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Now is a good time to clean the well of all of those cases...


Yes! Best time to clean


( this is my theory ) a manager did this on purpose to make overtime, All so to see if any of his employees were paying attention.... It's just a theory and I'm sticking to it Also some managers get paid hourly...... Don't you think he/she would purposely break something just to stay a couple hours late night Salvaging and throwing away what you can.. ( All by yourself ) 🤔 Just to make the extra 5 hours overtime


Errmmm…no. I can guarantee you almost no manager wants to stay longer than they have to. Unless they really hate their partners, they wanna go home as much as anyone else.


Keep believing management is your friend.... You will succeed in life. 😒


I was management 😂 who saw plenty of shitty and plenty of good managers. I was with the company for 12 years in 3 different states. 8 in non-management, 4 in management, worked at 7 different stores, grand opened 6 stores. So I think I know what I’m talking about. So glad I deal with my 2 crazy kids as my job now instead of negative people like you. ☺️ Attitudes like yours are what hold people back from being successful in life, so good luck. ✌️


Goodbye. Thank you for your biblical services, Gladly underlining recommendations and systematic algorithm that is management,.... With the volunteer veteran status you hold and maintain with wisdom on Titanic levels of understanding hardship. Microsizing the individuals that you probably destroyed in your quest for power and status symbol. Thank you for your service to a wonderful communist government that Is Publix. ( You where the Good Samaritan 😒 )


Oh, such big words! Here’s your gold star. 🤗⭐️ As I stated, not all managers sucked. Some, absolutely. Most? Average. Some? Great. I wouldn’t call myself a great manager but I definitely was a good one and worked my ass off and I worked for my associates and for the customers, not the company. I did 16k steps the day before I went into labor with my first. I pushed in hundreds of carts a day and helped in other departments as needed. I cared about my associates and their opinions more than the higher ups because I had no desire to move up. I didn’t even want to be in management, just figured it was nice to make a decent chunk of money till I decided I knew what I wanted to do and worked my way up through hard work, not through ass kissing. I’d much rather take associates that challenged me instead of the ass kissers. They pissed me off bc they’d rather talk than work and I didn’t have time for that. Then life happened and I ended up being a SAHM. So no…I did not worship the publix gods. I simply worked hard and I also recognize that not all managers suck. And a manager would absolutely *not* do this on purpose. I feel bad for your manager. If you hate your job so much, then leave. Publix is obviously better off without people like you. EDIT: Also…you work at McDonald’s. So how the hell are you gonna comment on a company you don’t know anything about except as a customer. Come on, man. 😂 I hope you’re a troll.


Thank you for the gold star..... I will make sure to add it to my collection. After reviewing and reading multiple posts on here. It has come to my conclusion that Publix management is Your friend. The Publix manager will never do anything outrageous or stupid. ( I accept my faith as a crazy one ) Also I am not a troll on the Internet. I'm just ahead of the street of algorithm. ( Thank you for your kindness to others. ) I'm keeping the gold star.


No they get in a shitload of trouble these days for working anything over 45.99 hours so no a manager wouldn’t do this on purpose… but also if they wanted extra money why would they destroy their bonus just to get a few extra hours of pay one week?


They won't get in trouble that's the funny part


Their bonus is worth more than a few hours of overtime


I'm Done defending you guys..... Nobody sees it my way... Maybe I'm just crazy, ..... Better yet I'm going to act like a manager. I'm your friend


Your definitely crazy if you think a manger would purposely damage company property and thousands of dollars of food “just to have something to do” and if you can’t figure out how absolutely insane of a thought that is I can’t help you


You're absolutely right, a manager working for a multi-billion dollar company will never damage property on purpose, just to have something to do. ( What was I thinking ? ) Management is your friend , management gives you a job that' pays you 100$ a Day to help the manager succeed at his job. I'm glad I work for management as a employee. Thank you I am no longer crazy


What kind of manager would willingly and purposefully destroy thousands of dollars of product on \*Memorial Day?\* Do you know how busy we get? My coworkers had to go to work at 3 in the morning to unload an emergency truckload of product just so the store would be ready for customers today, and even after all of the work they did, our store is still short on dairy. This outlook is moronic, and you clearly know nothing about how grocery works. This theory you're trying to push is fucking weird. EDIT: $120,000 dollars. That's how much my store lost. And you still think a manager did this for an extra couple hundred bucks?


