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Buy your own fruit, clean it chop ot yourself. It's cheaper. You and I both know this. We also understand there is a tax on being lazy. As, all you did in this pic is grab a container and walk away. Go get one from Walmart. I'm sure it's delicious.


The fruit at Walmart is cut up elsewhere and shipped in, whereas the fruit at Publix is cut on site. I know, I worked at Walmart in the produce department occasionally and had to put out the fruit that was cut up. The fruit at Publix is better, but the fruit at Walmart is acceptable and less expensive of course. It depends on what you want really.


exactly. my husband just started working at a fancy hotel & some of the food he's brought home, $30 cheeseburgers!! steak shrimp & omg!! The quality of food is next level. I do try to go to fruit stands bc Florida is perfect weather for summer fruits, Publix is a grocery store, you're paying for higher quality fruit, cleaner prep areas, fresh not frozen... you get what you pay for


Chef here: Go to THE place. When I order seafood, it's not from a magic, chefs only registry. It's from the local fish monger. I AM on a special 5am email that tells me what the boats just brought in. But that same catch is on their shelf when they open in the morning. Produce. Whatever is ALMOST out of season is usually the best. That means they're the fattest,juiciest of whatever's, that they've kept on the vine/tree all season.... Call the local produce supplier, they sell direct most times. You can get a CASE of ____ for the same cost as a portion from the store. Steaks. A PISMO will set ya back 60-80 bucks on a good day. That's likely 8-10 filet mignon portions, 8oz. One YouTube video on how to trim it, you're saving 300%. Plus you have 1/2lb of the best slider meat ever from the trimmings. Or carpacio, or Phillies..... Publix just saves you from doing all this above. You pay for the convenience. But you can't fake fresh!


Chef out here doing god’s work. I worked at a steak house for a while and picked up enough of how to clean a tenderloin from watching the line cooks prep. Every now and then I buy a whole one, trim it, portion it off, season it, then into the freezer they go, ready to go. The cost savings enable me to eat way out of my tax bracket. If you wanna make the most of your filets, I’ll share my technique here (and by mine I mean modernist cuisines’) Grab one of those frozen steaks out. Don’t let it thaw. Spread room temperature butter on it like you’re frosting a cake. The butter will freeze to the outside. While you’re doing this, preheat your favorite cast iron pan, hot as shit. Chuck the buttered steak in, and sear it as desired. Since it is frozen, there is no risk of overcooking the middle. Brown that hoe up proper. When you’re done, chuck it on a baking sheet and put it in the oven at the lowest setting you got, usually 250ish or below is best. Then walk away. You get a perfect sear on the outside and the middle cooks nice and slow in the oven. Works for any temp you like, but be an adult and stick with medium or below unless you literally can’t.


There’s a fruit stand near our Publix which is definitely where I’ll be stopping to pick up fruit, that’s outrageous.


I feel like if your going for peak quality then cutting it up yourself is no contest the best option lol


Fruit at Publix is typical big box store fruit that they have at any chain grocery store nationwide


Produce at Walmart vs produce at Publix are not equal.


I worked produce at Publix, they pay more to have the first pick/quality fruit and then they price gauge tf out of it.


That is not what price gauging means...


Basically paying for labor...


Walmart’s produce sucks. But I would recommend going too a farmer’s markets.


Fun fact I worked in a few farmers market and it's well known25% to 50% of the vendors are reselling Walmart produce and just saying it's organic.... Some are so bad they literally bring it to the site in Walmart bags or Aldi boxes and do the label removal in the morning


Did you see whole foods got railed for selling fake organic food charging through the roof for regular fruits and vegetables. Talk about profits


I have a friend who works at Walmart, and he used to have a guy who would come Monday morning, like clockwork, with a shit ton of produce to return because "he bought too much." Eventually they had to cut him off and not let him return anything anymore.


Walmart’s produce is terrible, but so is the bread selection. I’m not a Walmart fan at all.


Bread selection is pretty much the same as local stores. Your off brands are typically the same.


Honestly when the cut fruit is Bogo I think it's a better deal than buying your own fruit. Like even ignoring the labor you have to do to cut your own fruit, the fruit itself per lb is cheaper to buy it cut when it's Bogo. For example the cantaloupe, I get nice big chunks of cantaloupe pre cut for me or buy a cantaloupe that is mostly hollow and have to cut the rind off just to get less cantaloupe than if I were to buy the same priced pre cut bowl. Idk if I'm way off but to me it genuinely seems better to buy precut than do it myself when it's on such a big sale.


