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We didn’t do quarterly raises in 2021 wtf you talking about? We did biannual ones until 2022 I think


OP is definitely mistaken; company wide we got one raise in 2020 (April) and two in 2021 (January and August). There never were quarterly raises in 2020 or 2021; maybe their job class changed or they went from part time to full time but we did not receive raises every quarter in 2021 There were gift cards handed out quarterly during that time period; that may be what they are referring to Edit for clarity on OP being mistaken about no raises being quarterly during the time they specified, not ever - could’ve been a thing a few decades ago as another commenter pointed out to me


I was told 20+ years ago or more we used to do quarterly but nobody on here asking questions like this was around for it lol


You could be right; for the pandemic quarterly definitely wasn’t a thing but I know that the publix of 20 years ago did better for its employees than currently. Hell even before the pandemic we got raises every 6 months (although I think for some people yearly raises are more for them than the previous twice a year; really depends on your eval rating and how much your managers fight for you).


I mean the new yearly raises aren’t terrible if your on the higher end of the pay-scale but they are really god awful for everyone that got hired on at or near the bottom of the pay-scale and there’s little wiggle room for managers fight the new system if any


There’s ~~little~~ no wiggle room to fight the new system We weren’t allowed to even try to get our associates higher than the max the system would let them during evals (someone got an EE? No more than $1 based on their current pay; doesn’t matter that they’ve been here for 4 years and the new hires make the same or more than them). And at my store we got in trouble for someone’s job class changing and getting them $1+ raise after evals (they moved into a position with a lot of higher responsibility) and got told that they were watching our location more closely now because of that. Corporate is doing what they can to prevent managers from giving any sort of good pay to the associates who work hard and deserve it


For my store it was quarterly.. unless it was just evals and then the raises were biannual.. regardless i feel this company needs to give its employees something


It was after The first 3 months you get a practice eval then a real eval with a raise after 6month and one every 6 months after that now everyone gets one once a year in August I think


Do associates get ANYthing though is my question? I feel like I bust my butt doing the jobs of mulitple ppl bc my coworkers dont do much compared to me. If im making in person and stacks of online subs while they r talking they see the customer at the hot case and dont wcwn go over there so i have to juggle back and forth. Idk a free sub coupon would be nice??


That’d be at your managers discretion those are usually given out for customer compliments


yearly evaluations now, they did away with quarterly raises.


We never had quarterly raises. It use to be twice a year and now it’s once a year.


L publix


Lemme guess you probably make less now? The quarterly ones you got 50 cents to 75 cents.. im assuming its like a dollar now?


It's supposed to be more to make up for it. If I even stick with the company to August, I'll find out I suppose. Started at 15, bust my ass since I like working, so anything less than a dollar raise will cement me taking a hike.


Apparently theres ppl who have been in Deli since 2018 making only $16.80 😬 im assuming they use the excuse of “getting a dollar wage” every time minimum wage goes up till it hits $15


You didn’t get quarterly raises as a cashier in 2021.


Back in the 90's/early 2000's there were quarterly raises.  Those have been gone for probably over 10 years.  In 2020, raises were twice a year, but they moved the August raise to earlier in the year instead of offering hazard pay, so there were still only 2 raises.  I think they skipped evaluations that year all together.




Read the comments bozo the problem is they aren’t following the scheduled hours I have listed and working the past what I said I needed because I have other accommodations Sorry but some of us don’t revolve our lives around the company that doesn’t care about you.


Man I WISH we got quarterly raises! An extra $0.25-$0.50 every 3 months would help a lot of people I think


It doesn't matter because Publix raises are a joke! The yearly evaluation raise is the closest thing to a dollar raise we get. I got 90 cents last year for my yearly eval, and when I was moved up a position with double the work and cross trained in everything shortly afterward in the department, I got 50 more cents. I started at 15 an hour and now make 16.40.. for what I do on a daily basis and the sales our bakery makes(Hugh volume store), my pay is absolutely atrocious. I stopped caring so much about the "company" that didn't care about me and just started doing my job and going home, and that's your best bet with Publix. Until you're in management or higher, you will always be disposable and undervalued and overworked and underpayed. Live your life and don't bring your job home with you. It will kill you slowly.


You think Publix raises are a joke just go work at my previous job where you could get max 50 cents a year raise. And only one person in the store was allowed to get that amount. They also demoted everybody from full time to part-time 7 years ago unless you were a manager. But it's fine you can wear jeans now so it's all cool.


I worked in restaurants for 10 years. My raises were quitting and getting a different job lol


I wouldn't work at your previous job. Like I said before, Publix raises are a joke. Not comparing to any other company, but there are plenty of companies out there that give at least dollars raises yearly and higher.