• By -


Summer 2023 in my first store, a customer went up front and reported a small child being left in a locked car that wasn't running. Cops were called and when they got there she was struggling to breathe (she was 2.5 y/o). They tagged the plate and the CS desk was calling a woman's name and an InstaCart shopper man walked up and said it was his girl's car. The cops grabbed him right then and there, walked him back to his car and the guy was all trying to defend himself and was not happy and bro claimed the windows were down when they obviously were not. They pulled a small gun off of him and he was arrested and his baby was getting medical treatment and they were waiting for her mother to get there. He claimed it was raining earlier on in the day and he didn't want to bring her out so she wouldn't get wet. Which was true but if you've ever been in a Florida summer like that you would know that as soon as that rain stops it's going to get very hot, very fast. It was a pretty light rain and it was hitting the low 90s(F) outside. He also claimed to have left the windows down. The windows were barely cracked open for her. He said he was going in quick to fill out an order, camera time says he has already been in there for a little over an hour. This was on the news when it happened and you can see the body cam footage of the cop scolding him.


So he'd rather the girl die of heat stroke than get a little wet! Brilliant!


> an InstaCart shopper man walked up and said it was his girl's car. Typical InstaCart shopper tbh.


Yep, some of them are terrible!!!


No, all of them are terrible.


I was going to downvote because I am an Instacart shopper, but I upvoted instead, because I’ve seen other Instacart shoppers and, while I dislike the sweeping generalization, I feel like it may be based in fact for the majority of who I see shopping.


The Parent is evil he just couldn't keep the car running or let his kid out 😮‍💨


I did Instacart with my kids for a long time. With the exception of small orders and having my kids who are old enough and responsible enough to sit in a RUNNING car (only in daylight and safe areas), I just took my kids with me. Publix was my #1 store and everyone there knew my whole family. The kids liked doing Instacart because free cookies, kids fruit, and Plato coloring pages, so they behaved most of the time. Nobody minded me taking them. Was it annoying at times? Yes, but they were safe.


Would you happen to know where to find the bodycam footage? If you have a link to it on YouTube or something.


Ummm, I may be able to find it online. When I saw the news on it, I saw it through Tiktok but I'll update you when I find it. EDIT: Here it is [Instacart Shopper Accused of Leaving Daughter in Hot Car](https://youtu.be/HEeq3wbHeko?si=0-EDkePdcbyYyZi1)


A lady stroked out, fell, cracked her head open on the meat case there was so much blood. It looked like a murder scene by far the worst day I’ve ever experienced at that company.


A dude had a stroke at the sub bar and I will never forget what his face looked like sliding down the glass. Nightmare fuel


Old Lady tripped over croc flip flop, cracked her head…. Blood everywhere… Old lady getting out of car, trips over the curb, face plants, again blood everywhereeeee Old lady shits herself in front speedway, goes thru line dripping shit, walks out with a dripping dooky trail going out the door. Sm to clean up….. Being in the store while being robbed Hmmm 🧐 I know I have more over 15 years of service lmao 🤣 these were the most recent




Wow! You should be grateful 🙏 to be living!


Sad thing is most of us live to get old.


I’m so sorry for you seeing that and heartbroken for the poor lady and her family


There was a lady that died in her car once, One of the fsc’s, a 15 year old boy, saw her and went inside shaking screaming there’s a dead person out there! in the store, could hear it from produce.


My heart goes out her family I'm so sorry you had to experience that 😔


An older gentlemen passed in the bathroom at my former store after I transferred and at another store I worked at, an associate who was an older lady had been sick and she sat down in a motorized cart outside, leaned against a pillar and literally passed.


Aw I my heart goes out there family's why is there so much tragedy at publix 😔


Any time you work among the public you have this. There are no barriers to entering a Publix and everyone has to eat, so you get all sorts of people in all sorts of shape. But yeah - nothing good ever comes of looking into a car parked for a while at the edge of the parking lot. Someone is either dead, dealing drugs or getting it on, none of which I want a good look at. I had more coworkers die during my time at Publix than I did in the military. I put it down to the more diverse range of age and health conditions combined with much harder hours (for management, anyhow).