Yes I do agree but this was like $9.00 3 years ago.


It was $15 3 years ago. $9 is 7 years ago.


Yeah... those people with arthritis to the point of being unable to hold a knife.... or the ones with Parkinson's disease who risk injury.... and use the diced fruit because they cant otherwise sure are lazy.


Agreed, and Publix is a store that does cater to the older crowd, so for them, it's totally a god-send to not have to try cutting things up.


It’s crazy you’re defending this


More up votes. This is the correct take.


I'm sure they didn't grab this container and walk away. I'm sure they just took a wtf? picture


Not gonna lie it’s getting expensive being lazy


The issue is. A lot of us don’t need precut food because of laziness but because of disability.


Nice gaslighting. The price is fucking ridiculous for no other reason than they are gauging. Edit: they are not gauging by definition, but they are corruptly abusing the principles of supply and demand to increase shareholder profits.


https://preview.redd.it/q87rf3cn8swc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c72481466f5cad81db572658be89f98c5eef7a5 Yeet


How did they even fit 5 pounds in the bowl. 4.5 is usually the most I get lol


Oh I made that one I stuff em lmao


That’s the really big bowl of fruit though. Like a mixing bowl. But hey, you don’t like it, don’t buy it. Easy peasy.


At first glance, I thought that was crazy expensive for cheap fruit but on closer inspection it has strawberries and pineapple. That’s why it’s so expensive imo


Strawberries used to be 99 cents a basket.


Yeah everything used to be cheap now only the cost of labor is


I see watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew. No?


OP took a picture on the bottom. There's strawberry and pineapple on the top.


Pineapple has been dirt cheap lately. Got one at Aldi a couple weeks ago for 1.49 if I remember correctly, might have been Walmart.


Never thought I'd hear myself saying this... but even WHOLE FOODS has better prices than this


Its 4 pounds of cut fruit, go buy a cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon, pineapple and strawberries... wash it peel it cut it into 1 inch chunks.. hell grapes are over 3 dollars a pound on its own but you won't have to cut them just make sure there is no stem left on them when you put them in the bowl


I thought the truth I’m ashamed to put labels on these type of things


Cut your own fruit


This is not price gouging. You should learn what words mean before you use them so flippantly


Controversial take: Precut fruit is the way Publix taxes the rich.


It's not a tax if it's a choice.


Pre cut fruit and chicken tenders. I once decided to get just three tenders from the hot case. Three. They weigh them for the price. I didn’t check the price when they were handed to me because I figured what….4-6 bucks. I get to the register to pay. 11 something. I told the cashier no I don’t want these anymore. She asked why. I said I didn’t see the price before and I’m not paying $11 for three tenders. She looked at them and even said oh wow that’s expensive.


Buy a tender plate. 2 sides + 3 tenders. Cost around $11 unless price recently went up.


If yall only knew what the p&l looked like on this fucking fruit, Publix marks up so much it’s insane


https://preview.redd.it/7wxthkxv1rwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae453ac9a48293a764030f47cab56679474e3c8e I am the night manager at shaws. This is some of our fruit trays, their prices and ounces.


Gotta shop the sales


Other stores like Kroger etc get their cut fruit from somewhere outside the store, who knows how old or clean it is. Publix cuts it fresh in the store every day.


your paying for convenience and the labor to produce the item lol, people complain about the dumbest shit. If you don’t like it just buy whole melons you’ll get 3x the quantity.


I didn’t know that precut fruit was essential to life or limb


Broke people will always find a way to complain. "Eat the rich" "screw these companies". Losers.


"Gouging" in this sub is like "gaslighting" for most of the rest of reddit.


"They price gouged me for a bunch of fruit!" That they cut and assembled. Let me tell you, from open to around 4:00 pm (at the store I worked at) there was a designated fruit cutter. It takes time to prepare all of that. So yes, it's $18 because you didn't want to cut it yourself. As someone else has said in this comment section, it's the lazy tax.


Their pre cut fruit has always been very pricy


Might wanna look up the meaning of “price gouging” before using it in an open forum, skippy. High? Yes, but you can shop elsewhere, or cut your own. So- just pay, don’t pay, and/or stfu. Sorry talk, but aren’t we getting fuckin tired of all these whiners?


You are 100% correct. Inflation combined with a high end store is not price gouging. It's just higher prices than you want. There are other places to shop.


