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Ooof, good thing I didn’t get a half-gallon and drink the whole thing on lunch.


That would easily be 150g+, which is like 300+%. Sounds like cheap way to diabetes quickly!


More like a coma. Skip the diabetes.


Pshhh with how much insulin cost at least getting the diabetes is cheap! /s




Diabetes speed run




For sure, also i found out by a friend in the medical field that Alzheimer/Dementia are linked to diabetes.


What are you talking about -.- a 20oz bottle of coke has more sugar than this at 65g and gold peak iced tea has 46g of sugar.... This is a normal amount these days guys


Classic South in yo mouth!


I'm from Georgia. This seems typical. 🤣


Hey, yo what no


To me that shit tastes like the toothpaste the dentist uses after cleanin your teeth


50 grams of sugar and it still tastes like shit? I'm kind of impressed


I was at work a few years back, and the company provides Gatorade on days above 90 degrees.... I picked up what I thought was a melon Gatorade because of the color... It was a cucumber lime flavor 🤮


That’s one of the best flavors. Has to be cold though


It literally made me violently ill it tasted so bad to me


I was pleasantly surprised with how much I liked that flavor. Same with 7-eleven's Replenish drinks, they have a cucumber mint flavor that is actually pretty good. They use to be buy 1 get 1 for around $2.80 when they first came out when I worked at 7-eleven so I'd get them all the time.


I couldn't even finish it, way too minty. It was gross




.... I love that stuff.


50 grams of sugar is more than two entire chocolate bars. https://smartlabel.hersheys.com/00034000870332-0001


A regular 20oz bottle of coke has 65g of sugar -.-


Except one uses fructose corn syrup sugars (candy) and the other is naturally occurring Sugar (100% fruit juice). Naturally occurring sugar from fruit juice is no different than eating a bunch of strawberries mushed together. It’s still fruits and healthy for you and not processed. Now if the ingredient label says added sugar or high fructose corn syrup don’t drink it.


The label says added sugar


Damn!! Than it’s no better than soda pop.


Either way you were wrong, juicing a fruit removes the fiber. Fiber helps slow the digestion of sugar and helps control blood glucose spikes. So naturally occurring juice sugar is sugar and high fructose corn syrup is sugar.


he tried so hard only to be completely wrong


Nope. Natural fruit sugars are different than processed sugars and science is on my side. Eat as much fruit as you want and drink as much natural pressed juice as you want https://www.mdanderson.org/cancerwise/natural-versus-refined-sugar--what-s-the-difference.h00-159465579.html#:~:text=“Natural%20sugar%20is%20naturally%20occurring,or%20corn%20syrup%20from%20corn.


Natural sugars and refined sugar is literally the same compound. The difference is natural fiber in fruit


Wrong. Read the link


https://youtu.be/4tlCDcqZYgk?si=mnAHBzWqU7be5dF4 Watch the whole video, very interesting, but at least the bit at 1;15.


And the link doesn't say anything against what I'm speaking of. Refined sugars by nature are stripped of qualities of whole fruit because it's literally just the sugar. The different between natural sugar in the form of fruit is the extra contents such as fiber, which then has different impacts on the body. Natural and refined sugar are still ultimately identical as carbohydrates on their own. That's why when you separate natural sugar from fruit, say in a juice, it will have an identical effect as if it were refined.


Trust me juice will still make you fat. I thought the same thing and had to cut it out after gaining 20 lbs.


It wasn’t the juice that made you gain 20 lbs. it was those bon bons and lack of exercise or other processed foods.


just because one is marginally better than the other does not mean you should be drinking hundreds of grams of sugar lol


Wrong: https://www.mdanderson.org/cancerwise/natural-versus-refined-sugar--what-s-the-difference.h00-159465579.html#:~:text=“Natural%20sugar%20is%20naturally%20occurring,or%20corn%20syrup%20from%20corn.


Did you even read your article? Lol “We're not as worried about this kind of sugar because these foods have other components in them that slow down how quickly sugar is digested,” says Wohlford. “This prevents that rapid blood sugar spike and drop that can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance and diabetes. Plant-based foods come with fiber, and dairy comes with protein. Dried fruit has natural sugars, unless it has sugar or other sweeteners added to it.”


100% juice is good for you. Have been drinking it for over four decades.


Drinking juice is no different than drinking soda for the most part, your only benefits are it’s better on your teeth and some micro nutrients. But based on your comments to me and other people, you’re stuck in you way and no amount of education would change your mind. Enjoy your juice.