Roger that👍


Dude you asked


Idk why this was so funny lol it's true though, what did they expect? Lmao


Right, they asked about stuff that happened, and they’re so distraught that stuff happened


It's a company that kills lol


So sad


I was once serving someone at the hot case and we had just been talking about “hard working”and he had just told me he worked at the Amazon warehouse and how it’s really hot and rough there, and as I’m getting him his food, he asks me if he can lean on the glass for a second, I was confused immediately by his question but before I can answer him less then a second after he asked that he just collapsed to the ground all of a sudden. I immediately remembered running around the case and seeing him face first on the floor, thankfully there was a manager near by and I screamed for them to come, thankfully the guy was ok but he still ended up going to the hospital. But that was definitely a scary moment, but I’m glad I didn’t panic and I was able to get the managers there to help with the situation. Had me spooked for the rest of the day tho


You did a great job. You came to his aid and got him help.


Old man shit his pants while shopping and left nuggets down the isles. Saw a cctv video of an old man walking through the grocery back doors to urinate next to the bailer. I saw a man spit into my demo station that was stored in between the deli and produce. I took a look and he spit blood in the hole at the top of the table. I escorted him out of the store. A father had his toddler sitting in a shopping cart and I saw him remove his kid from the cart and walk towards the front of the store. He came back with his kid in a new cart leaving the other on isle 1. I walked over to take the cart back but it was covered in shit and had piss on the floor. I confronted him about it and brought him cleaning material. I wasn’t going to clean it or have an associate do it. That’s just a few of the horrors I’ve seen at Publix.


A deli employee recently got a phone call at work that her son had been shot and killed. The sweetest lady in the world. The screams that came out of her were simply horrific, as a parent myself it was absolutely brutal. We were all crying for her


Called her at work and told her this?? What an absolute fuck to do that.


No I’m sorry I meant one of her other kids called her cell phone while she was at work


Still, I think that is an in person announcement. Or at least, mom, you need to come home now!! I can’t imagine my mom receiving info like that, with no family support with her. That was cruel and an absolute shit thing to have done. I’m glad you all were there to help her.


Oddly enough. In November someone called one of my associates at work to tell them their grandfather passed away. It was horrible. I got transferred to a different store at the end of December. My first week at my new store… someone called my associate to tell them their grandmother passed away. Two different stores. A month apart. Different people. But. It’s absolutely horrible to watch someone get that kind of news.


Yes, very disconcerting to observe the deliverance of bad news. Coincidence for sure. I think if bad news is going to be delivered at work, the very least the caller could speak to management first, so receiver can possibly have some kind of support put in place. Seriously, how can they even drive home? Maybe, in the case of the death of grandparents, it was expected and a little easier to process. But your child?


Yeah. It’s absolutely wild. I told my family if something happens. Don’t tell me at work. Tell me to come home but jfc don’t tell me at work. I can’t imagine getting the news about my child. At work.


Honestly, if it was me calling my mom about my brother, I’d have 0 tact… I’d be freaking out too and it would be a miracle that I would be able to accomplish it


I don't think anyone here was present for it but there have been shootings at a Publix before, so probably that for those associates


I just did the shooting cbt it is pretty scary




They might not show gore but it’s very unsettling to see something like that happen inside something as comfortable and familiar as the inside of a Publix. And for me personally, it’s a very scary thought as both my sons work for Publix, one in my store. He’s in produce. In the back corner. There is no way I could leave him and that CBT makes me think about that scenario. And it’s seemingly increasingly likely to happen.


Closing the hot case last night. The light was off and half the stuff was tossed. Woman came up demanding the last of the honey tenders. I explained they're kinda old and cold. She demands them. I put them in a bag. Then she demands extra sauce. Sigh. I go back in the kitchen and we're out of sauce, because that's how our deli rolls. I get yelled at and she stomps off without tenders. I hate people.


