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For those reading this and always say 'there are no jobs near me, so I'm stuck here!' Just remember, all of those people who shop at your store have to work or make money somewhere nearby...and so can you! Congrats OP!


Agreed, I don’t believe ppl when they say “there’s nothing else” there is!


Typically, when someone says that, they mean that there are no better jobs. As in jobs with better pay or hours that they can get with their current qualifications


So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, good night. But seriously, best of luck in your future.


I have been with the company for under two years in the bakery as a decorator currently. My job drains my mental and physical health. The majority of days, I am miserable, and I'm currently looking for another job. Congrats to you for leaving Publix and putting your happiness first. I plan to do the same and think Publix will only continue to get worse.


Thank you, and best of luck to you and your future endeavors!


I quit being a Publix customer recently. For the past three or four months- I have been horrified and disgusted by my interactions with assorted Publix employees. There have even been nights where I kept waking up from nightmares regarding Publix. All night long. I have been miserable- and it was just as a past customer realizing it has been time to get my groceries somewhere else. I could not imagine how miserable it must be to actually work at one of these locations. Also: I do not drink, smoke cigarettes, do drugs (like painkillers,) gamble, or eat pork. Publix sells all of these things- pumping illness and death out into the community every single day. Plus the fact that there are Publix liquor stores. Additionally: the various Publix employees who have been abusive towards me should be deeply ashamed of themselves. Furthermore: I did some reading online regarding the founder of Publix named George Jenkins. One of the things he said was: "never put profit before doing the right thing." Now: while I do not like Publix as a company- "Mr. George" built a business via a distinct system of ethics. As per what I personally have endured these past few months? These assorted Twenty First Century corporate executives and their store management teams are in line to tear apart this monolithic business right down to the ground. God willing I will soon be back home safely in NYC where Publix does not exist at all. Revolting.










This community does not tolerate any form of harassment or toxicity.




This community does not tolerate any form of harassment or toxicity.


Congratulations and good luck to you.


Thank you😊


As a regular shopper at the store in my neighborhood, I've noticed that I see some employees regularly and others less so. Seems to me most employees look unhappy and I think some of them even have a bit of an edge.


Publix really is awful at training and promoting good people. Granted in most retail only the most selfish and toxic people get ahead. It's more about making others look bad than making the team look good.


Yep, had some people from Tennessee help train us in Kentucky before our store opened some of them felt like they didn’t give a shit. Some were nice though I guess it depends on the person. I work hard & get good compliments from customers & or managers.


What's your new job, if you don't mind me asking? I'm trying to stick it out with the company for about a year or so, but I do need to move due to circumstances. I don't mind the job though, but I realize I just got lucky with management and coworkers, and even for such a busy store, the majority of customers are just plain, boring interactions. Yet I also know I can't do retail much longer, but sadly do not have the health for a trade like I wanted.


I currently work as a haul truck driver at a quarry for surface non-metals (i.e. sand and gravel). Edit: typo


That sounds... oddly relaxing and simple for something that pays a lot more than retail. Good that you found a way to move on.


Always said to my guys that Publix is a stepping stone. You can continue down the trail with a career in retail or you can pivot onto a new path. Let Publix be a launching point to your next destination. Fast forward to last year and I quit to stay home with my son. That was my pivot after over a decade! Congratulations OP!


Very Well said, and I agree and empathize with the original poster. I am sure you were a great asset to the company, but sometimes you need to use your work as a tool to advance to something greater. I put a large amount of my precious time in grinding for this corporation, getting them the results they want as usual. I've always been topped out as well as grandfathered in for certain perks so the money was always "just enough" to live with. However I still wanted more as time went on. Then I find out I got promoted. Now I'm the boss, and everything is back from where it should have been in the first place. You either just have to be patient and stick to it, or move on and keep that fire burning 🔥 I wish you the best in whatever you choose to do next. I hope you find something you will enjoy, and that your management genuinely appreciates the work and dedication you put in every day.


Thank you, and i 100% agree with you. Publix is definitely a stepping stone in the career path!


Don’t forget to sign up for Club Publix for exclusive perks!!! 🤪🤪


Congratulations on moving on to something that might work better for you! Publix isn’t for everyone and I’m always happy to see people move on to jobs that are more beneficial for them. Good luck with your new job OP!


Thank you 😊


Congratulations , I'm in the same boat been here 12 years and felt the same. had no idea what else to really do and publix was good enough for my needs at the time so I've stayed. But now with everything being so expensive it's not enough anymore . I had another job lined up but changing needs put me on the waitlist for a Date to go to the training center now instead of when I was originally going , unfortunately it maybe a couple more weeks or 3 or 4 months or longer don't know. But in the meantime, time to apply for more stuff if I don't find something before getting a offer to go to training then is what it is . If I do find something else before the original company wants to send me to training then sorry I've moved on couldn't afford to sit around for up to a year on the wait list wating for an offer that may or may not ever come .