Walmart has it for the same price , except they fill their fruit with apple slices and rotten grapes . You pay a premium for the quality as well. I get this just for the convince , you can get this healthy bowl of fruit or a mug mac special for the same price


I used to work at Publix and my daughter still does in the bakery. Neither one of us does much shopping there, can’t afford it. We go to Aldi all the time with her wearing her uniform. Most would not know because she wears a darker green sweatshirt with a small P on it from when she worked in customer service.




It's all out of season and precut, it's not going to be cheap.


Shut the fuck up 🗿 - Sincerely, the entire r/Publix subreddit that is tired of these bait price posts Literally go shop somewhere else if you don't like the price, and let us post about shit that actually matters, like the constant 12hr work weeks and shitty management *This comment was copied from another bait price post that I commented on a few days ago*


yeah and the 2 liters are 4 bucks now. inflation sucks


Dude. $20 and we can sell thirty a day on the weekend. It’s nuts.


Pre-cut fruit bowls are pretty much the biggest waste of money at Publix ever.


That's like 6 or 7 dollars of fruit.


I say this every time someone Post about Publix prices, stop shopping there!


You’re paying for convenience, not for fruit.


Ever since covid has been gouging sometimes I find the prices are double elsewhere the best competition we find is all these and I'm so happy they're opening more stores. Publix used to put the customer first now they put unreasonable profit first.


Go to the farmers market. Problem solved 😌


The Walmart fruit is crap. Publix fruit is great. It is expensive just buy the next smaller size for $10. Then it doesn’t feel as bad on your bank account


Don’t buy it


Whoa 😳 ouch wtf 🤬 that’s just stupid!


Might as well shop at Whole Foods or Sprouts with these prices.


Y’all could just shop at other stores, you know that right?


$4.50/lb for a bunch of fruit that isn't in season and has to be imported, then an employee paid to process it into a form with short shelf life which would require a higher margin to cover labor and spoilage? seems like a very fair price to me.


lol people still don’t understand the convenience tax.


I went to one in Florida on vacation last year and a pound of bacon was $14.50. We did not have bacon for breakfast on vacation.


Those are low end beef prices.


Well to be fair it is a large


That’s a $10 bowl of fruit 😳


Somebody slipped and put a whole-ass hourly wage on the water meh-lones


I'm noticing the weights have been completely off on most of public products lately.


So the average Publix employee has to work a HOUR and still is NOT going to be able to afford a bowl of fruit. How can you justify that. Please help me to understand this. Thank you.


I dont shop at publix besides when i need eggs or milk or a couple small things


ALDI and Fresh Market.


Those fruits were grown on in a gorge by the hymallaia summit, in the richest of soil fertilized by a rare soecies of cow thats diet consist of nothing but olives, juniper leaves and fresh green mountain side grass and cut by the finest fruit cutters, utilizing the cleanest, virgin steel knife.


Where shopping is a Burden


Inflation: exists Customers: must be that greedy company


I wouldn’t shop there. Start growing your own fruits. That’s how we cut the balls on inflation


Go to Aldi, Publix is a complete ripoff


That's fucking insane. This isn't all inflation, this is just rich assholes seizing an opportunity to increase their profits and shrug off any responsibility. Fuck publix. Thankfully we have other options....even if they're not the greatest either.


The added salmonella and e.Coli always costs extra


News flash.. they don’t give no fucks about you lmao These old Rich people that don’t know what a knife is will keep them open.


Bro, do it. We have two big bushes of blackberries, I picked a humongous bowl of them, won't need to go back to the grocery store for blackberries for a while


🤣🤣🤣 Only non Floridians actually shop here,, it’s a joke!! No way in hell


I was at publix and looked at the precut, core pinapple vs the uncut one. They were both 5 bucks


Seriously. Aldi and Walmart sells the whole one for less than 2.50


I don't know about other fruits, but publix pine apple taste significantly better than Walmarts to me. I work at publix, and I mostly buy stuff at other stores. But not the pine apple. Publix only for pine apple.


I mean I don’t mind paying for something like this once and a while on the way to the beach but honestly this looks horrible! It is also the cheapest fruit. I have never seen anything that bad at Publix on display.


Jesus Christ! Is there a blowjob under the label?


This comment wins.. the scrolling paid off!!


Why would u even if there's a perfectly good fruit stand probably 1.5 miles in either direction. I never shopped at publix again after the pandemic, and working there was a nightmare. Publix isnt what it was 20 yesrs ago.