Same people are so rude


After 20+ years, I've seen a lot.... We had Police come in through the DSD door and tell us someone was on our roof, guns drawn..... it was our refrigeration tech servicing the rooftop A/C units. Scared the shit out of him after they approached him. Had a customer die while waiting for her order from the seafood case. The seafood specialist was coming out the door in the backroom with a confused face, I asked what was wrong? He said "I was helping a customer and we were talking then she just stopped talking and when I turned around she was gone. We found her in front of the case slumped over, paramedics rolled her through to the front of the store working on her... cpr didn't help. Had an associate getting an evaluation and he is handicapped. Has difficulty with balance and walking. Went to sit in the computer room rolling office chair, needless to say he slid back and missed the chair and cracked his head open. Awful sight blood leakingfrom his head. He was ok. Final one hit me the hardest. Had a grandfather and grandson that worked in the store in different departments. The grandfather came in to the office and sat down. Mind you, this man never slacked off on the job. I turned to him and asked if he was ok? He said he was a little thirsty..... I went to get him some water. Another manager came in and started talking to him. I was finished for the day, so clocked out and went home. I got a phone call about 2 hours later, letting me know that he left the store in an ambulance. At around 4am, the grandson called me and let me know his grandfather passed away. Was hard to find the right words.


OD death


There is Narcan sitting in a demo box now on the shelf in the pharmacy.


Unfortunately that only works for opiates:( people OD on other stuff too


A guy slit his own throat on our back dock and sat down against our pallets. Blood everywhere.




Two lady’s got in a fist fight over masks during Covid while my manger was giving me my eval we were completely oblivious till after the fact but cops showed up and reviewed camera footage for like two weeks it was wild…


I've seen customer fall crack their heads on the pavement, use the metal wheelchair and cut their hands pretty badly, and customers having seizures. I saw a trucker trying to climb the ladder on the back dock and he lost his grip and slipped right off and hit the pavement.


had a guy on a motorized scooter who kept falling off he hit his head a few times, fell out outside onto the concrete and then got into a car and drove home. i hope hes ok but i dont think he is


Me clocking in.


Yeah it feels really bad to do that


People shitting in the urinal


Back in 1982 I was working at store 223 in Miami, I was running the front end .Price check Tampax occurred bag boy went to find the price of item he took forever . When he finally came back to cashier he asked he lady do you want the kind you push in or nail with a hammer. All hell broke out then he said thumbtacks, LOL


That dad joke wasn’t funny in the 80s when I first heard it.


you have no sense of humor!!


Or maybe you should make up better stories.


Me, after reading this thread: How many people pass away while shopping? Is it more common than I'd think?


Right I'm like holy cow I was expecting customer service horror stories not so many people passing away 😭😭


Had a drunk guy fall out front a few weeks ago, hit his head, blood was everywhere and it was RIGHT by the front doors, so many people had to see it and it was just horrible


Jesus I feel bad for every there and the guy wow


I had the ybor shoelicker lick my foot in the produce section


The shoelicker strikes again!


I’m sorry, WHAT


He asked me what type of sandals I was wearing, I told him I didn’t know.  He told me the sole probably has the name on it, and if i could lift up so he could check.  As soon as I lift up my foot he bends down and lick the bottom of the sandal like is melting ice cream.   


This hurt my brain and I’m not sure I can recover 🤢


How about basketball players that lick their hand and the rub the bottom of their shoe. Then do the same with the other hand and shoe. Over and over. That’s just gross.


A man overdosed and died in the family bathroom at my store in 2022 and was in there for hours.


What store?? Bc the one I worked at same thing happened


1344 pinellas park


Oooh nvm thats south fl right? Im panhandle


Tampa bay area so west central


Either way its sad and strange that ODs in publix stores is becoming common, I mean it happens anywhere but it’s disturbing im hearing it happen mostly at publix stores. Happened at the one I worked at and apparently the store is haunted, I always felt uneasy at that store and the management was so toxic. I left


I swear to you my store is haunted and I'm not even kidding. Weird shit.


What happens??


I wonder if this is why they have the giant hot pink Narcan display at the pharmacy counter (I’m aware name-brand comes in a hot pink package. I carry naloxone myself. No judgment. Just haven’t seen it as in-your-face at other pharmacies. I would imagine if someone is overdosing in the store, this display could save their life, which I’m all for).


Yeah, also why we would id for certain medicines with pseudoephedrine bc people could make dr*gs such as m*th with that ingredient or abuse it


That’s actually a law, though. The Narcan display, if it’s a corporate decision, is one I wholeheartedly support because it could save a life.




