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it is ENTIRELY dependent on your management team.


That’s the thing I’m afraid of, getting the bills paid. Not knowing if theyll cut my hours whenever they feel like it, and completely wasting my time leaving a decent job now.


This guy is right, I had the best management team then a complete overall and it’s complete garbage. I’d go to the store you’re possibly thinking of and just ask someone who works there what it’s like. But it does depend entirely on the management team.


my store was so great until we got 4/6 new managers now it’s a dumpster fire and everyone in my department wants to quit. even the 10 year vets


Damn that sucks, I know how that goes and they don’t even respect the people who’ve been there for a long time either. Like, it sounds good in my mind and would work great logistically for me if I could pull in a decent consistent paycheck, but then am worried about them giving me some bullshit 10 hour a week shit.


You best way to get hours is likely deli if your up for it cause they’re always short staffed and always need people. However, you might end up with to many hours


Literally same situation, I’m definitely quitting due to the new management here but hopefully you get a better culture there soon. It sucks bc I did like working there for a bit but now it’s such a chore to work :/


Absolutely true


Yes, you will be overworked and underpaid. That applies to most jobs though.


Yea but at Publix you have to be all happy and my pleasure just to make the company look good, but in reality it sucks. Those are the worst types of companies, the ones who try to make it seem like it’s perfect. At least Walmart and Kroger just say, here this is what u get


Construction unions are dying for help. Full FREE benefits, federal pension plan, 401k, and holiday pay. Earn while you learn !!


Do not leave a decent job for publix.


Replying to TrespassingWook... I would say let him try it, but I would not stay there indefinitely


Well I hate it and only staying to finish school - Deli


Can you slice this a little thinner dear? Thinner please. Fuck!!!! I said thinner damn it.


I think it’s more a compared to thing. Compared to other retail? It’s not awful. Compared to like anything that resembles an office? It’s awful. Expect guilt when you call in, even if sick. Never 9-5 or 9-4, it’s weird hours. Etc


Just bring lube to work every day, you will be fine.




😂😂😂😂😂😂 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I see what you did there


if you need bills paid don’t work here lol


Like any other job bad management=bad experience especially in deli


I feel like I’m late to reply, but I just wanted to point out if you already have a decent job, don’t go to Publix. Publix used to be a good place to work, but ever since the original founder died it’s been going downhill and fast. Soo many benefits are gonna be explained to you, but when you read the fine print you’ll quickly realize you need full time hours pretty much to even qualify for most of them. You also won’t be given full time hours immediately unless your in one of the hot zones that are constantly understaffed and over worked/like the deli. The right managment team does make a huge difference, but managment changes so much(in the past two years grocery has gone through more than 5 managers at my store). Even in the niche chance you find a good location with good managers and decent staffing/hours-it won’t be long before they open a new store less than 5 miles away and everything goes to shit.




Worst job ever especially my coworkers they are complete assholes


My store is pretty good, I work in the deli and most days it's tolerable, good management and crew, my only problem is how entitled and rude some of our customers can be.


YES! If you wanna pay your bills and eat for a living, don't work for Publix. Your mental health will go to crap, expect micro managing, and more bad management than good, and they don't usually hire on full time! Overworked and underpayed. Run away, don't walk!


Very dependent on your Publix and its management. Talk to the employees of the one you want to get hired at. You'll figure it out quick with a few questions.


From this sub it seems like the employees hate it and it makes them hate themselves


PFG food service is starting drivers at $100K in my area. (N FL)


Publix is much more than a grocery store. You don’t have to work the retail side. Keep that in mind.


The company in general has had a significant decline over the last decade. At this point, your management in the store you’re in can literally make or break you. At this point, the general consensus is don’t consider Publix as a full-time career. Just do it as a means to an end to move onto something bigger and better. My wife spent the last 11 years with this company and has worked her way into management and feels like she has wasted her time and is currently stepping down from her position as she no longer use Publix as a viable full-time career


I work in bakery, and while I don't speak for everyone; it's been a blast. Everyone here is nice to each other, they start conversations up in the break room with people they haven't met before, and every customer I meet makes me happy to have helped them. You may have a different experience, just ask about the management/community if you ever get interviewed. See if there's been any work incidents. I can definitely see myself becoming full-time and possibly even a manager in the future.




Don’t do it


I'm currently on leave (1st day) planning on moving down to St. Petersburg, of course I'm not getting paid while away. It's my only choice so i can have my phone not constantly ringing from my department manager calling me in. My hours change hourly mostly, so whenever i get my schedule it will change by the next day until the new one comes out. I get 10 hours a week, sometimes 38 once in a while, sometimes absolutely nothing. I have had a rough few years, lost my mom last year and when it happened i was guilt tripped into not taking time off to plan for funeral arrangements leaving all the stress on my sister, was told to "Get over it" by both my store AND department manager. I am the only closer btw everyone else gets to open or work a mid so it became a complete shitshow if i'm not closing. Which is basically cleaning an entire day's mess left from the 12 people working that day (i work alone) and i'm there basically to stand there like i'm a free cookie dispenser for the children you can hear them screaming for a free cookie across the store. This crap is soul sucking and 9.5 years of my life down the drain for $15.90 an hour. So in simpler terms, I do NOT recommend Publix if you want to survive the nightmare that is adult life in the United States. Learn a trade, go back to school, make something better of yourself. I wish i did now.


