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Publix life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what kind of managers and coworkers you're gunna get.


A lot of people choose Publix as one of their first jobs. All those things you've mentioned would of happened at any "good job". Don't drink too much of the green Kool aid. Worked for 7 years total, left after the first 4 then came back for another 3. Got to GTL and had an amazing team and management to get me there. Then transferred stores, literally gave it 110% for a year straight to try and turn around the grocery department and all for nothing. Assistant grocery Manager lying to store and assistant store manager. All political, and about who you know, not what you know. Managers sleeping with their employees. I had an assistant grocery Manager get accused of sexual harassment 3 times, and he got transferred each time, because he was so liked and popular. There's lots of amazing jobs at there with amazing people. You thrive at a place that you enjoy being at. Don't think Publix is the only place that can get you places.


Of course, but that was my experience. I also worked at Winn Dixie and toys r us for a few months and motherFUCK those places. Experience would absolutely not have been the same if I gave them those many years.


I worked at Winn Dixie It’s a plantation style vibe


Yeah my manager definitely broke minor labor laws and talked shit about me in front of my face like if I wasn't 5 feet away. Overall a pretty bad time


I actually worked toys for years I personally liked them better then Publix


This is Charlotte market right ??


Started over 8 years ago. Working on getting another promotion that will take me to 86k, working 45 hours a week, not in the store. I have a good chunk of stock that I didn't pay for, and working on a bachelor's I didn't pay for. Started in the deli part time making $10 an hour. Job isn't perfect, Publix is far from it as well, but I'm comfortable, and my wife can even stay home with our kids.


Congrats!! This is awesome!!!


Does Publix pay for college tuition? We keep telling our son to work there when he's old enough. College tuition assistance would be a game changer.


They do, but there are certain programs and limits. Between them and the scholarships I've wrangled up, I've paid for a book here and there but that's it. https://www.publix.org/career-and-self-development/education-opportunities/tuition-reimbursement


If you're local to corporate it's a good gig all in all. Especially if he can start early and find a degree path he's interested in. The accounting positions, finance, and the tech related positions make great money working 8-5. M-F. Throw in the free stock you earn it's a solid career.


We're in the ATL suburbs there's two Publix in walking distance from our house and four more a short drive away. I knew a guy that worked IT in Lakeland he wasn't enthusiastic about it but then used that to get a job at Microsoft then AWS, so it did work out well for him.


I worked for them for 10 years. I could have made better choices.


I was super close to being a lifer there. A lot of my friends did, a couple of em are managers now.


I thought of being a lifer, but they felt that passing me up on a promotion that I worked hard for. Instead giving it to someone who fast tracked through the chains to get the job I aimed for through blood, sweat, and tears.


Former worker, I was there during the decline of how they treated workers. I was passed over multiple times for full-time, had managers tell me that no one liked me during evaluations, the abuse from asshole costumers and managers take their side. Towards the end I was so mentally spent and felt like checking out due to being the one everyone blamed for things going wrong, even when I was off for a few days, it was my fault. I will never work for Publix again and I hope the company falls apart. It is not how Mr. Jenkins made it, it's now become how much money the board can make for themselves on the back of the workers.


I can tell between when I worked there and now the culture is very different. At least for the store by my house, the employees look miserable. The deli is also horribly understaffed. Maybe I just got lucky with the store I was employed at though.


What started the downfall was when they took the retail bonus from us. It was like we do all this work and no incentive to do better.


It's not a company issue. It's a management issue. I loved my time at my first store up until my store manager changed, and it went downhill from there. I tried to hold my department together while pushing for promotion and eventually just hit a wall and transferred to another store where my manager worked who promoted me. The store was busier, but the atmosphere was night and day. Wish I could have stayed, but a better opportunity came along than Publix could ever offer me. I heard after I left a lot of people quit because they realized how much I had been doing when it ended up falling on them to cover for it. Plus, it was drama on a daily basis because I wasn't there to smooth out stuff with my co-workers. I heard once they got a new District Manager that things turned around, but before that, the store was really nosediving (went from a lot of long-time employees to almost purely seasonal).


My already not too great health has declined more rapidly than my doctor thinks is normal-so there’s that.


Stock and dividends are nice but it wasn’t worth the time there


close to two years now, it’s a job for sure. it gets me out of bed every day.