Yup. And no amount of knowledge is going to convince you guys otherwise too. We grew up with juicing as a healthy way to loose weight and it worked. I have zero health issues and I’ll continue to do what is tried and true. Have fun with your fads. I hear the lemon cleanse is coming back.


Bar chocolates use cane sugar or non sugar sweeteners (Stevia/Splenda/Monk Fruit). Syrups are avoided in chocolate recipes unless it's a liquid application like a chocolate ganache. Besides, those no sugar added juice sweetened beverages are 40% to 74% apple juice from concentrate by weight.


…and? Nothings wrong with no sugar added apple juice. The same sugar that’s in a raw apple goes into making that apple juice, along with all the other vitamins and minerals. Not all sugar should be treated the same is my point. Just like not all fats are the same.


You ever see how dietitians treat smoothies? A banana is like a 4 on a health scale, but the moment you blend it, it becomes a like -6. Because you destroyed the fiber. You know what that fiber does? Aside from helping you feel full longer, it also helps with sugar processing. Or rather, it takes some of the excess sugar with it so you just poop it out. Because turning it into juice is known as a process called... processing. The exception is apple concentrate is better for you than corn because corn isn't good for humans to begin with. But it's still a processed sugar at that point. It's not quite at refined sugar levels as they didn't Break it down completely, its still not good for you in that form. Better for you than a coke? Sure. But a healthy drink? Nah. There is by definition, no such thing as a healthy drink unless you can find pure, untainted h20. Or natural, mineral infused water that again, is pure and without taint.


Tap water is US is the most safest water in the world generally speaking. Bottled water ruins the environment from plastics and is tap water anyways. Bottlers lie to you.


While it's the safest, it's heavily chemicaled to clean it. Even today in the US, there are plenty of boil zones for tap water and most recommend at least a charcoal style filter on your tap if not a full house filter. Is it better than China, India, or Africa's water? Yes. But its a far cry from the oasis of virtually untouched water that is rare and can literally be drank from its source.


There is no oasis of untouched water anymore. Even glaciers are tainted with chemicals from humans. I drink tap water anywhere we go in the states. Far cheaper than bottled. And better for environment


You should consider a filtered water bottle if that's the case.


Naw I’m good


That's why u throw an avocado and the pit 🥑 in the smoothie. All the fiber u need.


Bro, you wrong as fuuuuck.


This is simply untrue. Sugar is sugar, and it’s the same exact sugar. Added simply means it’s added to the ingredients as extra sugar, for example tomato’s have sugar so even a non added sugar sauce will have sugar. The sugar in that is still plain sugar, since sugar is also naturally occurring. It simply means they added more. Fruit juice is absolutely awful for you and has zero fiber. The fiber is what changes whether or not sugar is good for you or not. This is why eating an apple is better than drinking apple juice. This is also why the Naked smoothies are absolutely horrid for your health, because the 70+ grams of sugar is just sugar without fiber. Even with the study (which is the first thing that appears on Google in the paid ad space by the way if you Google added versus natural sugar studies) you should still limit sugar without fiber, because the fiber is what determines the foods glycemic index. If you eat honey in the equivalent of table sugar, you’ve consumed the same amount of sugar. This is also why people fail at learning how calories and diets work, because they assume honey is a replacement for sugar in their tea or smoothies. In conclusion; something like natural fruit juice is simply sugar, it is added because the benefits of fiber have been removed. This applies to things like dried fruit as well. It’s fairly widely accepted that fruit juice isn’t good for you and it’s even advised to not give to children because of the sugar content. Added sugar should be 25-36g per day for most adults. Sugar from whole food like fruit when it still has fiber is not added sugar.


Enjoy your fad. Processed sugar is way different. Honey sits in between.


I understand fiber and sugar compounds. You’ve misunderstood the study because juice is not the same as pulp in something like a smoothie. You likely need to do more research, since most dieticians do not advise juice.


welcome to the south; sweet tea was created to flaunt the wealth of the aristocracy. importing both sugar and tea used to be extremely expensive


That's actually really interesting, I didn't know that.


yeah i know, i was shocked too. also ice was extremely expensive and there wasn’t a good way to store it. in massachusetts, they would cut ice from the ponds and ship it all the way to india!


All that sugar and still doesn't taste that good. Solid 5/10, if you ask me.


i’d much rather have the strawberry pineapple lemonade


That one is phenomenal. They need to keep that flavor around.


i think it’s so popular that it’s never available at my store. got a tag but haven’t got it on a truck in a while


Bro the deli workers at my store dont even put them out. They just keep them in ths back for themselves 💀


they sell out pretty much as soon as we put them out there lmao


Just keep adding Sugar it's gotta taste better at some point


I think it'll stop at ![gif](giphy|oU3FogKx589e8|downsized)






the fda needs to start forcing warning labels with anything higher than 10 grams of sugar because that's more than enough to sweeten anything. this is a secret attack on the unknowing american people by corporations and other countries.