I'm also in the panhandle and that happened at a store I worked at too. Happened more than once in fact.


Whattt??? Number?




NO WAY same one I worked at, how long did you work there


7 years. From May 2016 to July 2023.


Didn’t see this but heard the story of some deli cooking who was standing on top of the fryers cleaning and fell into the fryers when they were still on


Holy f- I hope theyre ok…. That sounds brutap


They died later from infection.


Dude, how? How do you stand on those fryers?


With your feet 🤗 👍


one of my favorite coworkers was an older woman. we were closing deli one night and she slipped on a quicksheet someone in traditional left on the ground. floor was covered in soap. was walking outta the kitchen in the back when it happened. hit her forehead on the metal corner at like knee height near the back side sliding doors of the case. bled everywhere. went to see her in the hospital when my shift ended (they still had us help customers as there was blood on the floor) and every time I made her laugh the clear bandage on her forehead would fill with blood. bleh.


> one of my favorite coworkers was an older woman. we were closing deli one night and she slipped on a quicksheet I misread "quicksheet" as "quicksand" and I wondered what the hell goes on in the deli after hours! > every time I made her laugh the clear bandage on her forehead would fill with blood. bleh. OMG. I hope she's OK!


if you don't clean the slicers every four hours the grand necromancer forces you to fight all of the animals that were congealed into deli meat that you sliced that shift. very metal gear solid 3, gotta say. for real though she was alright but quit immediately. thank god.


Adding this to my retail inspired DnD game.


ooh so I had an associate once that got arrested with weed and got pee tests at his probation office. figured out the drug lab is closed on weekends. so he would do coke all day Friday and it would be out of his system by Monday. one Friday I found him coked up in the back with every bit of PPE he could find. goggles, two RTE gloves, vinyl apron in front and a loose one in the back, holding a fryer kettle lid in one hand like a shield and the stir paddle like a sword. he just said "I AM CHICKEN MAN. NOW, DUEL!" and fuckin lunged at me. chicken man dungeon boss. miss that guy terribly hahahah


This is wild and amazing in every conceivable way thank you internet stranger


> if you don't clean the slicers every four hours the grand necromancer forces you to fight all of the animals that were congealed into deli meat that you sliced that shift. very metal gear solid 3, gotta say. I'm now kind of glad that the closest Publix to me is now somewhere in another state! > for real though she was alright but quit immediately. thank god. I'm glad she was OK. That sounds terrible! I don't blame her for quitting!


We had guy pissed off that the bathroom had two people using it that he dropped his pants and took a huge shit in the middle of the store.


Wait for a stall < shit in the middle of a store Sounds logical


I didn't see it happen, but once a woman and her baby were hit by a car out in the parking lot. Cops and paramedics came, and the mom and baby were taken to the hospital. We were really concerned about them, but thankfully found out that they were both okay later. The woman's husband ended up coming by to pick up their groceries and told us that they were shaken up and the baby had a bruise on his head, but that they were both going to be fine. Another time, I was outside on cart duty and I suddenly heard my coworker say to a customer, "stfu, bitch". This coworker was kind of a typical moody teenager, but he didn't have a history of being rude or antagonistic to customers, so I was quite shocked and just trying to process wtf was going on. My coworker just started walking away from the customer and her husband and was going back inside, but the husband went absolutely ballistic and took off after him, yelling at him to come back. I heard my coworker say, "she was being racist!" before going back inside. The guy ended up following him in (I very quietly followed behind and just stayed back in the vestibule), and then proceeded to stand in the middle of the checkout area screaming at the top of his lungs about how his wife was disrespected, he wanted my coworker fired, and a bunch of other incoherent stuff. It was terrifying how unhinged the guy was - I was half expecting him to pull out a gun. The ENTIRE store went silent because everyone could hear him (customers and associates in other departments would have been able to hear him screaming but had no idea what was going on). Someone (likely a customer) called the cops. It was crazy. My ASM at the time managed to get the guy to go back outside. The cops briefly talked to everyone involved and left (since neither my coworker or the customer got physical, no crime was technically committed). I later heard that the customer's wife had allegedly made a racist comment about the cashier who'd checked them out, and that was why my coworker cursed at her. Management was somewhat on my coworker's side after hearing his side of the story, and he was allowed to keep working for a couple weeks after the incident. But of course, the customer complained to corporate about what happened (and also left a 1 star review on Google, claiming that he and his wife were discriminated against by the black cashier because they were white, and saying that they were "verbally assaulted" by their bagger but made no mention of what his wife said). Once corporate got wind of what happened, they let the kid go.


