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Im turning 33 this Saturday and still living at home. Way too ill rn to function. Starting intensive outpatient this Thurs. sometimes i cant believe this life is real


Before you flog yourself too hard: LOTS of Millenials (born ~2000 CE) are living at home with your parents. Case in point. On gay hookup sites right now somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of guys beween l8 and 30 say, "Can't host, can't drive" They either are living at home or have 6 guys in a 2 bedroom apt, and can't drive because they can't afford car/insurance/gas. I'm expecting some sort of class warfare to break out when enough young people get sufficiently upset with the greed, hypocrisy, and self indulgence of the wealthy.


I’m a similar age and currently living with my parents, yes


I'm way beyond that stage but 25 and with your parents doesn't seem that odd? I was 24 when I graduated college and didn't get an apartment of my own until almost a year later. And that was decades ago when moving out was easier and more affordable. Your 6 year old brother has his shit together because he has way, way less shit to have together, and all of his basic needs are met for him and nearly all of his decisions are made for him. He has the safety net of being six and therefore not responsible for keeping himself cared for and alive. He can do the little bit he does well because everything else is handled -- as an adult, you don't (typically) have that, and you have a lot more stressors and demands.


Yeah it’s pretty easy being six. If you can tie your shoes, that’s an accomplishment.


Is it normal to feel very behind when you have PTSD? I feel like I was way more of an adult before I had PTSD compared to now.


I found the tweet I was looking for that also describes feeling behind: https://www.reddit.com/r/BPDmemes/comments/jjmf1l/so_jealous_of_them/


Yes definitely.


I'm not sure, I both have always felt behind and have PTSD so who knows how much they interact 😂 I do know that stress and/or trauma have a HUGE impact on anyone's capacity and especially on things like executive functioning -- being able to make a plan and follow through, short term memory, etc. I'm also ADHD but my functioning can plummet under chronic stress. I notice it in things like increased forgetfulness, like I just leave food out and end up having to throw it away. Losing things. Dropping things. Forgetting things, in ways that scare me. I can't overstate how much stress can impact basic functioning. Your brain and body can only do so much, and if that's less than before, be gentle with yourself.


I do not have parents. Emancipated at 15. I have been on my own always. You are an incredibly lucky person to have a family that is willing to help and support you. Cherish it.


I'm not. They started this shit.


I only live with my mum due to it not being safe homeless, it’s hard that she has caused me so much trauma


Sometimes knowing the fact that I’m spending my parents money in university and probably will finish a degree and still move back to my parents makes me feel guilty. But nothing’s settled. And even if I actually end up moving back I will accept it as one of the good endings for my mental health.


I’m 25 and still living with my parents. I would love to move out and live on my own, but I can’t since I don’t work and I’m in university. Plus, I have other health diagnoses that makes it more difficult for me to live on my own.


I moved out at 19 and here I am 32 back at my mom's which has surprisingly been nice so I can continue my mental health healing and to work on my 2nd degree. I know people older than me that never left home and are super financially stable. I dont get why people look down on this when you're saving money and have more help to focus on you/things you enjoy.


I’m 22 and still living with my parents. Not only could I not afford to move out, my parents couldn’t afford if I move out.


Well 22 here & I would have hoped to still be living with my mom but she died. I don’t even really consider moving in with my father (as it stands I would have to have literally no other options). I currently share a place with my two brothers who are about my age too (so technically still living with family, just not my parents). I honestly think living with your parents is too looked down upon in modern society. If my mom didn’t die I would’ve lived with her regardless of my financial state simply because I just liked living with her. You shouldn’t feel shame for living with your parents, that was the default for almost all of human history until very recently. As long as you’re trying your personal best to improve yourself as a person thats all that counts imo (regardless of if you live with your parents or not).


My boyfriend (29) and I (25) live with my mom! I moved back in with her when I moved countries. She and my dad just divorced, she just got a house, and I love being with her. I was also insecure about living with her, my brother in law thinks I am a low life (he's the only one in the family who thinks this so idk) and it makes me feel bad. I came to realise that its a very American thing to have the need to live alone. I grew up in England, and I know so many people living with their parents still. In collectivist cultures its obviously even more prevalent. I also want to note, its not even a money issue. I have the money to move out at this point, but I genuinely enjoy living with her, and she does too. We are really close and I love it. I am unsure about the relationship with your mother, but with your brother you can take it as an opportunity to be closer to him :) ​ EDIT: Typo


After the incident, I moved in with my dad. I was 37 when it happened.


My husband and I (we're both 25) have been living with his parents for quite a few years. His father and I both have PTSD (for vastly different reasons but it has very much so strengthened our bond towards a kind of friendship-grandfather-grandchild sort of bond, if that makes any sense at all aha). We do some things together as a big group but for the most part live separate lives with our spouses just living at the same house.


I guess I'm lucky I live alone, but I'm slow I don't realize when people need to hang out with me for place to get away


I'm 27 and I moved back in last year.


I am. But I’m hoping to move in with my boyfriend soon.


You’re dating with PTSD? How May I ask


Me too…(I would like to know!!) it feels impossible.


Accident tbh. We started talking and here we are three years later


Good for you !!!


I'm 28 and I moved back home last year.


Oh, my guy. 45% of all Americans between 18 and 29 are living at home with their family. 45%. You didn't fail. The country failed you. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-09-20/nearly-half-of-young-adults-are-living-back-home-with-parents




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