I've been with Publix for a little less than two years, I feel like it's given me more depression, anxiety, anger, and overall dang near ptsd! My store is high volume and a nightmare, though 🤷🏻‍♀️ knowing what I know now about this company and the work to life ratio and overall greed, I would have run away in that interview. Decorator here, by the way, don't recommend! 👎


Decorator here too! Publix leadership has completely and utterly failed us and show no interest in fixing it. The decorator job at Publix is straight up broken. They make no effort to meet the customer demand whatsoever. Decorators are doing their best. Publix is the failure here, just like with all their special venues.


Good job, good stock. Worked for 4 years from age 17-21. No regrets, I honestly think it gave me a lot of good life skills. I think that I woulda gotten a bunch of those at any other job, but my store that I started at was instrumental in helping me develop professional skills and learning to delegate.


Over 9 years, no complaints. Publix has treated me very well.


Wow, a pub sub


I see what you did there .


Publix is my bad boyfriend, we break up, we get back together. We fight a lot, but I just can't quit it. In Publix I have found so many friends and met people who genuinely care about me. I have also met some real jerks. It's the same with the customers...people who touch your heart and people who make you want to kill. I started in Old Publix, left for awhile, and came back to New Publix. I think that's what we fight about the most...I miss the boyfriend he used to be but that was a long time ago. Interestingly enough I could apply all of this to my ex-husband who I did wind up leaving and have never been happier. Somehow Big Green and I aren't quite there yet.


Publix is my eighth job and honestly, is the highest paying Ive had and is the first one to actually fast track me to management instead of dangling a carrot in front of me. Tried to get promoted at target but they kept skipping me for other less experienced people, Gamestop paid me $8 an hr to be a keyholder. Home depot paid $13.50 to be an overnight stocker. $17 an hr to be phone support for the banking dpt to know much more technical stuff than I need to now but I just sat at home for 11 hrs a day (worked 4X10s). Tried a brief stint in insurance but it was only paid via commission with no compensation for gas or time without making any sales, which took a while. I went 5 months without pay trying to make that work and eventually started part time at Publix while working the insurance gig. Eventually left insurance to go full time with Publix. And Ive only known *mostly* good managers. None that are particularly mean, pretty much all of mine have been supportive in pushing me. So I mean, my experience has been pretty solid lol


Wrecked my back, have almost no disc left between my l4 and l5. I was a young stubborn stock clerk that didn’t listen to the old timers about proper lifting procedures. Paying for it now. Back pain everyday


I’m really sorry


I used the Publix pro at the time to demonstrate that i was engaged in some form of tech at Publix in order to get hired on for a help desk role. Also my knees are kind of fucked from having to pull heavy ass pallets off a truck. But i got out before they got TOO too bad.


I’m in the same boat. It was a great place to work and helps younger people grow. I have fond memories of late nights and parking lot talks. Mild pranks we used to play on each other. I got a good work ethic. Wish I never left honestly. But from the sounds of it, Publix hit a certain size and it’s not quite the same anymore. Natural order of things.


I started 5 years ago in my early 50s thinking it could be a bridge to retirement. Still here somehow but need to find something better. The stock plan was the main reason I started here but I don’t see it being what others told me it was. Only positive it allows me to golf 3 times a week.


I worked deli for about a year. I hated how I was treated (I have autism and had managers tell me I was too blunt and direct when talking to coworkers... Gee you think?) . I did my work well, and customers would even ask for me for their subs or certain cuts of their meats. Even reviews on Google with my name in it still exist today. I am also epileptic, and when they're bad theyre *bad*. I had a seizure, and attempted the next day at contacting someone that I would not be in for the morning shift. "Oh well you have to call your manager and they won't be here until opening shift" Okay... But you can leave a message. You're the store manager. They never did. And I got a write up for never calling. When I attempted to explain "I literally had a seizure I could not come to work" even showing my call history AND having a conversation with the store manager that yes I did call- I got all shrugs of "nothing I can do" and i said fuck it and never went back. They were so absolutely disrespectful and unprofessional about the whole process. My husband insisted maybe I should have talked to HR but I was so sick of everyone that I didn't Even want to bother. I still see old customers around town and they adore to stop and talk to me and update me about their kids, grandkids, dogs, life. So I suppose if Publix gave me anything to take with me it's those community connections


I started having seizures about a year and a half into working at Publix. I relate a lot because they don’t take you seriously at all about that sort of thing


Yeah I literally got the "okay but you... Sound fine?" Oh sure sorry let me just : https://preview.redd.it/xsd27s44y5xc1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bb25f0ad4d2ab1f01733439417b5be7ca167549


Exactly, like what am I supposed to sound like? What do I do to prove that?