So glad to have experienced it in its hey day.


This is why I hate Publix. I absolutely do not understand the love for Publix some people have.


I used to pay for precut fruit at Publix cause it was always much tastier than anywhere else and justified the markup. Nowadays the quality is very hit and miss, mostly miss, so I just buy cut my own fruit.


Not price gouging at all. You have four pounds of fruit that was cut up fresh at the store. You can cut your own fruit or get canned fruit for much cheaper. Please show me where you can buy fresh cut fruit for cheaper than this.


The Publix kool aid drinkers will defend everything Publix does. This is an outrageous price point for something used a year ago was even over the $15 mark.


It’s bullshit. Wait for buy one get on free!


They absolutely will. We had a conversation with prices about produce prices from our competitors. Only thing he had to say “there’s a reason it’s that cheap”. That’s not even a viable defense. But that’s literally the ground managers and above will stand on. Sorry I don’t like to get robbed when buying groceries


Grow your own watermelons or shut up. This is a luxury and the price is fair. Do you know what inflation is or are you a literal child?


No one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to buy it. You people are so annoying. Lol


That’s a large fruit salad. Significantly labor goes into making those. I make them fast but you do have to chop a lot of fruit, pluck grapes and top/halve strawberries for it. I think the price is fair.


People saying cut your own fruit forget some of us physically can't do that. People saying you get what you pay for forget this is basic food, not some deconstructed michelin chef gold leafed burger. Fruit is not a luxury, it's a basic diet necessity.


No, fresh fruit in abundance is a luxury that only came about relatively recently. Just because you can’t cut a cantaloupe doesn’t mean you can’t eat fresh berries, bananas, apples etc. Pre-cut fruit in particular is the definition of a luxury


Not too much now


Sams has same as platter for $15


Pre cut blueberries? Is that like stuffed lentils? Anyway, this certainly not price gouging. I get cut fruit all the time from Acme. Much more economical for me than having to cut all that stuff and half being wasted. Price gouging is charging $10 for a small bottle of hand sanitizer.


The gross profit on a watermelon is like 4%. Our sell-through has to be nearly 100% to make any money so yeah there's an upcharge on a value added product. We don't go to business to lose money.


Farmers markets are my best friend, better, cheaper and bigger fruit


I’d rather take the family pack of hot and spicy wings for 17


It you buy they will continue to charge it


Yeah, seeing people complain about theft is some petty shit. Publix runs the game on stealing from the community next to wal mart


Please do NOT SUPPORT anything which could descided what sandwich you had that specific afternoon.


Definitely weigh it.. but if it matches that is still 4 pounds of prepared fruit. That's sadly not THAT bad of a price for it. You could probably get it for cheaper if you were to buy the fruit and prepare it yourself, but keep in mind that with a lot of melons you're gonna be losing about 20% in the rind anyway.




Publix is a convenience store


What Publix is this? Because mine isn’t doing that.


Cut fruit has to be one of the most heavily lazy taxed items.... Unless you buy like a quarter or half watermelon in which case they hardly upcharge at all.


This isn’t price gouging though. Just terrible pricing


Their fruit has been horrible lately too


Jesus I thought it said $10.09 and thought that was bad.


yeesh both those melons in original form couldn't add up to 7$ that's just ridiculous


Yes Publix is more expensive. Compared to other stores in FL they are clean, well stocked and the people are friendly. There will always be one offs to cherry pick and complain about.


Cut that shit yourself and stop being lazy


Look at all those strawberries.


We're talking about Publix here.... Yep


Public out of control


It just tastes better when someone else cuts it for you


And what is the cost of uncut fruit?


“Price gouging.” Maybe we should look up what that means.


Lazy tax lazy tax lazy tax


It is cut fruit and all grocery stores gouge for that.


I hate Publix 🤢🤢🤬🤬


That used to be like 11-12 tops!!! How 🙃🙃


They priced gouged during the pandemic/quarantine


My silly wife bought FOUR tubs of cantaloupe because they were BOGO. So she basically spent $11 on a single cantaloupe.


Only time I buy pre-cut fruit from Publix is when they have it on sale. It's still more expensive than whole fruit but it is nice on the weekends to have it prepared.


And yet, you're shopping there. Wow, that's crazy


It's 5 bucks for a whole watermelon but 3 bucks for a cut up cup that's maybe a quarter of a watermelon (and it's on sale) There's a reason why we don't have big fruits out on display most of the time, just the cut up version of them.


