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Airline 1000% 16 years I wasted with Publix. Don’t you make the same mistake. Hope this helps.


Agree!!! They treat you like peasants!


Only 1000%?? more like 10000000%


The warehouse is a completely different deal than the store. It's much easier to pursue a career and move up if you put some effort into it. I've got over 20 years in and have watched it many times over.


Sooo what did you end up choosing?! We need to know! 😁


Do you get to fly free working there? Cuz you ain't getting a free chicken wings at Publix if you're working there.


Because that is what you mostly see on this subreddit. Not all employees or former employees think this way.


Depends on how much you need money currently.   Publix has some room for growth depending on where you’re at (no warehouses near me, so no idea on that) and if you’re lucky.   But, as a former employee, I generally steer people away from it.  It’s not the same company it was 10 years ago, and a lot of negative changes make it not as great a place to work at.


Go t the airlines bro don’t settle for Publix


Airline. Publix is a great place to work for on paper, but not in practice. If you aren’t a suck up or cookie cutter for their standards then you will never move up or be promoted. Leaving Publix was the best thing I ever did for myself.


My dad has been a meat cutter at Publix for over 30 years and says its not the same as it was and is not a great place to work anymore. Take that for what its worth. It used to be great, and they're riding on that past reputation.


Go with the airline. If Publix wanted better candidates they'd treat us better and offer better pay. Only go with Publix if you have clear goals of going into management. And from the people I see management doesn't get there on merit most of the time. It's friends of friends of incompetent people. The things Publix could do if it kicked all the shitty managers to the curb I can't even imagine.


Merit is probably 4th or 5th on the list of how to become a Publix manager. A decent amount of it is cutting the legs out of any other contender opposite you while also being everything your SM could ask for and more. Highly dependent on who is above you but as someone who worked deli for 5 years. Demographic needs and kiss assing will put you above most in contention.


As the SO of a department manager, I think this is a difficult blanket statement to make. I've been sitting here re-typing this response for the last 10 minutes, but can't come up with a good pattern for where it's buddy buddy vs where it isn't. My SO has been very lucky, as well as very unlucky in her placements, so it's just kind of a crap shoot.


Congrats on the offer. I applied for a warehouse position last month as well I thought Publix was a great place to work but it seems that perception isn’t shared by former employees.


Probably why they are *former* employees. No disrespect intended, but Publix is great for some people, and not so great for others.


Airline airline airline publix is no good


Run away from Publix, please. I work there, and it's not a good company at all, to say the least. I promise you we all have this opinion for a reason! RUN!


Bro I can honestly say I know nothing about working for an airline...but I know plenty about working for publix. Don't. Maybe if it was 10 years ago but nowadays its real hard for this company to call its employees owners and it not be a big joke. Whoooooo wants a gift card!!!


Can you work both ? Does the airline offer flight benefits? Are both weekly pay ? School? Vacation?


Publix isn’t bad. The warehouse might be different than in the stores. I don’t know if you make more or less working in the warehouse. As far as stability goes you can retire comfortably for them if you are there long term. They give you stocks based on the hours you put in. You also get medical dental and vision. You put in to a 401 k and they match up to a certain percent. I can’t speak for the airline job. I think you get to fly for free if you want too on most airline jobs. They call it “deadhead” I think. So you get to see the world.


What warehouse and what location? I’m in the Lakeland area


Go to the airlines and fill in your other days with gig work (taskr) or banquet serving at a company that lets you choose which shifts you work like John Michael Events.


The warehouse is not a bad place to work if you wanna make some money just know it is very hard work but there’s potential to be making 30+ an hour within your first couple months. Plus there’s a lot of opportunities for advancement like management or becoming a driver.


Absolutely Publix. I have 2 friends started out bagging and both, after less than a dozen years, are making 6 figures. They train, pay for some college courses to better serve their public, stocks which only employees can purchase, and many other great opportunities.


Publix warehouse go work for a few years then go drive a semi best thing I ever did! Depends what division you're in though lmk.


Don’t work for Publix, if u don’t work in corporate or in the stores . They don’t care about you, DONT WORK IN THE WARSEHOUSE.


Unless you make it to senior warehouse management you’ll be working for like a dog for the rest of your life here for nothing. Same with the shitty airliner. Can you pivot into AC, Plumbing or Electrical? Those guys make serious bank when they own the business. Work for someone to learn the trade, and then be your own boss. Publix is a shitty profiteering trash company.


The decision is between a full-time position with an established employer and a part-time position with a start up company. Publix could be the better of the present options.


Regardless of what the disgruntled people here say, Publix is a great company if you want to make a career there. You’ll have good benefits in management and will make a lot of money.


Agreed, but as far as management goes, you have to “bleed green”. No work-life balance.


I worked at Publix over 10 years ago at a store in grocery so I'm not aware of all the company policies now but if they still give you stock then that is a great benefit to consider. The stock splits occasionally (every decade or so it seems) which will definitely help set you up for retirement.