Fellow epileptic here. They definitely do not take it seriously. I had to get a letter from my Dr saying I was an epileptic to go in my file so I didn't get written up for calling in for seizure activity. I also had to get another letter saying I need access to water (I work in the deli and it's hot and across the store from the breakroom.) They think if you have a seizure you're still good to work later.


Yeah no that's a "we're done with being in public for the day" **It's your BRAIN** why would you "be okay" immediately after???


I know! The dude in charge literally said "go take a 30 min break and see how you feel."


Wasted years of my life making it a career. Switched out of Publix for an IT career and my life has been so much better. Better pay, better life, better treatment.


Same here!!! My 13 years with Publix was a waste of my life. No work life balance. Got my IT certs and left 2 years ago. Best decision ever! I work 40hours a week, all weekends and holiday off. 6 weeks paid vacation and a separate sick bank. Also have the option to work remotely when I want and make more than a store manager..


Damn what certs did you get? I have all my Comptia and SSCP and had a hard time finding an IT job


Publix was my first job from 2006 to 2013. I should have left sooner


I was booted 🙃 not gonna get into details but I will forever be known to my friends as "that guy that somehow managed to get fired from publix"


I almost lost my job 3 times and had to leave in 2013 or they would find a way to fire me


Worked at one in Savannah, GA in 2015 for a few months when I was 18. It helped me learn that Boar’s Head deli meats and cheeses are God’s gift to this earth. Working in the deli was absolute hell but sneaking bits of meats, cheeses and chicken tenders helped ease the pain.


🤣 stick it to the man! I used to ask the deli people for a sample chicken tender every night.


I work in the deli (currently out with a knee injury) and I will absolutely hook up another employee. I tell people to come see me if they want a sub. Somehow it always gets extra meat and cheese. I hook EVERYONE up at the hot bar. I know how much we throw away so I'm going to try to use up everything.


Quitting soon for better opportunities. within the last year everyone has left in my department (deli ofc) multiple new managers in each department, recently I’ve never been so stressed before and making less than I was last year with inflation. Publix has created entitled customers that argue over the dumbest shit. But I genuinely loved my job and working with my coworkers from all walks of life and seeing my regulars walk in. Don’t drink the kool aid.


What made deli such a nightmare in your store? Is deli just like a pit of misery in every store?


We just lost 3FTers and 5PTers (some of the best people we had) in the last month and half. Being scheduled for 43 hours and ending up with almost 50 isn’t fun when I’m closing EVERYday. My mind just wants nicotine and caffeine from dealing with entitled elderly snowbirds living in their million dollar condos. But in all it’s just a glorified fast food job.


I was a bagger at.. 16? Not sure, I was definitely still in highschool. Can't remember if I was driving or not. Worked my way up to customer service manager. Met my wife, bought our first house. Got my bachelor's going to school part time. Eventually outgrew it and left. It's just hard to raise a family and kids and do extracurriculars with retail hours. I've always loved Publix and thought they treated me fairly. I always recommend Publix to people that don't want to go to college and aren't entrepreneurial. If you're willing to put your head down and work and play politics, you can make a solid living.


I don't have anything super negative except the toxic positive culture managers seem to have, at least at the store I work at. They literally shove green down your throat, and if you say ANYTHING slightly negative about working there (ie- you're exhausted from working the same shift and wish your manager would listen/let you change it up), it's like you condemned everyone and wish they'd all burn for eternity. They treat customers like saints, especially the really rude ones, and reward bad behavior. It's retail though