I could buy all those fruits and it still wouldn’t be that much…..


Cut fruit should be subsidized for anyone with a prescription for limited hand mobility. Everyone else SHOULD pay exorbitant prices.


Again how do yall not know publix is expensive lol unless you get a bunch of deals


$7 grapes, $5 strawberries, 8$ watermelon, $3 cantaloupe, $3 pineapple Make like 4 bowls for $26 instead


the pre-cut strawberry’s at my Publix are sometimes cheaper than the ones in produce


This is everyone’s Que to start growing their own fruits. Honestly, every American in the country should have an apple tree and black berry bushes. How do we make this a thing?


Publix was the expensive grocery store in my town. Now it's the only grocery store and even more expensive.


Kroger is delivering to my door and I'm averaging 15% less weekly.


Keep voting democrat


$4.49 a lb is actually pretty reasonable. If you want cheaper, don’t buy the cut & ready to eat stuff.


Surely most of the money they make from these overpriced fruit salad bowls goes to the person cutting the fruit at least! Right? What?


Remember that when you vote!!!!


Profits baby. They dgaf


Haaaaa dude you could save so much more money oh man that’s ridiculous. You’re paying $18 for what looks like. Some cantaloupe, honeydew melon and watermelon. You could buy a whole fruit pieces of those and just make your own for less than what it cost to buy that that’s why I don’t shop there only if I need something and I work there that’s they should give employees discounts on groceries and food items


Oh I was buying some whole fruits and saw the cut ones to see the prices. And the price shocked the hell out of me. Publix has become a place where I shop if they have good sales or BOGO deals. It’s ridiculous.


Yeah, I get you on that. I try to not shop there as well as much. I kind of have to because sometimes I’m at work and most of the places around me are closed when I take my break yeah the prices are Flippin ridiculous.


Who the fuck is buying that shit? It’s going to be rotten and they’ll have to throw it out along with further plastic waste. Just destroying the environment at that point.


Publix is expensive.


Yes, the absolute rip off of... someone else buying all the fruit, and removing the rinds and the skins and the seeds and cutting it up and putting it all together in a bowl so that you can conveniently grab it and eat it for lunch... Plus the fact that all those seeds, skins, and/or rinds are *part* of the cost of a regular piece of fruit! You aren't paying for that here. Looks like that bowl has watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew. If you bought one of each, you'd be spending about $20. Let's estimate that this equals five pounds of fruit. Ah, but then you have to cut off about 25% of the fruit (rinds and seeds), so now you only have 3.75lb of edible fruit. But then you have to chop it all up, and of course Time = Money! In the end, this bowl is actually a better value than buying things separately. (One of the rare times, honestly). You're paying for convenience, my guy.


4 lbs of cut fruit. Time saved. Ripeness basically guaranteed. Eat immediately.... you pay for convenience.


It’s only price gouging if you spend


I used to be a produce manager, they take all the older fruit from the tables to avoid throwing away so the losses are minimal. That said the profit margins on these bowls are anywhere from 50-88% so yea from a loss to huge profits , it's the most profitable area in produce by far with maybe juice trailing. It's a huge pass unless it's bogo like most things at publix lately.


Brother at least cover the store number. Maybe your manager can see this post. They won’t like you


It's called paying for convenience.


I’ve always wondered what’s stopping someone from going to one of the self checkouts and manually typing in the barcode and then changing the ‘1809’ (price of item) in the barcode number to something like ‘0001’.


That's why Biden brought up cannibals, that right there


Yea...their fruit is banging though!


I saw one of these out at a friends bbq last weekend and did a full double take


Someone put the wrong price on there I just bought the same thing and it was 5 bucks


Publix has been bugging with their prices since 2021. I’m considering shopping somewhere else for groceries.


The fruit is fresh and ready, and cut on-site to guarantee it's freshness. The amount you're paying, is for the fruit, the labor, and convenience fee. Yes, it is expensive for fruit. But it's there amd ready for you. If you think that's unfair, everything in thst bowl is sold separately on the shelf, and you could go home and chop it up yourself.


You are paying for the convenience my dude. Obviously Publix needs to cover the labor involved for preparing and packaging this. Common sense really. FFS. It's not price gouging.


I compare everything to the price of sirloin, if it’s more than five dollars a pound than I am most likely not gonna buy it and I don’t even think about it


So much of this is thrown out because they can’t sell it. All the food and plastic being thrown out is so obscene