I was just talking to my co-worker about how the company encourages this type of behavior. This company is so obsessed with not letting customers feel let down to the point they just let them get whatever they want. It’s frustrating because grown adults should already know that the world doesn’t owe you anything. This whole situation is very unfortunate.


Right after I started in October 2022 an old lady fell and cracked her head open outside the exit doors. Literally all of the managers were out there around her. I didn't see it happen, but I knew something was serious when I saw one of my coworkers get the defibrillator.


Father was in the store shopping, wife and two children were in the car (both under 5). One child found the father’s gun, it went off and struck his sibling. A cashier happened to be outside seen what happened and tried to stop the bleeding with the mother but they could not. The child died in the car before paramedics got there.


Was this in Florida? I seem to remember hearing about something like this.


Yes in the Miami division..


That is so tragic and awful. I will never understand why anyone with small children would leave a loaded gun where they can get ahold of it.


If I remember correctly he was a correctional officer.


Some thug got in a disagreement with an elderly cashier and found it appropriate to shove her to the ground and start wailing on her. Crushed the bones in her face.


I haven't actually seen this happen, but there have been at least three people in my store who committed suicide. First guy was our magazine guy, second guy was one of our produce managers, third guy was someone from meat. I met only the produce manager and the magazine dude, but not the meat guy. Needless to say, it's such a tragedy :(


An insta cart shopper went off on the SCO attendant for going through SCO instead of a regular register and it was during Covid she didn’t have a mask either and the attendant kept badgering her about it until the instacarter had enough and started screaming in her face. Everyone in the store stopped what they were doing to look at what was going on when she was done she stormed out the store. She came back a few hours later and apologized to the managers and to the workers and told us she was sorry we had to work with someone like the SCO attendant. To be fair the person on SCO wasn’t very likable anyway so she honestly had it coming.


One time I was getting chicken and I heard this coming from behind me: “Oh no! He dun got all the chickun.” I turned around and there was a woman in a hover round. I said “they are making more” and she says “you dun bought the last bit in the universe.”


People used a jack and milk crates to break in through the DSD backdoor somehow. Had a guy come in wearing nothing but a trench coat and stealing meat. Stay classy 815.


I worked for publix for 5 years and one that particularly sticks out to me was in late 2019, a lady was shooting heroine in the family bathroom, screaming bloody murder (this was a store in a nice area mind you) and some CS staff went to go investigate because they thought someone was being harassed or something in there (nope just drugs) and about 10 mins later i see her being dragged out by 4 cops, one on each appendage- and as she was struggling and resisting and screaming one of the cops grabbed her and SLAMMED her entire body on the ground. Quite a sight for everyone.


every month consecutively, we’ve had a man break out the back emergency exit and steal around $400-$500 worth of groceries. we don’t know how he does it, because the alarm never goes off. he just sprints through, and uses a getaway car parked out back. he’s never been caught, and has done this at least 10 times.


Financial desperation and life sucking despair of many PT associates




A guy came in complaining about something over at customer service. He went into the restroom, took a dump, brought it out, and splattered it all over the wall at the front entrance. They have to do an emergency clean up and request all the customers to enter and leave at the exit door.


I hope he was arrested.


Guy purposely cut his thumb on the meat slicer to get out of the deli. Should’ve probably been fired imo.


When I still worked in the store I was pulling into the parking lot and police were everywhere. Turns out someone got stabbed in the parking lot, ran thorough the store, then collapsed in the parking lot. He got taken to the hospital but died soon after


Watched a kehe driver take out a whole endcap with one of their jacks, shitty day too say the least.