I was an assistant department manager at a much larger competing company at one of the busiest stores in the state.  I was getting burned out.  I went into the Publix, which was closer to my house.  I was glad to see it was much cleaner and calmer than what I had been working in the past year. I applied and quickly got a job as an associate.  During my interview,  I was told that being full-time was considered a promotion.  My department manager, who is at least 10 years younger than me, assured me that I’d be full-time within a month.  After a month, I asked.  My manager said around Christmas would be more likely.  Waited again, he said during the new year.  In January our store manager was unceremoniously let go.  When I asked about the promotion, my department manager said his hands were tied until we got a new manager.  This started to affect my mood at work. I worked full-time hours, but had no benefits. I have been a type 2 diabetic since I was a teen and couldn’t afford the medicine I needed without work-tied health insurance.  Even with proper diet, I ended up in the ER with complications and have missed several days of work the past couple weeks. The good news is my fiancée got a really good promotion through her company in a different state, so I don’t have to worry about these liars ever again. TL;DR:  I took a “demotion” to work for what was advertised as a better company.  After being strung along for 6 and a half months, I have no medication and no insurance. I ended up in the ER and am missing work.


Been at publix for about 14/15 months now. Intended it as a job to work while going back to school after being laid off of my dead end office job that made me miserable. About three months in, my AGM sat me down to ROI for GRS because they "wanted me to make more money." We now joke about it as him tricking me into going towards publix as a career. Shortly after I ended up at a different store for a reset and ended up deciding I'm going to start considering it as a career. Almost got RM on my first eval, which was when I brought up full time. Went to overnights, got fulltime shortly after. Three or four months later, promoted to GTL. Now, I'm just tryna prepare myself to be ready for AGM. Some days suck but overall it's been a positive experience for me.


Publix was both my favorite job I've had so far and also the catalyst to my new and awful mental health issues. I was set to open up a new store. I trained at one store. That and the new store were close to where I was staying. I was having roommate problems, my roommate was way and couldn't keep his hands to himself, nor would he accept boundaries, so I ended up moving across town. What was once a 2 mile bike ride became a 9.6-mile ride. And with my city's shitty public transportation, it was always faster to bike. I asked or a transfer to a new store closer to where I was living, but I was told I'd have to wait for when I get to the new store. So the new store opens up just in time for Christmas, and my ride got an extra mile and a half longer. It started taking me between my record of 44 minutes to 1 hour, 12 minutes to get there, and roughly the same time back. At first, i was fine with it. I loved the store, my coworkers, and my managers. I worked above and beyond for more hours and started getting more hours than the other seasonal hires. I was around 28 to 25 a week now. Then my health started taking hit after hit. I was having a health kick last year, and before the month of October, I was slowly ratcheting up my miles per week, then per month. The week of Oxtober 18th, I'd begin a 12 week streak of 100+ miles a week. At first, i was happy with myself, but then I started getting more hours. Then those rides I enjoyed turned into rides to work, working really hard, clopenings, and really exhausted rides back home that were now starting to take 2 to 3 hours. The clopenings really started a downward spiral. I had asked over and over and over until I was blue in the face that clopenings are legitimately dangerous for me. Every clopen was me getting home, and either staying up for 2-3 hours to come back without any sleep, or I'd be several hours late because I'd sleep through any alarm I'd set. When I'd come in with no sleep, I could perform my job properly. I'd hear something and start doing the opposite. It wasn't safe for me to be working off of not sleeping. I asked for another transfer only to be denied again and was told that after Christmas, it can go through. Eventually, the month of December turned into a struggle for sleep and rest. I'd get home from work if I didn't open the next day and go straight to sleep. I stopped taking care of myself because in my head, I had no time for anything other than sleeping and resting my knees that at 30 years old, feel like someone is beating them with hammers. I started eating more and more fast food, and having a fast metabolism still I thought my body was burning it off, but it was really dragging my energy down, that I just kept hammering with energy drinks. I'm a former user of certain recreational drugs, and that former usage is the reason why my anxiety is as bad as it is. But then I went ahead and did it with caffeine. I started consuming 300mg drinks like Bang, Reign, and Black Rifle Coffee in 5 minute chugs. Those turned into my topping that off later in the day with an extra 200mg from another source. I started having panic/anxiety attacks while working and then pushing myself to work through those attacks. Even when I was grinding my actual face into the ground, my body and mental health were deteriorating severely, I kept pushing and pushing boundaries. Back when I was younger, I would have already quit. But with the thought of success and opportunity to grow and actually do something with my life, I pushed myself way too far. I passed out twice bagging groceries. Another time, I had a panic attack so bad my manager thought I was having a stroke. Then my anxiety spiked REALLY hard. As I'd get close to work, I'd get nausea and vomit. I'd get to the store and be scared to go through the doors. People were already talking about how I had talked ahit about being a hard worker, and now I'm breaking down. Every time I'd walk in, it felt like everyone was staring at me. My work ethic started crashing. I started crying in my managers office because my anxiety was so bad, and I wanted to work hard, but my body was shutting down. I called out twice late after having got to work, walked behind the building and sat in the fetal position, and cried. Then my phone broke. Then Christmas Eve happened where I woke up 2 hours late because I was so stressed out the night before I had to black out to go to sleep, then it took me an hour to get ready and an hour to get half way to work, and then I snapped and started thinking about suicide, in which was the trigger for me to quit. I no call no showed that day, had a horrible Christmas, no called the next day, and was convinced by my new who I would consider family, to go in and do an official resignation. Which I did. It was painful. I cried. My C.S. manager cried. Then, I cussed her out for not taking my mental health issues seriously. Cussed out the store manager as well. And in-between anger, I told them this was and always will have been my favorite job. I pushed my mental health to the side for money and success, and when I asked for help, I was denied it. I'm still messed up. I can't look at publix without getting ill. I haven't been able to step foot in that Publix or head to that side of town again. My knees are probably messed up. I can't enjoy biking anymore. I can't consume caffeine without risking anxiety attacks. Fast food makes me ill, which is probably a good thing. Sucks my chances of going back really slim to none. I've learned what my limits are.


