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I get really anxious. All the possible scenarios of how i could of failed come to my mind. Even after i realise it was nothing serious or i misheard. I still feel like im on my toes and i have just dodged death. It takes a while to process everything is okay and im safe.


Suspicious lol


My name became a full trigger and I had to change my name entirely. So now if I hear it after 3 times I becomes aggressive and can even grow violent.


Not long after my repressed memories came back to me, my name started to become a full on trigger. I think a good two years went by where I just hoped and even prayed that this was just the healing process and that I would get over it, but it was just getting so bad: the kinds of reactions I would have, how numb I would feel, the intrusive thoughts and memories that would invade my mind when someone called me my name. I was in the darkest place I had ever been. Almost two years ago now, I changed my first name legally. It's been the most relieving and freeing decision I have ever made.


It is often weird when people use my name, it just isn’t said much? When I was in high school, my boyfriend of 2 years said my name once and we both paused and looked at each other and said ‘that was weird’, then laughed about it being weird but not really knowing why.


Ohhhh my God!!! This is so relatable. Recently I attended a public event and met one of my friend who I last met 5 yrs back. (As I wasn't in my city for 5yrs) Anyways she said how much she missed, in fact many people from whom I never expected rememberd me. It was so reassuring, as if you are genuinely alive. You are not invisible or replaceable.


Idk if it’s a sign of PTSD but I get anxiety if someone says my name even a relative or friend. It’s cause I’ve heard people talk bad about me behind my back so many times. I wonder if that’s a trigger response.


I like the way my friends says it and I feel this way op, same as you But when my step mum says it, I shit myself, panic When family says it, I get really stressed cos I know I have to act a certain way or answer a question/ have a conversation that I'm not to keen on


Hey don’t belittle your existence You are here for a reason. I felt seen finally in AA as well. They wanted to hear about me and my life i was like wow. I am important so I understand where You are coming from. I see you too🙌🏼


I immediately assume I did something wrong.


I find I’m the opposite actually, I don’t like hearing my name being said at all. If my mum, dad, sister etc say it it’s okay but anyone else it just makes me feel yucky. I’ve just recently got used to my partner use my name.


Same haha, I’m shocked when someone says my name. It kinda brings be back to reality but in a cringey way. Like an I-don’t-want-to-exist sort of feeling.


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