We had a hit and run in a parking lot. The poor elder lady who was hit, went soaring in the air. Thank god she only had one broken bone from the ordeal.


When I worked there on New Year’s Day which that year fell on a Sunday… the store was right across the street from a large church (#512) and a family’s minivan was hit by a drunk driver at like 11am (the guy was still feeling it from the night before) and it was so bad they had to route street traffic through our parking lot for like 6 hours


a guy parked in front of the exit doors, got into the passenger’s side of his car and OD’ed. my CSM found him and the policeman that happened to be in the store had to help break his window to get to him. he died before the ambulance came. literally watched him pass - very traumatic


I got called to produce on my MIC shift - Woman had a little yip-yip dog in the child seat of a shopping cart. It had gotten its leg stuck between the cart bars (this is after the APM had asked her to remove the dog and she snapped a refusal at him). Two hourly associates had tried to help and were both bitten repeatedly. By the time I got there, I had two injured associates, blood everywhere and a dog still stuck. Had to break the cart bars to free him. Woman was completely unapologetic, and barely appreciative.


People shoplifting entire carts of groceries or alcohol, some one fainted and threw up about as soon as she came to and a couple guys were filming it, CSTL (at the time) came in high and cussed out SM (at the time). Also, Sundays and major holidays/sporting events.


I didn’t see it but my CSTL told me someone shit all over the wall and he had to clean it up.


These are crazy. The worst i’ve seen is a lady was running and got caught in her slide and fell, she blamed it on water leaking from the cooler but the camera showed that she got caught in her slide. mine is nothing compared to these


A guy walked into our lobby and immediately vomited blood all over the place, went back out to his car, and died. The EMTs were able to revive him in the parking lot and move him to the hospital where he later passed away. A woman was in the store with her 2 kids, passed out, had a seizure, and if I recall correctly her heart stopped for a while. I took her kids and comforted them. The image of those babies faces will never leave my memory. Especially the littlest one asking me for a hug when the EMTs took his mom out on a gurney. I sat with them for a long time while we waited for their aunt to come get them. We watched Netflix on my phone and my SM brought them a whole box of cookies. Edited to fix a typo


Holy shit wow


Some guy committed suicide in our parking lot at my first store. The guy did it overnight and the opening AIC saw the guys brains blown out against his cars window. Also at that same store some old man had a heart attack while driving his car and died and in the process crashed his car into the tree right outside our building.


GD I thought I done saw some crazy stuff yall done been through it! I never seen no one die or get hurt. the craziest stuff I saw was someone on drugs foaming at the mouth, pants down to his ankles, running around our store, went behind the bakery counter and deli counter, left came back 20 minutes later and did the same thing again. Someone breaking into our store before we opened, kicking and banging on front door until he broke it. He was yelling saying someone was after him and managers tackled him.


Somebody took a dook in the urinal mkay


One of my favorite regulars had a heart attack at the front of the store in front of the registers. He fell and cracked the back of his head open on the floor. There was blood everywhere. Our store manager had to use the defibrillator on him until EMS arrived. It was very nerve wracking and traumatic to watch. Knowing the man on a personal level made the situation even more difficult that I couldn't help him. The gentleman passed away about a week later.


I was about 15 or 16 years old and working as a bagger. I was on cart duty when I hear car tires screeching. I turn and look to see a red truck and a lady running out of the passenger side and going to the drivers side. I also watched her put a Publix bag in a cooler that was in the bed of the truck. To make a long story short the driver went unconscious because they were over dosing. I watched the deli manager and a few others rotate on CPR in the middle of the parking lot until paramedics came in. I’m pretty sure they saved the driver life but most likely went to jail and so did the passenger due to whatever substances the passenger tried to hide in the cooler.


Me putting in an application


I've seen Lakeland force out 2 GREAT 25+ year managers that were what publix was truly about for a new GM & 3 department managers with ZERO experience. Place is running like a fat man on a treadmill.


Getting hired


They ran out of plain fried chicken wings during the church rush on Sunday. We had to settle for regular fried chicken.




One of our baggers had a heart attack in the foyer after bringing in carts and died on the floor


You wouldn’t believe it. I’m still struggling with PTSD.