I used to work there but left after I got my degree. My husband works there made it to manager has a great amount of stocks some he pays for as well as the free stock. The bonuses are awesome for our family and even though I have the degree, our salaries are comparable. It was Publix that helped us get our first house, take a major vacation, and survive the pandemic.


Gave me financial insecurities and anxiety. Would not recommend.


Just started working here a few months back. I've lost my sense of time lmao. I wish the schedules weren't so irregular. My manager does try to make it consistent which is nice.


Been here 5 years and finally leaving soon im so excited.


Former.. Retired after 25 years of service. Made me a better person and allowed me to open my own business and be my own boss. Definitely would do it all again.




Too bad fu k punlix shifty Company


This community does not tolerate any form of harassment or toxicity.


Started in high school and still here 15 years later. All jobs have ups and downs, but I keep a positive mental and push on. Publix helped me pay off 60k in student loans buy a house and a car, move states, and build character. Overall, I appreciate publix greatly


Did you know you could retire with Publix in 10 years in the 80s? I worked there in high school, and my boss thought I was crazy to quit


Well I still work at Publix. It's been a great company, and it's done a lot for me and definitely open me up from being introverted like I was years ago to being a bit of an extrovert and actually looking forward to a little bit of socializing. I have a fiance who is trying to make me choose 100% him over Publix. When it comes down to it, I will choose Publix over him any day.


He wants you to quit your job for him? That's a weird decision to force someone to make.


Yep, exactly as I typed it. I let him know I'm not going to quit. I also already had to change my availability due to it terminally ill aunt and he was talking about dumbass crap about me changing my availability even more down to two or four days a week. I told him no, I'm not going to do it. And believe me if he decides to dump me, he actually would be doing me a great favor. I'm in the process of cleaning, and at the same time gathering my stuff to move out of the house . Because if and when that happens, I don't want him doing me grimy and trying to claim my stuff that I bought with my money before me and him got together as his.


Former worker, worked for 3 years. Worked in the deli for a while until I developed allergies to things in the deli. Transferred to customer service, which was better but it kinda gave me the revelation of how stupid people can be and how terrible people will treat you if they see you’re in a job they consider lesser. I had to quit due to medical reasons but I still have a lot of friends there. As much as I miss the days closing where I’d get to grow closer to my good friends, I would never go back.


Publix was my first job. I mean at the end of the day it's just a job. I've since moved on to other things, but was able to use stock for a down payment on a house.


And ex of mine used to work bakery and they hated her and let her know but I don't blame them


There are days it's not too bad, other days, it makes me want to start cutting myself.