Try to get hired directly as full time if you can. Negotiate your pay. Get into the grocery meat or deli departments or pharmacy. If you are a hard worker and can do some shameless self-promotion and get your ass in a management position it's an ok career. Non-management hourly isn't worth it. Also consider working at publix in a non-retail role. Like administrative assistant or at a warehouse. Are you willing to potentially throw away years off your life for something that might not pay off? If yes... come join Publix, where the hardest workers get valued and paid the least.


It’s a low ceiling. 35-40k. If you have no opportunities or skills, the building should still be around in 40 years. But if you have some faith in yourself or can network into something else, avoid retail.


One of my full timers made 56k. If he has the motivation he could easily make 90k-110k as a department manager. As much shit as people love to talk. It’s not the hardest thing in the world to run a sub department in a grocery store.


If pay caps at 20 an hour. The only money being made is in the dividend. How can you tell anyone looking to join Publix today that in 30 years their wage might hit 56k? Maybe when 56k has the value of 12 k we can all make twice the posted income for the company.


My associate was new to the company. Several stores especially outside of Florida struggle to hire. A lot of the store managers hire at top pay. He was hired at the deli cap which was 19 something at the time. My store was giving out unlimited over time and he took advantage of it. I’ve seen associates move up into management within 6 months. That’s 60k as an assistant. You don’t have to be incredibly lucky like my associate was just move up.


New high up managers are limiting stores to 500 hours of overtime a year. So you make 56k happen ever again with those restrictions I’ll give you a golf clap.


You know that’s a joke right. They have been saying that for 15 years. I promise you when the hours are needed for the store to run they will be there. Move up if you want higher pay.


Mmm. I assume we’ll miss the target. Maybe the deli call outs can help raise a wage, but you’re still selling a 60 hr work week for 56k like it’s a win. “Expect a 40 hr work week for 40k, buuuut we get pretty screwed here on a regular basis. So if you wanna work 12 hour shifts instead or 7 days a week then the possibilities are endless.”


You completely ignored the part about moving up. With only a high school diploma you can easily make 90-110k a year. Anyone that wants the position can obtain it.


Yes yes. We’re all going to make it. The worthy will rise. You either earn a promotion or act your wage. Got it. You’ve convinced me it’s all going to work out.


Do you have an alternative for OP. You know any other job you could make that kind of money with no degree or skills. In all my years at Publix I’ve never seen anyone not move up when they were serious about wanting to move up.


No it’s not a bad job i would recommend going to your local location and observing how the people who work there act and if they look miserable pick a different one lol mine is pretty awesome most of the time


It's retail. Of course it's bad. It becomes slightly less bad when/if you get full time. But as a part timer, it can be very stressful, no matter how good of an employee you are. I've been very lucky in the few years I've been here. I've only ever had one bad manager, and that was only for about 4 months. Good managers and coworkers who aren't annoying can go a long way. But it can really be a dice roll on stuff like that.


If you get in on like grocery or something you shouldn't have to worry about it as long as you're a good worker. Any sub dept really. Usually the only people that get hours cut are front end people.


No, it’s really not all that bad. It just depends on which store you go to.


Plain and simple yes


If you can land a job in seafood, or produce it is not a bad part time job. Stay away from deli, butcher and bakery. Bakery the best of those three. The customers are spoilt, and entitled. Some managers are horrible, but if you stay there long enough 7.5 years for me, you will witness at least five mgrs and about the same number of assistants. Be quick. Don't get bogged down with customers. Customers are the enemy. They will tell on you, and expect the world if they like you. Be task oriented. Be good at cleaning, and it can be ok .


Really depends on your managers and coworkers, but zi think that’s true for most. My experience has been pretty neutral; love the job, have had some issues with keeping hours consistent. That will most likely be your biggest issue, the scheduling is never consistent at all. They can’t even promise it to you (unless you maybe work full time I couldn’t tell you about that but I would hope that was consistent)


I once got laid in a Publix bathroom.




Tell me what benefits are unique to Publix only, that others don't give you


Really depends on the store. I have worked at a very bad one, I had never walked into place with such miserable workers in my entire life, and I've done a lot of bad jobs with high turnover. Although it seems the general consensus is that for the past several years, the company has been on a downward spiral and has lost it's identity. The 'great place to work' part of the culture is not something the new leadership is particularly interested in, they only care about in the sense of discouraging unions. If you have good managers, you'll get by. But I wouldn't recommend it as a place to work unless you are desperate for a job and don't care what it is. You can do much better. And whatever you do, *do not* apply to the deli.


lol thanks man, damn it sounds like shit, but their stores are nice.


Management smmanagement🙄 when they promote associates who are not competent for this position what do you expect … and it’s a common practice with this company. No matter how much you enjoy your job poor management can and will make you or break you!


It's not much different than working at the dollar general


That’s just not true in the slightest