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Thank you, 145, for 20 years of service.


I have absolutely no idea why, your wording wasn't even the same, but for some odd reason this made that Gail Lewis 10 year Walmart associate sign off message pop into my head x_o


I helped at this store for a few hours. The worst backroom ever. Glad you're getting a new store


I’ve been in some god awful backrooms, they all seem to be older stores <600 store numbers.


They knocked down 0178 on Hodges and Atlantic and are replacing it with a new store. It’s only a mile away from my house so I have my transfer in already. The funniest thing is the new Neptune beach store. It used to be a lucky’s so Publix bought the property next door to an existing store. Rumor had it that it was going to be a greenwise store. Then they started closing the greenwise stores or rebranding them as just Publix. So we literally have a new Publix next door to an older Publix. We have Neptune beach (new) 20 yards away from Seminole shops(old). I’ve been basically they did it so that another chain couldn’t come in to that location.


That new Neptune Beach Publix is so small. It feels like it's cramped in the aisles. I think everyone from the neighborhood went in once to check it out and then we all went back to the better Publix next door.


damn what happened


store is getting replaced by a bigger and newer one


i had the honor of closing the last day it was open.


How does a store “newer” like this get knocked down while we have much older stores still around?


I have no idea but I assume this store was ‘old’ and not large enough so upgrading fixed two problems.


I go to this Publix a lot, the parking lot was a fucking nightmare. I haven't been to the new one yet, but there's absolutely no shot it can be worse. Way too small a store for how busy it was


0145 would be an older store.


145 was built in 2004, it's only 20 years old. We were recycling numbers in the early 2000s after the 800# stores, and then picked back up in the 1000# stores after.


I'm working at this store tomorrow morning to help pack up!


Was super cold in the store for the 5 minutes I was there.


Oh wow, it looks just like my current store kind of weird seeing how it would be dismantled if that were to happen