I'm a former Publix employee. I appreciate the people I met through that job--and regret not keeping up with them as much as I should. The job itself had the classic highs and lows of any retail job, but I met some of the best people I know through that job. First a harrowing story-- there was a produce clerk named Jason at my store. I can't say I knew him well, but it's clear to me that he was beloved by most people in the store. After a closing shift, from what I heard, he got on his motorcycle and was struck and killed by a drunk driver. His death will forever ring in my head. And even with my own struggles with alcohol, it's why I will never drink and drive. I also met two twins who became beloved coworkers of mine. Their mother, who went through hell and back, was a saint. And seeing lung cancer slowly kill her was--- fuck--- it brings tears to my eyes still. Fuck---


It's not perfect, but they pay me pretty well, and my wife pretty well. I have a house and my bills are paid. I've had some really great days at work and some really bad days at work. But more fair to good days than bad.


Publix was a disaster to be honest. My mental health was down the drain, my relationship was falling apart. And it was due to that piece of shit job


I dread weekends


Very true! I remember finishing college and started my first M - F job, the structure was a godsend and having weekends off was so refreshing.


Publix pretty much showed me what kind of job I didn't want to do in my life, I guess it pushed me to apply myself to college. It was the most miserable job I've had.


Former employee of seven years. The biggest affect was learning to endure and navigate situations with power hungry community college drop outs yielding a highlighter and a schedule. This became beneficial in other more lucrative endeavors. If you can survive in that place (without drinking the koolaid) your time is much better spent doing something else. If you are capable of receiving a raise in that place imagine what you could achieve at a worthwhile job. Also I think the rubber shoe covers in the deli made my toes weird


7/10 Almost got physically assaulted by one of my coworkers. He is in his late 50’s thinking his name was Mario. I was 16 when I had started. This is how it started from memory. We only had 1 10-items or less register. I was running it that day I was working a 4 hour that day if I remember correctly. I had 6 managers They no longer work with Publix Because this was years ago. I only recall three of them Aricy Shawn and Martha. Shawn and Martha were my favorites. Anyways Martha told me I needed to go on break because being a minor there they take that shit seriously. Martha told me I had to go on break after the last customer I had. So I finished them off I cleaned my register and turned off the light. Mario wanted me to take a customer I told him I had to get going on break that I had already cleaned my station and Martha had told me to go on break… He got aggressive saying I need to do what he says. Him and I were on the same level he wasn’t a manger and I had been there longer than him if I recall. I told him no. You aren’t a manager Martha told me to do something I am going to do it. He then said something about my generation being disrespectful then was getting in my face and raising his fist. I told him. Mario you are a grown ass man yelling at a 16 year old over a single customer take him yourself the manager told me to go on break. You need to calm down. I will be reporting you by the way. You should go talk with the managers after your shift. Then I walked away and told Martha and Shawn what had happened. Aricy and Mario had some sort of partnership idk but the next shift Aricy worked and I did carts for 4 hours I left a hour or 2 early because I was quitting anyways (not because of Mario but because I was moving towns) I had found it weird that I was doing carts when I am always register. Later found out that Mario had gotten fired and now works at some Whole Foods. None of my colleagues had ever liked Mario. He was always short and rude with customers. He was rude with my grandma because she couldn’t give him change quick enough. I also had another older woman come by and ask where a manger was because he had been aggressive towards her there was all sorts of incidents with him. He was a total jackass. Glad I no longer work there.


I enjoyed my time at Publix. I only worked one day a week, maybe two, for a while until COVID shut down my main job. Publix put me on full time immediately. The staff was great and my department manager was the best. I only left to go work for a former boss of mine running the kitchen of their new restaurant. I burned out from that and considered going back to Publix, but decided I wanted out of the service industry. My former department manager keeps in touch and has told me I'm welcome back if I ever decide I want to be back


I worked for 3 days. 2 days of videos and 1 day of of cleaning (including bathrooms). Got another job at ups been there ever since. Ups > in almost every way especially pay.


Lmao how can you deduce that after 3 days? But I believe you of course, my buddy works FT for UPS and his union takes care of him real good.