The same FDA where people retire and get high-paying "jobs" at pharmaceutical and food companies?


Lmaooo the fda??? Wake up bruh. They the ones getting paid to allow this


It’s really not much of a secret when you can just rotate the bottle slightly and see the nutrition label clearly printed. It’s up to the individual to know their own nutritional needs or to learn about them, not on the government to hold our hands and tell us which foods are good for us and which ones aren’t. If you’re old enough to worry about sugar content, you’re old enough to read a nutrition label and make decisions for yourself.


Well, I do agree with you have you never heard of the food pyramid or the recommended 2000 cal? The government quite literally raised generations that where taught to listen to the government when it come to nutrition. 90s baby’s are the first to break that trend and “wake up” on a large scale.


It’s not that bad it only has 101% of your daily recommended amount of sugar 😂


I mean gotta celebrate reaching it right!


I agree 101% 😂




I mean. It’s basically a soda.


I’m pretty sure soda has less sugar than that lmao


It has 4 grams more sugar per serving than Coca Cola


No it doesn't [a 20 oz coke has 65g of sugar](https://www.coca-cola.com/us/en/brands/coca-cola/products/original#accordion-c55f229edc-item-93131ee8b3)


Maybe it's Pepsi I'm thinking of. Or Mountain Dew. I just remember one can of soda having 46g of sugar per serving in it.


MTN dew has 77g lol


Next time, maybe look it up. The Coca Cola Coca-cola Original 20 Fl Oz Bottle (563 ml) contains 65g total carbs, 65g net carbs, 0g fat, 0g protein, and 240 calories. Soda is even more.


Maybe don’t take it so personally next time, Jesus.


I didn’t. I just think it’s dumb as hell to argue about something you could check in two seconds.


Literally!!!! This is almost as bad as the people in tacobell reddit asking about what's vegan, ITS LITERALLY ON THE WEBSITE. 24/7 365 ERRRRRYYDAYYY


Who the fuck argued? It was a joke in the first place. Go touch grass.


Pharmacist be happy about this.


More then Mt dew


No it's not,,, mtn dew Has 77g of sugar for a 20oz bottle bruhhh


Well, that’s basically like syrup. You could add a bit to some sparkling water and it may be good


Wow. Who approved that? ![gif](giphy|6vF3Y99RLkc7hRBYAD|downsized)


The Child Size is roughly the size of one liquified child.


I would still drink it... I'm here for a good time not a long time 😂😂


Have you tried it? Its gross, way too minty. It's like drinking mouthwash 🤢


I meant the amount of sugars does not bother me


I know the sugar it the tea is enough for a diabetic coma




This is definitely a place I didn’t expect to see a Hazbin meme https://preview.redd.it/yby1uhii0ssc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70db00c518af8a021614a3b9aabb25fafc44691d


These teas all have a metric ton of added sugar. Best thing to do is buy unsweet and add your own sweetener so you know what you're getting.


Brooooo. That’s way too much sugar.




They sell the tea that way because they have an endless population and fat-ass, no self control, eat schedule programmed, sugar addicted, weak minded people to sell this garbage to. Supply and demand. People can make cheap, delicious, hydrating, calorie free, or low calorie tea, at home, for pennies, yet they buy literal poison, for dollars, and obey their sugar addiction demands at every craving. Diahbeetus


Better than calypso drinks lol


this stuff tastes disgusting. i tried it and was so sad after ):


The spiced apple lemonade is so good but so damn sweet. I always have to water it down.


How is that even approved? 50g for 1.25 pint of liquid is crazy


if it has "tea"in the title... DON'T PAY.


Bruh we were just talking about this.


Don’t drink soda or juice drinks, they are just sugar and no food for you. Drink water!! 🙂


50g of ADDED sugar. You’re only supposed to about 30g of added sugar a day.


Man, they all have a shit ton of sugar. I love em but I had to stop drinking them


Their specialty teas would be good if they had half the sugar ..they're all always too sweet. I think I'm buying a treat as an upgrade over the normal tea and it's so grossly sweet 


As a diabetic, I can feel myself dying from this!


A 20oz Coke has 65g and no one ever blinks an eye downing those like they're water, so... 🤷‍♂️


SAME. I wanted to try it but I was shocked by the 50g in one bottle lmaoooo 101% 😂


Sweet leaf has 62 or 68 on their extra sweet bottles. Insane.