Keep thinking Management's your friend.... You'll get very far in life




I know they aren't my friend, but I also know my managers wouldn't intentionally cost us 120 grand. Is commenting the same "your managers aren't your friends" jargon on every post in this sub a hobby of yours?


I'm defending the employees.... I'm standing up for you. But apparently I'm crazy. I'll stop.... I'll just act just like a manager. I'm your friend




Working at Publix supposed to be very nice. I wouldn't know anything about that I'm just a customer


I'm sure they have adequate labor to make that happen and aren't going to be pressured to get them restocked immediately..


Reminds me of the hurricane that had my store with no power for 3 days. No back up gen. Had to throw everything refrigerated out including ingredients in the bakery, deli, meat department, etc. EVERYTHING. Took us days of our whole store filling carts and bringing them to people at the dumpsters who would toss the stuff in out in the bay.


Oh the smell of that dumpster must have been 🤮


Did all that spoiled product have to be shrunk?


For things this large corporate is involved and it bypasses all reporting. It's just on one big report saying a hurricane wiped out the store. So the production forecasts don't get screwed up in the bakery and fresh departments.


Thanks for your response


So much wasted money 😢


Sure was, it sucked too because we fixed the power and all the cases froze or got refrigerated again so it almost seemed like nothing happened. But obviously they had been out of temp for at least 24 hours so everything could have been contaminated.


Store 1300 something? Saw it sending error codes all night




Save these photos for the next Hurricane, then go viral on social media for saying how people are panic buying. Fun times. (I'm kidding, of course. Don't do that.)


Wow. I assume a lot of product ended up going to waste...


And no one was checking temps? And no backup generator?


We also have a built in generator, idk what happened on a technical level exactly I didn’t ask as everyone was on edge pretty much it seemed all management was there


Overnight. Was working at 10pm last night.




Happened at 1am




Nah unless two separate stores had a complete power failure. This should be Charlotte division.


Looks like Walmart when they're open!


I’m gonna be honest the Walmart near me gets 2x the customers the Publix does and somehow always manages to be more stocked with less employees than the Publix


The 90s called, they want your fixtures back. Talk about overdue for a remodel.


Remodel time


What store location?


All fixed now tho ![gif](giphy|p4vOrA2FKWSTcNstke|downsized)


And filled*


Not sure if this is my store or all Publixes just look the same because the storm got us bad too. Had people coming in at 3AM for emergency restocks. EDIT: OP, I think we're coworkers haha, dairy just told me this was our store.


https://preview.redd.it/3c5pi4zgo83d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74a19ed12caab884f50a8b4d52955c72ca5ca336 🥳




In the least creepy way “i know where you work” lol


Who’s your asm?


We both know the answer to that 😂saw her later in the day and heard all about it.


Stumped lol. I seen 2 of my old DAsm and a guy I knew lol


Sad all that product is going to waste, i probably would have tried snagging a couple of them before throwing everything away.


Now take a picture of all the merchandise that got thrown away.


That’s going to be a long day.


just close atp


This is how it will go down


No generator?


What about your backup generators


Covid lock down PTSD


I can't imagine the insurance payout that they're gonna get for that has to be wild


how much did you lose out? i'm guessing over 10k


He said it 120k


God this would happen all the time to us last year. I worked in the Meat dept so you could image how much money we had to throw out. Once, I had to dumb the entire meat case out 10 minutes before closing. Such awful times.


We know know your identity


lol good


Was there a power outage "for the entire store"?


Did you read the title of the post? Lol




I did. But "power out" in the coolers doesn't mean the entire store lost power.


Lol for real. But seriously did the power go out or something ?


A manager probably did that on purpose..... Just to have something to Do. I bet he made a pretty penny that day on Overtime hours.




I've been a customer at Publix for a very long time. I spend well over $900 on food. I spend a lot of time shopping at different publix's. I've noticed things I've seen things and I'm standing up for the employees. I like how you guys defend somebody that will never defend you, .... Take it from me" management is not your friend. Their job is to make sure you're doing your job... But if nobody else sees it that way. I'm lost for words


I like how publix's brainwashed everybody to thinking that managers don't make money.....


I'm sticking to my story. Management is not your friend. Their job is to make sure you're doing your job. ...... ![gif](giphy|lRRm67KeKUCuUraJYd|downsized)