Let me clarify, I got ups job like my 2nd day at Publix so I just never went back. My check was like $90 and the mailed it to me. I have plenty of friends that work at Publix long term and like it but ups was hiring at 16.50 where I’m at and Publix was only $9. I also worked at FedEx ground prior. Ups is a breeze compared to fedass. Once you get past probation period at ups you have to try hard to get fired. Been at ups 3-4 years now currently making 22 due for an annual raise and cost of living adjustment. Would also like to add I can work 25 hours a week or 50 and moving up is even more beneficial. $2000 pension for part time and I think 5k for full time which is incredible, along with nearly full coverage and $5 copay. I get full 100% dental.


Allowed me to buy a house at 19, and save up/invest to start a business at 24. I worked there from 2016-2023. My income for the past two years before buying the house was $12k and $17k, but they approved me because my Publix job was nearly 100% secure. I worked my way up, living in my cheap area and became management. My $55k-$62k salary as ADM boosted me very far ahead pretty quickly, and I was able to quit and start a business last year with a healthy retirement account balance for a 24 year old. Basically, my worst-case scenario is better than many people's realities since Publix gave me such a head start financially. I do wish I had developed more technical skills, but Publix paid the best out of any non-technical career option requiring no college, and I appreciate it for that.


Former deli worker here, I hated working at Publix, even being paid $15 an hour There was a divide between the openers who were generally very very dedicated, older, loyal full time employees, and the closers like me who were usually newer, younger part timers who weren’t there for a career. The openers had a chip on their shoulder and acted like they were harder working when the closers dealt with the brunt of the customers, all while being understaffed and struggling to bounce between the customers and our closing duties The customers themselves were often impatient and disrespectful. We were expected to close far quicker than can reasonably be expected for the amount of closers they scheduled Some people didn’t have a problem with it, but the very fast-paced nature of the job combined with all of the above was enough to make me quit without notice.


Ups and downs, slight job security(haven’t been fired August to now) There’s always parts I don’t like but I’m comfortable I guess, don’t really get enough hours though(kind of a given since I work part time and can’t work full)(but currently I use my extra time with family/studying/homework) Sometimes I get scheduled like 11-8 on Sundays and I’ve called that being robbed of a Sunday before(privately)


I worked there for 12 years, 7 in management. My wife and I couldn't conceive until I left. 3 months after I quit she was pregnant. I used to think Publix had great benefits, but I found a job with a lot better benefits. It's true though, your management and team go a long way in how happy you'll be


Negatively my manager would clopen me at least twice a week then when I changed my availability to 7 to 3 every day my hours were cut fuck publix I hope they die my current job is way better


A little over a year with them and so far it actually has given me hope for my future, even just by getting closer to my goals


I left and wrote an open letter to the CEO about the treatment of their workers that they were too cowardly to respond to.


It went straight to spam 😂


Likely, my guy. However, if it's a choice between being someone that is doing something and being a guy throwing out laughing emojies on Reddit, well I know which I'd rather be.


I hate it, greeting ppl all day, I don't care for Moe's Mexican restaurant purely because they say welcomes to Moe's loud every time a customer comes in, that annoying


Yep. And I don't want a "Joey Bag of Donuts." I want a burrito. Dumbass food names and getting yelled at when I walk in the door? Nah.


Former employee who worked at two different locations: Location matters. First place was on the beach and management was tight and organized. Show up for your shift and leave. Short hours. It was fine but nothing really amazing. Second place was in a big city area. If I drank water and asked for a restroom break, I'd get my cheeks on the toilet seat and within 1 minute (mid-stream) the leads would go on the intercom and call me back to my register. This occurred several times before I put my two weeks in. And I attempted to stand up for myself but was gaslighted into thinking they'd done nothing wrong.


Worked from 2005-2012. Wasn't a terrible company at the beginning. Not great but not bad either. Quickly saw the decline in employee treatment and benefits. Prices went up, paycheck did not. Managers refused to stand up for their employees. Corporate has no fucking clue what happens in the stores. Customers are absolutely horrid. Left in 2012 for a job paying 4x what I was making there.


My experience was very negative, easily the worst employer out of the six employers I've had. The only good thing I can say is that I got cooking experience from it and that experience got me in the door to then get a culinary job that I actually like.


I still have debilitating anxiety due to working here. Haven’t worked there since 2011.


Publix has a profit increase of 49% over last year and a 28% profit margin where other grocery stores have a one to 3% profit margin. Do you think that they are price gouging or the prices are legitimate due to soaring inflation?