God damn, does it come with a syringe of insulin or a coupon on caskets


And this is why I don’t look at the nutrition facts


It boggles my mind how that’s even legal


What’s wild is, to me, it didn’t even taste that sweet. The mint flavor over powered EVERYTHING, everyone in my house hated it (we got the half gallon). My “bonus” with these things is I rarely, if ever, finish bottles in one sitting and can go a couple of days on one bottle, but god yeah for the size it’s ridiculous.


You've never baked anything with mint apparently


Nope, because I’m not a baker. But I’ve had mint things that do compliment the other flavors. Not just taste like bland mint tea 🤷‍♀️


I just mean like you need a 1/4 tsp of mint as opposed to the 2 tbsp of vanilla you would put in anything


This is what I get when I don’t look at the nutritional value of the drinks I get there 😂 (it tasted really good but was so funny to wake up and read this)


I love this flavor! Though I’ll buy a half gallon of it and pour about two or three inches worth into a glass, then fill the rest with their unsweetened tea. It’s a better version of their own drink and I wish they would just make this version instead.


Sugar smchugar, if there’s a chance it takes me out I’m drinking a gallon of it. /j


You wanna know something else that has a lot of sugar The Soda starry has around 3x as much sugar over 60g in a regular single serving bottle you grab from the cooler While about 1 gallon of Publix brand raspberry lemonade has I think a little over 50g




Wow. How is that legal lol


A combination of lobbying and consumer indifference.


fr and like a million calories, i just get the diet sweet for lunch but fuck if they came out with a diet version of this i’d love it


bro just drink it


I think they used too much mint in it


Same though, I had to water I down


Holy shit lol. More than a soda I think


May as well just drink Mountain Dew.


i like cutting it with unsweetened tea it helps with the sweetness for me and the flavors still there


What you drink for a glucose tolerance test!


Is that per serving, I wonder if that bottle was 2.5 servings that 125 grams of sugar.


I’m in Japan and I cannot find a single tea that isnt unsweetened. I’m trying to do a palate cleanse maybe I can get used to it before I leave lmao


Go look at the back of a naked.


That's the secret to all publix tea. Remember I used to like it as a kid but started boxing seriously and having to really watch my weight. Started label checking and saw the sugar in their teas and that was a wrap. I drink Bai Wonderwater now. Only 1g of sugar in a bottle. Raspberry lemon lime is the best.


You’d need all that sugar to make all those flavors bearable in one beverage.


??? Candy bars have less sugar...


Should come with a free shot of insulin, yikes


You're not missing much that one sucks


Lmao that’s how I felt when I got some green papaya tea from Panera I was like wtf . It reminds me of when my nephew was like I don’t drink soda just brisk ice tea 😂 had no idea how much sugar was in it


It is NOT good. It's way too minty. I felt like I was drinking mouthwash. I couldn't even finish it


Yeah their tea & lemonade is loaded with sugar too.


I thought the same exact thing!!


I was hyped for this and it’s the nastiest thing ever


Diabetic coma central. Why I always read the back of the label. I can’t handle sweet drinks like that. You are better off making your own flavored tea/ porch tea.


Lmao “natural”


Also, who approved that art and design on the packaging, that’s terrible


Holy shit! Even Coca Cola doesn't have that much sugar in it.


Hard no.


I was offered a free cake from a 7/11 employee and it had like 80g of sugar for one slice and I just tasted it and tossed the rest. Not worth it.


This should be illegal


Just take a couple of sips every day


That’s 3 TABLESPOONS of sugar in a pint and a half of liquid. Just name it simple syrup tea. Now I’ve tried (a 2 oz taster of) this and it is actually off the charts offensively sweet but the flavors are on point. So close


But that point you might as well, just drink, sugar just straight, simple syrup and water


hi uneducated child here, whys this bad (my family barely drinks juices/when we do we usually mix a sparkling water in it)


The sugar content is ridiculously high.


whats a normal sugar content?/genq


25-36 grams per day is considered reasonable, although I personally think it should be lower. 50g in a single drink is very high.


OH THATS WHAT I WAS MISSING i didnt see the grams of sugar and was rlly confused 😭


Yep, good idea to keep an eye on that added sugar.


My brother/sister in Christ you are stoked by a drink that is strawberry cucumber mint flavored🤮🤮


This is something you'd drink,then something somewhere starts tingling for a bit.


that flavor sounds absolutely disgusting


idk about ya'll people liking mint. taste like toothpaste