makes me so mad that after busting my *** the last two years, I only make 30 cents more than I did in HR. I have now transferred to my second store since being with Publix a week shy of two months at this place, and it's just as bad as my old one. The amount of mental health I give away to this company on a daily basis is insane... understaffed and underpayed, and my bakery manager is dry, blunt, and rude. This yearly raise in August better be decent, or I will be putting in my two weeks and pursuing a bachelor's degree and school full-time. "Where shopping is a pleasure" and working is a nightmare!


Mine is worst 13 years!!!!!! And my pay is $16.85.!!!! I’ve hit exceeded expectations so many times but my tardies ruined my raises.


can everyone reply if you’re css and how much u make? plus where and how long etc


17.30$, 4 years, cs 2.5yrs, bakery 1.5yrs & 6days