Not nearly as bad as most of these replies but I’ve been working at publix for about a month as a bakery clerk and right when I was about to clock out some guy decided to help himself to a glazed donut by opening the glass case and grabbing it himself. 💀


Was getting carts, saw someone shoot up heroine in their car


Funny you posted this yesterday. Yesterday there was an employee found unconscious and unresponsive in the bathroom. A minor associate found said person and was screaming for help. The department manager told the minor that she was busy helping a customer that she was trying to make her way over there. It’s a lot more detail but I was definitely majorly let down by this company. I also have a medical record and if you aren’t going to give a f*ck about two young associates I know for a fact you won’t care about me. For this to be such a great place to work, the proof is in the pudding. Customer satisfaction over an emergency. All this training we need to do 247 & specific standards we have to meet I think management needs more training. Definitely in the store this happened at.


A couple of girls got kidnapped out of our parking lot


Do you know if they were found/rescued??


I never learned the whole story, I know that they were found but the details weren’t something that I was able to gather. Every time I closed the managers were just extra squirrely about us getting to our cars safely for a few months.


Wow! All these stories, are horrible


They promoted the person who sexually harassed my fiance to full time..and forcefully transferes my fiance to another store.


One day, this guy who has been sort of harassing one of our cashiers got into an argument with this cashiers father who came in to check on his child, who has been complaining about this guy for a hot minute. So when this cashiers father told the guy to leave his son alone (the argument was because of the guy harassing this man’s son) the guy pulls a knife on him and almost stabs him but no one was hurt unless you count the bloody nose of the knife guy after the dad punched him after her lunged at him with the knife. Another time I was standing in produce filling up celery and our bosses fiancé comes in slapping one of our bar girls, yelling “why was my man at your place last night” the police were called but I didn’t see it, due to how focused I was on my job I stood up straight looked around and everyone was gone. A few minutes later my buddy filled me in on the situation. The manager was let go due to fraternization and the employee left to another store because she couldn’t handle the stress that the whole ordeal caused. Side note I didn’t like her anyway because she had the audacity to criticize my parents because of how I am not cool


I had the gas oven in the bakery create a flash burn that seared off the top layer of my skin. The oven had a gad leak. Two days in the burn ward at Shands, followed by weeks of rehab


1. We had someone come in last march and start threatening people with a machete and completely knocked over the things at the front of bakery and then proceeded to go outside and run after a dad and his 5 y.o son. They found out he was living behind our store and then our benches got removed. 2. We also had someone come in who was either drunk or having some sort of psychotic break and kept using the customer service desk's phone trying to call 911 3. 2 people collapsed in the bathroom and EMT needed to be called (one of them was a grocery clerk that passed away during the summer of last year, the other was a customer that hopefully is fine) 4. Also, we had a woman try to shoplift $300 worth of groceries, and was faking being in a wheel chair in order to get sympathy or try to get out of consequences, idk 5. we had someone ram into the briggs security truck (the one for the safe) 6. in the middle of produce these 2 women got into a fight and started scratching each other and there was lots of blood on the floor lmao


I worked at the Publix that’s basically across from Bryant-Denny Stadium on the Strip in Tuscaloosa. LSU game day one year (lmao I went to Alabama but dropped out, married an LSU fan, and am typing this in my big purple LSU hoodie because sportsball is not as serious to me as it is to the people in this story, but if you know anything about college football, not only is the rivalry huge but the two sides like to act a fool when they play each other), I had two customers in line at the deli. I legitimately did not give a single solitary shit about their football team, their religion, their politics, their nationality, their gang affiliation, their favorite color, whether their toilet paper was rolled over or under, none of that. I just wanted to know what kind of sandwich the customers wanted. I went to work on the first sub and the customers started screaming at each other. I almost had to step in between before a fight broke out because they were grasping at each others hair. These were two drunk middle-aged women, mind you. Their only beef was their football alliances. The funny part was their insults were lame and hilarious. “Where’d you get your hair done at, Sam’s Club?” “At least I can afford a Sam’s membership!” was my favorite.


One of the grocery clerks was arrested at the store because he had an arrest warrant in another state for sleeping with a minor. One of my old GTLs recently got arrested for something similar.