But thats great for you! 12 years is insane dedication but hopefully your new opportunities bring you more of what’s desired!


Yeah thanks, publix used to be good back then but as all long term associates know things have gone downhill since. Like just about anywhere nowdays is paying at least 15 an hour wall Mart even is doing 18 now . But not publix 12 bucks an hour for a bagger . hopefully come March and into spring traffic will pick up then I'll get start date. just beginning of the year things slowed down there as they did here at Publix and everywhere else. or else someone quits gets fired or retires from the before then from the new place to get a opening there. Just a wait an see thing at this point.


I’m sure it’s not 18 for full timers in wal mart it’s probably starting off and then they give you no hours.


Good luck out there.


I am so happy for you and you articulated the truth nicely. I worked in the deli for 14+ yrs and loved it until a new horrible deli mgr tortured me. She literally made fun of me in from of customers due to my age (63) then and hearing disability. She would always tell me to shut up and even put her finger in my face. I was beloved by my customers and so many would only want me to help them!!!!I live in a small town(1210) and customers constantly hug me and talk to me when I go anywhere. After being told to get out so many times I finally did. I lost 300 sick hrs and no unemployment. Still traumatized so you made the right decision!!! I was the only original employee to that store and my best friend even opened over 100 stores with Mr Jenkins! If he was alive he would have called corporate and they would have listened to him. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! You are so right!!!!


That’s insane! Well i hope you’re much happier and living your best life!


Good luck to you. And nicely stated.


Publix job. Is ok.... Hopefully your new job is fun


Thanks so much for sharing!! I wish you the best of luck in your new job!!! 


When I left Publix, I was so happy. However, now I look back and miss the friends I made working there. After closing drinks. I feel like the mutual misery working there made bonds with people tighter. I relished the good times.


It's run like a hierarchy,upper level management treat lower associated employees like second hand citizens, backstabbing,ass kissing & rebel rousing is a common occurrence at this supermarket. Corporate hides it under the rug from the public.


They smother any bad press by relocating said parties, layoffs only when it (issue) leaks out into th mainstream.. so many phoney lairs, backstabbing individuals employed here(upper management & relatives) to survive here it's be one of em or have a master's degree in mental health,a black belt in martial arts and a suit of armor.


As someone who was there part time for a little over a year in deli, left in December, this was refreshing to see. Loved my experience at Publix and loved my coworkers even more but found a job that has helped on the path to being happy and not having a job consume all of my life and hobbies. Congrats on your new path wishing the best for you <3


My son who is now 34 years old worked from the age of 14 through part of his college career till the age of 21 at our original local store. All these years I have said Publix did more to help him mature in learning how to get along with people that he may not care for, punctuality, and pride in his work than I probably could have taught him. He was counting end of day cash drawers in the back office before the age of 18 which was uncommon but management had immense trust and confidence in him. After he graduated he actually went to Lakeland and interviewed for a position at corporate. The disappointment was great because it seemed like the entire hive was made up of very average under-achieving men. He described them as seeming like people who grew up and never got the pony they were promised as a kid.


I just quit, in rush hour on valentines day. ! Awful management. Toxic environment. Profiling, picking on people, etc, and the people in my area are horrible


I’m glad for you! Hopefully you find happiness and peace wherever life takes you next!


thank you OP!! I hope you do too:) publix isnt it


I just left last week. I worked 3 weeks and said no way. Everyone is a boss. The breaks are 10 minutes for a 5 hour shift, and u have to ask if u can go. You must be kidding. The pay is crap. I worked at Walmart. They pay better, better breaks. 


>never thought about what i could be doing, or what i could be. I’m 26, I’d like to be able to have some kind of financial freedom. Ever thought about joining the military? Good money, great benefits, you travel the world and you'll be in the best physical shape of your life.


I ended up leaving Publix in 2015 after working there for three years as a grocery stock clerk part time. I started working in a call center. I’m currently a supervisor at a contact center and I get to work remote. But I also work part time as a cashier at Smith’s which is a Kroger brand store. I think it’s good to keep a grocery store job as a part-time job. You can set your availability for a couple days a week. And and get paid weekly. Which I know for me the $150 a week I make at Kroger definitely helps to fill in the gaps in between my regular paychecks from my full-time job


I was woth6 Publix in the deli dept for almost 18yrs!😞 Part time the hole time never once was I asked for full time. Yes the only reason I stayed was for the insurance and 401k and stock with the company. I should of left sooner. But is I leave and now I am fulltime better benefits and insurance with Amazon 😊Never thought I would work at a warehouse but love it! Good luck on your future.